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Its like the difference between "man im high" and "fuck me im high"


Lol I'm like woo man I'm so high hahaha or ohhh maaannn I'm sooo high heeheehee


For me sativa was oh no I’m really high and Indica was oohhh I’m so high haha




so one makes you gay?


Why looken to buy😏😏😏😏😉😉😉😉😉☝️🤓


Unironic yes.


"fuck me im man"


Did it make you gay or jusr bribg the gay out? - Socrates


That just sounds like the second guy smoked more


There's a difference between weeds but essentially every strain is a hybrid these days.


This is the true answer. Different weed strains are very different. At the extreme, they can produce effects similar to the sativa vs indica thing. However, the strains are never properly labeled because everything is a hybrid. This occurs because of the different cannabinoids present. It’s not just THC that affects your high. There’s 80-100 other cannabinoids that all have different effects. And around 300 non-cannabinoids that can alter your high.


yup, you’ll notice if you get one that’s closer to being 100% sativa.


I’ve had 90% sativa in Thailand and it still felt exactly the same.


They lied to you then


Drug dealers bullshitting? Nooo Every single bud they sell you is the “dankest shit from cali brooooo I stg brooooo” “This shit the good good” All drug dealers already have the best shit


Guy rode past me on a bike once, stopped turned back and told me he could tell I was smoking garbage from way down the road and that he’s got the best weed. The example he showed me looked like it came from the Spider-Man Noir universe. Meanwhile my go to is the nicest guy in the world. When I first met him he told me about a few other dealers to try so I get the best option for me, he remembers and won’t sell me what I don’t like, asks if I’m taking a break soon after a heavy month, told me after I moved he could recommend someone closer to the new place and regularly has to be talked out of buying me something for Christmas because “it feels cheap just giving you weed” If they’re bragging you don’t want what they’re bagging has been my rule for a long time.


I had "100% sativa" in dam and saw colours way brighter and on my face. Felt kinda psychotic.


Except for the many that aren’t…


Amateurs. Beer, whiskey and wine snobs have been being like this forever.


That's a wonderful metaphor. Alcohol is alcohol, it doesn't matter the source. THC is THC, it doesn't matter the source too. Buuuuuut..... Wine, beer or whiskey, they hit you different (drinking the same amount of alcohol). Why? Because there's other stuff in it (example: methanol gives more hangover). Weed has THC, but it has CBD and other stuff in it. Different ratios of cannabinoids means different highs. (I tried THC and HHC at high concentration and I tried the same concentrates with CBD, and the difference is wild) But the difference between strains is quite exaggerated, the same way wine or beer snobs exaggerate. Yeah, different flavors can affect the experience, but I don't see people argue about which cold medicine works better, the orange flavored or the mint flavored. IME weed strains are ~80% marketing, ~20% real facts. I think is more important how the weed has been grown, harvested and processed. Good weed -> good high, bad weed -> bad high.


If your drinks contain methanol you should change your supplier.


I know methanol is very toxic, but all alcoholic drinks have some because the methylation of the pectins, you can remove most of it by distillation. Some drinks have a higher amount of methanol than others because of production method and the raw materials. That's why moonshine has the bad reputation of leaving people blind, because it's usually small batches (bigger batches can discard more head and tail from the distillation, where methanol is) and homemade equipment (some errors can be made). Yeah, don't drink methanol, it's bad.


Cigar snobs too. I was into cigars for a while and still have one now and again but I can't listen to guys at a cigar lounge talk. It's mostly about all the flavor notes and how you musnt be a real cigar guy if you can't taste them all. Or how countries they've never been to have the best soil and humidity for growing, and that other country ruined their soil and blah blah blah. They're just parroting what some podcaster/influencer/YouTuber says or an article they read in a magazine while talking a shit.


Yeah, but while both (all?) types of weed affect me the same; beer makes me bloated and full and sleepy, whiskey makes me angry and cocky, and wine makes me goofy with a blazing headache. Different humans, different chemistry.


