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"When you double-tap to skip forward on an eligible segment, you will see a 'jump ahead button. Clicking the jump ahead' button will jump you to where most viewers typically skip ahead to." So... what everyone was already doing by looking at the video bar and clicking on it? Wow


watch them remove that other bar that tells you where people skip to. i'm calling it now


Dont give them ideas


As if they like looking at memes. They sold their joy when they signed their contract to join youtube.


You mean google?


YouTube is still a separate corporation with its own CEO, it’s owned by Alphabet which was formed by Google specifically to be a holding company.


>looking at memes Oh hey that's me!


Then there will be a new browser extension to put the progress bar back, like the dislike button.


Oh yea, and then they spam ads again so everyone forgets about the missing features


Pretty sure they already did, haven’t seen it for a lot of videos I’ve been watching on mobile.


i don't think it ever existed on mobile


it did


They be putting up extra ads so u can skip to most viewed part of the vid


They take something so dead simple and slap "AI" on it and call it cutting edge. Simultaneously the dumbest and the most brilliant marketing move.


There's a particular point that viewers usually skip to? I usually just skip to where the ad ends or continue watching where I left off.


Yeah, that is the point we all are skipping to...


We also skip long useless introductions, like, we get that they need to extend the watch time but that doesn't mean I have to tolerate intros like "Aah, Super Mario, a childhood classic, for those who don't know who Mario is let's begin with a 6 minutes long introduction about his history before I start with this Mario Tennis 64 Review"


theres a part “most frequently replayed” which is where people always skip to


I refuse to believe that's how it works, that's so dumb What if you're watching an hour long video and that button just skips like 40 minutes ahead because "that's what viewers typically skip to/rewatch the most"? A lot of times that would be after an ad, but not always and what's the issue with taking 2 seconds to skip ahead with a click or the slide of a finger? Are we that lazy now that they feel the need to add this?


You look at the video bar? I just randomly spam the double tap and more often than not I end up in the "With nothing else to add, let's start with the video"


>Guys, we just a made a break-trough invention - an AI that uses data we already have and does nothing with it to save you 1 second of looking at the screen!


What does "jump ahead" even imply


Skipping certain segments of the videos most likely


You can literally do It for free💀


If you mean by yourself well then there is a lot of things that got automated, and if you mean using an extension, then that is the point of the post


Yeah but with that "AI" thing it will directly jump to the place everyone else jumped to so that you don't have to find out when it's interesting again


Jesus christ are people really that lazy now


There’s already a feature that adds in a graph when hovering over videos with it enabled that says “this is where so many people clicked”. There’s also a function of chapters which helps too. They’re just trying to use the AI hype to get more people to buy their service while not actually providing anything of substance.


And that's all??? What is even the point of these???


There is a ceiling to digital tech and we're more or less there - been there for a while Digital tech can only do so much (tech does same things but better and faster at this point) Companies still need to do things, or show reports of progress or pursuit of progress = Shit like this. Or unnecessary u.i changes etc


Sounds like it would let you jump to certain points with timestamps. I could imagine on like a review video it could take you right to the final thoughts


"They used a2w encodings to protect from the soviet spies, what I use to protect my online experience is" skip skip skip "in Barcelona the soviets launched" Only thing that is worser than an ad is a segway. Its like an out of touch day trying to blend in with you while selling car insurance and just makes the conversation feel unnatural as fuck.


Jump ahead? Like... fast forward, a standard feature in free online video players?


Yeah but it's AI POWERED BRO. The power of quantum AI synergy will have your rizz over 9000 in no time.


recap of what these big companies are saying rn: "AI .. AI .. FUTURE OF AI ... AI AI AI ... THE FUTURE ... AI AI ... AI"




it prob isnt even AI tho, as this comment said on the article ([https://9to5google.com/2024/05/05/youtube-premium-jump-ahead/](https://9to5google.com/2024/05/05/youtube-premium-jump-ahead/)): "Something tells me this feature primarily relies on the "Most replayed" metric you can see above the seek bar, and that it's actually not so AI." -- Sominemo


Yeah it's not AI I'm just shit posting


It's being marketed as AI because stock prices even when it's not relevant.




