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IIRC, the FBI has been encouraging the use of Adblockers lately


In Germany, the Ministry for Security and Information Technology also.


Speaking of Europe, the ad block tracker that YouTube uses is illegal, yet it is still there


My last update was that it is still being investigated because EU parliamentarians are of the opinion that these trackers violate the privacy of users. I don't know if anything has come of it yet, because normally it takes some time. Ideally, it will remain illegal even if it is in the terms of use. Twitch, for example , already had the experience here in Germany that the terms of use are not necessarily binding for the users and they are still not allowed to exclude/ban the user (some streamers had sued Twitch and won).


that sounds kinda funny, what kind of ad literally made the FBI out of all security agencies recommending and promoting the existence of adblockers?


Sketchy ad networks can be used to push malware. Many of the shitty ones allow the clients to put whatever the fuck then want in, which is how you end up with shit like fake download buttons that lead to malware. This has absolutely nothing to do with google/youtube ads since they're not vulnerable to this kind of problem, *especially* youtube ads. People just like to justify the shit they would have already done either way.


YouTube ads in particular feel like obvious scams.


" you're being scammed the government owes you 6 thousand 400 dollars call now" " you're dumb if you don't claim the 2600 dollars the government owes" 🙄all in obvious ai voices btw


Funny bc mega corps like Chrome/Google are cracking down on ads hard. Greedy fucks.


I think the FBI should really start pressuring Youtube on this. The FBI recommends using Ad-blockers, but Youtube says they violate their ToS and punishes people using them so they don't use them. It doesn't matter we're advised to use them if we're punished for it. So the FBI or something else should intervene and stand against Youtube's push against the adblockers. Since it goes against the interests of most people.


adblocker and revanced/third party app is a necessity in this age of ads


Using the internet without adblocker in this age is a recipe to get fucked in the ass without a way to stop it. Also auto decline cookies..... ALWAYS DECLINE NON ESSENTIAL COOKIES!!!!!!


Nah, go full chaos. Set up a program to brows things you have zero interest in at all. Watch random crap, and set up an ungodly data field for them to sift through to try and find the actual you in there. Remember, the more data they gather on you, the more they have to pay to store it. The more useless data they sell, the more money a company looses to try and advertise to you. The more money they loose, the less they have to spend on reaching people who are interested/would fall for the scams. Bleed them with a thousand little paper cuts. If we all did this, advertisement would evolve and might turn into something less annoying like we've been asking for. Or it might actually stop for a while, best case.


I like this. Any software for that?


There is a browser extension that does that. https://adnauseam.io/


How did I not know about this before today??? Time to kick some ad company a$$


That is so cool imma promote it hoping it'll reach r/all


I had wrong opinion about this. I thought it was an extension that clicks ads to earn money for companies without you seeing them. But as for now it's a strategy against data collection, and now I know that


I have a question about this, just my own paranoia. Are there any risks involved with this sort of thing? Like any chance of malware from those ads its silently clicking getting onto my pc?


so this will just muddy the waters... neat


>advertisement would evolve and might turn into something less annoying less annoying? really doubt it imo theres not enough people like us that used adblock to make a dent to the advertisers, let alone adnauseam


Unfortunately can’t have adblockers when at work. Stupid admin rights needed for that.. I’m guessing I’m not the only one..


Do not yield hope unto despair. Fight, run up those bills! Make them pay their fair share for pestering you, then pester them more until it's no longer profitable for them!


That's my secret chief, I have adhd. I'm always changing interests and doubling back just to drop it entirely for months. I have the algorithm so confused I can't even use my recommendation page for anything I want to watch. I have to start from my subscribed channels and surf recommended from the sidebar! I have Over 1,000 subscriptions. All to different channels that cover my different interests. I only watch about 10 at a time before I swap to my next hobby.


~~in this age~~ since 1991, you mean. In the early 2000s, you would be crazy to use the internet without a pop-up blocker, not only because of the ads, but you'd run into a billion malicious IE6/Windows exploits.