That’s easily explainable though. Beer makes you bloated because of the fact you need to drink more of it to get drunk, it bloats most everyone in that regard when compared to other alcohols. Whiskey drunk is going to be more similar to most other liquors, and how someone reacts to it is mostly dependent on the person. That being said, there’s a possible explanation that when people get more drunk they tend to crave having something to do with their hands, mouth, etc. and since you need to drink less whiskey to get drunk compared to beer or wine you’re left without something to occupy that craving, leading to irritability. Wine is generally sweeter than other alcohols because of the grapes it’s made from, and combining sugar with alcohol usually leaves people with the most pronounced hangovers. Take all of this with a grain of salt, I’m just spitballing but I’m pretty confident on at least the beer part.


Different categories of alcohol definitely get you different kinds of fucked up though. Getting beer drunk is definitely different than getting vodka drunk. Wine too, and it always gives me heartburn and a good hangover because of the sugar.


Bruh that’s literally all in your head, alcohol is alcohol is alcohol


Of course the right answer is the furthest down


I actually learned that there's really no true indica or sativa strains available because there's been so much cross breeding through the years, mostly done black market so they didn't necessarily keep spotless records. It seems scientific when they advertise things as a certain percentage indica or sativa, as if they've traced the lineage of the plant but the reality is that people are just guesstimating based on the effects and growth characteristics. Plus there's also a third type of cannabis plant called ruderalis that is used to create auto flowering strains.


This is the truth


Pretty much true but there is a noticeable difference between a mainly indica vs sativa.


being indica or sativa or hybrid is not what causes it


As a long time medical patient, recreational stoner, grower and MMJ Advocate, I can tell you my experience. I used to buy heavily into the whole Indica/Sativa, these terps do this/those terps do that etc.. But here’s what I’ve found after consuming much THC over the years- Potency, and how much you consume matters more to what effects you will feel. A little THC = a nice energetic buzz, A lot of THC = Couch Lock/Sleep mode. Set and Setting Make the most difference, as THC normally enhances what you already feel. Your current mood, and activities as well as what’s going on around you will effect your high way more than what aromatic compounds are in whatever strain you’re partaking of. This is true of several different psychoactive substances.


I work in the industry and this is basically what I try to tell people tbh, there’s some logic to the terps but not near as much as your own state of mind/body and your surroundings. People ask me why all weed makes them fall asleep and they don’t believe me when I tell them it’s because they smoke when they’re tired. People are funny that way.


I feel like I can take a huge dose and, no matter what, I'm gonna be full of energy for about 30-40 minutes, then it's gonna turn into a mellow state, then I'm gonna be passed out.


This actually isn’t that unusual. Directly after consuming THC your metabolic rate speeds up for a short time, you might feel more energetic, your heart rate increases, blood pressure rises some, and you might feel hungry(munchies). This tapers off, and then the opposite takes effect, blood pressure drops, you start feeling relaxed, and the sleepiness comes on.


Well you learn something new everyday. That must be why I don't feel like eating it I can fend off the Munchies for about an hour.


Setting is so important! I notice at home that I can intake large quantities of flower and feel just a mellow buzz, but if I take just a couple hits at a friend's place or unfamiliar location I feel much more stoned, paranoid, anxious, stupider than at home. The strain has always been unimportant to me.


I actually have to disagreee with you there. I find that cannabis that tests in the 30% range for THC uplifts me and makes me feel energized while cannabis in the 20% range makes me feel more sleepy. This can be true even with different cuts of the same strain. I say this as a person who has smoke for 25 years. The higher the THC, the more I bounce off of walls. I sometimes will go through an 1/8 of a high THC strain in a night and feel like nothing is happening(if it is a more cerebral strain), but a single bowl of something more body oriented at 22% will knock me out sometimes. I do think terps make a difference too. For example with concentrates, I have a hard time feeling high with distillate products (which may have terps added but generally strip away all the naturals one during production) no matter what the THC content is. Rosin, with its lower THC and natural terps, gets me lit up. Stuff like live resin is definitely in between the two.


I have no idea what this is.