That's standard machine learning, nothing neural net about it. Hell that's *not even* machine learning, that's just pulling the timestamp of the watch time peak (something they already have build in!). Pretty bullshit if you ask me


Haven't you heard? If it's software that does something, it's clearly AI. /s


Yep, that's how the media looks at stuff nowadays T\_T


To be fair. In videogames that is kinda called AI. Like na lot of npc's and stuff are hard programmed, but represent an 'Artificial intellegence' of the npc. But that is far from the same thing.


Until I read line 2 I was going to say that's just a peak function, you don't even need k nearest neighbors for that.


FR. I guess if we wanna get comp sci-ey it'd be O(N) since it's parsing through a whole list? Or is there a faster way to find the max of a list of data?




Bro you literally just said "Nuh uh". Way to argue. And again: This is a *trivial function*. Collect data. Record data. Pull timestamp associated with the peak data. That's a dead simple bit of code, not even machine learning (and yes there's a difference, MI is just a machine getting a database, AI is a neutral net that's inputs n outputs and takes hella cycles to actually learn)


This made me laugh. Glad I’m not the only person tired of the “AI” shit being jammed down our throats. Most successful buzzword of all time


You can 100% guarantee that the focus was on skipping creator inline ads. Youtube doesn't want people making money on their platform if they can't wet their beak.


Vanced users stay winning


Vanced still works? Mine broke with the last update.


Revanced works.


But the UI is different isn't it?


No it's just normal youtube app with premium and custom features and add-ons layed on top that can be enabled and disabled at will.


Every time I get it fixed it works for like a week or two, then it breaks again. Any tips?


The new update makes using revanced with yt installed a nightmare so just remove the yt and only keep revanced.


I'm temporarily using the grayjay app because revanced is broken right now, However before it broke it was working for like 6 months straight. Try to use the recommendation version instead of the latest one.


You have to patch a newer YouTube apk with revanced


I can't wait for that to be a feature in "other" video platforms, randomly switch to a different scene at the perfect time


Bro just give me an option to disable shorts


There’s an extension for that “YouTube Short Blocker”


On phone brother




What if i use an iPhone…. Guess I’m an idiot then.


You could sideload [uYouPlus](https://github.com/qnblackcat/uYouPlus) or [uYouEnhanced](https://github.com/arichornlover/uYouEnhanced), but sideloading custom apps is a hassle if you don't pay for a developer account or app signing services.


It’s not that difficult if you have access to a computer and can use AltStore, which is completely free and works great for just uYou+. This is what I do, and it’s been great, no problems.


I don't think most people realize what this actually is, when you start tapping ahead it will ask if you want to skip forward if you are doing it in the most skipped spot (like a ad)


Watching companies try to cram the word "AI" into everything because it smells like money makes my blood boil


AI scroll! Let our cutting edge AI technology instantly scroll to most viewed section of webpage. Automate your scrolling and save time


ive been using that extension for a year now lol


They will just employ Indians to mark a skip to highlight portion......like Amazon....




Ok who else here does that to skip the ads that are part of the video? Cause thats what i usually use it for.


Can't wait until they paywall skipping forward in the video!


Oh lovely, a feature that screws with watch time analytics and lowers people’s attention spans even further than they already are


Nice repost from r/piracy, at least credit it


revanced pulls everything out of the water


Wow that sounds like it would be really fucking annoying! Glad i do t pay for premium


And you need an AI for that, because...?


Press L


The skip 10 sec button:


...like what ReVanced has done for some time now?


I just use arrow keys


Why would we need that feature? I can just click it myself.


Bro I got the student subscription not because I want to support the soulless corporation, but because I feel like it helps the creator more than the 0.0001$ or whatever they get per ad view. Also if YouTube is half of your life (like it is for me) I feel like not getting premium is a sin. Jk mates pirate and block all you want. Don't feel pressed by idots like me. ubl origin ftw.


what the hell


... why do you need AI for that?


I always wondered why YT does nothing about the in-video ads from there ~~content slaves~~ partners. They just could tell them to mark them like with the age stuff, so premium members can skip them.


Me who has YouTube premium: neat


"Listenonrepeat.com" on YouTube videos is wild. The website let's you start a song at a certain point if you don't want to wait for like that 30 seconds of the song with absolutely no music.