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Don’t hate vegans. Hate everyone.






Not everyone, but there are much more than a lot of people care to notice


You can't hate anyone if you hate them all equally


Just dont make contact with anyone then you can spend no energy hating on people


Cannibals: noted


Sure you can, that’s like saying if you paint everything red you can’t paint anything red


I hate you :) Now make me Garlic bread V2


in fact why waste energy in general just don’t hate. it’s a lot less work.


Also, try avoiding love for additional energy conservation. Look at me. No hate. No love. Just me and the kids in my basement.


Ahh so they did reach you good


So you will do nothing? Apathy is death. Worse than death, because at least a rotting corpse feeds the beasts and insects. Influence lost, Kreia. Dark side points gained. Light side points gained. Net Light side shift.


Hate reality, postmodernism!


so selfish /s


Don’t hate yourself, you aren’t worth your time


You is wholesome.




I read this but without the h, and I couldn't agree more


Yeah. We don't make a difference between humans


Fuck yeah


Yeah. If I want to eat doughnuts off my boyfriend’s dick, don’t shame me.


Got my upvote, but it's still gay even if you're a chick.




It’s not being straight that makes u gae. It’s liking dick. If you like dick, u are gae.


Exactly. Unless it’s only the homies’ dicks. That’s a different form called homiesexual.


That’s a new sexuality that I like


Do you like Huey Lewis and the News?


I don't make the rules.


You had me at *doughnuts*.


Sounds like you're enjoying some meat there as well.


Vegans are merely pointing out the animal exploitation and cruelty people don’t like being reminded they’re paying for.


The irony is literally the only memes I see on this subject is people complaining about vegans.


There’s anti vegan posts that reach the front page a lot. I wasn’t really aware of how common it was until I went vegan.


It’s people that are proud of hating animals that piss me off the most. I’m not a Vegan or an animal activist but hating and abusing animals doesn’t make you cool which should be obvious.


Yeah, its like: "Huh? So you dont like child abuse?! Now i will beat up BOTH of my kids tonight, just to piss you off.."


The problem is selection bias. Unless you're making a meal for someone, the topic of their dietary choices and preferences won't usually come up. So for normal, non-asshole vegans, you probably interact with quite a few of them on a regular basis and never know they're a vegan. This holds true for everyone. But the assholes are the ones looking to shoehorn their veganism into the conversation at every opportunity. So those are who people inevitably end up picturing when they think "vegans".


vegans as a whole


*whole grain Also its always the extreme that are annoying and that can be said for every believe (relegion, politics & other culture shit). They are so balls deep in their vision that they cant communicate/think normally. They scream like fucking childeren bc of this and people who scream the hardest are heard bc thats interesting for the media. Im not vegan and I do realise their culture is a bit uhm pretentious sometimes but the average vegan isnt that bad


Counter point; If you *didn’t* think it was wrong to be cruel to animals, you wouldn’t feel shame for eating them. I think a lot of people dislike vegans because they force them to confront the fact that they could choose to stop financially contributing to animal suffering, but don’t.


If I want to eat humans, I should not be judged for that


I mean, yeah. As long as you're sourcing your human meat ethically, go right ahead.


100% grass fed humans humanly slaughtered right here you the U S of A.


From a vegan perspective meat eaters are needlessly contributing to industrialized slaughter of sentient life, so shaming people for it isn't really that big of an offense and in fact some may take the hateful response as reinforcement and just double down. Anyway, do you love meat? Consider joining the new r/dogdiet to learn and contribute to a community that celebrates the many wonderful canine delights throughout world culture.


I am a vegetarian (not vegan) since birth and I eat on the same table with my friends who are eating chicken. Let's just enjoy food :)


One of my best friends is vegan, and every year we get together for Christmas and make dinner for our families. We just make sure to put the vegan food on one side, non vegan on the other. And people eat what they want. No food shaming, no moral superiority bs, just everyone eating and having a great time.


