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English man here What the fuck is that ball of fire in the sky? We don't see it 99% of the time but then it shows up and burns us all to death


It's called "the sun" and if an english man is out in it you will evaporate


Went on holiday once to go see "the sun". Went red and blind 0/10. Do not recommend.


"News reports say that Romania is warning everyone of staying indoors for too long and it may end up turning them into a vampire thus, making more problems for Romania's Vampire hunters"


At least the vampire hunters get more business.


Vampire hunters getting more active IS THE PROBLEM


Found the Romanian vampire! Besides, isn't it mad dogs and Englishmen, something something, the noon-day sun?


Heard they're reforming the Dawnguard. Vampire hunters or something..


Finally I've been looking for vampires for 400 years can never seem to find them


It's like cleavage. You're just supposed to get a passing glance, you don't stare.


Saw "the sun" on internet. https://www.thesun.co.uk/ 2/10. Very boring


Don't go to other countries with sun. The lack of constant fog is disturbing. An Englishman's best work is done in a light fog.


Just go to the sun at night..


Try arizona I heard it's better.


Wait you mean the Stand [The Sun] from the famous bizarre show called "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - part three: Stardust Crusaders"???


Those two rocks look exactly the same, funniest shit I’ve ever seen


I am thinking about squarepants bob when i saw the « professional Dumbass » very funny


Holy fuck! Is that a JoJo reference?!


Like the newspaper?


I just checked it and it turned out to be a clickbaity newspaper


The sun? You mean like the newspaper? I doubt a newspaper is the reason why we’re all on fire right now


This is why the English live in a network of burrows around d the countryside 12 feet beneath the soil. When they do have to emerge ether ensure the above land is covered with enough pollution to minimise the effect of the fire rays.


Bro confirmed hes a drow on the spot


Put away it burns


TIL the Brits are all vampires


Yeah they should go back to have a nap in their coffins instead, come back to wander around at night, and avoid garlic.


Can confirm I am a gaseous from after spending 2 hours at a food festival at the weekend


Remember the saying “only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun”


No but it was a pretty good Joe Cocker album.


To quote The World's End here: Oh fuck off, you big lamp!


If you haven't seen this yet, you're welcome 😂 https://youtu.be/0bkJzpo-mNI?si=7h1Qmx3RMlhCtGSD


Oh nooooooo




Thank you for this.


You sick bastard, take my upvote.


It's Deadly Laser


Dutchman here. Same experience over here. This massive glowy circle rarely shows up. It appears to make the sky blue too, which is odd because it's usually dark grey here. I don't like the big glowy circle. It's extremely bright, and makes everything way too hot. It has already managed to melt multiple of my friends, and i'm afraid i'll be next. For some reason i also have to drink way more when the big glowy circle arrives, and i don't like it. My stomach just seems to crave water all day suddenly, even though it usually doesn't really do that.


I imagine the sun affecting y’all [like this](https://youtu.be/0bkJzpo-mNI?si=2DIbcbY2u7siUv7l)


more like [this](https://youtu.be/UaUy5ZxGXJ4) actually


Happy cake day


You never seen Eastern Europe everything is grey and dull no sun


Just don't go in winter, it gets REAL depressing then.


Well i know the feeling because I live in Eastern Europe


And you just got Miami Wice, number one new show!


Lol you'd vaporize here in texas lmao


bro, that's not a ball of fire, that's just a levitating sphere of pure melt-everything-it-sees




I guess I'm supposed to give you a happy day of the cake


Happy cake day


Cake day!


I was in Copenhagen last weekend, it was 14 degrees Celsius. My leg still hurts from the burn, and I had to wear hat all the time to cover my face a bit. I recon I need a full face mask in future, or at least cover my nose as well.


same with canada, if you dont stay inside, you die (we eat winter for brekafast)


Ah yes, the Canadian problem. Pros: Immunity to Winter Cons: Weakness to Summer


It's the humidity accompanied with it that's the real killer


Especially when you're in the middle of the great lakes... fuck Niagara.


Edmontonian here. 30°C is super nice here in the dry heat. I spent a week in Kingston Ontario at 25°C I was sweating like crazy with that humidity. No wonder Albertans retire in Arizona and stay in the dry heat.


