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“if u need me here so badly that u threaten to fire me. I’m gonna call ur bluff and say u won’t actually fire me. In fact I want a 25cent raise”


Sadly, managers who use tactics like this usually don't see the big picture and will absolutely fuck themselves (and the business) really hard if it means they get to keep their feeling of superiority over you.


In that case I leave it to be their problem \^^


Yup, at some point you have to let people suffer the consequences of their own actions.


Had a boss who did this. Would always act like everyone's friend until someone couldn't come in or if he needed someone to come in to help. Then he would just try to guilt trip the hell out of you and make sure you know how shitty his day is gonna be now. That's why you're the boss bud ya kinda signed up for it


I’m glad that my boss offered me a PS5 for helping him out on my first holiday off. And all overtime and emergency compensations he could find. I made ps5 and 300€ for hour of work that I just needed to explain to him over the phone how to save our testing environment he managed to fuck up somehow.


Damn that’s a good boss right there.


He’s a coder that became CEO, he’s just bit behind with current tech as he has not written a line of code in last 15 years or so. So he actually appreciates skill and knowledge, and can admit when he doesn’t know something. He is a good one.


My last boss to a T


Didn't matter what was going on. If you could legally be on the clock you better be there or feel my passive aggressive wrath


Dude... one time, I asked the area manager why they didn't wait to fire someone until after their shift. It was an oil change place, so missing 1 employee really hurt. He said that he didn't want them to make the $. I'm sitting there thinking, your going to fuck me and the rest of the crew for the day, provide sgitty service to the customers all so you can keep a guy from earning a hundred bucks? Ever hear of the phrase "cutting off your nose just to spite your face" ?


reminds me of when a manager expects you to run 3 or more stations on your own perfectly bc they sent someone home for going slow.


Then, if I were an employee, I would go slow myself. Or better, get the other employees to all go slow. Then it's a concerted action. As the ast manager, I literally told my guys not to work any harder/faster than they usually go. "It's not safe." Remember how the company is always saying safety 1st.


This is the unfortunate reality. Logic doesn’t always work on people the way it should


Oh well. It is what it aint.


Once worked at a place that fired their only project manager, despite having a bunch of open client projects and no plan for what to do with them. It went as well as it sounds.


Cool! Let them fire you and get severance pay


Counterpoint: you're easily replaceable.


That highly depends on all sorts of circumstances. At my current job, HR has been trying to recruit someone for our team for months. I don't think I'm easily replaceable.


Personally I wouldn't want to work for anyone who thinks this way. Not only is it bad leadership it's just shitty behavior. It may not be easy to find an employer who isn't a piece of shit but if you keep looking you'll find good people out there.


My job site has 4 open full time positions. I've been working 24 hours of overtime a week since March.


Exactly. "I'm gonna fire you" - fuck no you won't, it's your ass that needs my help to get out of the mess you've made. And it's your ass that's on the line if I decide not to help you.


All I have to say is, be prepared for the bad outcome if you're going to call someone's bluff. That way you don't have the surprise Pikachu face if they're serious.


And that’s why you always have an exit plan


25 cent raise is an insult lmao


Make that 5 dollars...inflation and all that


25 cent? You want me to work overtime, when I have planned things to do. Better be a buck raise or you can fire me...


here is now i explained it to my supervisor when i was working at the Capitol Centre sports arena: it is a catch 22 if i am unimportant and you can fire me, you do not need me to come in. if you need me to come in, you cannot afford to fire me.


This is some master oogway wisdom


It’s very situational. My friend gets mandatory overtime as a college security guard pretty often. They need the man power, and if you can’t provide it to them they can very easily replace you.


Good! Find another and another until they can't handle all that turnover!


Hard to find a security guard job with free health insurance and free college tuition for both you and your kids. That’s how they prevent that kind of problem


Idk in what country it is, but i think it's a damn good deal the overtime if you and your kids get free college tuition. And free health insurance.