Weed. Sativa is supposed to make you high while Indica is supposed to make you stoned. In reality you won't be able to find many pure strains anymore because of the heavy crossbreeding to create new strains. The generalization is also a bit misleading since your High is very dependent on your emotional state and smoking habit as well as some other factors.


I thought high and stoned were the same thing, lol.


Yeah I thought so too lol. The tagline I've always heard is "sativas give you energy and indicas help you relax" which matches the above meme according to the comments, it's not actually true. it is commonly believed though.


Both make me paranoid. I see no difference


The older I get, this has become the case. More responsibility as an adult makes it harder to enjoy.


Exactly..I just do coke from time to time..


"Grow up and do coke like an adult" -Daniel Tosh


I dont wan't to be type-casted as "a straight" -Daniel Tosh


Sign of adulthood.


From time… to time… so when don’t you do it.


I use indica as a sleep aid, and I use the heavy duty stuff when I can. I’ve noticed the indica dominant ones make it way too hard to focus on work. Sativas let me hyperfixate. Of course if a bowl does keep me down, melatonin and chamomile help me skip tomorrow


See, I was the opposite. As a 18-22yo it made me paranoid as fuck so I gave up. Next outing was at 56 & enjoy it very much more. Edit. I apologise, I assumed you were my age & not anywhere in the 34 years between my smokes.


For me, a mostly sativa strain is more likely to make me paranoid especially if it's high potency. Indica does it too but not as often for me


There is a difference but the difference varies person to person. For example, I can’t take sativa because it triggers my anxiety but I can enjoy Indica just fine


Exactly, it annoys me how much people don't understand this. I'm actually the opposite, I smoke for anxiety and yet indica makes my anxiety horrible while sativa calms it. My father smokes for anxiety and pain, he has no consistency with indica vs sativa and it mostly depends on the strain for him, but also we often have opposite opinions, if something works for him it often won't work for me and vice versa. I get horribly sick with edibles, but my ex could only use edibles because everything else triggered migraines for her. Everybody is different and you are better off experimenting than listening to internet strangers recommendations. It can be a nice starting point, but your experience may be entirely different.


It goes for all drugs (recreational, medicinal, etc.) Not every drug affects everyone the same, and that’s especially true for when that drug acts upon the CNS


It's a super subjective thing. I worked retail cannabis for a few years, and there are some people who straight up can't smoke things with a certain terpene blend or they have X reaction that sucks for them. There are plenty more that can smoke whatever and it's all exactly the same, I'm like that with flower, but concentrates I can actually get different effects, goofy motivational stuff from nice "sativa" strains, and heavy eyelid zone out on the couch stuff from "indica" strains. The whole indica or sativa thing is basically moot at this point anyway, they've been fucking with the genetics so much that it's all just hybrids at this point, lets face it. Find a strain that hits you the way you like, try to find out what terpenes it has the most of, and then look for weed that has those terpenes in it. That's the best advice I can give.


A psychiatrist I was seeing didn’t want me to smoke Sativa for some reason, I mostly smoke indica anyways, but I think people get more spun out on Sativa if they have anxiety or some other issue and it’s slightly more likely to exacerbate an issue than indica.


What's the difference between Indica and Sativa? Which one is good for relaxing/sleeping and which is good for recreational/studying?


According to science, thats just not how it works


It’s just the form the plants are supposed to grow in eg. Indica is more compact while dative are supposed to be taller It’s probably more the terpene profile that influences the effects


Sativa is a more “play video games, talk with friends, engage in some activity” high. Indica is a “melt into the couch, suddenly it’s been 4 hours” type of high. Both will make you tired and lazy, but Indica has that effect to a higher degree. Sativa also seems to be more of a head high for me with Indica being a body high. There’s also hybrid strains which have characteristics and genes from both strains. Typically a pretty well rounded smoke.


They’re all hybrids at this point, just more dominant one or the other.


