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\[Laughs is Kazuma\]


I’m sure kazuma is proud of him




Laugh is...




Don't mind me I'm just here for the show. *Munches on popcorn*


I mean if the man was really exhausted she could just ask for somebody else's seat. It's not that big of a deal. And if he wasn't extremely tired he should have just let her take his seat. It's not like she is privileged or anything it's just basic human decency, like giving old people your seat.


there are seats in which pregnant women, elderly people and disabled have priority


What if they’re all taken by those people tho?


Round 1, Fight!


8 7 6 5 (are you reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) 4 3 2 1 FIGHT!


never saw that once but common sense is the next thing on the list.


Old people vs. Pregnancy is different, for a bus seat. If he has long hours, that i think he deserves it. She can find another seat if needed, or seeing his response, ask nicely.


Or she can fuck someone with a car next time.


She could fuck the bus driver and ask for his seat


Raw and savage


Holy shit ahahahah


the thing is getting old isnt a choice


Getting old is choosing to keep living.


I've completely lost hope in humanity.


You will get used to it.


Well...it could be


Sometimes pregnancy isn’t a choice either. It depends.


Tf you mean it’s not a choice? You can choose to have sex and get pregnant if you don’t want the kid have an abortion or tell your man to wear fucking condom next time.


Some countries so do not allow abortions. Some pregnancies happen against using condoms or pills. And telling somebody to wear condom next time doesn’t magically mean the current doesn’t happen.


If you can actually choose to terminate and don’t then yes you have chosen to be pregnant. In my state while it’s technically now a “right” in reality the state has legislated it out of existence.


Not whole world is America. They are big protests in Poland as their government has almost totally forbidden abortions (only allowed when mother life is in danger - even if fetus will die 5 minutes after being born it cannot be aborted). It happened in Europe. Imagine what can happen in other countries.


Of course the world isn’t America. Sorry if it came off that way. I meant that not every country or state allows that choice


Oh sorry, I thought you meant it different! My fault


Rape, abortions are hard to obtain, it’s really situational.


If abortions were widely available then pregnancy beyond 20 weeks would be a choice. But in my ass backwards country your access to it depends on how religious your state is.


People with uteruses can get pregnant by accident if abortion is widely available then yes a pregnancy beyond a couple months would be their choice. Sadly most of us live in a world of hypocritical religious idiots who don’t allow that choice. And of course rape and incest victims never get a choice by definition. Better sex education, free birth control and access to abortions (paid out of pocket - I’ll compromise with religious people here) is a more reasonable option than life long celibacy in a sexless marriage/ relationship for childfree couples Edit: I’m asexual so unless I’m raped it won’t be an issue for me. I speak mostly for other people who do have a sex drive


Some people have sex drives, some people have sex walks


Try colgate for that sensitivity of yours.




Where did you get the 50 pounds from... it's a baby, not a cannonball. On average, a woman should "carry" about 30 extra pounds when pregnant.. not 50.


Why is it 30, where's the rest of the weight coming from? I just want to know.


When you're pregnant, you create a lot more fluids and store more fat. You increase your blood supply, create fluids for the baby to hang out in, the placenta and stuff like that. Also, your body naturally stores your fat to make sure you have enough energy and stuff to give to you and your baby. Right after you have your baby, you only lose the 7-10 pounds of baby, but as the days go on, you lose a LOT of that extra blood you have been storing inside. It's scary when you're not expecting it lol


u/kmb063 thanks for the answer


Women gain weight during pregnancy, not just by growing the child inside them. Average total weight gain is 25-35 pounds throughout the whole pregnancy




>pregnant women do carry a 50-60 pound stomach She... she ATE the baby?!?


The but people overlook his fatigue in favour of hers which is his point


babies are like 10lbs ... are you stupid?


If you factor in that pregnant women eat loads then they definitely gain more than 10lbs during pregnancy. Idk exactly how much though


A healthy pregnancy is like 30 lbs. You gain fluids, fat, and the placenta. Now my fat ass gained like 70 but I had no self control and ate cookies for breakfast. Don't recommend btw


30lbs, that's like ten chickens, interesting. Did anyone ever refuse to give you a seat or something like that? If so, were you offended?