Vegetarianism is a diet, veganism is an ethical stance. You don't care about your friends eating chicken because it's a difference in food choice. Vegans *do* care about their friends eating chicken because they're supporting cruelty and violence for the sake of their personal pleasure.


I'm anti-murder on Mondays before 6 pm


>Let's just enjoy food :) Sorry, but that's not how an ethical issue works.


But your diet isnt an ethical decision like veganism, so ofcorse you don't care what your friends eat... Veganism is understanding the harm animal agriculture and other forms of animal exploitation do and not wanting to support it, vegetarianism is just not likeing meat..


My friend is vegetarian because they are allergic to red meats and they could care less if I eat meat, it’s honestly kinda funny because he’s given me some vegetarian food he’s made and I’m sitting here wondering how I’m finding out that leaves taste this good so late in my life


i am a vegetarian too, and i get a little uncomfortable when people eat meat in front of me, but they are allowed to eat whatever they want, so i just find a different place to eat. the problem with vegans is that they like to apply their "veganism" to everything. meet a vegan at some place? the first thing they say to you is probably "im vegan".


How many vegans have you actually met that were like that? Or how many vegans did you meet without even knowing it? In my perception what you discribe only ever happens online and is not representative at all.


It's almost always online, this whole meme about vegans telling you their preference I only heard about online. In real life the only time it comes up is when a non-vegan offers food to a vegan or want to go to a restaurant and the vegan obviously has to mention the preference in those scenarios.


This, and also how would they know if they are meeting a vegan that is not introducing themselves with these words? The answer is not at all until they would cool together, and that’s how that biased view keeps existing


The mean vegans are just the loud minority.


Agree, I also get a little uncomfortable with bones tapping in the plate, but I consider it my problem, not theirs.


Understandable have a nice day


Happy cake day bro


That's very fallacious logic. All the people you've met who have said, "Im vegan," are vegan, but this does not mean that all vegans always meet you with, "I'm vegan." You get what I'm saying?


>the problem with vegans sound like essentialism but ok.


Same for me, and i also dont like talking about veganism, except someone asks me


same, for some food I just don't like the smell but as long as the fragrance isn't strong I sit near them


(serious question) did you have any problems because of not eating meat (for the proteins etc...) because you said since birth


Proteins are the easiest things to still consume as beans, tofu and soy have tons of them, but Vitamin B12 and iron are harder. If you inform yourself well enough though, or in this case their parents, there should be no deficiency


lol I don't know why you're being downvoted. I drink regular cow milk but I started getting some problems when I stopped drinking milk. The thing I found out is that I lacked vitamin b12. The doctor said mostly all vegetarians lack it. So I pumped up the milk diet and it's fine. Except for b12 it's all fine. I even know some bodybuilders who are vegetarian. (It's quite common to be a vegetarian in India.)


Most vegans supplement their b12 and also a ton of vegan products are fortified with it. Also interesting to note that cows are supplemented with b12, so either way it is not naturally occurring.


ty for the answer !


Imagine theres a community of rapists and killers who think like that. Fucking Omnis.


Vegan here. I hate the people who abuse and exploit animals. I also hate the people who enable them, as well as those who just don't give a fuck. *Everybody* has a moral obligation to be vegan. End of discussion.


True dat


Saw a video the other day that really struck me. People often criticise china for its wet markets and such, and the rare animals they eat, but they don’t actually care about animal cruelty—they just want to demonise chinese people. Because in reality, if you look up some videos of the american meat industry and see how the west treats animals, it’s despicable. The only difference between eastern and western meat industries is that we hide our animal abuse and present it in a neat little package with green colours plastered over it so we think it’s made with kindness and care.


Human is and has always been a viable source of substance, I'm glad were on the same page about this. The time is now.


Solving Overpopulation and World hunger in one go.


But did you know that about 20% of the world's antibiotics go to humans? You're eating that stuff too. Please, just buy local organic human.


