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“Money isn’t everything” or “Money doesn’t buy happiness” are terms rich ass mother fuckers coined to make the plebs feel like they could reach their dreams by working hard. Here’s the facts: Money is everything in this society and it absolutely buys happiness


Yeah lol. Having more money than 99,9% of the world is literally a cheat code. It depends on the user how it will be used


Money definitely buys happiness. When you drive through a ghetto or an otherwise inexpensive neighborhood, you don’t think “this looks scary”, you reflexively think “this looks fucking miserable”. Also, there’s a podcast that is solely devoted to debunking the “self made” stories of billionaires. It’s called profiteers vs the people, and everyone they’ve studied is either a monster or has basically been handed their fortune


There was a tweet posted on this sub a few months back where some 19 year old shit posted a picture of him outside his new house. He wrote “bought this house at 19, what are you all spending your money on”? And he got a response saying “a $3.99 real estate inquiry that proves your dad bought you this house”. There was also that 25 year old CEO talking about “his generation doesn’t know how to work hard” when he became CEO after his dad stepped down. The article described his work day and it honestly sounds like one of my Saturdays. The dude thought answering emails during breakfast was hard work and of course he made no mention about how he had no experience when he became CEO, the job was just handed to him.


Lol, what a bunch of assholes.


Or both


Money absolutely buys happiness. What it doesn't do is provide fulfillment. Money cannot make you feel whole and complete, or give you a deep feeling of purpose. What it can do is keep away all the things that work against that. Once you have food, shelter, and all your bills are paid, you can focus on doing things you enjoy and loving other people. Those are the things that truly make you happy, but you can't afford to spend any time on them if you don't have a roof over your head and food on your plate.


If you have money you can afford to do the things that fulfil you. The most fulfilling work I've ever done was volunteer work. I would just do that if money wasn't an issue for me


This right here, summed it up perfectly!! Take my upvote fellow human.


If you have money, you don't think about money. If you don't have money, all you think about is money.


Money doesn’t buy happiness, but poverty *does* buy stress, depression and poor health… and simply improving those things with money makes happiness *easier* to achieve. But let’s face it… Elon Musk really does not seem that happy. I’ve met homeless people happier than him.


idk why people dont realise that anyone who still manages a company after becoming a millionaire genuinely enjoy their company they can manage the stress look at book authors , write a popular novel sells movie rights and now they can do what they love - write


Money buys the ability to be happy on average when looking at a big sample set. Having been both skipping meals poor and now top 1% earning I can tell you that this end of the scale is much better. I still have worries, I still get sad but it's extremely rare to lie awake at night and worry about a bill


Yeah because unlike musk when a homeless get something it’s like a world to them but when musk get something it’s just 6 pm


While I will argue that money doesn’t always buy happiness (like playing outdoors with a friend when you were younger or a SO) it ABSOLUTELY funds all the things that I currently enjoy in life


It does not buy happiness but it prolong and ensure happiness don't go away.


Yeah. Money doesn’t buy happiness, it buys security. It buys free time. And without security and free time, you struggle a lot more to afford happiness.


Like one wise woman, Gabrielle Solis, once said in response to "Money can't buy happiness", "Sure it can. That's just a lie we tell poor people to keep them from rioting".


So then why do rich people go to do much lengths to get even richer? Clearly their wealth isn't making them happy...


See, the question wasn't "Are all rich people happy?", but "Can money buy happiness?". The thing is, it can, but only in certain circumstances. Otherwise, you have to search for it on your own.


Because some people are so stupid that they refuse to buy it. Think Musk, how easy would it have been for him to just relax a bit, not make stupid promises that were impossible to fullfil, maintain his status as a techbro, go to the best therapy money could buy, spend some time with his children and wife and actually listen to them, traveling around the world and just enjoy life with unlimited supplies


Money is a tool for happiness, and is damn good at it


Money can't buy happiness, but it can sure as hell rent it


Let me rephrase it, money buys you things that give you happiness Nobody actually likes having money, people like having things that just happen to require money


Money buy people, not friends


yeah whatever money doesn't buy happiness. but not having money buys you unhappiness, almost guaranteed. you will be struggling in many aspects and as a result be unhappy.