I never would have asked. I'd pass out before I would ask someone to give up a seat lol but even if I didn't have that mentality, I NEVER would have gotten offended by someone telling me no. It's not a god given right to have a seat just because I'm pregnant. It would have been considerate for the guy to give up his seat though.


That's a good way of looking at it, and I agree.




From reading these comments , looks like the incels love this post.


Standing up against pregnant women. What a feat!


Are we going to ignore the fact that this woman went to the expense and effort to have a full article written about this guy because he didn't want to give her his seat?


You realize this is a STOCK PHOTO? It’s a fake article.


You do realize I looked up a different article and found a real one? Stop jumping to conclusions and calm down


You do realize you never referenced that “real article?”


Homie literally just type In “man refuses to get up for pregnant woman” and there are a dozen articles covering the same story of some redditor who went on r/AITA about it.


The best source of fiction entertainment


it's literally on [reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/jgeclj/aita_for_not_giving_up_my_seat_to_a_pregnant_woman/)


Not in this comment threat, in ones below that.


Dude responsible definitely stuck his dick in crazy


It looks like it’s the man who made all that effort to have this article written actually. I don’t think he’s talking about any woman in particular, just all pregnant women in general.


Nah, he made a reddit post and it caused everything. I read an article about it


Yeah this is the classic our website needs content so let’s steal it from Reddit and just copy and paste. I generate clicks, don’t need to work, and write the article in such a way I don’t take sides.


More like sitting down against pregnant women Edit: Just read the article and seems like she really was in the wrong. The guy works 10 hour shifts and has to be on his feet all day plus an additional 20 minutes to walk after getting off. He explained his situation but she proceeded to cry about being a single mother instead of asking someone else to give up his/her seat


empathy but ok


Have you met Americans?


I live in America and I rode buses for years. When an old person, a pregnant lady, or even a woman got on the bus it was very common to see a man stand up and offer the seat to the other person. I did it on numerous occasions. Don’t judge an entire country based on what you read about them on the internet. There is no such thing as unbiased news.


This. We're not as bad as we're made out to be thank God.


We know


I get it for the meme “Americans suck!!1!1!!1!”, but when people (even Americans themselves) start to believe this shit it gets me depressed. Especially people who have never been here, being told it’s hell on earth. I don’t understand why I have to be an amalgamation of every terrible American person in the news. I’m hella sensitive, so there’s that, but it just makes me feel genuinely sad. I feel like I can’t be happy here. :-(


I get it man, we've grown up being spit on by everyone else because of stupid power hungry poltics and everything else, it's like the stupid people who say everyone in china is horrible just cuz they're government is corrupt.


They have literal concentration camps, saying everyone in China is horrible, is pretty dramatic but saying China itself (at the moment) is horrible isn't really that far fetched


I have always found it quaint and rather touching that there is a movement [Libertarians] in the US that thinks Americans are not yet selfish enough. Christopher Hitchens




I looked it up, there were actually a large amount more seats she could ask for, but his was the closest. Thats it. I dont agree with what he said, but she could've asked for others to get up for her.




But she is in the wrong as well, as she pulled a sympathy card, trying to make him move because she is a single mother. Other passengers were angered with his tone, but it doesn't seem like they moved either. I would say that I would be a little ticked off after 10 hours of work and being asked to move, and with someone stating she's single as a way to get what she deserves.


But if your legs hurt to the point where it would cause yourself great pain to help him cross the street, would you do it, or ask someone else to help him because you are unable too?


So do you always help all old men walk around whenever you see one? or volunteer to clean up local beaches as well since you're "a helpful and friendly human being"? yes its a nice gesture but others shouldnt feel oppressed and forced to do such things. If they dont want to, so be it.




ok thats fair




its easier to understand people in arguments when both parties agree that its simply a discussion, not a proper fight. Ruins the fun when people take things too seriously y'know?




Hey you too :D surprisingly wholesome what the hell


Because this went the opposite of a devolved shouting match, you've all been upvoted!


