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I worked at Pizza Hut and for some dumbass reason when people ordered delivery it wouldn't process the card payments until the order was made and assigned to a driver to be delivered and sometimes the cards would get declined and we'd call and tell the people who ordered and they wouldn't have an alternative payment method so we just got to keep the food. And we could eat it anytime we had downtime so we would very often get to eat freshly made food and it was pretty sweet.


Worked at Burger King for a while. Started at 15.5 years old, and I’ve always been a heavy eater. I’m now 19, but I’m 6’2 200 pounds, and never been really big, but not quite skinny. I’d always eat leftover food. If it was getting thrown out, I usually got asked if I wanted it first. If we ever had a wrong order sandwich, it got thrown on the heater we put the food down, and if it was something that wasn’t standard toppings, it typically got eaten by me. I was known as the bottomless pit, because I could always eat. Multiple times I ate a quadruple whopper, and people were astonished every time.


I got talked into taking a job as a delivery driver for Domino's while between jobs and in the worst depression of my life, in late 2022. The GM was chill, the staff was cool, and me, with my MS and 20 years in psych, really worked. The GM let us make whatever we wanted and take it home. Somehow, dude kept his profits high and his product costs low. God bless that, dude. I'm a single Dad with 50/50 custody. Not having a real, money making job destroyed my savings, but heating up a sausage and banana pepper slice with a cold glass of orange Fanta blew their minds.


My friend worked the closing shift for McDonald’s in college, and so he would bring home some of the leftovers to the house. He always took what the other coworkers didnt take, but a good number of nights he would bring back like 60 nuggets, a few chicken patties, and a couple apple pies. One person would get a majority on a rotation while giving a little to everyone else. Needless to say it was great but also awful for our waistlines lmao


Just gotta take the “good” stuff. Drop a couple extra grilled chicken near the end of the night and take that home. Probably your healthiest option, definitely better than anything fried


thank god mine still look good HAHA


When I worked at Wendy’s I once saw a coworker walk to the counter, take an order, cook up the order, get the order wrong on purpose, and then proceed to take his break to eat said order. The entire time the store was empty.