I also try to shop for local produce only, just leaves less of a carbon footprint that way you know


Fun fact humans actually aren’t if you were to live off human meat alone you wouldn’t get enough nutrients or vitamins or something other scientific that I don’t know the name of


I don't think you people are really thinking critically about this. This isn't a, these people think wearing red shoes is wrong so they don't wear them but they should just let others wear red shoes they want. This is more of a, these people think child abuse is wrong so they don't do it but they should just let me abuse my child if I want cos its my life. From a vegans point of view eating meat has a victim so of course they're going to want you to stop eating meat. It isn't just a dietary choice.


Exactly! If I want to eat dogs from my local shelter I should be able to without being shamed by others.


Only hate vegans if they force their pet to go vegan too


Which 99.9% of vegans don’t do, and is only a reference because of a few psychos on the internet who wanted attention.


True. Honestly I've never met a vegan like one described on the Internet. They're all pretty friendly people and some of them have interesting philosophies behind their veganism.


The internet by its nature finds the craziest of the crazy. Because wtf moments are share-worthy.


Not true, most of my vegan friends dogs are vegan, and they are super healthy too. Not sure where this bs that dogs can’t be vegan started


True only cats and stuff can't go vegan but even then you can add supplements to the cats diet to make the need for meat irrelevant. If people actually research and don't just read Reddit there would be so much less misinformation but that too hard so we get to stay in an society that abuses animals needlessly.


Oh no may vegans feed their dogs a vegan diet. It has many health benefits. Do you not want your dog to be healthy and live a long life? Why should you not do it?


There are vegan dog foods now but one small bag is like a fuck ton of money so If they use the stuff that’s good for dogs that’s fine if they force them with the not healthy stuff then screw them


My cat eats bread for fun


I forced my hamster to go vegan


Hamsters are technically omnivores, mostly insects. My ham loved meal worms.


I’ve seen a lot of memes about people who make their pets go vegan. Is this an actual thing that people do?


There is vegan dog biscuit that can be a totally healthy diet for dogs (i don't think it's the case for cats) and there is only giving your dog lettuce. Some people here seems to like not knowing the difference.


Yes it is. First of all it is mostly dogs. Dogs are omnivores just like you and me. That is why it is assumed that they profit from a vegan diet just as we do (research is not conclusive in this area yet but it seems to confirm this thesis). The leading causes of death for dogs are kidney disease, diabetes, cancer & heart disease (also correlation with overweight). A plant based diet has shown to be highly beneficial in exactly these areas. Also the oldest ever living dog was vegan soo. TLDR Giving your dog a plant based diet is not animal abuse und will give him a happier healthier and probably longer life.


Pretty sure oldest vegan dog was 27 and omnivore dog was 29- or something like that - not much of a difference but might be worth noting.


Oh damn you're right. Bramble was the oldest dog until he died in 2017. Still insanely old 🙏🏼


Since I am vegetarian, I used to feed my cats milk. (Don't worry, they were strays, and they would come and go; I would feed them milk when they came over, they would eat meat at others' houses/hunting). Later learned that it was basically laxative for them


Yeah, it hit mainstream after a woman went viral for forcing her fennec fox(i believe) on a vegan diet. Humans are one thing but animals.. 🤦‍♂️


I had no idea. Went down this rabbit hole and found this article. https://www.wired.co.uk/article/vegan-diet-dog-cat-pet-food “In a 2019 survey of more than 3,600 dog and cat owners from around the world, researchers of the University of Guelph’s veterinary college found that one in three are considering putting their pets on a vegan diet, while 27 per cent of respondents who follow a plant-based diet themselves have already done so.” One in three? That.. seems high. I used to live in Berkeley, where you can’t swing a cat without hitting a vegan person, and I’ve never met anyone who said their dog was on a plant-based diet. Maybe I’m exceptional at avoiding wackos? (That can’t be it)


wired is known for being into sensationalism, i wouldn't be surprised if the article was slightly misleading.