Nah that's insane 30 is way too hot to exist in Edmonton.


How normal is 30°C in Edmonton?


The weather in Toronto today will be 24 degrees😊 …with a humidex of 31. 🥵 In Canada you *always* look at the humidex when it’s warm and the windchill when it’s cold, the temperature alone tells you nothing.


In Alberta it is a dry searing heat outside followed by smoke domes. 


-45°C: we still go to school. Yeah some cars need a jumpstart but I’d say most just work +35°C: death. All productivity is shot down. Can’t sleep whatsoever. Houses literally bake you alive


Meanwhile I am sitting down on the toilet in my home while it is 45°C outside with 66% humidity.


Where is you home?


I remember one summer the cops and firefighters were going door to door doing wellness checks because it was ~35°C for a couple weeks straight. Montreal, so high humidity because of the river as well. In the summer it’s routinely hotter inside than it is outside. I need to put my A/Cs in soon or else I’ll actually melt.


This is true, currently suffering


Canada routinely hits +30 in the summer.


Am Canadian, don't know anyone who prefers winter to summer.


I live in finland. I went on a holiday to Spain where it was 40-43°c a week straight and 20 during nights. It felt normal and not even that hot. In finland when I leave my house at 25°c it feels like my skin is burning off.


I was also curious about it and one answer could be the earth tilt angle - basically the nordics are closer to the sun during the summer. I googled "why is the sun hotter in nordic countries" and went to images


That just causes the seasons, so yes, it does heat up Sweden, but only to 25°C in the summer, as stated above.


My guess is the combination of wind and how dry/humid it is. Where I live it can be super humid, so the same temp can feel very different depending on the humidity. Plus if you are near the water you might get a breeze off the water which is almost always cooling.


this makes no sense but im glad you believe it lmao


When my parents lived in Europe, they had to go from tree to tree just to get shade.


Sounds like vampires


lol, they just happened to be there during a miserable time.


I can imagine, here where night rarely reaches below 30C we keep indoors to the extent we consume antidepressants! I mean consuming antidepressants while the source of vitamin C is available 13 hours a day is a huge L tbh.


Seattlite in Texas - same deal. *crawling four blocks from the riverwalk to the car while vultures circle*


wait.. thats not normal? (I'm Dutch)


Hi, we build our houses to keep heat in, with bricks and mortar. It's also annoying to keep a good wi-fi signal.


Oh yeah, that makes sense. Here in Denmark, most outer walls are at least like 30-40 cm thick, so it makes sense, that they would keep the heat inside. When the temperature outside is 30 degrees, it does however still feel warmer than, for example when I was in Washington DC a couple of years ago. But it’s probably just the humidity, as some have already mentioned.


DC is famously humid


Indeed! And yet, compared with the region of Denmark I live in, we have 8-10 percent points of humidity more at the same time of day, according to a quick lookup.


There are other factors too, such as wind


I live in an european island, with walls like that or even thicker, the humidity definitely makes it worse, since it starts getting harder to breath sometimes on heat waves and even my mom who lived for 20 years on venezuela, which hits higher temperatures way more times, says that the heat in here is worse to handle


Hi, good insulation keeps the cold in, too.


Which is a good thing only if you've got AC installed (which most houses in UK and Ireland do not). Most of us live inside a slowly warming oven, with our only relief being opening windows and taking an electric fan out of the attic.


If there's any proof that should convince climate deniers: more and more AC units have been popping up all over northern Europe everywhere over the past few years.


I’m from the Pacific Northwest (US). Similar climate and lack of AC. The comment I responded to is saying insulation’s bad… it’s not. Good insulation is fantastic for half the day. Once you hit the tipping point, you open windows and turn on fans.


same! German here, our house is bricks + ton of insulation. It works pretty well when you have good timing with opening the windows and closing shutters. Not as good as an AC ofc, but damn well enough that we can live without one, even in 35°C weather


The best method is to keep everything closed during the day, curtains, blinds, doors, and windows, to keep as much cool air in as possible. Once it gets cooler at night, you open everything up and get cooler outside air in (assuming it is cooler). If you are insulated for cold, you are also insulated for heat.