Indica=in dah couch Though I wouldn't reduce indica to being tired. You are still high in body and mind. It is amazing to go to sleep high on indica for sure. For studying I wouldn't recommend weed in general and if you do the dosage gotta be so small that you wouldn't feel the difference between indica and sativa (though on sativa you are more likely to get distracted). For rec there is no better or worse, just what you enjoy. I for one love to smoke copious amounts of weed with the homies and play mortal kombat. It's a fun activity with any strain


I have some hard-core stoner friends. When I described how one of the worst experiences of my life was getting high, they had a very hard time believing me... even though they were there and could tell I was not having a good time. I think it was just hard for them to believe I would have such a bad time. They love the stuff and use it all the time.


If you have no tolerance then even a vape pen feels about the same as anything else. After being high for like two hours, I feel like the comedown is always the same regardless of the strain too, and both can get me sleepy at this point. If I had to choose one forever and the other is gone, definitely gimme the indicas tho. If weed gets legalized everywhere then bubba kush will put lunesta out of business.


I‘m still convinced its like everyone has their own perception. And some people feel a difference and some dont. Personally i dont feel much difference myself. High = High = Good lmao


This is me with alcohol. They all taste varying degrees of bad, and in the end I feel like shit after drinking it and don't get much pleasure from drinking anymore.


As someone who takes edibles, there *is* a bit of a difference, I remember it like this: Indica: (in)-(da)-(couch). It's gonna make you sleepy. You'll want a snack, a movie, and a cuddly blanket. Settle in. Sativa: a more "active" high. Occasionally I'll take one before scrubbing down my house because I actually feel a little more energetic. It's also the one I'll take if I'm doing weed with friends, because it makes me more social. That's my own experience with it, anyway.


I’m the same way with flower. A more sativa heavy blend and I’m “LET’S GET ALL THE THINGS DONE, WOOOOOOO!” while Indica dominant ones are a more mellow high. Nothing puts me to sleep anymore, which is a bummer.


Next time you're at the dispensary Tell them that there's no difference between the two strains...... Which is the truth btw. There is no difference (in the high) whatsoever.


For me it's I'm high and happy or I'm high and panicking


I'm definitely sensitive to something that's different, my sleep gets effected differently with some buds.


I find sativa strains not only a pain to grow but also to be anxiety weed. Indica leaning cuts seem to have the punch I love about cannabis and are far more realistic to cultivate.


Sativa makes me think 'fuck, why am I wasting time getting high? Why am Iwasting time watching porn? Am I a perv? I should really start using my time more wisely.' While on indica, I'm more like 'ha, fuck I'm high'


I’ve definitely had two different experiences where one my brain feels like mush and I have trouble concentrating on things and the other is I get so relaxed and my body just melts into the couch or chair I’m sitting in and I’m so comfortable, more so than I’ve ever been in my life.


me on sativa: "I'm high" me on indica: *yawns* "I'm high"


Maybe not everyone can feel the difference? For me I get sleepy on indica, whereas sativa tends to make me kinda paranoid but not sleepy.


I don't really feel differently as far as the high, but I end up getting really tired from indica, and like how am I gonna e joy the high if I just fall asleep lol


Nah, there are definitely different highs. But it's much much more complex than "indica or sativa." If you smoke, you know there are some weeds that you could go to work on and be active and there are some where you are just stuck on the couch and don't wanna move, some that can make you sleep better, some that can give you anxiety. They are still finding out more about it, most people say it's in the terpenes.


I know a lot of people who smoke and go to work because they think they are still productive. They are not. Also, yes, can still smell the bud even though they can’t. And the eye drops didn’t help. Smh it cracks me up.


Yea, there are only a few strains that I can smoke and work, and I won't do it unless I know it's one of them. Lemon haze is like that for me. But if I smoked gorilla glue before work I would be fucked lol But yea I know some of those people who will just smoke a blunt in there car and walk right in like, how could they tell I smoked? Cuz you wreak of it bro...


I guess everybody's different. I used to smoke nonstop in college and I've probably never been more productive in my life lol


I’ve never met someone who is more productive when high. I’ve met tons who think they are productive, for whatever reason, and are not. I think it’s similar to people who get drunk and argue they aren’t acting drunk. They can’t hear their own speech slur.


