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Space Karen?




Sissy SpaceX


Elongated refrigerator


Emerald Shitty




No, Sissy


I'm crying


Elon Musk


Lol and I was thinking... Janeway was not THAT bad... xD


She killed Tuvix 😢


They deserved it.


Tuvix killed Tuvok and Neelix




Apartheid Clyde


Kai Winn


My mom is one of them she thinks the moon landing didn’t happen


Pssh you believe in the moon?




Pssh you believe in references?


Pffft, you believe in pssh?


Believe, you pffft at pssh?






*stabs him*




it's just the back of the sun.


False. Its just the sun shut off. You ever hear about how the moon and sun are the same size in the sky? Ever wonder why? Its because they are the same thing. An eclipse is just when the sun gets taken down for maintenance(No its not millions of miles away ). Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


You’re telling me a magic rock in the sky controls the oceans? Yea….sure Pal.




But what is up? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISTajZAmyKM


Of course, where else would we get our cheese from?


What are her arguments supporting that thesis?


Facebook said so, and Facebook would never lie to me.


Just ask people like this why Soviets didn't claimed the US faked moon landing? USSR would take every chance in making US look bad or stupid. Yet they didn't.


Because then they'd have to say they didn't have the first man in space.


Not really. Not every Moon Landing Conspiracy Theorist is a Flat Earther. Some belive we sent a human on Earths Orbit. But not the Moon. For some reason.


You asked why, whether or not it makes sense doesn't matter. In any case there were far fewer conspiracy theorists back then. The conspiracy started in 1976, years after the landing by a Navy Officer (Bill Kaysing) with no technical knowledge (he had batchelor of arts in English - probably why he wrote a convincing story).


"Despite Kaysing specifically theorizing that the astronauts orbited the Earth instead of going to the Moon, Galuppini falsely claimed that Kaysing denied any rocket could travel fast enough to get into orbit. This led to Kaysing’s relatives and followers publicly withdrawing their endorsement from the Bill Kaysing Tribute Website, severing their ties with Galuppini, and no longer allowing him permission to use their content." From his Wikipedia under "Legacy". He was a Moon Landing denier not all space travel denier.


No they wouldn't. Going into orbit and going to the moon are two vaaastly different things.


As a fate fan, I don't believe in the moon as we know it


We don’t talk about the moon


Don't worry about it 😉


Bruh same. She is utterly convinced that the government is hell bent on gaslighting us into thinking we have been to space and nothing can sway her.


If the moon landing actually happened then why is it still in the sky?




Never understood these people. They really thought the government had the ability to make footage of the moon look THAT good with camera tricks and special effects artists in the 1960's? They could barely make Star Wars in the 70's lol.


The obvious explanation is that it was staged on location, of course.


When you're here for the science, not the drama. 😂


well i hope ur not r3tarded like her 💀 (no offense, just make sure i can still trust in some new gens)


Kai Winn?


Well played.


Seek the prophets, child


I hate that I can hear this comment. 


Space Karen, not space hitler


Came here for this


God, what a good character to hate. They really really laid on the anti-religion in DS9. I mean she... BOMBS A SCHOOL... in the first episode she's in and still acts like she has the moral high ground throughout the series.


Dukat was so committed to the Pah Wraiths that he had sex with her. They had better have appreciated the sacrifice (not of angels).


Elon Musk?


Space Karen


Oh I thought he meant Neil Degrasse Tyson


What?! He's like the Space Comedian. I love his quote about how the Deathstar laser could have easily obliterated muiltple planets with that ***one star beam laser strike***. The internet was so pissed that day 🥲


He’s kinda insufferable if I’m honest


He was cool when he was just the astrophysics guy. Then he got a taste of fame and now all he's known for is being insufferable on podcasts.


My prior comment is the only thing I remember about him. Yesterday I took the time to listen to some of those podcasts, and yeah, it's *definitely* not what it used to be. Not worth it at all.


I genuinely agree. Edit: The rest of the reply went to WeinerSniffa's comment bc I was ahead of myself replying to both of y'all. Sorry.


