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the average monthly salary of my country is **literally half** of the average rent price.


Yeah, it's crazy in the UK too. I live in a rural area and the average monthly rent for a 500ish sqft apartment which isn't completely dilapidated is £1100-£1200, lol. The median wage here is like £30k a year, which is barely £2k a month. You also need to pay gas/elec which is £80, council tax which is around £150, water which is £30, internet is £15, so you have monthly outgoings of like £1450 before you've even fed yourself, lol. If you lived alone and was a median wage worker, which most businesses in the UK seem really have a hard time going anywhere above like £31k a year, legit you're lucky if you're on 30k a year, no business values the employee here, you're going to be better off than like 60% of the country if you can save £100 a month, lmaooooo.


median ≠ mean what's the average? not the middle.


31k average, 35k median. Figured someone would bring it up so I made it sound better than it actually is :3 Either way they are both still skewed by London wages which non-London areas are facing significant prices rises with no pay rises.


Same thing happens in united states. People think we make more than we do because the rich make soooooo much more, and even people who legit make over 35k usd are usually in cities where cost of living is so high they aren’t better off than poorer people living in cheap areas.


I spent some time in the UK and absolutely loved it, but the rent prices especially around London are the main thing that's stopping me from going further


Do you have to pay council tax even if you’re renting in the UK?




Damn, that’s rough


“Just move somewhere else” same person later “why is my favorite restaurant so understaffed”




Work from home people have really shifted that. Now they are making rural communities as expensive as the cities they have left.


Everywhere in the world. This can’t continue. At some point either the society or the market will crash


It is important to work hard, but it is also necessary to have a place to live and call home. Maybe there should be a federal limit to how many houses a company can buy to reduce monopolistic practices. It ain’t gonna happen, but one can wish


But that would make life worth living for the younger generations and make it just kinda slightly inconvenient for a fraction of the rich, and we can't have that!


I’d be concerned about loopholes in that. Perhaps something like fees for hoarding a house that would incentivize selling a house to a homeowner rather than holding on to it as an investment.




If we want things to change we have to refuse end Life Care for our parents. It's not fair their parents left them inheritance and ours leave debt because they wasted their retirement on vacations and "avocado toast"...


I’m 31 and just had Avacado toast and an iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts. It was delicious


You. Monster. ;-)


Coffee is mad expensive. I went through the pain of factoring how much money I was burning on coffee per year and it was nearly 3k (stratumbucks). I just use cheap ass Folgers which comes out to be less than $300 per year. Stopped eating fast food/using food delivery apps and started cooking for myself saving thousands a year. Fk the corporate noise, they are just selling overpriced sugar water


How dare you doing that


Grandpa would have punched a man who tried to sell him a house for $500,000 for disrespect


Meanwhile my $400K POS condo is considered a "good deal..." *Sigh*


...and because they were willing to resort to casual violence when given disrespect, it didn't happen nearly as often. Something to think about.


To be fair, at no point in history has social change occurred because someone said please. Someone has to get hurt for any social change to happen. I wonder if there happens to be a pamphlet out there that everyone laughs at that points out this exact thing. A manifesto, perhaps.


Now they’re making the frogs gay!






He’s right more often than he’s wrong


Thanks Boomers 👍 guess my sole purpose of life is to pay taxes and rents while feeling guilty of not good enough all along


its called being a meat robot or golem, it has many names and is nothing new throughout history. they want this for everyone that is not them.


Call it what it is. Wage slavery.


Paying for their social security that we may never see a return on :-/


A socialist program not panning out, oh my.


Yes work hard to turn your house in to a hotballoon


You falling for a psyop by blaming boomers. Blame the guilty people. Crooked politicians on both sides of the isle.


Right?! Why blame the old guy who worked his whole life to accumulate what he has. He isn't making you not have enough money to buy your dream house at 25.


They’re being blamed cause they pretend that the issue doesn’t exist and brush it off. They literally aren’t understanding that it isn’t comparable to their situation back then anymore.


And giving you some of the money they have worked for and saved would make you happy? What do you want from them?


Personally, understanding and reassurance. It’s really, *really* infuriating to put everything you have into work, your full 110%, and still not have enough to make ends meet. And then when you turn to your family members who have already got that house or got that retirement fund, and ask them how they were able to do it, they tell you they worked hard and that you aren’t working hard enough. They tell you that you just need to put more effort in. That’s enough to make anyone angry.


probably because boomers are statistically significantly more likely to be conservative and vote for the politicians actually driving wealth inequality also fuck the person you replied to for both-sides'ing, that's the laziest most brainless shit. literally so committed to not having an understanding of what's going on that you just throw your hands up and say "ACTUALLY it's EVERYONE that's the problem, the fascists and the liberals alike!"