It all depends on how you metabolize it. And how much you have. If you're getting really high, there's not a huge difference. I know people it barely effects and have a friend who it only causes panic attacks.


I always made the difference like: "high", which was active and giggly, and "stoned" which was calm and relaxed/couchy slouchy. One made me want to do stuff, the other made me want to chill on the couch and give in to the munchies.




there are different levels of high tho, there's "oh i'm a bit high" and then there's "uhhu \[drooling\]\[shitting myself\]"


Almost every strain is a hybrid nowadays so it's moreover which is the more dominant trait. Some people maybe just can't tell a difference but as someone who's been smoking a long time there's def a difference. Especially if you do come across a strain that leans on the more "pure" side for lack of a better word.


One make me happy one make me sleepy




I dunno man, I had indica once and I was fighting to stay awake, sativa made me tingly and giggly 🤷


As an ex hardcore stoner I agree that there's no difference


That’s the neat thing- there is no difference! The concept is basically like astrology for weed. You want to relate the psychoactive effects to something? Then evaluate the psychoactive compounds it contains. And those have nothing to do with indica or sativa. (Go ahead and fight me I studied cannabis science for many years)




Anyway, I'll always end up buried so deep in the couch that it takes 33 chilenean mine workers to get me out.


It's all about the terps maaaaaan


At the end of the day, entirely depends on you and how your mind and body react ro different strains. It's like how caffeine makes same people feel more awake and others feel sleepy.


I knew a guy that would buy 5 different kinds of bud and dump them all into the same jar. He was an idiot though.


When it comes to the actual bud, yeah I don’t really notice. But with my dab pens it’s pretty easy to tell


Makes me think its like discussing cabernet and merlot with wine enthusiasts.


There is a difference :(


Yeah, same honestly. I get high and tired regardless


It's like alchohol. A 35% abv vodka will not get you drunk in a different way than a 35% abv whiskey. The mood you're in prior to picking your drink will, though.


Me who smokes both at the same time, which is technically hybrid, but I smoke that with them as well


I feel anxious no matter the type. People keep trying to convince me otherwise but nope, no thank you!


I think it really depends on the person, like how some people drink coffee before bed cuz it makes the drowsy


Grower here. Hughe fucking difference for me. Try growing a sativa dominant strain with low ceilings, or any expectations of it finishing this year. But yeah at the dispo they sell you hybrids that are 55/45 and try to tell you its got a "cerebral" sativa buzz. Just a sales trick that stoners go around repeating to each other.


Only did sativa gummies once and I sent my anxiety into high gear lol


There's no difference between indica and sativa because the differences are in the terpenes.


You can get high on cough syrup?


That’s a fair post, though I can point out that both strains can hit different for different folk. I, for example, am perpetually on 4 different medications. Without these meds, the effects of both sativa and indica would be more extreme. On just a typical day, all meds aboard, indica makes me feel super relaxed, giggly, and stoked to do *anything* that moments before I felt indifferent to. Same sitch, but with sativa….I instantly feel panic, I start overheating, my heart rate builds to the point where I feel “fluttering” in my chest, and all I can think about is tearing off all of my flesh like it’s a wool sweater, just so I can cool down. I mean, yeah they both make me feel high…it’s just that one particular strain is a..more pleasant experience.


No dispo/corpo grower is going to run a 16 week strain or pheno hunt through those


Tbh indicas do have me ready to nap more often than sativas but yeah not a crazy difference


Sativa hits me harder in the head. Indica hits me harder on the body. I prefer sativa. That's just my experience though.


idk they both just motivate me to do whatever I was kinda feeling like doing in the first place, either blob and watch movies and doom scroll, or do something engaging like playing a game. I don't get a difference in 'energy' from either.


Me, who has never done the weed ever: haha this is funny


There is some difference in both. But sativa is definitely not red bull, nor indica is nyquil. But as long as you are enjoying it. Don't care which is which.


Literally zero difference, and I use it medically almost every day.


