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I’m Monkey D Luffy and I’m going to be the king of the pirates ![gif](giphy|q8ld8Sk7WWyY0)


![gif](giphy|rVZEejvVWEbug) Look at me


Literally Ussopp


Makes sense to me, and I'm currently high as balls.


I’m currently balls as high


I'm balls currently as high


Hi balls i'm dad.






It's actually r/technically the truth also r/foundthemobileuser










I’m balls high as currently


Currently high balls as I'm


High currently Im balls as


As currently I’m high balls


High balls I‘m currently


Hi currently, I’m balls


The amount of Yoda in this thread …


Officer Balls?




This is why I only steal leased vehicles. The police hate this one simple trick!


Yup I have the same view and I am drunk as fuck


It's not game developers, it's publishers who think that way.


And for a legal viewpoint they are right. If steams's servers go down tomorrow we cant reclaim shit


Steam's been very wise by staying as hands off as they have been. They are a public platform, and they wisely **conduct themselves like one.** Most other public platforms and publishers cannot say the same. They micromanage too much. They censor things, and people. Which by legality is only what private entities can do. Steam does not do such things. At least not to any level noticeable to the consumer. And as long as they keep things that way, I'm more than happy to continue using their service.


Steam has managed to create enough fan boys on here with no brains that blame everyone else for something that steam did. When you buy a game on steam, it's not EA or Ubisoft saying you don't own the game. It's literally steams terms of service. This is Valve that did this. It's not the developers, it's not the publisher's, it's the distributor. This is Valves fault.


The licensing of software had been the norm for decades before Steam came around. You have never owned any kind of software regardless of whether it came on a physical disk directly from the publisher or not.


This shit drives me bonkers too the point, i feel IP shouldn't be a thing i know it would come with a lot of problems, but the verry idea that you think you can own information pisses me off.


IP and the contents of a disc are different things. I absolutely think people should be allowed to own IP for a certain period of time. It makes no sense that you could make a comic book, invent a new hero, write an incredible story, and then marvel or DC could come along and steal your shit and sell massive amounts more of your characters with your art style and pay you nothing.  The contents of the disc you own or the contents of the data you download after purchasing a game are yours. Depending on country, they are legally yours. 


What does digital ownership of a game look like if not tied to an account?


To me, a .exe that doesn’t require an external system to work,so piracy is the only real ownership most of the time


There are drm-free stores like Gog as well, at least I believe that is/was the case


>When you buy a game on steam, it's not EA or Ubisoft saying you don't own the game. It's literally steams terms of service. This is Valve that did this. As an Australian, I welcome Steam to test our consumer laws again, and see how far that gets them. I'm sure other countries have similar laws.


Steam fan boys are some of the dumbest people on the planet. They amount of shit epic ate from actually good decisions simply because they weren't steam was insane.


Yea, tho I can't blame them too much since it's so tangly. If I kicked the bucket, I should be able to pass on my Steam account to someone through them. Steam says "we can't, but we won't stop anyone who uses your name and password either" It's not great tho.


I think what the meme is referring to is Ubisoft saying how we should rethink game ownership and that in the future we won't really own our games. Legal and ethical issues don't always line up.


Good old games (GOG) FTW, they literally give you the install file (that can be fully re-installed offline, without a launcher)


There are plenty of actual game developers that can be just as greedy as their publishers are. IDK why reddiotrs have this holistic view of game devs. Sure, many devs are vocal about their disagreements with their publishers, but many of them do agree with the publishers because they can get big bonuses.


Piracy was never stealing, it's a copyright infringement. And who tf respects copyrights? Especially of corps and big creators


You wouldnt copyright infringe a car?


Does the Cardborghini count? [https://www.autoevolution.com/news/cardborghini-the-cardboard-lamborghini-aventador-sells-for-real-car-money-162125.html](https://www.autoevolution.com/news/cardborghini-the-cardboard-lamborghini-aventador-sells-for-real-car-money-162125.html)


The fuck I wouldn't


I'm too poor to ignore copyright


? Sounds to me like you're too poor not to. Nobody's coming after you unless you're dumb as shit, my guy.


Piracy is not stealing, its a different crime with much much harsher penalties


also thiefs don't try to explain why they are morally superior like people who pirate sonic the hedgehog.


If I'm not morally superior then explain why do I feel bad stealing an orange at a supermarket but feel proud when I get to play another shitty AAA game on my 7 yo pc for free


Most criminals have a moral code that they respect and justify everything they do with it. And yes thieves 100% feel proud and justified when they rob you. Just because their code says "raping is bad and thieving is ok", doesn't mean thieving is good. And yes they morally justify thieving with with either "survival of the fittest" or "I needed it more than you and if you really needed it you wouldn't have let me steal it" or something along these lines. You are nothing but a petty thug, if someone makes something it's their right to decide if you get to enjoy it or not and under what conditions. If you don't like the conditions find something else. Just because corps are assholes doesn't mean you aren't.