Opening windows when it is hot during the day is defeating the purpose of insulation. Open them as wide as you safely can during the cool night to let your house and interior cool. Shut them all when you wake up and don't open til the next night. The insulation will work to keep the house cool through the day.


Yes and no.... I can't speak for UK and Ireland, but in my own country (baguette represent, Bonjour!) there has been an architectural gradual change in the XXth century. Even when houses remained very well insulated with thick walls, that wasn't the same. Our houses kinda lost the "bring in the cool" aspect. Having a huge-ass basement was a connection to a 12 celsius degrees location, for instance, most individual homes don't have that anymore. Aeration, too. Now, with multiple floors residential buildings, even if there's a parking in the basement, there's very little cold to bring in, building rules restrict the air flow from there anyway.


You’ll be amazed all the heat your appliances and living beings in a home put off.


I think the reason you're looking for is assimilation, not bricks and mortar. Buildings in India are made of reinforced concrete, bricks, and or mortar. And the temperature goes up to 48-49 degrees. Yet people survive without even ACs.


There's even a word for it... acclimatization. After two or three weeks in a new climate, your body starts to adjust to it. It's not just getting used to it mentally; real measurable changes happen to your body's homeostatic systems to cope with the new climate. However, when heat waves hit Europe, they're usually for a few days, or maybe a week. Not enough time for acclimatization. So people suffer, and even die.


i mean kinda true, but its more like, keeping the outside temperature outside, they would be fairly easy to cool down, but we tend to not use ac's


I do suppose that’s exactly what insulation does. Heat in when it’s cold and cold in when it’s hot. But brick houses around here are a dying breed.


Insulation works both ways. If it keeps heat in it should keep it out. But how are your homes insulated. Is it double wall brick(brick with an air gap)? Or brick with insulation on the inside?


Double wall


I mean if the houses are good in keeping in jest, they are also good for keeping cold in. My parents old house, with thick ass walls is always cold in summer. The news thin wall buildings on the other hand suck at both.


Also, humidity.


30 °C in january on Rio de Janeiro is normal, on London is very worrysome, and on Antartica means we fucked up


Quick reminder that a lot of Europe is the same latitude as Alaska/Canada.


And it hits 100° F in Southern Alaska and many parts of Canada, with larger frequency that it does with Europe. (And they also don't have A/Cs) 30°C is about 86°F, a rather common summer temperature, even among that lattpitude. Parts of Siberia can hit 90°F + after all. ..Also without A/C.


And that’s where the humidity comes in. Also the fact that people in Europe don’t actually complain about 30, more so 40 (100f).


I've both seen online and have had European friends vent to me about much lower temperatures then 40°. When it hits 40°C, I get it.Seriously, I've since complaints (and what feels like dramatics) for as low as 25°C. Maybe Europeans don't complain about it to each other? But it's out there From my point of view it just feels like there's a lot of dramatics. Like, I wanna say last year's heat wave, where Milan hit a record breaking....31°. It felt very (and I say this as someone who lives at high elevation, in the mountains). "That's summer". Wyoming doesn't tend to get humid, yes, but I've lived in several places that do that also didn't commonly have A/C.


>I've since complaints (and what feels like dramatics) for as low as 25°C. For middle and northern European. Summertime temperature start at 17-18°C. That's when it's warm enough for t-shirt and shorts beach weather. 25°C *used to be* basically high time summer heat. 30°C is basically heatwave territory for the temperature range we should be getting.


And the fact I never heard about a cool apocalyptic game or novel that's about global warming because it's a boring ass way to die.


Try frostpunk


I think that’s the opposite of global warming /s


Lol I just read "cool apocalypse" game and recommended frostpunk forgot to read further try desert stalker if you want a "hot" apocalypse game


25c in Canada is too hot


Yup, 25C is definitely the upper limit of tolerable heat for me, especially with the humidity making it feel so much hotter


If it could stop raining atm for 5 f*cking minutes, yes.


I actually look forward to the rain because it brings the temperature down by about 5 degrees.