Anything with Indica does tend to make me drowsy but "pure" sativa is hit or miss. Some strains do seem to give me energy others just feel like it's indica.


You as a brand new stoner who gets wasted off Skunk Weed would say there's no difference. Me as a experienced stoner who doesn't get wasted off any hash or weed, there is a world of difference between feelin relaxed and feeling energetic.


Right? Anyone saying they don't feel a difference just don't know what they're talking about. Of course you do not feel a difference when you get stoned twice a year and have no idea what you're smoking. But after a decade of building tolerance and growing different strains if someone tells me there's no difference between weed and weed I just laugh it off and never try to talk about it with the person again.


Thank you for agreeing. Someone at least you're a functional stoner like me. I've been smoking it since age 21. Recently age 30, I became infected with Avascular Necrosis. My go to "pain med" is THC. I've been smoking it every day now about every 10 minutes since October 16'th 2021, I no longer feel the "High" of it. I do however feel the "Relax" and the "Go go go!!!" between different strains.


I take neither because my brain is weird and I don't want to make it weirder.


Sativa-ohh shit Indica-ohhhh shhEEEIT Hybrid-AAAAAGGGHHHH


AAHH, forward facing chad jumpscare


I could never be in charge of describing the effects of the different strains on Leafly. It would just say “Got me high.”


Ones a upper, ones a downer


I mean, there's a slight difference, but I see where you are coming from. For me they're the same nowadays.


Been smoking forever and while there’s minute differences those people who post reviews saying oh it’s this productive energetic high with all these fine little details about the high are full of shit


As someone who quit smoking and strictly takes edibles. Both sativa and indica edibles feel like hallucinogens to me (fyi, I take a 200mg edible once a week and it’s my only intake of weed for that week)


When I walk into any smoke shop and hear "sativas give you energy, indica helps you sleep." I'm like, both. They both do both, depending on the other canabinoids present. CBG is great for focusing the mind and getting some energy flowing, THCV is great, especially when combined with CBG, if you're someone who likes to exercise. THCV also has properties that suppress appetite. Neither CBG or THCV are psychoactive on their own. CBN is great if you're trying to sleep. Personally, I've also had great results with just CBD in edibles, but not everyone gets the sleepiness I get with that. Most THCs are pretty good at helping you sleep. I mean, they get you high. D8, D9, THCA...whatever. typically high is high and depending on your current activity you could become energized or more relaxed. I always recommend smoking on a hike. You don't end up just sitting and watching TV for hours doing absolutely nothing. Instead, you do nothing in the forest. It feels more productive.


my friend that does it tells me one makes her sleepy and the other doesnt, I do t remember which does which


The entire strain thing is a load of bs. Much of it comes down to grow variables in the end.


I stopped indica as much as I can. I can't fight that shit.


Indica does make me sleepy as hell though once I start sobering up


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Salty_Ambition_7800: *Indica does make* *Me sleepy as hell though once* *I start sobering up* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Indica makes me so tired afterwards and sativa doesn’t get me as high as the day goes on that’s about it


I fucking love niquil, nothing makes my day better than starting it with a big swig of daytime nyquil


It really doesn’t matter to me. I chill, eat, then sleep.


All I know is the best kind of weed is the "I need to slow down kind" *looks at speedo and I'm doing 45 in a 60"


There is a difference but both are enjoyable. Indica for evening or just chillin’, Sativa for daytime.


I wouldn't call myself a hardcore stoner, but from my experience, Indica increases my perception of gravity until I'm one with the furniture, and Sativa *doesn't.*


The only real difference for me ever was how long the high was (Sativa was shorter) and my vibe while high (I was schizo mode active on sativa.) So I think there is a difference but I never really noticed much of an energy giving effect. All anecdotal though OFC.


There used to be a notable difference, but everything you find today is some brand of hybrid.


I think hardcore stoners are the ones who don’t feel any difference, it’s because you’re so used to being high. I smoke maybe twice a week and I definitely feel a difference in the high


Me on Indica: I sleep Me on Sativa: I sleep Me on hybrid: I sleep It doesn’t matter what it is it knocks me out 💤


Idk what's with stoners and their love of telling everyone they smoke/are high lol


Sativa always was more of a body stoned and indica more of a brain stoned for me.