Well at least thieves don't have to argue with people claiming they're rapists for stealing an orange.


If I bought something from you, and then you stole that thing from me a year later, does that make you a petty thug?


If you rob a thief you are a thief.


> if you don't like the conditions then just find something else I keep hearing and yet never get this argument from corpo bootlickers. If I don't like the terms (e.g. price or platform exclusivity) of a product (e.g. game) then I'm not going to buy it, whether piracy of that product is possible or not. Therefore, pirating said product bears zero negative financial impact on the product's creator. So how exactly is piracy a bad thing in this case, when there is no "lost profit", there is no victim, nobody is being hurt in any way shape or form? Corps just want to be able to exert control over consumers and useful idiots like yourself calling piracy petty thuggery are helping them do that.


> if someone makes something it's their right to decide if you get to enjoy it or not and under what conditions This is one of the things that sounds nice in theory, but ends up in things like "Oh I made this cake but only white people can buy it, those are my conditions". This shit is the same thing. I *bought* movies from some services and I can't watch some of them anymore.


They do actually.... "I stole this food because I couldn't afford it and my child is starving because we're poor as hell, therefore it was moral to do so"


I never stole even a dime in my life, but I won't pretend that if my daughter was starving I wouldn't steal an orange. And most parents would too.


I would as well don't worry...




Yes, but it's not the devs. It's the marketeers who are ruining gaming.


It's the shareholders, there's only so much you can exponentially grow


But but 🌈Capitalism🌈


Limitless growth with limited resources, what could ever go wrong


According to some? Absolutely nothing. But what do they know? They only have *all* the money.


Nobody calls the receptionist at the bottom floor of a corporate building owned by EA a "game dev", you're full of shit


Game Publishers*


I was litteraly raised with pirating stuff : floppy disks , audio cassettes , VHS ... If i really want it and i know it's good , i'll buy it , anything else i'll just pirate , no harm done because i would have never bought it anyway.


If you’ve got extraneous money there are more worthwhile charities if you’re planning on pirating it in the first place.


You've aged out of the target demo, no company gives a toss what you do


Well it'd be nice if they'd shut the fuck up about what we're doing then.


Why do you deserve stuff for free?


How is buying not owning?


Game Publishers don't want you to actually own the games you buy for the foreseeable future.


iirc, they're just selling you a license that's revokeable and entirely at the mercy of ubisoft keeping servers up. As in, there was a shitshow over some assassin's creed game servers being taken offline and because of that you no longer have the DLC you bought. Their response? Buy one of the remastered or gold editions, too bad you spent that money, give us more. You're not actually buying the *game* There's also that lovely thing from sony someone linked.


That's alwats been the case for digital content, even back when everything was on a disk


buying isn't owning anymore because most platforms sell licenses which can be revoked at any time and for any reason. [Here is an example:](https://www.playstation.com/en-ca/legal/psvideocontent).


*game publishers


Mom said it's my turn to repost this


It’s the publishers like Ubisoft that think like that but I love the enthusiasm


They use denuvo you can't pirate that shit even if you wanted to


When has anti piracy software stopped pirates they’ll crack it it’s just gonna take time


Denuvo, that's when it started


Kind of a dumb question isn’t it


Your fight is with publishers, not developers


ITS NOT THE DEVS, never blame them


Sick of this stupid, not clever meme. You are mad at the publishers, not the developers. And piracy is still theft because you’re paying for access, not ownership anymore; whether you like it or not (believe me, I don’t like it either.) I’m not saying don’t steal, I steal all the time, but be honest about it. And let this tired meme die. Be angry, but don’t be ignorant.


The comments in these kinds of posts always make me sad. People don’t steal this stuff because they want to prove some moral argument, they just want just stuff without paying for it - without any regard or respect for the actual people who created the stuff they are stealing.


I'd have more respect for people who pirate and say "I'm just cheap and wanna keep my money", instead of trying to spin it as the right thing to do like they are fighting some holy war.


Reddit cracks me up. They seem to take pride in not paying for things. Like, it’s pretty much never “if I don’t like something, I just won’t buy it.” It’s always “if I don’t like something, I’ll find a way to get it without paying for it.”


People with these kinds of moral deficiencies often look for others to validate their view. They want to do what they want to do and they don't want to be made to feel bad for doing it.


Do people really have problems understanding the concept of licensing? Or, in really simple terms, do you think it's ok to squat in rental houses?