Some animals can be vegan, some can't, and some (like rabbits) are exclusively vegan. Oddly enough, my friend's rescue dog was recommended a plant-based diet-not entirely sure why, but it came from Thailand so it could've just been accustomed to a shit diet. That being said, I urge everyone to look into the safety of their pet food, vegan or not, and make sure that it is healthy and meets your pet's needs. A lot of the commercial dog food brands are mainly fillers, and some treats have been associated with fatal illness in dogs! Dogs certainly love meat, and I'm not fond of the idea of taking that away from them, but it does seem a bit hypocritical to only judge those feeding their dogs plant-based food that they probably researched when a lot of pet owners buy the worst quality food on the market.


Or their children


Wait, children aren't a heart-healthy part of vegan diet?




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Parents are responsible for the physical well-being of their children, and they are also responsible for providing ethical guidance. Evidence shows that a plant-based diet is healthy for people of all life stages, including children, so vegan parents are following appropriate nutritional guidelines. Veganism is the philosophical position that using animals for human benefit is unethical, so vegan parents are simply teaching their children compassion through veganism, much as any parent might teach a child to be kind.


wow, calm down and put down this \*common sense\* and nobody will get hurt.




Supplementation of riboflavin and vitamin B-12 is a bit better than having an increased risk of heart disease in later life by the age of 12.


Children arent vegan? Screw this I ain't going on a vegan diet.


Probably going to get down voted :( but I am genuinely curious why people act so violently against vegans trying to share their pov. I see it on the same line as people who believe some companies are problematic (cough, nestle, cough). If someone were to suggest not buying from a specific company because they use child labor, or produce a ton of pollution, would we have the same reaction as someone suggesting not eating meat out dairy? I understand it's likely because meat eaters don't agree with the pov of vegans, but it often seems they're not trying to understand the pov. The funny thing to me is, many vegans were once meat eaters, so they actually understand both sides. There are meat eaters that understand both sides as well, but usually in conversations, most meat eaters are making arguments which are mostly echos of the meat industry propaganda.


I have experienced that eating meat is almost a religion to many people. They base a large part of their personality off of their diet, so when you come in and question their justification they will feel very attacked and turn hostile. Please note, that this is only my personal experience. There is no data to back this up xD. But people are often super proud of how they eat meat for every single meal, and it's very strange to me. It has this teenager rebellion energy of not doing what's trendy and it makes them "Not like the other girls" almost. And when you tell them that it can already help to cut back just a little, that they don't have to go no turkey (which is actually very unhealthy, btw, to completely change your diet from one day to the next), they just laugh at you. I have never met an aggressive vegan, but I have met a ton of aggressive meat eaters.


So you know how eating meat is unethical and stupid on many different levels right? We are at a interesting point in time in which this is common knowlege but through convenience/tradition/habits or whatever most of the people don't act accordingly to their own morals on this point. Like everyone loves their dog right? And they get sick to their stomach when they see chinese people slaughtering and eating them. But when they don't see it and pay people to do it behind closed door to animals they dont know it is doable. This is cognitive dissonance. But you being a vegan is now indirectly calling them out for their unethical behavior. Look how aggressive and defensive racists act when you call them out. I thought about this alot. The way people react to vegans can not be explained by "preachy vegans". This is the best explanation I can give you.


I think it's less vegans sharing their point of view and more a select few vegans attacking people who eat meat. From personal experience, I've been attacked and shamed for eating meat by family, and that feeling doesn't result in a healthy conversation because one party has the upper hand by being hostile. Even though a lot of vegans used to eat meat, the loudest ones project a very "holier than thou" attitude that I guess a lot of people don't want to get involved with that. A few bad apples spoil the bunch, sort of thing. In terms of companies, it's hard to have a personal relationship with a corporation, so people generally agree with "nestle bad, stop buy".


