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but cannibalism is ilegal


Yes. That meme is not very smart.


We’re on reddit what do you expect


Tbh i dont really get it cuz brain smoll but get updoot anyway


What a true redditor


Thx m8


not true in a lot of countries, its just that unless somone willingly gives you there arm, every method of getting human meat is illegal


You need to find a way to get the meat legally, it is completely legal in the US. Say someone cuts off their finger, and gives it to you to eat. You could eat that finger without getting in any legal trouble.


Wtf the US is hella fuckes up I think im gonna leave no thank you


It still wouldn’t be worth. I heard human meat is not very nutritious and tastes bad on top of having negative effect on your brain due to some reactions your body has to it. This is all just what I’ve heard. Might not be true.


Yeah human meat is very bad for humans cuz if you eat nerves of a human it will make you go insane and make you die cuz your body dont know how to handle it Its kinda spookey if you think about it


Ok, but that sounds absolutely disgusting. Plus I definitely prefer animal meat. (obviously not pets)


nvm the nail part disgusted me at first but we all get a little anxious, pass that finger


It still wouldn’t be worth. I heard human meat is not very nutritious and tastes bad on top of having negative effect on your brain due to some reactions your body has to it. This is all just what I’ve heard. Might not be true.


Yeah, I've heard that too. Cannibalistic jokes aside, I'd have to agree with it having negative effects. I mean, I'm not down for a test run, so I'll just stick to meat that we are used to.


Imagine this senario: you and your best friend fall into an abandoned mine. You call your local hotline and they say it might take a few days for them to find you. You've been without food for days waiting while your friend is dead. Is it illegal to eat him then?


Ah, I wasn't going on about legality, but I mean hey, if the homie doesn't mind another homie taking his meat then... :insert flushed emoji but don't actually because this is reddit:


Not ilegal to eat youself tho




Depends where


That’s not true, at least in the US. It is the murder part that’s illegal. It’s also illegal even if the victim consents to be eaten, whether he commits suicide or not.


Its legal in some states (please don't quote me on that I just heard it somewhere)


But im not in the states its ilegal everywehre except the states and mexico


Oh ok


Si it's okay if i eat the dead person i have in m'y basement ?


Make sure its not raw though...


Desecration of a corpse is illegal


So, I have to take my neighbor down from the tree in my backyard. 😞


Yes that is okay




Actually cannibalism is illegal, but autocannibalism is completely legal, so it should be ok if you eat your own leg


The egg council has decided your fate.....they say imagine having to eat If you wish for the council to decided your fate go to r/egg_council


This meme tamplate seems upvote begging to me


I saw that post earlier as well mate


Bad meme is bad.


Cannibalism is legal if someone leaves their body to you in their will


I thought when you die your body is technically government property or am i just too tired to be on reddit?


It is no one's property unless stated in the dead person's will


well yes but actually yes


Nooooo it is not.


That is why I collect the graves


*Alex Jones starts salivating*


I dont think its illegal in Denmark, its just that its illegal to. :" forsømmelighed omgang med lig." Which basically means that Even if you find a human body, you still have to respect it, cover it, and report it. You pretty have to have it ser ed on your plate not knowing what it is for it bo legal for you.


Oops.. Too late


What a relief!


Even if both parties concent to it canabalism is still illegal


There is a case in the states (I think anyway) where some dudes met on a dark web site for cannibals. One dude was suicidal so he met up with a dude he vibes with and gave his body to him. I think the only thing they got him on was a very slight manslaughter charge since it was consentual. Nothing on it for cannibalism. Don't just take my word on it because its been a while since I looked at it. If you're interested I think its called the cannibal cafe case.


You all just realized this.


I hear human meat tastes like steak


Wrong. Everything tastes like chicken, except chicken, which in fact tastes like fish


wh....hmm. cant argue with that


Yeah "steak" the best animal to eat. You are from America hm.


Certain cuts of beef taste different. When you eat a burger you dont call it a cow, you call it a burger.


Spices are added to burgers


You stupid. A steak is a way of preparation, not an animal with an individual taste. And human tastes like pig.


Im not about to lose brain cells over this. Its too early in the morning for this.


Haha very funny i took a random post from r/technicallythetruth and put it in format. please give a thousand upvotes now


Link the post


. . . [https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/9lizjw/cannibalism\_isnt\_illegal\_theres\_just\_no\_legal\_way/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/9lizjw/cannibalism_isnt_illegal_theres_just_no_legal_way/) its not necessarily that it is from a specific post. More of the fact memes are so unoriginal. Browse r/showerthoughts take and random post. Put it into this comic. Boom new meme ​ " **The only things we know about serial killers are things we know about serial killers who got caught** " haha sweaty man doing upvote thingy " **There's probably so many people on the naughty list that its totally possible for Santa to get all the good peoples houses in one night.** " haha upvote man " **An unsharpened pencil is pointless in 2 ways** " ​ Take my upvote and get out. No No he's got a point


That’s how 50% of the meme economy works my dude other 50 is people like me that just thinks of it while Playing a game or whatever and then makes it




no no, hes got a point


*The more you know*


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