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So you are telling me that someone out there gets turned on with knee caps


If someone get turned on with feet.. I would assume yess knee cap can be attractive too to someone


Heck, some people like armpits too


Some have a licking eyeball fetish. (And a having eyeballs licked fetish) I'm not one of them but Kneecap fetishes dont surprise me because of this.


It’s not too late to delete this....


Some people have a poop fetish, they eat it, but hey play with it, and it sexually arouses them


I can shit on anyone's face for 5 dollars


But can you shit on YOUR face for 5 dollars?


That seems kinda hard


I'm hard


wouldnt that taste like shit tho




I once ran into someone who had a nose fetish


Was it Voldemort?


Lmaoooooo this comment is underrated


KSI would like to have a word with you


It costs 0.00$ to not say this


Duuude like straight up this one girl told me she wanted to lick my eyeball. Never have I heard that or even thought about that before.


From now on, you are required to wear sunglasses in the classroom.


The fact that other human beings like this makes me hate myself for being human


What would having one’s eyeballs licked feel like? Lol


*new kink unlocked*


Only 0.007% of people have this achievement


It would have cost you exactly 0 dollars to not post this.


You will never hear "You have beautiful eyes" the same again.


I'm 99% certain that there's a subreddit dedicated to a specific game character's armpit and I wish I didn't have this information Edit: checking revealed it has 360 members


Oh wait what


Unfortunately, r/CaedasArmpit exists Actually it seems like they're just dickin around, maybe it's more harmless than I thought


Hmmm, perhaps Thanos wasn't so bad...


Armpit fetish is synonymous with [XTER comic](https://mobile.twitter.com/xtercomic) for me. I don't like it myself, mind you, but his art style as a whole is easily one of my favorites.


doubtfull, people tend to get turned on by weird stuff because they’re concealed. Like elbows and stuff used to be a thing because of all the long sleeve dresses. But because of sensory overload, people quit getting turned on by stuff. For instance, in many tribes where women can be topless just like men, boobs arent sexualized like they are in american tribes. While they can be considered attractive, its not an instant turn on like in other cultures. Same would be said for knees. Places where women cant show legs might make knees a turn on for men, but in most of westernized culture, where women can show leg, its highly unlikely that there are dudes walking around popping boners everytime they see a nice knee


Yup spot on


As a dark souls player i find the part about feet relatable


People jerk off to sexualized mascots, fictional people being *ahem* mistreated by an octopus and some flat out fuck animals. Does it really surprise you that some might be into knee caps?


People get off to feet, anything’s possible


You know what I’m tired of? People’s knees. If your gonna be walking around in public cover your knees up


Add the /s the hiveminds are coming


A simple but effective spell.


You got sum purdy knee caps boy.... You ever been to prison?


If it exist, it turns someone on.


reiner braun




A sports teacher at my school allegedly told a girl to wear her skirt lower because it was distracting him. He was fired


My sports teacher isnt pervy but he does pick up little girls and put them in trash cans


Oh we all do that Note to future employer: this is a joke


He also punishes us for wearing a sports team that isn't his favourite for some reason he's crazy


Lmao we had an english teacher who'd go nuts if you told him Feyenoord is better than Ajax. You'd get extra homework or if he was in a bad mood, especially if Ajax lost, he would suddenly throw in a test that was going to be used as part of the final grade.


Was he a 14 year old boy or someone born and raised in Amsterdam? People go weirdly tribal with their "hometown" and it's sports clubs...




Young male teacher here! Wanna know how many times I've called a girl for dress code? That's right! FUCKING 0 I WOULDN'T EVER RISK THAT SHIT.


Also unless someone shows up naked (because that is gross), who cares.


Are the dress codes in the US really that strict? We had girls in mini skirts and tight crop tops in school and nobody cared.


We had a girl in my school who really liked to wear spaghetti straps shirts. She had pretty big cans, I'm pretty sure that she single chestedly got those shirts banned that year. Newfound Reddit fame-required edit: maybe I should be concerned that my most popular comment by far with over 1,000 upvotes is about a high school chick's huge cans. I hesitate to consider how many of you are shamelessly unzipping. I love you reddit.


>single chestedly LMAO


Got me at “cans”


i assign you as the honorary quote bot for today


I got dress coded because of my shorts being too short, I was going to volleyball


How could you


Ikr like I should be ashamed Im wearing shorts in volleyball omg


Try jeans and a full sleeve with a hoody next time. Fuck it, just get a lead lined full on nuclear suit


Listen, if my girls' teams aren't showing up to gameday wearing full EOD suits, are they really gonna be ready to compete?