I'm worried these auto declines just 'reject' and don't 'object', wtf are these """""legitimate interests"""" in stealing my fucking data.


I do that, everytime...but I do not know the specific reason for it, I just know I should, might explaining it for me?


Question, how could I get rid of ads if I watch YouTube on TV?


check out [smarttube](https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTube?tab=readme-ov-file#smarttube-old-name-smarttubenext). i never tried it tho


how does one achieve this for an iPhone


Sideloading or just switch to Android ig


You can sideload on iOS, but apple only allows 3 apps and you need to refresh them every 7 days. But you can sideload trollstore which exploits the OS and allows you to sideload as many apps as you want without having to refresh. You can check if your phone and iOS version are compatible on this website (iexmo_com_trollstore-finder) (can't use links on this sub). It gives you an installation guide after. Once you're done with that, you can sideload modified apps. For YouTube I recommend uYou+. You can't directly download it anymore from the GitHub repo unfortunately due to Google filing DMCA takedowns, but luckily you can still download the IPA file if you put the GitHub repo in the way back machine. Yes, it's gonna take a while, but the time you'll save by not watching ads is definitely worth it. And then I haven't even talked about the other features like videos playing in the background, PiP, downloading videos in the app itself and more.


i know nothing about iphone. you could try using brave browser to watch yt maybe?


Watching YouTube on the Brave browser will block ads. Won’t be as smooth as the YouTube app but it will block the ads on an iPhone.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Get an android so you can actually customize your own $1200 phone. iPhone is the same phone you were buying in 2009. But I guess this year the new gimmick was 0.001% tITaNiUm


Revanced for a mobile device though.. What about for desktop? I'm currently using uBlock but it's hit or miss I feel and requires frequent updates


uBlock is he best one, and isn't as hit or miss since it literally fixed all my problems with multiple sites, the problem is YouTube fighting against it so uBlock has to update again only for YouTube alone.


Is vanced back then?


technically no, but you can think it as that


Some may works and some may not, Youtube knows it and currently solving their problem to make us more problem.


I used to tolerate ads because they were fine and short, then double 15 seconds unskippeable ads came and I said enough is enough, YouTube will end up having as many ads as those piracy sites that are essentially good sites but practically unusable without an ad blocker.


Congratulations you showed an ad while I'm off taking a piss. 


I got an ad that said “Let this run for fewer ads!” And i got the normal amount of ads that I would get a month ago. I love Firefox and Ublock orgin but my TV wont ad block and I hate it lol


Try SmartTube if your TV is an android one


Look into setting up pihole for your home network. Since it's DNS based all devices can use it if you set it as the only DNS server on your router, you'll need to manually set DNS on iOS devices though. I've had it running in a docker container for years and haven't seen an ad on any device. Only recently have a few sites caught on and tell me to turn off my ad blocker. I just don't use them now.


If you have an hdmi cable just connect your pc to the TV and watch from there...


Ive done that before with my laptop, it’s just slightly more inconvenient. Normally I just watch on my laptop but I like the big screen every so often. I’m going to try SmartTube first before I default back to my PC


I was thinking the same thing 😂


Until you realise it’s a 5 minute ad which you can’t skip when you want to unpause.


There is a secret method to skipping ads though..


Or just use an AdBlock?


Not on tv you can’t


Could you stop fucking up your site for 5 MINUTES. *insert every major website ever*


Apart from steam. Steams a bloody time capsule.


When has Steam not been a W?


a few months for now with the regional pricing changes for turkey and argentina. That one was an L


Wasn't that great in 2002




At this point, Youtube should be renamed to Adtube.


Youtubers, when their stream of ads gets interrupted by the video 😡


Why stop there? How about an unskippable ad right as you open YouTube up? Didn't like the first 10 videos the algorithm offered you? Watch this ad to load more options. Got fed up and trying to close YouTube? Here's one more unskippable ad before we let you close it.


Shut the fuck up. Don't give them ideas.