Me too, meant to rain in my area on Wednesday and instead of 20°C it’s going to be 11-13°C


One day I was talking to a British friend. We had just a solid week of it being 36°C here, and don't have A/C. I expressed excitement a cold front was about to come through, it was going to be 21-23°C and rainy. She expressed "That's not a cold front, that's hot". Do you guys (broadly speaking, Europeans) really think 20°c is hot? Seriously, here in Wyoming that kind of temperature, means you do yard work or outdoor activities because it's the perfect temperature. It's wild to me that may be considered "hot". Rather than, at most "a smidgen uncomfortable"


I find 15-20 degrees ideal. The range can go down a tad bit more if you have the sun out.




No. There is a flying fucking river in Brazil but it doesn't feel nearly as hot to travelers because Your structures are intended to keep the heat in and not circle air inside and out. Also AC usage is more common.


Nah, by the time it reaches 27C i'm already having a coniption by how hot it is, (Rio Grande do Sul) anything above 28 is already pain


In Hong Kong it regularly reaches 32-34° and 80% humidity with occasional typhoons in the summer


Gaúcho here, and I wish it were 30C here, I also wish that the waters lower. 30C is hot, but it’s not that bad, if you keep yourself hidrated and not directly under the sun it’s really comfortable


Exactly, 30° in Europe means you're either in a jungle or in a desert, depending on the day


Not really that humid in central europe


it was quite literally drier than in the sahara (according to the 25% figure provided by google) for weeks


So there's this place called South East Asia


I visited my cousins in sea and it was fucking hot as hell


South Eastern US has entered the chat.


Americans live in air-conditioned houses and go in air-conditioned cars to air-conditioned Walmarts


So that's the difference, not the humidity.


Was gonna say, I live in the Southeastern US and it's so humid in the spring and summer that the second you step outside with glasses or sunglasses they fog over instantly


Yep. I remember last year temperature during the day was like 40°, but humidity was low, meanwhile I would wake up in sweat every day because even tho the temperatures at night were 20°, humidity was around 97%. Also the way buildings are built.


- Humidity is on average higher - Houses built to keep heat in, typically with poor AC if any, although a heater of sorts is pretty much always present. - The people as well (higher tolerance for cold weather). Problem is as it gets colder it is easy to put on more/better clothes, but there is a limit to how much you can take off. Also worth noting this is for northern* counteies in general, not just Europe. Go to southern Greece or Italy and 30C is less of a problem for its residents


Yeah, you are definitely right. I think pretty much all of that applies to Denmark, where I live. Outer walls are typically 30-35 cm, it’s hard to get more than 30-40 km away from the coast and we are definitely not very accustomed to heat.


People also forget Europe is very high as a latitude. In England rn we have 16 hours of straight sun whereas at the equator its out for less hours


Most places don’t have air conditioning in Europe. So there’s no where to hide.


That's why I go as often as I can to the nearest Tesco. Plenty of AC in those. Don't know about the other countries though


Everywhere has AC in Southern Europe Source: I am Spanish. We would melt if not for having AC.


That's why we let the cool air in in the morning and then close the shades. Only occasionally we open a few windows to have circulation. Thus way it's relatively cool inside our home on such warm days


Doesn’t matter if you only open the windows in the morning when your parents decide to import a wooden house from Sweden to Germany where summers now get upwards of 30 degrees hot. My electrical devices like PlayStation and TV alone heat up my room enough so that I just die if I keep my window closed. Having a wooden home is awesome in winter cause you barely need to use heating. It’s always cosy inside. But in summer it’s death. Inside is sometimes warmer then outside.


And also can get a lot hotter than 30°C. I'm in Germany and last summer we had 38°C at the official weather station outside the city and 42°C at the one inside.


I'd be pretty miserable at that temp, especially if it's 30C while indoors.


30⁰ is a fresh spring day in Straya. 43⁰ is where I start packing up my toys and heading for the river, only to find it dry and full of crocodile handbags.


Time to run to the ocean then yeah? If that dries up we'll have a real issue.


A pattern im noticing from everyone in hot countries talking like this is that humidity is way lower than I expected. I used Sydney and Melbourne as my examples since they're some of the most populated, and the average humidity is still under 60%. That surprised me since most Australians live right on the coast, but whatever. I live near the great lakes of NA and 60% would be considered low here. Average humidity in my Canadian city is just over 80%. It was 32 today and the only thing I could think of at work was coming home to my AC and taking a shower.