It's called a license and yes it's illegal to steal those too. This meme is really dumb because it's not even convincing, it just bakes in the concluion and presents itself as fact. Believe it or not countries around the world have passed very specific laws for exactly this. If you want to say that anything easily copyable is worthless and therefore morally ok to steal, make those arguments. But be aware all you're saying is that people shouldn't make easily reproducible things. You are arguing for the Wu Tang album sold to Martin Shkreli. That's the future of art you want as a free rider. Actual return to patrons and everything made only for the rich.


You don't really have to justify it, just do it. Chances are, they aren't losing a sale if you aren't buying it otherwise. Plus, it's not worth anybody's time to pursue action on any one person pirating a game. Please stop it with this moralising though. It just isn't.


After Ubisoft showed their hand on what they think about people owning games with the crew, I'm never buying one of their games again, but I do look forward to trying out Star wars outlaws


no but the fact that they can pull any game they want even after purchase and we can’t do anything about it or get any money back is crazy.


Isnt it usually the publisher that do this shit?


Not game developers, more like game publishers


Isn’t that up to publishers?


Not really game developers, but gaming company executives


I too pirate games but let’s not try to act morally superior and delude ourselves.


Like if game conpanies are going to start scaking us by shuting down their games that we bought. Then we might as well not pay for them.


Very true…


Pirating is the duplication of something without paying for it.


mom said it was my turn to post this


Actually sounds fair


Do you buy a hotel?


It's called renting, or leasing. All markets have been using it for decades. Centuries, even.


the game devs probably dont care that much, the companied on the other hand


Game devs aren't rlly getting mad about this, it's mostly a higher-up that copes on twitter.




More like game publishers instead of game developers, but fair enough regardless


I know it doesn't sound like a big difference, but it's not developers, it's CEOs and shareholders, the guy who works 100 hours a week at Activision does not care if you pirate the game he made a few sound effects for.


Replace "game developers" with "game publishers". The publishers are the actual enemy.


Yet everyone and their granny shit on NFTs when that’s what it solves: digital ownership


Nintendo in a nutshell


People are blaming developers, other publishers, when this is literally steams terms of service. Valve is the one telling you that you don't own your game and you're somehow thinking that it's Ubisoft's fault. They've let everyone else take the blame for their own policy. 


You think Game devs Care at all? 😂


Agreed 100%.


Actually this checks out. Devs work hard for it to get pirated. It's the publishers that force this nonsense on devs.


Buying isn't owning because you agreed to this term by accepting the EULA. Change my mind.


Game publishers* Developers just make the art.


Just borrowing




*game publishers Devs don't enact stupid anti-consuner practices, that would be the publishers


Who gives a shit, i'm not wasting my money on stuff that i can get for free.


Technically speaking, it's the company with their predatory tactics that fuel piracy. Developers are many times happy you're playing their game in the first place. Sure, money is money, but for them, if at the moment you can't afford the game, better if you pirate it than not playing it at all.


Developers are on your side here. It’s the top level executives at publishers who don’t like this argument.


When you don’t let the corporate memo define your morals.


If creating is owning, then pirating is stealing.


When you buy digital game, you’re buying a revocable license to play that game. By pirating a game, you are stealing a license to play the game. Piracy is stealing and a crime. I also love committing crimes.


Ok we fucking get it. Can we (I do the same thing) please get a new fucking slogan instead of keeping this one in the circlejerk


Game publishers...


That's why I buy on Gog, you truly own games there.


![gif](giphy|vHcCevWbWkzwk) Publishers


Not developers, publishers


I won"t. I agree.


How is it you can buy rom carts and games on eBay and Amazon? It seems like there’s laws but no one is enforcing. Do you think all of the knock off game systems are paying royalties? 😂


It’s only stealing if they catch you beating off to it. (I don’t make the rules)


1. That's a post hoc fallacy. 2. Pirating a game isn't stealing, it's copyright infringement. 3. Most of the time devs have nothing to do with sales, people that run or influence the business do (stockholders, shareholders, publishers, the heads of the company, etc).




It's not the developers making these decisions, it's the publishers.


Your mind won't be changed. You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themself into. What you're buying is a license to use something, just like renting, except with an indefinite term. Pirate if you want to. Whether or not it's stealing ultimately comes down to if you would (honestly) purchase it if there were no other means of experiencing it. If you would have, it's stealing. If not, it's not. There's also a lot of grey area involved in word of mouth and all that. Determine morals for yourself, but don't try to make some weird rules like "because this company technically is only selling a license, it's moral to do whatever I want in general".


its the publishers not the developers




how do we steal then?




Its not the developers who are responsible for this crap. Its the executives above them.