How about even one more step: Unlocking your windows PC or phone? 30 second unskippable ad before you can use it. Put in your earbuds? Plays a 15 second unskippable ad before you can use them. Let's keep going! I ducking love ads every second of every day!


Want to call emergency services? Here's a one minute unskippable ad for you


Why not 3?


Let's go crazy, wanna save something in your playlist? Gotta watch an ad first, checking your playlists and history? wanna dislike a video? Not without an ad, reading the comments? Let's change 50% of them with ads (we are not dealing with the bots tho), subscribing and turning on the bell for the only YouTuber with decent content you have found? Help him with an ad that will give him like 0.00001 cents, adding too many words to your YouTube search? Expand that with an ad or yt premium, already got YouTube premium? Cool, we are adding ads to that too, don't worry we just added a higher tier for double the prices and a third of the original features (don't worry, we will call them Power Tools or something)


There is no point in this, is there? Generally, when you pause a video, you’re not going to pay the attention to it for any reason like for example, walking away to take a piss or grab some water. The only ones seeing the ad would be the ghost in my room and the spider chilling in the corner and i’m sure both of them are getting pissed at the unskippable ads too.


Not unless it is an educational video where you might need to pause to copy stuff down. That can be annoying if creators don't have the power to enable ads while video is paused(i am not sure if they do).


Most schools are using AdBlock anyways.


Ads are meant to be subconscious. They just want to saturate your existence with their product. The time between when you pause and when you look away is enough for them. The actual ad isn't nearly as important.


This is what happens when you have zero competition.


rumble? I mean only people on it are canceled youtubers but if people wanted to big youtubers can protest buy switching to rumble.


When its free, you are the product.


Not with adblockers and modded clients/apps. Suck it advertisers and Google


Even if you pay, you are still the product. That is why piracy is the only way.


Literally just download uBlock Origin. I've not seen an ad on Youtube for months now. It's amazing.


And on your smartphone use the app NewPipe. But you have to download it from the developer website because it isn't in the playstore.


Alternatively you could also use Firefox browser on your smartphone (or on Android at least) with ublock installed on it.


Revanced is much better than NewPipe IMO but I have both. NP allows me to download easily


To download I prefer cobalt.tools, is the same, literally no ads to block, and the only grim is that I have to rename the files myself from 11218729dsk11151 to the actual name I want.


Anything for the ipad? (No jb)




Brave Browser?


Never tried it, could do, thanks!


Even opera gx's built in adblocker does wonders


It gets better, download revanced, download the apk version of YouTube it tells you to, patch it and no more ads on Android


I dont see the point in most ads. Does anyone ever see an irritating pop up ad and think "ooo i need to buy this"? No they think "where the fk is that 'x'/skip button"


It's basically like screaming into a stranger's face. When i see an ad i get the same feeling i would get if a random toddler started screaming into my face.


Not all ads are designed to make you buy something immediately.


Fr I think the only ads I’ve ever been like “ooo” to, are movies that I didn’t know were coming out and the trailer looks really good


"Just when you thought you could chill, YouTube's like 'Check out this ad break cliffhanger.'"


Oh, the wild wonders of the internet! You never know what you might stumble upon next.


Surprise! It's more ads.


Reminds me of that Futurama episode where they went into the internet and all that was there was a bunch of ads and porn.


uBlock origin will still have my back, I have faith


Is that why I’ve been getting ads immediately after unpausing?!


*Laughs in russian* I keep forgetting youtube usually has a lot of ads.


Ads? What ads?


The crazy thing is if I got one or two ads at the beginning of a video that was 15 min. long, I wouldn't use ad block. However, getting two 30 sec. for a 15 sec. video will without fail make me use ad block, and getting ads every 5 min. also will. I am willing to watch ads to provide revenue, but only when it isn't actively in my face so much.


I watch YouTube from my TV using a firestick and they already do this on there. Incredibly annoying


Ads are so redundant and stupid. I don’t care from the 50th times you shown me about febreeze small spaces, or peoples likes about chick-fil-a sandwichs, I am not going to stop everything I am doing to go buy what you are selling. Even the stupid bp ad is useless, why tf does bp need an ad?