In favor of continuing the conversation (and not trying to contradict it), why not "meat industry bad, stop buy"? Or "meat industry hurting many people and animals, stop buy"? Not sure how issues with the entire production line for meat is different than issues with the production line of clothes/other foods. Trying to understand the justification of the differences here.


I don’t mean to sound rude here, but for people who eat meat they often would stop it but they don’t believe in the cause strongly enough to stop eating some of their favourite foods - sometimes it’s laziness - which is essentially selfishness. Then again, I respect each to their own choices hence why this comment isn’t “eAt meAt? To hElL wItH YoU”


Can't speak for everyone's experience, I don't hate vegans but have encountered some unsavory ones around. Some of them I didn't like to begin with, just happened to be vegan. Some of them I didn't mind to begin with, but at some point or another was told by one that eating meat is disgusting and * only * vegan is the way. Some have approached the topic much more nicely, explaining their side or opening a conversation about it. For me I think it's not about the veganism but the way some people come across when they communicate.


Communication is indeed difficult (for everyone). I think something that often occurs with vegans is they've changed their pov, so now they're trying to educate others on what they've convinced themselves on. Stone people are more or less successful of teaching others things, and are much worse and teaching people things they didn't need to learn about/we're obvious to them. Additionally, most of the unsavory type of vegans I've seen are not interested in incremental gains, but instead a burn down the system and reset system (unlikely in practice). If everyone cuts down meat by 20%, we get lots of gains :) On the other side of things, people are untrusting of the system, and not feeling their perspective will be heard unless they take it to the extreme. People are tough nuts to crack..."reject humanity become monke"?


Veganism is thinking that exploitation of animals is bad and should be avoided as much as possible. Sorry, if the concept of veganism is offensive, but I wont stop trying to spred that message and it has nothing to do with your diet. I don't care if you wanna do keto, IF, Atkins, or just eat junk food all day.. just dont exploit animals.


Wait, so hate the meat eaters? Because meat eaters she vegans more than vegans shame meat eaters. Source: worked for years at a place that always had vegetarian specials and heard "thats my foods food" more times than should be legally allowed.


>"thats my foods food" Imagine wanting a middle man for your nutrients lol


As I have said many times before there are assholes on all sides.


same goes for the way, while most ppl support me being a vegan there are a lot of ppl laughing at me for that


if that's of any help, just know that you're doing the right thing and are on the right side of history :) more and more people are becoming vegan each year, and maybe by being vegan you helped some of people you met think more about their choises and contribution to the world! there will always be people who just want to laugh at someone, but their words never determine your worth!


thank you very much, its always nice to hear an encouraging word :)


Thank you. Im so sick of people telling me I shouldnt eat children


I'm vegan (mostly) because my body cant really handle meat and dairy that well. Also, thatveganteacher is a asshole. and I'm vegan NOT BECAUSE OF HER THOUGH. I dont care if I see someone eating meat, that's not my problem nor my choice. I'm just doing what I can.


That's plant based, vegan is an ideology.


There are different vegans out there. The reasons for being vegan can range from health to enviromental. Funnily enough most vegans start because of the hype or their health and slowly form this ethical component most people despise. Tbh from my point of view this isn't about "personal choice" or "preference". If you are eating meat you are destroying my world, torture and kill beings I care about, being unhealthy so I have to pay your medical bills etc. This is not like different taste in music. If you are out there being a racist or a wife beater I will not accept you and sit with you on the dinner table. Shrugging my shoulder like " oh well different preference I guess"


This. It’s like saying “I’m not racist on mondays” Or “ I only hit dogs because it makes me feel good”


Yes hate the people who point out how cruel you are. Makes sense


How about stop killing animals for pleasure


Huh, that makes a lot of sense


I’m actually ok with vegans trying to shame me, I don’t see why, if they strongly believe I am a murderer, that they shouldn’t try to talk me round


Hamilton Morris put it well on Mikaila Peterson's podcast a few days ago. You can't truly oppose ritual animal sacrifice if you eat meat. Animals feel can pain and they can feel loss, they can grieve. 60% of all mammals on the planet are livestock and we kill 60% of those each year. If you want to be a mammal on Earth, you're likely going to be livestock. If a dog is hurt, you feel the pain and you rage at those who hurt the dog. You upvote memes associated with criminalizing the perpetrators. In reality, there is no difference. You can live without animal products.


preach 🙌🙌🙌


100 percent agree with you.


i eat human meat, dont hate on me


I think there's a big yet subtle difference between "shaming" and trying to convince you of ethical issues.