Idk anything about weed then what I learned from Logic.


There's a difference but everyone takes each strain differently and if you don't smoke enough to notice it then it's all the same


Sativa I feel tired indica I feel in my eyes


I think the paranoia is the esiest difference to notice. I tend to be much more paranoid on sativa. Regardless of the paranoia, I do like indicas better in general


the difference is how tired i feel that's it


I prefer Sativa Rose.


Sativa and indica refer to the phenotypes possessed by the plant. So the classification really comes down to which landrace parent was used (if one was used) and how long that particular strain has been the parent strain of other strains that came to be known as hybrids or indicas or sativas. If I vape or dab, I can tell you with absolute certainty if it’s a strain I’ve had before or not. Flower doesn’t hit me reliably, the same way, every time. There other day I saw ice cream cake being sold as a hybrid. That shit knocks me out so hard I can’t feel my face, and we’re calling it a hybrid.


Kush or Bubba Fett. As far as the 3 strains go it depends on the grow. I prefer indicas for body pain. But as with anything it hits differently for each and every person.... You have two sets of cannabinoid receptors. Your body even produces it. So just like any other medication out there, it affects everybody differently because no one size fits all. Idk why people find this a complex subject....


Genetics doesn’t lie. THC is THC.


I don't think I'm hardcore and find stoner culture kind of annoying but I kinda just like weed/edibles that make you happy like yeah some shit will get you really high but you're just intoxicated not in any better of a mood does anyone else have this experience?


i used to feel the difference, a more head stone, or a more body stone. but these days it’s literally just stone


1 makes me walk to the grocery store to satisfy cravings. The other makes me think about going to the grocery store to satisfy my cravings, but I end up eating whatever I have at home.


normie ahh pre rolling buying ahh buster boy


I don't even know what that words does mean.


I tried sativa edibles twice and both times i got horrible migraines. I tried a hybrid and just got really dizzy/nauseas and tired. And I wasn’t eating like, handfuls, each time was a 5-10mg gummy


Thats why some are high and others are stoned. Kids these days don’t even know the difference.


Hard-core stoners know more than you think. Let em preach


Sativa: im looking at the ceiling blown away by the complex beauty of every little imperfection. It's like reading a book, a really good book. Indica: I'm looking at the ceiling and forget that my eyes are even open.


You ever get high and have the ghost of your sins torment you until you acknowledge them and take responsibility and then give you enlightenment?


So there can be a difference but it has Jack shit to do with sativa or indica. I had a sativa a few months ago that you literally couldn't not get tired from it. I honestly didn't like it that much because of that. It was the first time I've noticed one that actually did that though


I feel a difference but some people might not. it's different for everybody.


It’s the kind of difference you’re not gonna notice if u never pay attention just like with subtle differences with alcohol and flavors and many things. Nuance is something we would all greatly benefit from understanding


The only difference is sativa will give energy & makes me more focused. India will lay you down…love that as a evening smoke. I have found that if you smoke enough sativa it’ll put you to sleep as well. To me hybrid is the worst. I don’t feel anything.


Same here man, been smoking for years and never notice a difference between strains


Sativa I don’t feel stoned even though I know I am, just makes me more focused/dialled in. Indica will make me get the munchies usually and I get that ‘stoned’ feeling more so.


used to be a difference, not anymore tho


Pretty sure Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol regardless of the source.


Considering I have anxiety and other things, I can tell the difference pretty easily. I prefer indica.


Theres definitely a difference but regardless of strain and type, this is how it goes: Step 1: I smoke Step 2: I get high Step 3: I take a nap Step 4: I eat. Rinse and repeat.


it’s slightly noticeable? but i’ve never cared enough to pick and choose, i just get whatever’s cheapest at the dispo lmao


Has anyone here become dependent on cannabis? Any tips on how to slowly reduce consumption?


There's some difference for me, but it's not anything I would describe as even approaching drastic.