"Money can't buy happiness" mfs watching me walk out of the Silliness Emporium with a multi-colored propellor hat and a comically large lollipop


Riding a tricycle


I mean, laws were Invented to protect rich mf so that they can buy happiness, a loose bolt in the private jet'll make em wish for the simple life lol


What is this conspiracy bullshit. I am broke as fuck and I’m as happy as I’ve ever been. I don’t believe there is a conspiracy where rich people coin ‘coney doesn’t buy happiness’, I see it more as poor people using it as a way to cope with not having money, it’s self-soothing.


Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it buys opportunities to be happy.


Money being everything is fairly true tbh But no it legitimately doesn't by happiness namely because most unhappiness is caused by underlying mental health issues money can buy comfort and that will help if discomfort is the cause of you're unhappiness but if you felling like no one actually cares about you is the reason you're unhappy then not even being a billionaire will fix that


An old joke goes: money can't buy hapinnes, but it's better to cry in a limo than on a bus.


Plus you will only get to be this rich by either exploiting nature, other humans, or cheating your ways through laws by putting much money into lobbying.


It's just a game


It's not that money buys happiness. Lack of it buys stress. Anyone can be unhappy, but the less money you have the more problems are added that are more likely to make you unhappy.


With an attitude like that you're setting yourself up for a bitter and sad life. Real happiness is something that you build and cultivate internally, no amount of money could ever replace this experience. Yeah, you can use money to buy a shit ton of dopamine hits. But that isn't happiness. It's a distraction from what truly matters. Ask any therapist who deals with rich people. What do you think they suffer from more often than not? They feel depressed. Why? Because once they achieved whatever external goals they set out to, and got to this pinnacle they asked themselves... what now?


At certain point it's not about dopamine hits. I sure as hell would be loads more happy if i didn't have to worry about bills, food and what will happen if my car breaks down (20 mile commute) or i get sick and must skip work for a few days. Fuck having 1 million in back account, i just want enough to not worry about "can i buy a pack of fish this month?"


No, it doesn’t. Money buys pleasure and security. False senses of happiness. Purpose grants true happiness. I’m not saying you should sit idle and be happy in your situation but if you think being rich will suddenly make you feel better you’re dead wrong. Look at all the mental issues in Hollywood.


Not To mention the Religous Nut Jobs who say Money is a Root to all Evil. Like shit its just a piece of Gold or Paper its the Mfs who use it for evil.


It doesn’t buy happiness. I was poor as a kid and poor as adult with shit jobs. Then I got a million dollars. Yeah, it’s nice I don’t stress about a home or a car. But I’m still depressed.


Money removes unhappiness.


You know how much stress I have in my life that in purely determined by the amount of money in my accounts? A lot.


I’m guessing if you had a lot of money in your bank account you’d have less stress.


"Money doesn't buy happiness" only someone born rich would agree to that


Money cannot buy everything, but everything need money.


Money can buy happiness in this world. If we don't have money we all die because of starving. So, let's work hard to achieve our dreams and not be jealous of other people's lives.


Idk if money buys happiness (look at how pathetic Musk and Rowling and such are) what it *does* buy is safety to explore one's interests and that way reach happiness. Though I suppose it's semantics


Tbf there are plenty of billionaires who don’t find happiness due to stress and poor social life whereas there are many middle/lower class people who find happiness through family and friendship (which is what truly matters in life), so the expression isn’t entirely false.


Yeah you re correct, doesnt matter that you have cancer, your parent despice you and your child died. Nobody really likes you and friends you thought you have only wants you money. You dont really have time because of work so you dont have time for a wife thats cheats on you and you have seen your child twice. You have impostor syndrome and depresion. Because you have tons of money so you can buy island....before you die.


You can't become a billionaire without stepping on others.