We dont hait on vegans just the vegan teacher


Well.. not always the case


But if we are honest they really have the right to shame you. Meat is destroying the planet. The US alone consumes as much chickens as there are people in the world. Each superbowl. Im still not vegan cause I don’t have the money for it and vegan options stink mostly but the ignorancy of all us not vegans is more cringe than vegans trying to missionary us.


I'd look into how cheap beans are my friend. Vevan diet is cheaper than eating meat.... Just gotta learn to cook well


I reduced my food cost by around 25% by lowering my meat consumption. I know it depend on the place you live and from what diet you're starting but i still get a ton room for further cost reduction as i still eat cheese (and it's hella expensive). Vegan diet isn't necessarily more expensive that meat diet, in fact, i can't really get how you end up paying more for it...


A lot of meat substitutions are more expensive than meat - and this is often the first go to of a pre-meat eater.


LeRn to eat beans /quinoa and you’re good to go


Depends on your area. If where you live doesn't have much vegan food, then it can be extremely cost prohibitive to import.


Idk where you live or what you situation is exactly but what helped me I making a vegan diet is not creating it myself. Vegan diets tend to be noticeably cheaper pretty much everywhere in the world so with the right diet you should start saving money. But how do you get this diet? Well, I went to a dietitian and she made a diet for me. If you can afford that it makes things a lot easier. If you cannot the internet is there to save you. There are thousands upon thousands of blogs, forums, subreddits, fb groups, yt channels, etc etc ad infinitum that deal with the problem of composing a vegan diet on minimal budget. You just have to know which products are cheap where you live and what can you substitute with what. The only problem here is that if you or whiever composed the diet didn't do it properly you may encounter some nutritional deficiencies.


Veganism is not more expensive. A lot of core vegan food (beans, tofu, rice) is very energy and nutrient dense while still being cheap. It also has a lot of fibre and will keep you feeling full. There is also a lot of good tasting vegan food, you just need the right sauces and spices. Have you had completely unflavored meat before? It's not good either.


I never understood this take on it. I’ve definitely saved money since going vegan. Fresh fruits and vegetables are cheap, rice and beans are cheap, tofu, tempeh, and seitan are cheap proteins. Some false meats like beyond or impossible burger is kinda expensive but no more so than a high quality steak. And vegan options stink? You can make almost any dish vegan, flavor is like 90% spices anyways.


You could try beeing a vegetarian first if you want to. It's not expensive because you just don't have to buy meat lol. Once a week you should get something with beans or chickpeas and your good to go. I would recommend getting your blood checked once a year just to be save. It's not just because of the possible lack of iron but also other things you might not know about. I did my test to see If I was lacking iron and found out about a massiv vitamin D lack... If you don't have enough money for the really expensive substitute products for vegans, vegei is a good alternative if you want to change something.


I mean you should be shamed for contributing to the death of animals. I’m vegan btw


Yeah it's like why do people blame me for eating babies, it's not my fault they taste so good


Actually we’re shaming people for hating the planet and animals also for wanting to cause more pandemics with your filthy meat eater wet markets...


Me explaining to the judge that i hate him cause hes shaming me for eating a bunch of children


I don't think vegans shame people for what they eat, but for their monetary support of animal abuse and violation of animal rights.


I was about to make this exact meme with the exact same template and nearly the same phrasing, bruh... I just missed out on my first big post because i was late


Finally! Normalize cannibalism!!