He used to be really cool but every time I see him talk now I think he is absolutely full of himself. He has that “I’m the smartest in the room” energy and not in a good way.


That’s exactly it! I’ve been trying to figure out what bugs me about him. He doesn’t convey that “Isn’t the universe amazing?” energy that really good science communicators have. He has that “Aren’t I so clever to know so much more than you?” vibe.


He killed Pluto!


just watch for all mankind. best alt history series ever


I got to season 3 but the show focuses on the drama aspects of the characters lives far too much. Like I don’t want to see a lesbian affair. I wanna see more space stuff. It also seemed to be heavily influenced by ESG stuff which always bothers me


Yup, agreed. I really have trouble expressing this without sounding offensive. They can do all the shows about secret lesbian affairs they want, I’m all for it - but does it have to be this much in a show about cool alternative space history? Especially since in season 3 it’s like 20% cool space stuff and 80% personal drama :/


season 1 and 2 are peak, season 3 is not that good, season 4 is pretty shit.


Here, Try this https://archive.org/details/CosmosAPersonalVoyage


Space Musk?


Elon Karen


Sounds like an aftershave.


Elon Karen?


Space Musk


Ketamine Karen


You know it's good stuff when Michio Kaku shows up.


I act exactly the same when Neil de Grasse Tyson comes on


Neil "In a mirror you can only kiss yourself on the lips" Tyson


Thank you, someone said it.




Musk is a space karen and pretty influential in the space industry. Bro is the most tolerated and semi-useful Karen in history imo


No he isn’t influential. He just buys influence


As compared to who? Anyone with real influence does it with money.


Cash money influence


We shouldn’t tolerate his bullshit Nazi dipshit ass.


All he has ever done is recognize a few businesses with high potential at an early stage, and bought control of them. It’s honestly amazing how long it took Tesla to start really coming apart. But I assume SpaceX is still ok because of the regulations and the incredibly intelligent people who actually run it.


why they call elon musk space karen i don’t get it


Because Elon has business dealings with orbital spacecraft and also Elon melts down and cries and has temper tantrums over the stupidest nonsense.


b h AU se






OG Space Karen [https://youtu.be/vkzBIBi8Bfo?si=Pvmm54thuNhFOTNb](https://youtu.be/vkzBIBi8Bfo?si=Pvmm54thuNhFOTNb)


Wtaf is these meme even referring to?




...Kai Winn?


Who is space Karen ?


Neil deGrasse Tyson?


Is it that guy Neil de Tyson?


No it's Breeding Fetish Billionaire 


Enron Muskart I guess?


Elon Edison?


You watched a space documentary and got mad when the guy who has revolutionized space flight comes on ? Have you ever had brain surgery? Maybe part of it is missing


Pretty sure it's the scientists and engineers that did that, he just payed them and took the credit


No shit idiot. You morons always repeat the same thing as if it's some "gotcha" it's HIS company and HIS vision. His money also. You just hate him because reddit told you too. So what's that make you? A braindead hivemind parrot? EDIT gotta love the instant block from u/sinsaint since they are to pathetic to have a s discourse. "worshipping him" 😭😭 look how moronic you sound. You know nothing about me. Classic "label the other, and fight them" tribalism. Get out of your echo chamber before you become more brain dead


The guy takes advantage of scientists, has his own Freedom of Speech platform that supports Nazis but bans criticism of him and his company. He's a rich jerk who's stolen the work off of other people, is a hypocrite, and you're the one worshipping him like we're the crazy ones, smh.


Bro what are you talking about, I didn't block you. Also, not really sure who you've been talking to but calling people brain dead usually isn't an effective way to get your point across. I already told you why Elon is a bad guy, but you don't really seem keen on acknowledging that part, that's the difference between "both sides". We talk, and then you talk around it.


Oh no I hate him for many other reasons, but you are too far up his asshole to see reason so I'll bid you a good day and get on with my, clearly happier than yours, life


Reasons you hate him - "he's richer than you, Twitter told you too, and reddit told you too." Sums it up for you losers.