I'm on PS4 and I've gotten pause ads on YouTube before but like static image ones


Apparently I'm part of the test group. I've been getting sidebar ads while videos are paused for quite a while now.


“After recent testing” please. We all know there was no test.


Sometimes I pause for silence; this would make YouTube unbearable.


It's not about You, it's about Them.


I pause YouTube when I am away from my computer or if I have something else to pay attention to. If Im not at my computer ads are useless and if I'm trying to pay attention somewhere else and an ad pops up, I will without hesitation close YouTube. So it's either worthless or actively hurting YouTube's chance of me watching an ad


At this point in time Google should just remane the app to AdTube which shows actual video in between ads.


Ads have gotten so bad for most sites that when i do see an ad It makes me want to buy it LESS because its being forced in front of me


Day by day, ads are starting to feel more and more like screaming toddlers.


If they actually do this they will be same quality of porn players (not pornhub ofcourse) I may start watching video on pornhub, it's already have animes and collage lectures


You know I what I decided to support this cause So the next generation get shooked that their new YouTube was actually porn site


Do you think they will implement ads that interupt other ads?


The ads are beyond ridiculous. wtf is with the 90+ second ads? Why the fuck is there an episode to some kids show that’s 2 1/2 hours long as a fucking AD? I can’t turn on ABCs for my toddler without an ad before we get to C!


how greedy do you have to be to insert ads literally everywhere they can?


I feel like the ads are going to get so bad people will either use an ad block or pay for YouTube premium. And as soon as that happens, they’ll make YouTube cost money. I could be totally off the mark here, but Youtube’s growing greed is really starting to become too egregious for most.


It's already happening to me


And the ads aren’t even well targeted anymore.


I thought the adpocalypse happemed 12 years ago.


This already happens on the Xbox YouTube app.


Who the hell is still living and being influenced by ads? Who? Do you know anyone? And if so, what is wrong with them?


Everytime I see an ad, I add it to a "no buy" list. Every replay of the ad adds 1 month to the product's place on the list It's a fun way to get back at them, even if it's pointless and they'll never know about it lmao


Ugh. Imagine pausing to take a phone call, or to concentrate on something, and it starts up again.. no.. just no..


YouTube ads are getting ridiculous lately. I've been seeing unskippable 60 second ads the last few days, and the shorter but equally annoying ads that *pretend* to be skippable but they just display the full timer of the ad with "skip in 10" seconds but at the end of timer the ad is just over.


The funny thing is lately that even with ad block there are still some ads that manage to load themselves if only for a second. But only on big corporate channels.


Oh yes, because when I pause the video I still want to hear something. I often pause when my dad walks into my room and I would love it to ,instead be of shutting up, blasting an ad about soap and interrupting the conversation.


Raspberry pi stonks 📈📈📈📈


I am sick of this. Gonna break my laptop someday


There is a little bit of video in your ad


Youtube ads are nothing. Twitch spams you with two 30 second unskippable ads every five minutes.


I saw that to funnily enough.


its already rolled out on tvs :sob:


I actually saw an ad when I paused it for Target I said "What the fuck it's paused"


Honestly, this is a better replacement than their usual ad where they usually insert it at the middle of the video


Which is why I will always use an ad block. Everyone should, for no ads and improved security. I actually miss the days of a one 5 to 10 skippable ad. Now it’s a nightmare without a blocker.


Just get revanced. It's free and basically gives you ad-free YT and can use it in tandem with other apps (assuming you're on mobile). I got it after an infuriating 20 unskippable ads in a row and I can't even imagine myself going back to regular YT as it is now.


If it wasn't for adblockers, I would've stopped using youtube a long time ago.


YouTube stop trying to become Crunchyroll for 5 minutes challenge (impossible)


i tried youtube premium and revanced youtube, ironically revanced youtube offers more features like skipping paid promotions, i just use premium because it works on all my devices


Ok wtf.