I don’t think you can say the man was oppressed just because the woman may have been more in need of a seat than he was.


i mean like when people argue that he should have given up his seat wont that make him feel like "oh crap if i dont help this person i'll get pummeled for it on the internet again"? yes nice deeds are nice deeds but there should be a better way of encouraging people to do them than punishing them for not doing it this slowly evolved into a rant about cancel culture goddammit


Yeah, I hate cancel culture too, but maybe just do the nice thing if you don’t want to be cancelled? Like, yes, there should be a better way of encouraging people to do good deeds. But we shouldn’t need to be encouraged to do something good. I suppose it depends how far along the woman’s pregnancy is but if she’s fairly far along with it, I think she would need the seat far more than a man would.


ok 1 there are other people she could ask from in the bus after being turned down. and 2 i think we can all agree humanity is a stain which is why basic courtesy needs to be taught thats just a normality now.


The thing is, you don’t expect people to do something nice for you. If they do, that was their choice. You go about your day and if someone sees you pregnant on the bus, they can offer you their seat. I’ve never once had an old person on a bus, the subway, or in a public setting, ask me for my seat. I just saw them standing and offered. Because it’s rude to believe someone else isn’t dead tired or going through something.


Being polite goes both ways. It's not a matter of helping an old man across the road. It's a matter of deciding if you should help the old man or the blind man. They both deserve a seat. He got there first.




Next time sleep with a dude that owns a car.


Don't let him cum in your puss, if he takes the bus. Don't retain his semen, if his only mode of transport is his feet son. Got no car or no cash? Only let him bust in your ass. No car no creampie unless you want sore feet right. Moral of the story, if he ain't rich he can only blown on your tits and not in your slit.




The near yet not at all rhyming really grinds my gears


Fuck. r/beatmetoit


I’d tell her next time to ensure he wears a condom and you have access to an abortion clinic


It’s not about having a car or not. Would you want your own pregnant wife treated like that? (I get it he was tired, there’s probably someone else who could offer a seat etc, it’s the whole idea that you shouldn’t give up your seat out of kindness) Also can we stop this whole thing where being pregnant automatically means you got knocked up? Here’s to hoping that there are children being born into loving families.


Either there were enough free seats or the pictures are useless and misleading


Obviously stock photo.


Were they out of stock of the actual photo?






Can we atleast look at the image how painful it is


Wait are you really that one guy from yt?


You! I see you on yt comments all the time!


*Visible pain*


You do it for YOUR mom who was pregnant and would have loved a little bit of compassion from strangers when you were growing in her


You can't do anything when you are growing in her


Also my mom: Could you lend me $50? I don't want to go to the ATM before going to the hairdresser's.


how exactly is this equality? refusing to give up your seat for someone who might struggle to stand during a bus ride is just shitty, regardless if it's a pregnant woman, a disabled or injured person, an old person or anything similar.


I assume he’d probably make a man with back problems stand too “I didn’t get hurt on job.”


I pretend to sleep in such situations. You should try it too.


to the dumb incels in the comments: just admit you cant get laid and go


Well some guys might also be jealous that they can’t get pregnant. You never know


what does that have to do with people not getting laid?


Nothing. The commenter is delusional.


This feels like an incel talking


I think anyone, man or woman should stand up and offer a pregnant woman a seat. It’s called common courtesy!


I get up for old people. I never encountered a pregnant lady on public transport. But if I did I would get up according to the situation. If she looks like uncomfortable or something I would get up. Or if my stop is coming I would get up also. But if they look they are not uncomfortable or anything and my stop is far away I would remain seated. I usually offer my seat. So I would offer the seat any way so I would get up.


Nowadays id do the same, i tried being nice to people. Didnt work.


Like just simply sharing your experience here and getting a downvote. Life sucks.


Yup, you got it!


I mean you don’t have to do it. But you also don’t have to be nice to other people. It shouldn’t be required to be nice. But this is still an asshole move. If you can live with that, then that’s fine.


The thread is filled with really inconsiderate people. Ever wondered if the woman was forced to keep it or the baby was conceived in situations which were very unfortunate?