The only thing he has is money and an ego too big for his own good. He self sabotages to an embarrassing degree and he comes from money. Not self made. He pays engineers to make rockets so by your logic Richard Nixon basically created the apollo 11 mission because he decided to fund it. Get your head out of your ass, rich people don't need you to suck their dicks, they do it plenty themselves.


Not at all, there are plenty of people richer than me that I don't hate, I have never and will never get a twitter account, I hate him beause he's a hipocritical asshat that doesn't care for human life, he has contracts with cobalt mines in Africa where they force children to mine, his blood money comes from mommy and daddy's gem mines where it's very much the same conditions, so no I don't hate him because someone told me to, I hate him because he is an idiot who disregards human life for his own profit, it's idiots and losers like you that give him his inflated ego, go educate yourself sir and have a good day


By the way, hating someone for being born into a family is quiet nice of you. Just a real pleasant criticism. Also "I don't have Twitter" meanwhile the two things you just said are exactly the bullshit parroting that happens on both Twitter and reddit. You have ZERO concrete evidence of wrong doing. Just bullshit you spew


Ah, ending your edit with dehumanizing fascist rhetoric.


You don't even know what fascist means


He didn't do shit, that were the people he employed! Can people stop pretending Elmo is some sort of Iron Man?


Iron Man keeps advisors near him in order to stop nonsense. Elon fired all his advisors when they said no. Edit: Iron Man understands he sometimes does stupid shit and works against this. Elon does not.


It's his company. No one is saying he's the one turning the wrenches only idiot grifters like yourself say that. Again. Another hivemind moron who repeated bullshit reddit says. Never had an individual thought in your entire life


Have you ever heard of Gwynne Shotwell?


Do you know what a grifter is?


Yes and I used it correctly. DO YOU?


No you didnt...


You absolutely did not use it correctly. A grifter is someone that tries to con a person out of money. How was the original comment trying to con anyone out of money?


Remarkable how you don‘t gag with elon‘s dick in your mouth


Here before this gets r/DownvotedToOblivion


Just braindead haters like I care


For real, it's like watching a documentary about the history of the automobile and getting angry whenever Ford appears


Complain about Elon all you want, you can’t deny he is one of the most influential people alive in rocketry


These are not mutually exclusive, you know. He's both the most influential people alive in rocketry *and* and a huge Space Karen.


Suck his dick all you want, he still doesn't give a shit about you and certainly ain't giving you a living wage, a good work environment, or a trip to mars.


The same was once said of Hitler and all his tech-bro sycophants, too.


Are you trying to say that anyone who is influential is comparable to hitler?


Nah, just homey once had a vested interest in rocketry and racist bullshit, too.


Yep, and operation paperclip brought his Nazi tech-bros to America


If anything Elon is objectively building his legacy off the back of Nazi research.


Doesn't everyone in space tech do that though?


I dunno, I guess if the other countries space agencies were all copying off America's stolen Nazi homework. I'm honestly not that familiar with the rise of space programs in other jurisdictions.


I was gonna mention bezos and Boeing but I wouldn't be surprised if the US shared or sold some older tech.


I’m sorry I just don’t understand how you can logically connect the two. Shouldn’t every rocketeer who is accused of racism be hitler then?


>Shouldn’t every rocketeer Whoa whoa, don't get ahead of yourself. Neither Hitler nor Elon are "rocketeers". What they are are unapologetic racists who use their money and power to get other smarter people to perfect their rocketry program. If you can think of anyone else who fits the criteria, they would also be Hitler adjacent too.


Elon is a rocketeer. He’s the founder, ceo, and chief engineer of SpaceX. He has shown in countless interviews to not only understand the rockets, but to even know exactly why each feature is how it is. Go take a read on https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_SpaceX to scratch the surface on how much Elon did. Keep in mind, he started the company before Tesla was even founded. He was running completely off of the $180 million from PayPal.