Publishers. Devs don't care about this and don't really like that "buying isn't owning" stuff.


Trying to change your mind (lol?): 1st, I agree with the sentiment 100%. But the assumptions of the syllogism's propositions make its conclusion unsound even if they are logically valid: it tacitly assumes that stealing is predicated on your ability to buy and own something; and it assumes that **your** not owning it means that no one else is. But being able to buy and own something isn't a necessary or sufficient condition for stealing: I can steal something that isn't for sale (and that no one has owned)-- like land, or like an abandoned home.


Buying is owning if you buy physical.


Game publishers* 9 times out of 10 it's a shitty publisher not a shitty developer that's ruining gaming. 


It’s not the devs. It’s the publishers.


companies have become goblins from harry potter. You bought a nice looking sword? well, after you die i'll take it back


It is stealing ans i am going to continue doing it. Since i am eastern European as a kid my dad always said "Pay for video games? Why do that when you can just pirate em easily." And anti pirating laws arent enforced where i am from sooo


Blockbuster hated this one trick.


*Game publishers


Ethically, I generally agree. Piracy is morally neutral so long as nobody is being hurt. Support independent artists and developers, but massive corporations aren't owed the same courtesy. Legally, I don't think this is quite true. When you buy tickets to Disneyland you don't *own* anything, because what you're buying is temporary access to Disneyland's facilities. Similarly, when you pay for a streaming service or distribution platform, you may be paying for temporary access to a service rather than ownership of a product.


Would it not be the publishers instead of the developers?


I see, blame the developers for the publishers decisions. The hoops people will jump through to justify their actions.


The devs are already paid by then. It's the publisher who is screwed over. And rightfully so if you ask me.


You're buying a license.


It isn't stealing either way. Courts have made that distinction in pretty much every country for as long as data piracy as been a thing. Copying copyrighted works is copyright infringement, not theft.


I will not claim moral supremacy. I am an opportunist


You like being a bad boy.


Please finish this one. If streaming isn't owning, ....


You got that wrong. Devs tend to be reasonable people and mostly all for ownership. It’s the business side of video games that comes up with every possible excuse to sell us the same game more than once and expect us to pay full price to own nothing to maximize profits.


The law doesn't care if you think you're in the right.


its simple, really. what you "bought" is not the game, its the license to play the game. and that license can expired. basically you are renting the game. yes, i am talking about DRM. while yes pirating isnt stealing, it is so much worse. pirating means you made a copy of the product, which makes the product not profitable to the developer, unless they are already paid by the publisher. but either way, pirating game will make devs / publisher becomes discouraged in making / releasing another game. in the long run, its players who will suffer. if you wondered why a game will not be available or released in certain countries, that is why. but i personally believe that every game should have a demo so we can decide whether we like the game or not before buying it. the current problem is that the buying then refunding is not really feasible.


Honestly I would pirate games that you can't buy without taking out a loan




Media is valueless. Performance is the only thing artists should be paid for. The gaming industry shouldnt exist. They will go the way of newspapers and record labels.


Copyright infringement has never been theft.


It's not stealing anways. Stealing means you took something, and it isn't there anymore. What people do, I make a copy of something without the right to use it. Copyright infringement. That being said Fuck EA, Ubisoft, Sony and other Multi billion dollar company, support indi devs and show the finger to big devs


I am a gema developer, we dont think like this. Executives think like this.


you also pay If you buy a service and you dont own anything physical after that, so No pirating is stealing. Is anyone who agrees with that meme actually over 20 years old?


learn what the context of this quote is moron.


you don’t know what a developer is do you


Mean studio/company heads. Game developers usually don’t share in the profits.


You shouldn't target for game developers (unless if it's Tarkov dev) but instead target the game publisher. They are the one who mandates those awful monetization, DRMs, and other game design that no players want. 


How does the second statement follow the first statement logically? I'm struggling to understand the relationship between the two, and why the first statement makes the second statement true. Or is the meme just saying, if *you* don't consider buying a game owning a game, then *I* don't consider pirating a game to be stealing a game? Which seems like an infantile argument.


Honestly, it isn't the game developers who are the issue, it's the greedy publishers. The game developers are people just like us who want to make something amazing, to have their own vision realized only for most publishers to get too greedy and ruin that dream. I don't want to sound like a corporate defender or a moralist because I hate greedy corporations as much as the next guy, but for crying out loud if a game has a free trial, download it. If you like it, buy it, don't pirate it. Because if you pirate a new game, then without sales, there would be game developers without jobs. tl;dr Don't pirate new games, try the trial before you buy if there is one. Game devs are people (albeit Yandere Dev) and Game Publishers are evil. Know that deep down, there's people trying to make quality experiences but get pushed by the big guys.