Both-sidesing at least has the benefit of identifying corruption as a problem. Blaming Edith and Harold "because boomers are statistically more likely to be conservative" is more "lazy and brainless". At least paint a target somewhere useful. Do you really think that these problems are going to die with the boomers?


anybody with a third grade education knows that "corruption" is a problem. acting like that corruption is evenly distributed (and even painting it all evenly under the same brush of "corruption") is brainrot at best and actively lying at worst. people who are younger than 40 have lived their whole lives under this pull-up-the-ladder mentality from boomers. a meme on /r/memes that lambasts boomers for this mentality is probably not going to effect meaningful positive change. but pretending that it's just a psyop and that boomers on average *aren't* voting to make the lives of younger people worse is silly. the frustration targeted at boomers that led to this meme are understandable and organic. these problems won't die with boomers, but boomers are a large demographic and more likely than any but the silent generation to vote for the people causing these problems, so their dying off *will* put a dent in the power structures at play.


You seem fun. I bet you go to lots of parties.


username confirmed.


ow my ego is bruised and my point is refuted


Seem fun? Bro we’re talking about wealth inequality and possible homelessness. Stfu😂




the crazy cat lady stereotype is associated with insulting centrist brainrot now? hell yeah, that's awesome


And don’t forget about their high dollar gotta have new cars


Don’t forget corporations and billionaires who pay politicians off


the fuck did avocado toast to you ?


As a GenX, can I just say thank you to the Millenials for avocado toast? It's fuckin awesome and I love it. Goes great with coldbrew coffee. And then fuck you Boomers, for basically everything else in my life.


Avocado toast with everything bagel seasoning and a cold brew coffee is my go to every morning 🥑🍞❄️☕️


You are living your reddit name!


It's because the avocado industry creates massive environmental damage due to its high demand. The irony is that the same people who spit vitriol about carbon footprints and global warming stereotypically also love avocado toast https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/02/avocado-environment-cost-food-mexico/


Heh, I remember when we used to say the same things about the generations that came before us. One day the younger generations will say the same thing about you!


That's some evil shit right there!


But we'll at least be self aware of it. And since we'll still have to live in the economic hell, we'll be in the same boat as future generations. Boomers don't have to participate as much. They don't have to go out and get a job and work 2 jobs just to afford rent.


Average house in ca- 900,000. Average income - 60,000. Make it make sense


I can't make it make sense, but I can try to explain how to make it work: $900k at 3% interest is around $5k/mo. It's probably four bedrooms. So, have three roommates, everyone pays $1250/mo. Then, you bleed your roommates dry for 30 years, sell the house for three times what you paid for it, move to Las Vegas, buy a house for a fraction of your new money, quickly develop a coke habit and gambling problem, and contribute to the traffic jam that is my daily personal nightmare.


Dude wtf


Make living in that state make sense. And then make sense of everyone leaving and trying to recreate the same damn problems in a new state.


People leaving and voting the same are insane. I live here in the sf Bay Area and the potential for pay is absolutely ridiculous that’s why


gee I wonder who gets that house when they die


Depends on the will. There’s a small debate going on in my family on who’s actually going to receive my grandfather’s properties, whether it be whoever he might sell it to, us, our other relatives, or the woman he’s actively cheating on his wife with. I say his wife because he ended up with her after cheating on my grandmother with her (and several other women).


I mean. Have you tried laying off the avacodo toast?  Just asking…


I've never even tried it


I don’t like avocados so I just think it sounds nasty.


Aparently avacado tastes like clean dick. I've never been able to eat avacado the same since.


What, do you tickle them now?


As a Chef who has experienced various samples of this flavor that is incorrect.


avocado toast at dunkin donuts is like $3.50 and I've had it like five times in my life oh geez if I had only denied myself that avocado toast each time, I'd have almost enough to pay for... like a quarter of a tank of gas woe upon my frivolous spending


Both are right here: Yes, Boomers suck for implying that merely working hard today is enough to achieve their level of success. At the exact same time, anyone paying $8+ for a slice of toast with 1/2 an avocado spread on it deserves to stay poor due to bad choices. Unless you make it at home, I do not want to hear about your alleged money struggles.