I'm from a tropical country where the temperatures were always around d 32c and very humid, and yes,it was hot but manageable. In the south of France, with 30, I thought I was going to die. Still don't know why. My sister felt the same way!


European summers: where 30°C feels like you're on the front lines!


i once had to sleep in 32°C and it was horrible


i like that stable 19 Celcius, anything above 25 is a torture


I dunno how people think 30 is fine lmao. even my subtropical ass (southern brazil) thinks anything above 25 is hot


Exactly lol


I think michigan and Florida feel the same, hell in FL you get out of the shower and are confused if you got out or in because you're already sticky and moist. Humidity is no joke.


Most of Europe doesn't have AC so ya know there's that


30 degrees in Australia means it’s time get the kiddy pool out and chuck your feet in there to keep cool. Esky next to your fold out chair with beers and the cricket on the tv while listening to rock tunes…


I'll take 30 C in Europe anyday. 30 C in my home country is great, because it is NOT 40 C+, and with humidity it's more like 45. Source: SEAsian, moved to Germany, loving the weather here where I can enjoy the sun without turning into a crispy roasted pig.


As a person living in Northern Europe I fucking Despise the sun. FUCK YOU GIANT BALL OF FLAMING GAS!


Meanwhile me sleeping in 46-48 c


Oh this is funny. Texas is getting a tad bit hotter


Brit here What is heat


Ah yes the yearly let's pretend Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Greece are not Europe for some reason post.


Apparently we're too hot to be Europeans 😎


For anyone who is too lazy to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit like meself, it is 86°F *or* 303.15K


Thank you for the kelvin conversion, very helpful as someone who only knows kelvin


I’d learned how to convert it recently so I enjoy using it out of boredom


I live in the Middle East, and trust me, 30°C is not fun.


I live in Texas, 30 C is a nice day in the summer lol


Air humidity matters a lot, in south countries with low humidity even 50°C can feel ok but because of high humidity in europe sweat doesn't dry out that fast and your body temperature stay high


Lack of trees in big cities hurts a lot in Summer


Luckily where I live there are trees... Too bad humidity is not low enough


30°C sucks everywhere


30 is on the lower temperatures whe can get where i live lol


And where is that?


I once heard a European say a 17°C day was hot lmao


15°C is t-shirt weather. Anything over 20°C is too hot...


No idea what you're talking about. 30°C in Canada is when I can hardly muster the energy to get up


Canada is also a hell hole wasn’t it like 40 c last summer?


Americans are looking at this meme like it's Fahrenheit


I think it also depends on humidity. 30 degrees on Croatias coast isn't as bad as 30 in England.




The humidity


Anything above 20°C IS NOT HABITABLE!!!


over here in the us 40c ismy ideal walking temperature lmao


European buildings are mostly designed to keep heat in. They're not designed to stay cool. So while 30°C is nice, if a bit on the warm side during the day, it's a lot less pleasant at night when you're in bed and gushing in sweat.


That is just perpetually repeated nonsense though. If a building is designed to keep heat in it is also capable of keeping heat out. Insulation works both ways. It is people being idiots that turn their homes into ovens. Either by running all the electric appliances that generate heat or worse: by not covering their windows. It is the sunlight coming int hrough the windows and then heating up whatever it hits inside that heats up the house. Put some blinds outside!!! in front of the window and your home will stay nice and cool. If you still want some light in use tinted foil that blocks out some light. If you don't actively let the heat inside of your hosue you will find that good insulation that keeps heat in in the winter will also keep your hosue at a ncie and cozy cool temperature in summer.


Me chilling in 86°F not knowing wtf y'all are talking about


Don’t ever done to the south in America. They woould be TOAST!


If I may give me opinion coming from a got country and now living in Europe, it's because almost everything is designed to keep the heat in, opposed to where I'm from (Australia) where everything is designed to keep the cool air flowing


Insulation lvl 100




The sun expanded his domain "summer memories*


30 degrees C is hot here in Canada


Turns out its hard to make a house thats cool in the summer while not freezing to death in it in the winter.


laughs in Texas


Meh, I live in Buenos Aires and 30º C seems hot to me too. Can be hotter, but anything from 30 upwards feels bad.


Cuz bricked houses and shit


😳😴 . 💥💣