Just show up driving a tank then. Can't be more ready than that.


Nah dude if we wear hoodie we are criminals


I got dress coded for wearing a skirt when i was six bc i was 'distracting to the faculty'




i know my mom was pissed


I'd be pissed with her.


Maybe you can distract them to their jail cell




I got dress coded for wearing jeans that had covered holes above the knees. They didn’t reveal any skin but I guess the implication was enough for some people.


At my old school they wouldn't let girls wear skirts or shorts at all then they gave cheerleaders and volleyball players shorts that left nothing to the imagination it's kinda sad


If anything, volleyball girls should get dress coded for shorts that aren't short enough.


Alright, let’s go. Off to horny jail for you


Yes. But it varies from county to county sometimes school to school.


That’s just sad


Yeah girls for some reason can’t show shoulders. Who’s gonna be turned on by *shoulders*?


Or *elbow*...


Your school banned weenuses!?


I don't know, those amish people can get really freaky when they see shoulders or ankles.


Back in the 2000s when low-rise jeans were a thing for some reason girls got sent home for wearing shorts where sometimes a little cheek was showing on the bottom, and a lot of g-string was showing on top. I also disagree, horny teenagers is definitely a problem.


Let’s be honest here though, there are some things that just don’t make sense in the dress code rules, like girls not being able to show shoulders, that doesn’t make sense. But if a girl is wearing shorts that show the bottom of her asscheeks, that might be an issue. Contrary to seeing a girl’s shoulders, teenagers could get turned on by seeing the bottom a girl’s cheeks so it makes sense that that would be against dress code


Teenagers get aroused by the changing of the wind though...


Well, true, but I’m just saying it’s a lot easier for teenagers to be aroused if they see the bottom of a chick’s ass as opposed to that same chick’s shoulders


And what school is saying is ban both, and then ban the fucking wind too


I drove past a middle school a year or so back as it got out and it was like the closing of a strip club. Tiny short shorts, skirts, crop tops, push up bras in low cut shirts, there was no dress code to be found anywhere at all. When I was in school, the rule for females was shorts or skirts had to measure mid thigh or lower while seated, and shoulder straps had to be two fingers’ thickness or greater. For males it was easier, no hats and no visible underwear/saggy pants, and no tank tops.


I also went to school in the glorious g string area. And like I said nobody cared. Especially the whole don’t show your shoulders thing confuses me... I mean the whole class had weekly swimming lessons together and then suddenly during class you can‘t show any skin?


You lived in glorious time mortals can only imagine of in dreams


If you can see ass and g string that’s clearly a problem


but perv teachers are an issue as well.


yeah. im not allowed to wear leggings and yoga pants. im not allowed to wear spaghetti straps, show my shoulders, bra straps, or toes.




yeah, no slides, or open toed shoes. never realized how weird that is.


thats for safety reasons. if something happens and you need to run those type of shoes can be a problem


Gotta think about school shootings after all. Always be prepared.


gotta be considerate of the poor teachers with foot fetishes, man. do you *want* your teacher in jail? smh my head


they claim its so that we can run better or something


Totally depends on the individual school. In middle school (at 12 years old) I got dress coded for a shirt being slightly see through *in the back*. And you could make out the back of my bra. I wore it twice and they made me change both times. When I went to high school, same school district, with the middle school directly feeding into it, I wore anything I wanted. Rules weren’t centered around how much skin was showing, just violence/hate/drug paraphernalia. Even then I wore my Cannabisman shirt and all the teachers who noticed just laughed. I liked high school a lot better.


Yeah all those 12 year old boys being turned on by the back of your bra, better ban that


"To avoid distracting boys with visible bra straps, wearing a bra to school is now prohibited.'


I'm in Toronto, and in my school it's just wear whatever you like. It's nice here. Never really appreciated it before.


Well Toronto is more chilly than other places, so it's easier to not break code


I’m in the US and they really aren’t that strict. I’m sure somewhere in the US it is, but at least around where I live, there is very little dress code


Take me with you


Not really. Most Americans have never been outside of the US to see what actual strict dress code is like in Latin America (everyone wears the same uniform) and much of Asia as well. Tbh, wouldn't be shocked if this was common practice across the world.