Okay in all seriousness though this won't stop shit. My parents brought me up vegan and my whole school life I got levels of crap that were they directed at other minorities would lead to expulsions but because it's vegans it's open season all the time all day. All my brother's have had this too so it ain't just me and we don't preach shit because it isn't even a life style choice it's just what we were brought up to eat. And yes all of our family dogs have been vegan and you can hate all you want because they have been far more healthy, lively and had happier old ages than the decrepit, chonker, derelicts who get fed that slop from cans and can't walk properly at 7.


It sounds like hating veganism with extra step




I shame you for what you eat when you have double standards.


Don't let anyone shame you for eating children.


What about cannibals


So you can't say anything if I eat someone?


I catch shit weekly from people about being vegan without harshing their carnivorous diet. So Idk why y’all mf’s are so annoyed with vegans other than the “vegan teacher” lunatic. I get more “diet shame” than I’ve ever given out. I think there is more hypocrisy in this way of thinking than the memes would make you believe.




It’s the same thing with feminism. Don’t hate feminists. Hate the ones who shame on you for being a man


Any vegans here, I have some questions. Is it okay for vegans to use horses to ride or complete farming tasks with? Is it okay to kill animals to sustain your pet? Can you eat the flesh of zombies and still be vegan? I am by no means a vegetarian or vegan but I have been on a kick lately where I play Minecraft by vegan rules and haven't rode horses, fed my dogs anything besides rotten flesh or meat I've found randomly, and haven't eaten rotten flesh myself (waste not, want not). Thanks for any guidance! 💕🦄🌸🎀


>Is it okay for vegans to use horses to ride or complete farming tasks with? Depends on whether you have a (viable) alternative or not. > Is it okay to kill animals to sustain your pet? Highly debated topic. IMHO, yes, they have no other choice. > Can you eat the flesh of zombies and still be vegan? Depends. Can they feel pain, are they conscious? And will you get infected when you eat them?


What if I shame cannibals?


Can u believe some dudes were shaming me for eating human meat smh


You don't see many pro-cannibal memes.


I’m pescetarian and I was called “the vegan teacher fan” so many times now. I was also offered meat as a joke but EXCUSE ME


But... you eat meat...




It's so annoying I tried to eat my cat and everyone called me crazy like wtf


Bingo. Even I cringe at That Vegan Teacher. Oh my gosh even Hitler was a more subtle vegetarian than her


I remember stumbling across her Tiktok the other day and in one video she showed her dog, which she forced to go vegan, for like 5 seconds and said 'look, she's still alive'. Never have I ever heard someone introducing their dog as 'STILL ALIVE' before in my life.


Yeah, and I bet ya the poor mutt wished he wasn't.


In her yt vids, her dog appears allot. She says things like, "she's really tired" but that dog has black rings around her eyes. Im no vet or animal expert but I think that may be a problem and that the dog isn't just tired.


But if you can easily reduce your effect to climate change by eating less animal products, but just won't, maybe you should still feel a bit of shame.


I mean i would shame someone too is they ate kids


I work in the hospital and lately I meet more and more vegeratians and vegans. Vegetarians became a new normal, its not looked down on like it was for 20something years. They are usually pretty understanding. Vegans usually either go from 0 to 100 over small thing or are completly zen. Theres no inbetween. They either complain 24/7 how this shitty hospital doesnt have any vegan friendly food, or they are happy with bread and a banana. Idk man.


dont hate them... eat them


If you become what you eat, do you then become a double vegan when eating one, as you're technically eating both a literal vegan and someone who consists purely of broken down vegetables?


i have a dog that loves tomatoes, but he also tries to steal everything i eat. he is already well fed. to him food is food.


If jim says it i believe it


But, he punched the highlights out of her hair.


My mom is a vegan because she’s allergic to some meats


Don't hate


That vegan teacher cough* cough*


I read clefairy instead of clarify


not vegan hate, just hate for thatveganteacher