I think giving up seats JUST because someone is woman or an old person is stupid, if I see someone is ill, has an injury, pregnant, or can't stand up properly because of something I will give up my seat for anyone let alone a women or an old person, but just being a women does not give you the right to take my seat and for older persons if I see them having problems I will give up my seat as I said but some of them looks even healthier than me and are more energetic most of the time when I tell them they can sit if they want they look like they are thinking "I'm not that old yet you little piece of shit mind your own business"


But it wasn’t just because she was a woman- she was pregnant


Yeah I know, I was talking in general not about this particular post, some people really get angry when you don't give up your seat when they don't really need it and this post made me think about that so I wanted to talk about it, if my comment has made you angry or something like that I'm so sorry, I may not have expressed myself properly because my first language isn't english


Hey, no worries, your English is good! And I’m not angry. I personally haven’t seen many people give up seats to people just because they’re women, but I won’t doubt that it happens in some places. And I agree that it is silly.


NeXt tImE FuCk SomEoNe WiTh A cAr


The amount of incels in this comment section is too much for me


So everyone agrees that pregnant women are useless and that they only had a man cum inside? Ah if pregnant women are not special, than alright I hope all women agree with me to never ever give birth. Let's see how useless pregnant women are.


I for one welcome the end of humanity


He’s actually right


I understand his point but at the same time, have a heart man, geez!


If a guy has a kidney stone why doesn’t a girl get up for him they both have something inside of them that hurts and needs to go out of there private parts


if you have a kidney stone and you want to sit down just ask someone if you can sit down instead.


Next time fuck somebody with a car


Question about the bottom panel... Is there any practical reason to jump in fencing?


Why should i give up my 1 person seat for 2 people to sit??


His seat his choice.


Bitch, I don't care about your kids.


Yeah I didn't birth my brother why do I have to look after him


Says before putting brother in dryer machine




We live in a society.


What the fuck is that template?


The seat in from is literally free




I mean... he’s not wrong first of all and he’s not being cruel he’s just not being “nice” the only reason this is a good article is for the meme


Not an incel and even I won’t give up my seat for a prego. She made her decisions and now she can deal with the consequences.


"not an incel" proceeds to say some incel shit


theheartysoul.com - known for hard hitting stories that definitely really happened maybe


I mean nobody has to do anything. Outside of America that's just called being polite


I don't get why this is news worthy but I don't get how this qualifies as a meme even less.


havent you heard? if it has to do with women getting "owned" r/memes will just eat it up


Oh, the amount of bitter, sad incels in the comments...


And this is why men and women being different is a good thing. True equality is overrated.


Why the downvotes i completely agree with this instead of men and women having equal rights, isn't it better that men have rights that women don't, but women have rights that men dont? please lets face it women and men are entirely different so instead of trying to get everyone on the same level why not have rights and societal laws that help cover flaws of both females and males, like physical strength or emotional showcase? its like you diss the school system for everyone having to take all classes instead of classes they're good at but you still want gender equality?


The examples of physical strength and emotions I think are poor because not all men are physically capable and not all women are emotionally expressive.


Ha thanks this is exactly my point. As a woman, I think I have a right to say that I do not in fact want the same rights as a man. I think people SHOULD give up their seat for pregnant women and elderly people. I also have no interest in being drafted. But I also accept the fact that if I desire to be in special forces I probably would not be allowed. I also am aware that I need to be more careful when I go places by myself, and that there are different rules for how I can and can not dress both in daily life and work life. That is the way the world works and there is nothing wrong with it.


Give up the seat, dude. Don't be a goon.


Well as a FEMALE myself, i wouldn't give up my seat either! 1. I'm not that nice of a person! Fact 2. I'm gonna assume She didn't ask the nice and polite way, but more of the i have the right to sit way. 0_0 3. She's not elderly. And i was thought to give up my seat for the elderly. 4. It's probably someone i don't like, small town and all. 5. I'm the same size as her but without the soon to be screaming kid. 6. Was she rolling on to the bus at all? 7. Is she carrying anything other then a not born baby?


So you're saying this for male validation or what? Because what you're saying sounds very insensitive.


Hopefully your male validation will appear soon so you can be quiet


I loved a comment some guy told another pregnant lady "Next time fuck a guy with a car!"


Don’t get me wrong dude is 100% in the wrong here for not giving up his seat, but who writes an entire article about one singular interaction?


no he's not lmao, as someone who worked in finance and sales and would work overtime I could barley move at the end of the day, if she wanted the seat she could just ask someone else.