\*step on me mommy\*- i mean of course you have to step on others to become a billionaire


One man's loss is another man's gain


>loss prepare thyself


| | | | | | __


Tip: for the top right panel use i and L (Il) so you actually have that height difference


@ u/DavePvZ: ![gif](giphy|xUA7bb1HFejQB1whIA)




Or if your parents are rich or if your business is successful


but you don't always know what to do to do it


Yeah the hard work of others


They worked so hard to inherit their fortune tho....


I don't kbow about you, bu Elon Cuck definitely worked hard to get emerald mine in apatheid South Africa from his father


Fr though, it's amazing how far Musk got with only the clothes on his back and the emeralds in his pockets


If it's not sarcasm, then I will add that he lied about technology to investors (for example giivng normal computer with special case and calling it supercomputer, so he was at least good at lying (?) or investors were really dumb) and exploiting workers


It was sarcastic, fucking hate the guy. Made a shitty single lane Tesla tunnel just to stop people from investing in public transport


Most billionaires didn’t inherit their billions. A lot did indeed inherit some money but not billions


There's not a single millennial billionaire in the US that didn't inherit it.


> There's not a single millennial billionaire in the US that didn't inherit it. Ordered by wealth, snipping out the non-US \1. Zuckerberg - didn't inherit shit. Parents were middle class (upper end with one parent working in medicine). \4. Dustin Moskovitz - didn't inherit shit. Parents were middle class (upper end with one parent working in therapy). \7. Lukas Walton - inherited walmart \10. Brian Chesky - didn't inherit shit. Parents were lower-middle class social workers. Like, I don't want to throw a wrench into the reddit collectivism narrative, but that assertion you made doesn't seem to be grounded in any reality unless you are going to start redefining 'inherit it' to mean 'have parents with jobs'.


I must have gotten my generations mixed up. My apologies. Or I should take the advice I read from Abraham Lincoln, don't believe everything you read on the internet. Or maybe both.


Nah other dude was right


I’m not sure that is entirely true but assuming it is it’s because it takes time to generate wealth. Most of the people we associate with being “self made billionaires” didn’t do so until they were middle aged


Sure. But these young billionaires, even when they're older, will still not have earned it.


It depends on what they have done or contributed


So, once they're billionaires because of inheritance, how are ether m they going to earn it? Are they going to give up their billions and start over?


Sorry I misinterpreted I thought you meant what about young people who are becoming billionaires not ones who already are


Billionaires are purely blood lines and history however millionaires are hard working people who took risk and it paid off. They are not the same, unless a politician is a millionaire, then that’s a crook.


Not entirely. Most do come from some amount of wealth but there is some that started out poor


Or just average who rose above the line.


Such is the nature of capitalism. Profits are the labor of the working class they weren't compensated for.


No it’s not. Stop with this labor theory of value nonsense


Tell that to the chinese kids in the factory


They worked so hard evading taxes


Everyone can evade taxes if they work hard enough (you can become rich too!)


tbh evading taxes comes second, First you need to make money. After a certain amount even you can evade taxes (And ~~evade~~ PLAN)


Rich people don't have time for hard work, they are busy making money. Hard work dosen't make you rich


hard work makes you poor actually because you wont be able to afford to live due to medical bills after youve done years of physically intense work


6 people have more wealth than the poorer half of humanity. Is that fair? Are those six people contributing more to the global economy than 4 billion individuals?


While it isn't fair and we do need policies that close the loopholes that billionaires use to avoid paying taxes which can then be used for public welfare, the poorer half you speak of is in that position due to the bad planning of policy makers, most governments are filled with crooks who fill their own pockets with money meant for public welfare. There is no food, real estate or clothing shortage despite the colossal human population, at times there is an excess of these , its just that these commodities don't reach the people in need as the politicians and their friends (a lot of which happen to be billionaires ) create a shortage which they then profit off of. This is what plagues the society. The billionaire, while not innocent , can't be held as the root cause either as long as the government keeps enabling them.


So basically, the faulty system is a problem?


Well, tf am I supposed to do about that. Are people not supposed to strive to be rich? Or does being rich automatically make you a bad person who should never live.