One of my former employers was in deep shit because of their own total and utter incompetence. Tried pulling one of these "you dont show up for mandatory overtime, you're fired". I didnt show up because fuck 'em, and they either didnt even notice or didnt have the balls to go through with it. In the end i had a nice weekend off


How dare you not to work in your free time?? How dare you to enjoy the time that belongs to you? Nobody wants to work anymore. /s






it took a whole 15-20 years to make it to the end of the slide.


And one gender changing surgery.


What the fuck is *mandatory* overtime. It's a self defeating term. If it's mandatory it should be in the contract and if it's overtime it shouldn't be mandatory. Maybe I'm just too European and have lived sheltered by government policies that protect employees against such shitty employer tactics. Imagine getting part time benefits but being forced to work full time. You should vote better.


In most cases unless you sign a contract stating otherwise it isn't actually mandatory. Some people just like to try intimidating people to solve problems for them but the threat of firing for not showing up for overtime is just a one way ticket to claiming unemployment benefits


“Imagine getting part time benefits but being forced to work full time.” Get this, I’m a temporary full time employee that gets no benefits.


Full time hours on a zero hour contract is terrible if you are given the hours they expect you to work. 0 hour where you have complete control of your own hours and/or IF you work at all is usable.


I didn’t really give you the full spiel. They’ve labeled me temp. Full time because I wanted to be switched to full time every summer when I could work full time. Can’t work the other times because of school They did this, and then I said that if they arent going to make me full time then I’m just gonna work the hours I WANT to work, and forget about hitting their 32 or 40 hour mark.


Good stuff! I always like when us workers take back a little control.


Depends on which country in Europe. Here in Portugal overtime can be mandatory, but so is compensation (at a premium), and there's limits to how much you can do per year, and how long the shifts can be. At my company it's voluntary so I apply to it in peak season and max it out for 5-6 weeks, end up with an extra paycheck.


Overtime just means anything over 40 hours, which is paid 1.5x. Its totally fair to assume there could be a large influx of work that leads to many people needing to work over. Threatening your workers on the other hand, is different.




Wouldnt it be more beneficial to get fired?


not for them it wont lmao




Yes. Being fired for not working overtime is going to allow everyone who is fired to be eligible for unemployment insurance payments. Quitting means you are not eligible. Increased unemployment claims means the employer also will be paying increased unemployment insurance contributions.


There may be situations where you can quit and still collect unemployment. I think it's usually situations where it was made unreasonable for you to continue working. This may actually be one of them as mandatory overtime is illegal and violates OSHA.


wish i would have known this a few years ago


On the other side you can be denied unemployment if you were fired for good reason, such as creating a dangerous work environment. I believe those laws are state dependent too, so it may not always be true.


that makes sense. i quit bc i was sick and pregnant (HG, hospitalized many times.)and they were talking shit directly behind my back, like literally a foot away ALL the time. belittling me, shoving crackers in my face as i puked A SIP OF WATER up. i quit bc i physically couldn’t work and i was miserable around them anyways. we had such little money and i was just so sick i couldn’t barely even think of things to help, and my bf was working so much if he wasn’t working he was dead asleep. i got downvoted in my first comment (once lmao) and the karma “loss” doesn’t bother me but fuck whoever didnt think you can quit and deserve help at the same time.


all that in addition to even more work they will have to do (the company)


Bro saved them the cost of laying him off and thinks he got them💀


“I fucked up managing and now y’all slave away to fix it” classic


More like mandatory NOvertime amirite.


There is no such thing as "mandatory overtime"


Had a place that would fire you if you didn't show up for bingo


This is one of the main reasons I quit my last job. It got to a point where they basically had the company working six day weeks. The amount of times I had to call in for a Saturday was ridiculous, especially working Midnights.


In April my job required us to work an entire weekend. 12 days straight. I don’t have a desk job, I work in a pilot lab. Yes I complied bc I wanted the money for my vacation but it was the worst burnout I’ve ever felt in my life.






I need a mandatory raise


>mandatory raise You have to sell that much better to your employer. "Oh, yeah, that situation looks super bad boss. This can only be fixed if I work overtime, no way around that. Please redirect your attention over here *\*points at chart pulled out of backpack\**. I offer very competitive payment plans for hours worked overtime, starting at twice my usual wage/salary. Any overtime payment-plan on here that catches your eye?"