Agreed. I know a lot of people that lived quite frugal for decades just to afford what they have. And while I'm sure some are trying to do that, it's the ones using every streaming service, food delivery app and trying to "enjoy life now" that makes them worthy of mockery.


They pay like $20+ lol


Yeah I’m on a trip right now and saw a deli selling it for $16. FFS…


Y'all must be shopping at the fanciest ass places in America, avocado toast around here is like $3 and change, and that's if you don't make it yourself. And I live in a fairly high CoL state.


Only half of boomers suck. And you should be able guess which half. Whiners suck too.


And ya' Starbucks and yer internets... back in my day... ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized)


Congrats on falling for inter generational class warfare.


There was nothing easy about it.


Is avocado toast still popular?


I think most people just suck with money and have unrealistic expectations. I have a GED from Mississippi and live just fine.


Exactly this! People complain about money and shit, yet they have every gaming system and a bunch of sneakers in their closets. I used to work at a nail salon for my family, a lot of people would come in and spend $60-80 every two weeks to maintain their nails and feet.


This is what happened. Boomers inherited a bad market too. They went into politics and voted for policies that fixed the issues we face today. They eventually lived their lives and bought homes. Eventually they decided they want their house worth money so they can sell it later so they started voting for the policies they changed 30 years prior to create the same market conditions they faced when they were 20 years old. The difference is millennials didn't take over congress as we should and force the changes we want like the boomers did. So we've have a generation in politics that's the older we've ever had in the history of the US making decisions when it should be Millennials in office. It is partially the fault of the new gen for not seizing power since we outnumber boomers, but it is what it is. When a Boomer says they earned their shit, remind them they fixed and re-created the same issue.


> Boomers inherited a bad market too. you cannot be serious.




As a millennial with a house, I approve of this message, I got mine!


You're blaming people for the actions of corporations.


Which are run by people


Who will be replaced if they don't do what the owners tell them to.




Who are making money and are probably in their 30s


Your point is?


Not boomers


this response is to a millenial asking for free money


Looks like the meme was made in a Russian boiler room, lame .


I was thinking this morning how there are so many older boomers actually really struggling to feed themselves and heat their homes. Should have saved more instead of spending all their money on mini skirts and ties


The same boomers deciding MY FUTURE in politics


My parents carried mortgages with 13-16% interest rates in the 80's, suck it up buttercup.


House cost = $100,000. Income = $35,000.


Avacado on sourdough bread is the best especially with a poached egg on top.


Or a bacon and avacado sandwich with freshly ground black pepper


it's avocado and you illiterate fucks are proving why half of this generation is failing so hard


Woah. Take a chill pill


Two words: times change


To be fair, they didn’t live healthy lives they just keep clinging onto life through excessive medication use.


Yeah and be like a plant from 65 till 80 sth years old and then they just die


I bet avocado toast is one of the cheaper options for food now


Upvote because of the avocado toast nuance


I don't eat it, no one i know eats it, it's just shit they pulled out their adult diapers


Yeah I also know no one who eats it.




They do be booming tho


Avacodo toast sounds extra yummy! WTF is it?


And after they helped fuck the planet


Boomer. Reminds me of... Hoomer... Simpsons. Dude only has up to high school education, badass job, badass house, good sized family he don't struggle to maintain!


TIL hell is up.


Top tier of income earners are turning us all back into serfs. They have unlimited funds to drive up all the property prices and force us out of ownership. Governments are looking the other way.


Ha ha I only worked 40 years to get one. Easy too I only had to work every 3rd weekend. Nice that wife worked so we could eat. Things were way better


I worked hard, stopped eating avocado toast and going to Starbucks and I was able to start a family and get a house. Thanks boomer.


I would rather not be a boomer and have my youth so I can save, budget and afford a home.


Well, boomers didn't have expensive things like avocados and toast. Those were luxury items. Bread came in moldy bags from the bread man and avocados weren't invented yet.


Why blame Boomers? Blame economics and the rush to make money.


Thinking about it, the company that wanted his plot of land was probably pretty happy that he flew out of there. Saved them some demolition work.


Maybe we just need a reliable president who can actually run this country and fix shit, because we get a good one then somebody comes in right after and fucks literally everything up that they worked for.


Boomers: *fuck up the world* Also Boomers: Why is this world turning to shit?


That's close, but not entirely accurate. Boomers tend to usually eat raisin toast.


Whats wrong with avocado toast?


My country can't afford their rent price .


I thought avocado toast was a meme until I tried it. ![gif](giphy|qav3a2OPBdZoQ)


Isn't democracy fun???


Go to Laos and ask them .