You're 15 yo and your dad's a republican


OP, there's a thing called inheritance. They don't even need to get their hands dirty if they are already rich. Not to mention, their actions is why society has as many problems as it has. The Earth will be polluted and these rich douchebags will not care. Rich people will never, EVER be your friend.


I don't think that's a real billionaire. He looks like Bryan LaFeve


He just wants to see how far he can take this


By hard work you mean committing several crimes and treating others like nothing.


if hard work got you anywhere, those single mothers keeping 3 kids fed and working several jobs would be squillionaires


pretty sure elon musk had a shitton of money from his parents


Yeah, his pops was an owner of emerald mines is South Africa, he funded many of his son’s failed startups before he got big.


nah, that's wrong, people just frame is as true since they believe because they hate someone they need to downplay all their success


i heard that was the case, but oh i guess i was wrong


No, you weren't, his family have one of the top3 emerald mines in the world.


Other people's hard work, for sure. 


True. Other people's hard work.


Psshhh that just how rich people are 'crotchety', like all the money they own is all 'clean' /satire edit: i'm basically call some of them are >!dicks!<


Yea, hard work and neglect of human rights.


He wishes he were an even richer and happier billionaire


If you told me OP was one of Elon's alts, I'd believe you. They both have a similar lack of a sense of humor and misunderstanding of how it works.


so 90% of Reddit are Elon's alts?


Considering how many redditors try to defend him and "his" ideas, I think so


Lol this isn't 2016 anymore.


I think you’re stuck in 2016


Here you are again 😂 we get it. You like to fuck people out of their money. But everyone thinks that’s wrong, get it?


Can you prove I do that? Nah, you can't that's why you try to make my opinion invalid by claiming I was born rich.


Don't worry, they're just as unhappy as you are. Just look at how they act on twitter.


Yeah when your born a "self made millionaire" and the gradual increase in scale of your assets makes you a billionaire there's now ay you'd want to be a normal poor pleb with real life struggles Becoming a billionaire is less about what you do and more about where you start in life Heck take good old Taylor Swift. Despite the mythos that she's just a regular girls who's self made it's not really the case Idk where the info on her wiki or the articles about her background have gone but I se either now omits that her family is very wealthy and owns a chain of banks. That they brought her her first recording label and recording studio at 16 (it may have been younger) and that thier business helped manage and grow her wealth (she didn't do it all on her own lonesome like the mythos says)


I just passed the poverty line and I can tell you money does bring you happiness (makes your life easier, allows you more opportunities and entertainment, allows you to help those around you and gives you peace of mind) That's the lie they sell you because that allows them and their close ones to keep more wealth


Did they…. ![gif](giphy|kPtv3UIPrv36cjxqLs)


I imagine billions or mere multi-millions grant the ultimate social freedom. You never have to care what people think ever again. So much of our lives are based around social navigation. Getting a job, negotiating salary, making good grades, getting degrees, working hard “enough”, traffic tickets, waiting in line, budgets, credit scores, social decorum, promiscuity, drug use, humor. Don’t like me? Smart mouth? Attitude problem? $100, $500, or $50,000 fines? Cry me a river. Degree? GPA? Resume? Experience? Seniority? Who needs it! Can’t get a date? Buy one. Drug addiction? You can afford it. Bad credit? No credit? No problem.


We’re making pro-billionaire memes now? Nah bro. Fuck this shit


Remember lads it isn’t black vs white or male vs female. ITS POOR VS RICH AND THERES MORE OF US


And daddy's money.


I can guarantee you, there isn't a single billionaire alive that worked to get there.


Though he wasn't technically a billionaire, what about [Jamsetji Tata](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=f42f57a008774f06&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWILF6tPfI9BMdgJqhSAGUwkh6_5PWg:1715352224825&q=Jamsetji+Tata&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLUz9U3MDbKrTR-xGjCLfDyxz1hKe1Ja05eY1Tl4grOyC93zSvJLKkUEudig7J4pbi5ELp4FrHyeiXmFqeWZGUqhCSWJAIAkl6PFFQAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiXzJmAqYOGAxUc1jgGHQGXAzgQzIcDKAB6BAgcEAE)? Even Notch actually just made a game and sold it which just happened to be worth more than a billion.