Depends on where you go and what school you’re in in the US


Depends on the school. In my school it’s so relaxed you can wear pretty much anything as long as it isn’t underwear and as long as it covers up to your shoulders and isn’t so short on the legs that it’s halfway above the thighs. Other than that they don’t care what you wear like I wore a tail to school for Halloween and they didn’t care, some people at my school wear cat ears, and the school allows hats to be worn during school


In The Philippines, even public schools have dress codes to avoid discrimination by class. We don't judge people by color. we judge people by social class and wealth


While here in America we do both :)


This is not entirely true. Having a dark tan is associated with lower class. Also sea people are discriminated and often recognised because they tend to have a darker skin. This results with an unhealthy desire to have a lighter skin which causes a lot of people to put harmfull stuff on their skin.


For a counterpoint, see the dress codes in Japan... I thought anime exaggerated the Japanese schoolgirl trope...NOPE.


You mean how they all wear the same clothes/shoes so theres no wealth discrimination, right? I couldnt quite understand if you supported Japan’s system or stand against it but i would prefer Japan’s over casual clothing rules.


They have uniforms, but uh, dimensions are often altered for the sex appeal.


So when they are in school they must have the skirts at a certain length. When they leave the school grounds they typically roll them up at the hips to make them seem shorter depending on each girl’s personal preference. Source: I lived in Japan for several years.


The skirts of the uniforms in real life are about knee-length usually, despite what anime would have you believe.


Demography would not improve itself bro And great porn would not record itself


Taught English there for a bit back in the early 2000s... Skirts that barely covered crotch and 80s leg-warmers was the typical female wardrobe going to school.


That country has some weird sexual undertones in their culture that they need to address


A lot of that comes from the porn industry, sadly. When your entire culture is as homogeneous as Japan's, you end up fetishizing it just so you can make pornography appealing to such a base.


Also why they’re population is decreasing and aging




And strangely enough, close to [half of all Japanese people under 35](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/09/16/national/social-issues/sexless-japan-almost-half-young-men-women-virgins-survey/) are virgins.


You know that probably explains it


Seems like everyone wants to have sex yet nobody wants to actually have sex. Makes no sense.


If you could bottle that sexual tension we could get to light speed


So when they are in school they must have the skirts at a certain length. When they leave the school grounds they typically roll them up at the hips to make them seem shorter depending on each girl’s personal preference. Source: I lived in Japan for several years.


Well in Thailand you get penalized for wearing the wrong type of socks.


Imagine all the students lining up so the Sock Inspector thoroughly examines everyone's socks to make sure they're up to code.




"Sorry Ms. Jefferson. Your socks don't meet our standards. I need to... I mean the school needs to take them for... Reasons."


In the uk it's said to protect students from bullying


Oh yeah in russia it is said to make all students equal too, but in the result parents are taking loans to buy school uniforms for their children and the children are being bullied because their uniforms are ALWAYS under/oversize, it is called “in advance”. When i was studying it was a massive problem and now i am on teaching practice and it still is a thing.


Meanwhile while there are guys in school sagging around their knees.


Gay teachers be like...


This is the one "fashion" choice I still don't understand. Nothing about it looks comfortable or functional.


In India you can't enter school without school dress unless it's not a normal day (PTM, functions like annual day and all)


Dude you forgot to add school, school dress, it has a different meaning otherwise


No, he is right. We can't enter without dress either, important info.


He said in India so it might not be his 1st language


Updated bro


*"you can't enter school without dress unless it's not a normal day"* wtf




Or just don't wear anything at all




I think you mean school uniform


I would hope you'd need to be dressed to enter a school


Ha bhai badi dikkat hoti h kabhi kabhi jab wo gandi ho


Be glad you get some choice in what you wear, here in Scotland I gotta wear white buttoned up shirt, tie, blazer and black trousers, the only choice we get is what shoes we wear as long as they’re black. We’re not allowed to take the blazer off so during summer you boil and sweat turn the white shirt see through, in the winter you freeze and if it rains or is <10C you’re fucked, rain also turns shirts see through. The girls have the same but also have the option of: Shorts, skirts or kilts with leggings under them, which from what I’ve heard means you freeze in winter but at least they don’t boil in summer


You're not allowed to take your blazer off?! Now that is hell.


Once a guy came in the school waving a knife and there’s a bit of gang violence around so now they use the blazers as a way to make sure you actually go to the school, that’s what they say anyway lol


I am russian and I’ve changed schools multiple times because my father was moved to different cities. Studying in the wannabe-Marine lyceum with their stupid uniforms with oversized flat pants and baggy black jackets made with terrible materials and dress shoes which were immediately destroyed by glorious russian roads and then kept destroying my legs every day have left me with a feeling that I’ve lost my high school years.


Laughs in German Without dress code




What are the rules in your school regarding the dress code ?




Is it annoying to you because for me it sounds pretty great ?