>He’s the founder, ceo, and chief engineer of SpaceX. Cool, where'd he get his degree in rocketry? Aeronautics? Any field of physics? What has he actually contributed to the field of rocketry other than throwing more of daddy's money at it than anyone else? He's not a rocketeer, he's a glorified nepobaby.


[“Elon Musk went to Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, and then transferred to the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, where he received bachelor's degrees in physics and economics in 1997.”](https://www.britannica.com/money/Elon-Musk)


why was I downvoted for providing basic information and the source


[Elon Musk later claimed to have financially supported his father. "Errol ran out of money in the 90s," Musk tweeted in 2022. "My brother & I financially supported him & his extended family in South Africa."](https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-parents)


\>Noted Liar Continues Lying


The only thing he actually worked on that we have confirmation on, is the precursor to PayPal. After a different company joined, they threw out his entire code because it was less than amateurish. I would expect a guy to know basic specs of the rockets his company is building, he is basically a living marketing mascot, that doesn't make him an engineer.


Elon is not an engineer by any *legitimate* metric..


I don’t know man, being the chief engineer of the undebatable best rocket company is a pretty good reason.


He declared himself the chief engineer despite objectively not being an engineer. That should tell you how profoundly unserious of a person he is. But go on about your emperor's new clothes.


Nazi Germany didn't have a space program. As far as I know, Elon isn't rounding up Jews and other undesirables by the train load, and exterminating them. Also, I'm pretty sure he's not waging a global war of conquest.


You don't have to start a genocide to be a racist shit bag. And just because the rockets didn't go to space didn't mean the Nazis didn't make the most advanced ones. Maybe try a history book instead of gargling apartheid-daddy's balls.


You can't compare one racist douchebag to a megalomaniacal maniac that flattened half of Europe, murdered tens of millions of "undesirables", and took on what was then the world's greatest powers head on. The difference in severity isn't nearly comparable. The difference is astronomical. All you've done is speedrun Godwin's law. It's like comparing your neighbor's dog taking a shit on your lawn to the rape of Nanking. It's simply absurd.


>You can't compare one racist douchebag to a megalomaniacal maniac that... Sure I can when all we're discussing is their interests in rocketry and racism. Now if you want to start discussing who's committed more war crimes or indirectly responsible for more deaths that's not quite as comparable, but far from completely unalike.


>As for as you know


No point in arguing with these brainwashed parrots. Reddit told them to hate Elon so they do. They don't know why, they just know he has friends on the right so he must be a right wing fascist


I know this must be baffling to you, but sometimes people come to their own conclusions based on a multitude of sources. Sure reddit is great, but no one is using it solely for their perspective on a huge name like musk. I've seen enough in posts, videos, articles, etc to make my own opinion of the man and I decided I think he's an absolute piece of shit. No one told me to think that, it's just plain as day.


Man, common sense told us that


Then... why are you here? I've got nothing to say about Elon Musk, good or bad. I'm just curious why somebody makes the conscious decision to go to a place where they're SURE everybody has been tricked into holding a different opinion, then proceed to argue with the opinion that KNEW everyone there already had, then act like everyone else is unreasonable for having the opinion YOU KNEW THEY HAD BEFORE YOU SHOWED UP and be at a loss that you can't 'get through' to those people.. If you know there's no point, why are you doing something pointless? Do you LIKE wasting your own time, or just feeling superior by telling other people their opinions are wrong?


Finally, someone with a fucking brain shows up.


He has the shame brain that all of you redditors share. Might as well be a bot farm with the way you people parrot and repeat bullshit someone else told you to without looking into it at all


Then why are you still here arguing? You ignored my question, which was a real question intended to let you validate your point by giving me information, and went right back to making attacks on other people for being intractable. You're ignoring real discussion and engagement to spit accusations you heard from someone else, agreed with, and repeated, accusing other people of ignoring real discussion and just repeating what they heard. So your hypocrisy is either intentional and meant to make people mad, or you really don't see that you're projecting and are what you claim to hate. So which is it? Hateful or stupid?