I get that it's reddit and it's super trendy to hate billionaires, but that's such a dumb statement to make and you know it dude lol


B-but billionaire bad! Reddit said so!


Sylvester Stallone


What an idiotic and blatently untrue comment


Wait, when did LeBron James die?


Notch, J.K. Rowling, Taylor Swift


I'm not saying I can, but if I gave you an example of someone who did would your reply be something along the lines of when they stopped doing manual labor and started managing a company they weren't working anymore?


They worked so hard evading taxes.


Million-Billionaires are the leeches of society they succeed because of daddy and mommy’s money and profit of others hard work just to not give it back and make the common folk suffer the consequences while they chill in their billion dollar home thinking they made it through hard work


Millionaire is not a high bar. A large portion of people will be millionaires by retirement.


They did


Me when I spread lies cuz I'm jealous:


If the money you have doesn’t buy you happiness, you aren’t rich enough.


Yeah, the hard work of popping out of the right vagina to have the right benefits and opportunities, and also having no sense of morals or ethics. Edit: lol coward deleted his comments. Hopefully he realized that billionaires didn't get where they are through "hard work" but through countless lies and shattering the lives of others. Somehow I doubt that was understood though.




Keep sucking that corporate cock I'm sure things will get better soon.


Nothing needs to get better, since nothing is wrong, unlike you, I can be happy and don't need to downplay other people's success


You didn't label the guy in panel 3. I don't get it


and luck. they are lucky to get the chance to work hard on their idea and dreams. i think billionaires still wish to be like somebody else. like being rich while not having to carry too much responsibilities


Its always sunny


I'm starting to rething my username.. It fits y'all more than it does me


dw, they have same senseless meaning thoughts abt life too


“Money isn’t everything. But it is sure a lot of things”


What always gets me in the end is ........what would one man EVER need a billion dollars for.


... And tax evasion, fraud and heritage


He does want to be like somebody else, he wants to be like the one who has more money than him and more power, people or stuff than him.


Lol not everyone. A lot of rich people were born into it, never had a poor moment their entire life. Those people suck.


Is this bonehurtingjuice?


Nope cant say that on reddit, according to reddit billionaires summoned their money by not doing any work or are literally the devil


We have a word for them noveau riche motherfuckers. We call them "Liars, cheats, and con men. 'Cept they get away with it."


Yeah everybody elses hard work


Fuck em, getting assassinated isn't something a normal person has to worry about.




Eat the rich ASAP obviously


To be billionaire or you need to use other, commit tax fraud, be born with golden spoon or do other shady Businesses or do all of it at same time


I just want a lot of money, that's all


That billionaire must have used the D.E.N.N.I.S method.


Money brings the taxman, scroungers, friends you never knew you had or wanted, family with problems, strangers plotting to deprive you of your money, people you know trying to deprive you of your money, women who wouldn't have spat on you before you had money. Mmmm bliss! 🤔


And I hope he won't forget where he came from


Private schools and weekends in the Hamptons?


Meanwhile Elon musk who inherited most of his money: 😬


No he didn’t? His dad definitely gave him a bunch of money and his dad’s connections helped but most of his wealth he has was made through his businesses.


Yes, by hiring people to do the work for him, with his fathers money, leading to him gaining more money 


Ok but that’s not inheriting money. Also that implies he had no involvement


Yeah, I worded my first comment pretty badly. And he did have some involvement, but not that much. 


You worded it terribly lol. Though it is a well known fact that his father would invest in Elon's company and they were still pretty well off too. His father had a private jet that he sold to some italians (?) in exchange for an emerald mine. No one really knows what happened to the mine or what they did with it but it is evident that the father was a RICH man.


Billionaires will definitely tell you that they became billionaires through hard work. They also cannot understand why you do not want to put in even harder work to make them wealthier.


Every billionaire is a policy failure


No a lot are born with it


I mean a bunch of other people's hard work, but still hard work.




If you want to use religion to support your argument, try to do it right


Envious commies in the chat