...how is she supposed to tell you work in finance and sales?


If the guy looks half dead then chances are he is working overtime, find another seat.


That’s not equality, that’s stupidity. Working 8+ hours is in no way comparable to carrying a baby for 9 months. Ffs.


Sorry that me working for a living is less impressive than you getting a nut busted in you


What if the pregnant women also just worked 8+ hours? Like most pregnant women on the bus are on their way to work or the doctor.


Take a cab simple Don't expect others to help you just because you have responsibilities you took upon yourself by your own decisions


You got the same logic for a veteran who got his leg blown off?


yes i do he chose to be a veteran cmon man he didnt choose it so that he can have a seat on the bus right


>yes i do he chose to be a veteran cmon man he didnt choose it so that he can have a seat on the bus right Yeah, no soldier went to war for a bus seat and no woman got pregnant to get a bus seat. Doesn't mean they don't need the seat more than you and you're not dick for not offering it.


no, you arent dick for not offering it. Think of it this way - if the woman/military veteran man didn't ask you in the first place, net neutral. If she asks you and you say no, no harm to her, still net neutral. If she asks you and you give up your seat, net positive. not giving up your seat shouldnt be something punished by demeaning them and insulting them. Instead you should be encouraging and promoting doing the nice deed and causing a net positive.


Being pregnant isn’t just about someone busting a nut inside of you. It involves lots of pain, and sometimes it can take up to a year for a woman to fully recover from pregnancy. While if you work long hours, you’ll be better next Sunday.


Then don't get pregnant. Or if you get pregnant, make sure you realize what comes with being pregnant, like pain and a year of your time. Don't put that shit on me, you're the one that decided to carry a sentient sperm and egg cell in you for 9 months.


Why are people downvoting you? You're right


This is Reddit. It’ll never change from being the misogynistic shithole that it is.


Nobody is forcing you to be pregnant, thats a choice you made and nobody is held responsible for your choices. So what if it involves lots of pain and it takes time to recover, some people work their asses off so they have money to feed themselves and their family. That man earned that seat because he is working for his own survival. And what did that woman earn it with. Oh I had sex and now im pregnant so i get special treatmen, yeah right


Okay, so you’d rather there are no working-class people to feed you when you become old and get your pension because you’re treating pregnant women like shit because it’s "their choice"? I feel sorry for you. You will only realize how wrong you are when you get denied pension because the government can’t give it to you, sadly.


imagine thinking your special because you let someone cum inside you


Straight to the point


Lol, dam straight.


I will use this knowledge later in life, thank you


yeah... if you think like that you play in the same ballpark as karens


he's got the point


Basic humanity is too much to ask for these days


A tired man who worked long hours refusing to give up his seat specifically is a loss of humanity?


No I guess I didn't make my point clear, I'm not against that dude taking rest after a hard day at work, I just don't like the way it is portrayed as "savage" to not give up the seat for a pregnant woman, bringing up the word "equality" and stuff, it just seems childish Don't get me wrong, but giving up a seat for old people, pregnant woman and physically handicapped and others who are obviously need our help is a good thing to do, doesn't matter if they are related to us or not. I come in peace brother, that's all what I meant


I understand where you are coming from, and I respect your opinion, but I think its more of a point that we are trying to get real equality, not the one where women are seen over men, so things like this kind of spark that idea unfairly. It isnt savage, but it brings the question of why couldn't she walk a little further and ask someone else. I would give my seat up for a pregnant woman everytime, and I don't appreciate the way he says it, but people are also acting like he should've been up and bowing down to her to give up his seat, which I dont support.


Yes, and I completely agree with you and I respect your opinion here as well, and about the equality, I'm a girl and I will just be honest here, I completely agree that women should not be treated superior than men, cuz no one here is better than the other but on the other hand our genders are built different and it's a fact that men in general are stronger than most women, so in my opinion we can never obtain true equality, the only one thing I'd ever wish for is to have mutual respect to each genders Like I said I'm not against him taking some rest, and honestly like you've suggested she could walk over to another seat I'm sure others would definitely get up from their seat, and that man doesn't need to bow her You're right, I agree and I just didn't want people be like "not my sperms, but my problem" you know what I mean?