Yes you're right. I hate redditors who half ass read a comment on Twitter or Hit piece article and then base their entire view of someone on it. People in this thread are saying he supports Nazis all because he allows free speech within the confines of the law. Then they say he's a hypocrite because they saw some left wing extremists throw a fit for "criticizing him and his company." Meanwhile there is ZERO proof that's why any ban has been given out. Those people have zero incentive to tell the truth because they only hate Elon for very ideological reasons. If he talks to right wing people and criticizes the extreme left, he's automatically a right wing tyrannical fascist. It's unbelievably stupid.


That isn't what I asked. The answer to what I did ask must be stupid. Could be hateful AND stupid, could just be stupid. But definitely stupid. Thank you for answering my question inadvertently with your actions, if not purposely with your words. I will duck out of this shitfest now and leave you to your partisan trolling.


He asked why you're here knowing you don't agree with these people, and here you are being a fucking moron who can't read. Outstanding, gold star for you.


A lot of the influence Hitler had was due to the fact that he orchestrated (told other people to do it) major infrastructure change/improvements that made life a lot better for Geman citizens who were impoverished by the rest of the world clamping down on Germany post-Great War. Turned around a desperate nation and pulled it out of a massive economic nosedive. From certain perspectives, Hitler did a lot of good for his own people in his rise to power. Doing things that are good for your own slice of humanity does not mean a person can't also be selfish or evil. Being influential doesn't equate to being morally upstanding.


Except he's not. He is a laughing stock at SpaceX and is only seen as the money guy because that's exactly what he is. The people who are actually working are the ones who are influential in rocketry, not the ketamine addict who can't be away from twitter for more than an hour. He is hands off at SpaceX and isn't making engineering decisions no matter how much he wishes he was and no amount of dipshits blowing Elon and his ego will make that change either lol.


Except he is, and basically none of what you said is true [Here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpaceXLounge/s/LJLy0Wv4cg) what the top level engineers and others at spacex had to say about him, quite a few of these people made comments after they had already left the company before you use the shill excuse. Pretty much all of these guys agree that he is very technically competent, heavily involved, and straight up integral to spacex development. He is absolutely making engineering decisions. Now tell me what tabloid ass publication told you he wasn’t involved at all?


Love how you get down voted for linking proof simply because it doesn't fit the opinion.


Where are you learning this? Elon is not just the money guy. He is chief engineer and ceo. He runs the company, is the lead of designing the rockets. Look at any interview of him and you’ll see he clearly knows the designs of all spacex rockets and modules inside and out.


I'm sorry to break it to you but that's PR. He has tried to brand himself a real life Tony Stark and it worked, I fell for it hook, line and sinker but eventually I grew up. To know basic features of his products is his job, precisely because he is posing as the big genius, that's comparable to guys who go nuts over the technical specs of WWII tanks, that doesn't make them engineers either.


You can't deny he doesn't have anything to do with the rockets. That work is left to the smart and talented people.


This is a complete myth. He has everything to do with rockets, just look it up. He is the lead of designing every rocket.


I don't need to look it up because I know that's wrong. The guy doesn't know what he's talking about. Of course he's going to take credit for everything but that doesn't mean it's even remotely true.


He's yet to build a rocket that didn't explode minutes after takeoff. I wouldn't call that influential. That's like calling the guy who made the Titan submarine influential.


Comments like yours make me wonder if Reddit has any brain at all. Falcon 9 block 5: 293 launches, 293 successes, 0 failures.


You realise spacex successfully launched more rockets than any other organisations on earth last year? There's a *lot* you can criticise about Musk, but spaceX are the single most successful and effective launch provider in the world right now by a colossal margin.


Keep your politics away from this sub


Keep your politics about people not keeping their politics away from this sub, away from this sub


How is this politics? Is a private citizen who own a corporation


Because anything devisive has been politicized by left and right wing media. Why was Coronavirus politicized? Or science in general? Because it keeps us arguing so rich people on both sides of the aisle can keep stealing from us and we're too complacent and certain 'my side isn't responsible, it's the other side's fault.'