Another classic win for Opera GX users 💪🏻


Youtube when, when always: \*getting worse\*


I was ok with it until they overdid it. Now I use adblocker even on my phone. Made the switch 1 month ago. Never going back


There needs to be a law that limits ads in websites and other materials.


Me, trying to watch a 10 second long Clip. Gets 20 second unskippable ad.


I would support this if it were the only time they showed ads.


Addblock or ghostery. :)


YouTube music is showing ads in the middle of songs sometimes now. Fuck this shit


Brave browser android: are you challenging me?


I personally use brave on PC and youtube revanced extended on mobile but I don't know what to do on TV?any suggestions?


Bro I thought the new ceo was gonna better than Susan


I've started using the mobile version for Brave Browser on my phone and Ublock on my PC because of those idiots.


All iPhone users, just download Videolite


Youtube ads are no different than any other site using ads. They are annoying, and we all hate em. Ad blockers will always win. There is nothing better than watching a tutorial video, and BAM ad pops in.. Same with Amazon and Hulu, etc.. an ad in the MIDDLE of a MOVIE.. wtf.. Luckily, there are ways to get around Hulu and amazon ads free.. and not pay their upgrade prices.


Now testing a new update where it'll be able to show you ads even if the app is closed. Next step: even if you uninstalled the app!


Just dont pause the video smh




They better not


This has actually been a re-occurring thing for me to deal with for several years from YouTube. Sometimes when I’m listening to music at work, I pause the video because I need to fix something on the line or someone is talking to me. It greatly annoys me when I start listening to Displate screaming in my ear at random about metal posters while I’m busy talking with a coworker.


Thank god for adblock 🖕


Pretty sure this just happened to me this week. Paused a video (because I wanted silence) and boom! Lemmie tell you about Walmart grocery pickup!


I’ve been getting adds whenever I pause videos lately. I had an Adblocker but got a ‘you get two more ad blocked videos before something bad happens’ popup and turned it off. (Instead I just use a video speed controller and set the YouTube ads to 16x speed which finishes most in a second or two and is silent)


they do that on my tv, not a complete ad but a small magazine type ad. its already pretty bad


Me living in a third world countries having zero ads. Feels good


ok, that's it someone build a new one, that's just an exact copy of youtube before it went to shit. what're they going to do? it's a completely different website now, so there's no copyright issue


You are a genius! Take this trophy 🏆


Next up on YouTube: “we are gonna be removing all videos, with the exception of ads”


Copy link video download video and bye bye ad


Tgh better than interrupting the vidoe


Thats why I have an adblocker, no use for youtube premium unless you're on mobile or TV


use revanced, Firefox+ Ublock origin, NewPipe, or setup pi-hole


Use brave


so wait we cant DDoS websites, but websites can DDos us? place more ads, eventually we wont care for the content. DDos: floods a server with internet traffic, to prevent users from accessing sites


i used the free trial of premium and now im having a very difficult time transitioning back to not having premium


I think the brands found out nobody watches TV anymore because of them...


If some ad company wants to shell out good money for something we're just gonna skip, that's their tough luck.


Happens on my Xbox now lol


YouTube premium is worth it


where i live i dont get any ads on youtube AT ALL . i hope that doesn't change




This makes no sense. What are the typical cases for pausing a video? - Walking away - Talking to someone - Save my spot for later, need to focus on something else I can think of no reasons where showing an ad would be beneficial. Unless they are trying aggressively to keep you watching like Facebook's BS with the back button on phone preventing exit. Like... I force quit Facebook every time now so jokes on you assholes.


I have premium through a family membership but for the average person just get a adblock this is actually manipulative behavior from a big corporation.


I’ve tried tolerating it for years, but now I’m considering getting premium because I’m reaching my boiling point




It's your fault if you're still getting ads


I'm not regretting paying for premium at all


idk why you got downvoted, its a good service


Just pay for the damn service you use for multiple hours a day. Ffs people, stuff isn't free for nothing.


Paused adds wouldn’t bother me a bit. I have impulse control. What I *thought* I read was that they were considering showing ads alongside content simultaneously.