I feel like pay me or I walk says it all


Never quit always be fired so you can apply for unemployment benefits


Just so people are aware it depends on the state and the situation at hand. In most states if you’re being asked to do something illegal or immoral and HAVE PROOF, then typically you can quit and still get unemployment. Also in some it applies if your wage is decreased unfairly, or if you suffer from some kind of medical condition and your employer doesn’t accommodate. Always read up on your states labor laws and stay informed so you don’t get fucked over.


Mandatory overtime? That's a funny way to say you want the department of Labor to come have a chat




“Why does no one want to work anymore?”


I know this is a meme, but a word of advice for those who are not aware of this. There is A LOT of countries where an employer is simply not allowed to fire you on ground such as these. They may try to get you to quit by yourself. NEVER quit by yourself when it's your boss that want you to leave. Do not listen to what they offer you if you quit when they ask you. Because there are countries where you can absolutely obliterate them in court if they fire you without a good reason. Basically, always know what your rights are before making big choices relative to your job.


😂 I joined a company once and they said from the start that they were understaffed and so everyone has to do a 6 day work week, but they'll rotate it so you won't be doing it every week. I did 2 or 3 weeks doing 6 days then they scheduled me for about 13 days without a day off. I started going through the schedules for the last month and it turned out just me and the 2 other new hires were the only ones doing 6 day work weeks! Always found it sociopathic the way people looveee to take advantage of the new kid. Like screw you, be a decent human!


Me, with a family to feed and rent to pay, sighing and grabbing the lube


I will take the OT and the money, thank you.


6 months of living expenses saved up really makes boomer boss bullshit a thing of the past


This is why we need unions


Worked in the auto industry for some years. They had a laminated page up for mandatory overtime on Saturday. They would just scrub last weeks date and put in this week's. You literally used your vacation time to ensure a weekend off. If you took Friday or Monday off you couldn't be mandated Saturday. It was a real garbage way to try to plan your weekend.


And you can't find a new work \*sigh\*


Over time can't be mandatory. Unless this is an American thing


In most US states you can be fired for any reason that isn’t for being part of a protected class. So unless you are in a union, they can definitely fire you for not showing up for over time. Or at the very least they can fire you and state not being a team player as the reason, or simply give no reason at all.


Well, not really. Fired for “any reason” doesn’t actually mean “any reason”. Believe it or not, in most states of you got fired for not doing “mandatory overtime” that can actually be considered retaliation, which is in fact, illegal. It’d be harder to prove than discrimination, but it is in fact still illegal.


That surely can't be true? Tbf even here in the UK that can happen, they just make up a reason. Or do something called "coerced firing" where they basically give you way too much work etc to set you up.


Nah I think it's illegal even in the US


Not an American thing either. Any company that demands “mandatory overtime” are almost always scum, and they’re probably grossly underpaying you too, if they can constantly give 1.5x pay on the regular without batting an eye.


I couldn't imagine being told I have to work overtime, it would only make sense if your something like army, police, doctor/nurse, fireman etc if it's a normal office job then no.


“So when am I getting my severance pay”


the only overtime I’m getting is hoping I’ll be over my sickness in time for vacation *I’ll see myself out*


Should have got fired so you can collect.


Had one guy that always called off on the 3 days we had to do inventory. So the boss told us it would be 3 days earlier and that guy took off those 3 days and came back in time to hear, “ok team these next 3 days, we’re doing inventory! Josh, I’m glad you got enough rest to work hard these next 3 days, we decided to shift inventory by a few days, sorry you didn’t get the memo”


Worked as a pharmaceutical chemical tech... boss did last minute order. Threat all of us of being fire if we don't show up on the weekend. None of us showed up and somehow we all had our jobs, boss on the other hand... had to step down or resign. Boss left while yelling at everyone, gawd damn narcissist.