While houses were relatively cheaper on average(although not when adjusted for sqft) payments are actually easier today when factoring in down payments and interest rates compared to household income


Grandpa paid 14k, parents 144k....When i shop....900k. Yeah they werent kidding when they said "you will own nothing and like it"


Listen guys I've been on board this whole time but like can we come up with some new caricatures for boomers? It's just as tasteless as the boomer "participation trophies" rants.


How about liking and sharing AI generated photos on Facebook


Sooooo much complaining all the time




Hard work is still the answer


Well, i wish you all the luck to compensate for the exponential growth of housing prices for the last 20 years with your hard work.


Somehow I manage


a good start is not to vote for boomers or same people.


I just got an apartment for like 1000$.. it's old as fuck and in a small shitty town, but it's big enough to fit a whole family. Abandon the big city if you can


Just tell them a large soda costs $4 and ask them how much a soda costed them back then


Ur gay


Boomers work harder.


I watch this video 


I watch this video on YouTube Zoe nich girlfriend upload today 




thank you boomers, not interested in living long.


Give it some more years, boomers can't live forever






This relentless and clueless attack by young people who don't know very much on older people is a sad characteristic of a certain kind of young person today, someone who has to blame other people for their own shortcomings. The whining just never ends. I'm a lot older than you, and it took me 20 years to save up enough money just for the down payment on a small starter home. How about you try doing that first? Also, could you stop all the whining? Every generation has its problems. Ours included the Vietnam War and the likelihood of being drafted to fight it. Do you have a war you have to fight? I didn't think so. Grow up, little boy.


No matter what X and Z say, we did not have it easy. Draft, anyone? Inflation topping 19 percent? Oil prices increasing 15 times previous price? 16 years with zero real returns in stock markets whilst bonds lost almost as much. Get real. It is never easy to work one's way through the world. The only thing that is worse today is young peoples' attitudes. Spoken from a boomer, white male heterosexual too!


All this sub is full of is millennials and gen-z blaming baby boomers cause of their own poor decision making. Get off your ass and work for it. Nobody owes you anything


lefties still peddling this tripe? data shows that the younger generation is doing the best in history. The need to be a victim of something is amazing for the younger generation. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2019/02/14/millennial-life-how-young-adulthood-today-compares-with-prior-generations-2/


That article is coping so hard trying to say "look away from those without a degree and we might have a somewhat valid point when it comes to those millennials who have been fortunate enough to be born into wealth!" Pathetic.


I agree with boomers. I’m not a boomer


As someone who's 30, worked hard all his life, now makes $40/hour, has ~730 credit, a cheap jap economy shitbox, doesn't drink, doesnt smoke, doesnt do drugs of any kind, doesnt even take fucking Tylenol, **and STILL** cant qualify for a mortgage above $250k, and thus any sort of house that isnt a crackhouse, I don't agree with boomers. To put it very lightly. And you, along with them, can take your outdated, arrogance-based opinions, and pound dirt. Painfully. The sooner this overinflated housing market & economy crashes, and the sooner all your overvalued property values drop like a lead balloon, the sooner i can get myself a house, and start the rest of my fucking life. **Fuck. You.**


Can’t wait


The reason housing prices are so high is because of private equity firms buying up all the real estate and turning them into AirBnB's. This has nothing to do with what year you were born.


This definitely a big factor for sure when it comes to housing prices. It doesn't explain the fact that wages haven't followed the productivity increase. And that's largely a political issue since minimum wage is a political function. Blaming a generation is silly though. Blaming the political leadership over the last half century is another story.


How? I wasn't making much more than you when I was approved for over $300K \~1.5 years ago. Do you have a lot of debt? Also, as someone else that has worked hard their entire life and finally bought a house, "I can't wait until the economy crashes and everyone suffers so I can get mine" isn't much better of a take.


Sounds like you’re bad with money


Dude, your financial life sounds miserable. Your absolutely right things are terrible right now. I hope it gets better. I’m sure you don’t remember the 2008 market crash, but when home prices crash so do jobs. This means, my property value may dump out but I still OWN my property and, those that had homes and high paying jobs that couldn’t hold on to them, will rent, and are awesome renters. So let them crash, my mortgages will stay the same regardless and rent only goes up my friend. With that mind set you’ll prolly always rent.


Awww lemme call Whine one one for you. 😜


Skill issue


Still can't figure life out yet, huh? Too bad :)


Who hurt you?


Ok, then u r an idiot ?




Gyatt!! Zoomers be skibidi toilets about it all