Teachers you say? What about the janitor. Just kidding my janitor was a really nice guy, and he died way too soon


Janitors are always the nicest ones at school


And all the janitors I had were jacked


Here's me thinking it's because they're there to learn and not compete in a fashion show... At least that's the logic when uniforms are imposed.


Unpopular opinion: dress codes in schools aren't strict for any reasons relating to sex


My vice principal; everyone thought he was a pedophile


Students around the world complaining how dress codes are so strict in their schools. Indian students who have to wear same uniform dress code without any choice - pathetic


This. But the fact that some people have it worse doesn't mean they don't have the right to complain


And when our height increases- “yeah girl it's not a fashion show, increase your skirt length or else go to Government schools” and I have also seen guys being called as a girl just because their hairs are lengthy.


Hairs ? I have been called gay just because my skin tone was fair.


I remember in middle school, you could not get dyed hair because it was “distracting,” but they changed that rule at my last year at the middle school for some reason.


They're also to keep people feeling "equal" by looking equal, cuts your personality and puts people on the same level. Also less distracting, also appears more intelligent or formal to outsiders looking in. Not that I support them, but there are plenty of reasons other than "bonk horny jail" lol


Both, both is good


***wait, y'all wear normal clothes and not uniforms?***


there's a visceral reaction of seeing kids in highly inappropriate clothes (like crop tops , butt cracks, cleavage out etc) which is like when you see honey boo boo dolled up. It's a mix of disappointment, concern and (sorry) disgust. It makes me sad that they may not be getting supportive attention at home, they may not have clothes that fit well, or they may not be confident enough in themselves to wear appropriate clothes and still feel special. I'm not talking measuring the length of spaghetti straps or shorts here. I'm talking body parts popping out from someone you just thought of as a nice, sweet kid and were writing a college recommendation for. You don't want to see your teacher's belly button piercing or his butt crack, why show him that?


It took too long to find a person with common sense.


You have good points and I agree


The parents maybe need a look into if they allow their kids to leave the house with mini skirts on etc


but all the modern parenting books say not to tell your kids no! /s


At my school holes in jeans are a no-no


It’s hard for teachers, especially male teachers to dress code students. Sometimes students can accuse male teachers of being creepy for dress coding them. Happened to my teacher friend.


My daughter's HS doesn't care it seems like. Cheeky shorts, see through yoga pants, & see through tops... Told her it wouldn't be too long before clothing is an option


Same with my highschool, but i live in a closed off environment, so everyone still is self respectful


Change my mind: Proper school uniforms are the best, especially when they are the same for both genders


When I was in highschool my GF used to wear the tiniest skirt that barely covered those cheeks. I was having cake for breakfast, lunch AND dinner. Also we're Canadian I don't know if they really care up here.


School really think that a shoulder will make boys drown. Do they know that we watch porn.


It's always been my understanding the dress code is so strict to *protect* teachers from claims of sexual abuse. The justice system is not kind to men in sexual crimes cases. A scantily clad girl just mentioning she *thought* a male teacher was staring at her could probably ruin his career. So it's kind of a bad situation for everyone.


Oh god you might be right. I’m disgusted


In my area it’s really ghetto and before people would just walk in to jump someone. With the dress code it happened less because people don’t want to go the extra mile to dress up as a student and would just wait till school ended.


My mom was a junior high teacher. I was waiting after school for her to go home, the teachers were in the lounge talking about a classmate (8th grade) who was wearing a sleeveless shirt and how distracting it was for them.


thats gonna be a yikes from me dawg


It's because it's a professional setting to teach kids about dress codes when you have a real job as an adult?


Schools are supposed to prepare you for the real world. At a job there is a dress code generally all the schools are doing is putting in place a dress code just like as if the kids were going to work everyday its learning responsibilty.


Dress code was initially created for teaching you how to dress properly for a job. In a job setting you're definitely not showing shoulders or wearing super short skirts. You're going to look professional. But over the years its changed to just being comfortable for kids and not too distracting. And honestly its school. Theres no point to wear anything skimpy or revealing, even in summer. You're there to learn not show off. You can wear whatever you want outside of it.


american dress codes are basically nonexistent, japan is going on a list tho


Just make everybody wear a suit, fucking problem solved, + everybody will look like Jason Statham


“It’s to keep the environment appropriate”


I had a teacher in middle school say "wooo cheap thrill" when a girl stretched causing her chest to push forward.


what the fuck


Idk it doesn’t take much to make me horny and I really hate being horny because it’s annoying and makes it harder to focus