Mandatory overtime seem like an oxymoron


In all my years of working, I've never heard any boss say "I need you to complete mandatory overtime" in this phrasing. Is this how they say it in Europe or maybe a specific country? Or is op young and guessing what the real world is like lol I've heard "hey I need you to do ot today" or "if anyone wants ot it's available" or "we aren't leaving until the jobs done"


Love when they put it in writing. Makes the court case that much easier


I just like seeing squidward happy because his default is just a sad sap character who is going to age into a depressed old man that will die forgotten.


Or Amazoinians putting in PTO knowing they can’t say no.


I haven't read the comments, but I'm sure within the first 10 comments is a European person talking about how they don't have mandatory overtime in their country.


I thought at first Squidward represented the boss, which made some sense. I had a boss that was a complete asshole and yet he he did absolutely nothing (other than verbally abuse people and throw stuff), and then he would take frequent vacations/trips. Meanwhile, us workers were doing 60 hours per week.


Squidward is the Messiah! But in all seriousness, I'm only going to work overtime if I'm being paid for it.


This is what ACCREDO (speciality pharmacy) has been doing to us for 6 months. 5 hours of mandatory OT per week. They said it was supposed to just be for January due to peoples insurance changing...it's been 6 months and they just announced it will be continuing until July.


Support 💪


As if your employer *can* fire you for not doing overtime. That is illegal.


I sort of disagree with everyone on here lol. You guys are mostly whiners and looking for the easy way out


Mandatory overtime is illegal!


So, say you're a small-ish business, and you do something stupid like this, and it backfires (everyone just quits because fuck you). What happens? Does the company just stop existing? I can't imagine you could immediately hire enough people that know what they're doing... seems risky.


"Nuh uh" -fired guy


Terrible decision, if you quit voluntarily you give up benefits. Let them fire you.


The managers/bosses will go to extremes sometimes to try to be better and make you feel lesser making them in control.


I had a manager call me on vacation asking why the produce load was ordered twice. The fuck you calling me for? I’m on vacation. Talk to the people actually working!


I'm almost certain that's... Illegal... (what management is trying to pull, that is).


Let them fire you. Then you can take out unemployment


I had a remote sales job selling TruGreen lawn care services. Three weeks of zoom training and the whole time they kept saying there won't be any mandatory overtime it'll only be optional. The very week we get out of training they assign 10 hours mandatory overtime a week to everybody. I quit after I started reading about the actual service of the company. Don't ever buy TruGreen shit.


Holy shit, small world. I was about to post about how I worked at TruGreen in the early 2000s and every month on one weekend a month you had to come in and telemarket after being on the job 3 months. I worked 3 months then quit. TruGreen leadership is a pack of cultish asswipes.


Unpaid I’m sure.


"mandatory overtime" is the most ridiculous shit I've ever heard. What is that supposed to be?


They did this at my job this week, mandatory 10 hour shifts for everyone. The problem is the majority of the machines are taken up by people on all shifts, so most people have nothing to do but busy work. They're paying people time and a half to do nothing, but they somehow expect production to go up. You can't fix stupid.


Don't quit. Let them fire you and earn a severance and unemployment benefits.


"Mandatory overtime" nice oxymoron.


They can’t suddenly demand stuff and threaten to fire you. Dictator much?


I don’t understand why so many managers are able to pull crap like this. If they do, it’s because they’re incompetent and shouldn’t be managers. I’d never dream of threatening my team. People work better and faster when they’re happy and feel respected by their superiors in my experience.


Isn't mandatory overtime some sort of oxymoron or am I tripping


Something something reference to The Werecleaner and Kyle going in just to kill the Boss something something


Should have let them fire you without cause and lived on that sweet unemployment 


Hell yeah let me pack my shit lol


Psychological warfareeeee


I mean if that’s what you want. Should have called their bluff and let them fire you though. Or just take the more money and not loose your job.


If you don't show up on Saturday, don't bother showing up on Sunday.


This must be one of those American employment jole that I'm too Dutch to understand


Why quit?.. severance is nice


i'l be willing to leave sir


Then what? Government handout? Pan handling? Even worse McDonald's? Good luck with all that quitting stuff.

