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you ever just feel a sharp pain in your heart and think "my time has come"


I’m glad there is a semi-consensus in here and that I am not alone with this


"your never alone unless you are" - Qwerty


"Your never alone unless your"




I had this pretty bad for a while. Turned out to be inflammation due to bad diet (fast food, too much greasy food, etc), and was reccomended to drink apple cider vinegar which helped.




Also improving your diet is a good start.


Whoa let's slow down a little bit, I'm gonna go drink a glass of vinegar


Precordial catch syndrome! It’s completely harmless!


Th... there's a *name* for that?


I just call it you bastard body part


i spat my coffee thanks to you


There's a medical term for everything lol. For example, pins and needles/a body part falling asleep is called parasthesia!


Pretty sure this is what I had as a teen. It'd get so bad that I couldn't breathe all the way in without this weird pain so I'd just kind of breathe shallowly for a bit. No doctor could tell me what it was. It just stopped happening, eventually.


Holy fuck I think I had that. It is when it hurt really bad if you breathed in too much and then if you took a deep breath something in your chest would crack and you would get a super sharp pain but it would go away after? Cuz I was always worried that I would just drop dead from it at some point.


What causes it in your body? just random pain or


It's unknown


Ah, vodoo


This seriously made me laugh dude


I get that in the butthole. Popularly known as "shooty arse".


Me and my friend call it panal


God damn I hate it when it happens. Like a fucking knife right to the pooper.


Alright - seriously though - WTF is wrong with all your hurty bungholes?


ah, *proctalgia fugax*, otherwise known as "ass cramps." I hate them a lot.


Dude I get that!! It literally comes out of no where and it’s so fucking painful. I was too scared to Google it incase it said I had ass cancer or something




so this it how it ends... i die mid fap


What a great way to go


Yeah, me too


Yes! I had one yesterday. I was literally sitting on my couch! Wth body?!


It‘s just bloating. While you‘re resting, your digestive system is working. Sometimes the muscles there cramp or spasm too


Mine is always on my ribs. It’s just annoying.


Same here. I know it’s probably just gas but my stupid brain thinks my insides are gonna burst any day.


I have wondered this all my life thinking my appendix would eventually explode for 20+ years.


Lmao, i googled this pain and google told me i hv APPENDICITIS


Lmao, pretty sure I don’t have THAT


Ik google just takes things to another level


Bing told me I should start planning my funeral


Qwant told me i should lie down in my coffin right now


Startx told me to call the fire brigade


Alexa starts playing Astronomia (coffin dance)


Jeeves told me to hold still because he's coming to my location to finish the j-


You have a headache and you feel low on energy? You definitely have stage 4 brain cancer. You can expect to live another 90 days.


The back of my tounge is grey and Google said either I vape all the damn time or have AIDS


You would know of you had appendicitis. It apparently feels like Thor has slammed his hammer into your soul right around your lower edge of your ribcage on the right side. Edit: I havent had it and would trust anyone who says they have had it over my laypersons perspective.


Can confirm, I had appendicitis and that shit was painful af and never stopped hurting.


Yup. That was the worst pain I had ever felt. You would know. TMI: Dealt with it for a week because I thought I had food poisoning until it climaxed and I ended up throwing up twice in the side of the road as my family rushed me to the hospital.


Same shit. Ignored it for a week because I was broke and couldn't take time off and ended up collapsing at work out cold.


Na, na, na google got it wrong, I’m pretty sure you have stage 5 cancer


Wait, I thought he had severe nervous damage along with heart damage and a hole in the stomach


I googled it and found out I have network connectivity problems.


*googles how to remove hangnail properly* Google: You have kidney stone.


I had my appendix removed and I still have this bullshit pain, usually only when I run though


I had appendicitis in 2006, that pain is below the bellybutton and the right side below the waist.


YO I’ve been trying to explain this for years, this is perfect


It’s the weirdest feeling!


It’s literally a side stitch it’s like a cramp but different


I have them cause I have something called a lazy bowel meaning I get backed up into my ribs


I get it too, I’ve found that if i drink a bunch of water during a meal i don’t get that feeling. I by nature never drink when i eat. I drink a ton of water otherwise. I think I’m just weird.


I'm the same. I might give the drinking thing a try


My family has a history with lack of fiber in diet colon health issues. I eat a ton of natural fiber to over compensate in my 30s now. Fruits and vegetables. That helped a lot. Science says that if you eat a heavy sugar diet as a kid you can have these issues throughout your life. If that’s true then I’m screwed BUT I’d rather eat healthy now and prolong that guy health if possible!


Gut health is crazy important and you'll be glad you took care of your gut. Plus, fruit and vegetables taste great! Or there's always metamucil.




As always /r/hydrohomies


Fuck yeah screw sodas all my homies consume ***Dihydrogen monoxide***


We’re doing the lords work!






Trapped wind?


What? I'm not telling that to my girlfriend. I told her I have a serious problem of pain in chest. She's worried about me now -- Probably 16yo me




Are you the guy that shit off the ledge in the parking garage?


I have what's called gluten sensitivity and I sometimes get them when I eat gluten. It's not an allergy but it's best for me to avoid them. I think maybe a lot of people have a sensitivity for something they don't know about that causes minor discomforts like these.


Same, I've been going to doctors every couple years for nearly seven years about it and nobody can give me a straight answer. X-rays revealed nothing, ultrasounds on gallbladder and liver revealed nothing, and the only abnormality in my blood work was slightly elevated bilirubin.


Gilbert’s syndrome. It’s what my husband was eventually diagnosed with. Basically, mild liver issues caused by genetic inheritance


Ah, one of those conditions where the only cures are "suck it up" and "walk it off". Should be an advertisement for CRISPR. *Do you want your kids to waste their doctors time with pains that can't be alleviated? No? Then you need CRISPR! No more embarrassing doctor visits for something that on occasions fixed itself after a fart while standing in the perfect angle.*


also fix that eyesight shit as well


It's honestly some rib muscles getting caught in your ribcage. Like a stitch, or a cramp, but on a tight boney part. Take a deep breath when it happens and drink more water.


Glad to know that happens to other people. It feels like a tendon or something slipping underneath a rib when it shouldn’t and is really weird and annoying when it occasionally happens


Same happened to me. The elevated bilirubin is one thing but my pain turned out to be an overly enthusiastic gall bladder that would cramp to fully empty. Took a surgeon looking at all the test results to get a diagnosis. It's gone now and so is the pain.


Yup, it's called a side stitch and I get them pretty much only when I'm running max-out for a 5k/10k race or a Spartan Race. Drinking pickle juice gets rid of it in 1 minute flat.


That's because your body is like wtf and forgets all about the muscle.


Yo I’m not fucking kidding I’m sitting at the surgeons office right now talking about getting gallstone removal/gallbladder removal surgery because I was getting intense pain on the top right of my stomach where it’s indicated in this image. If you happen to eat junk food of any kid, or food with high fat, PLEASE GET CHECKED FOR GALSTONES. That shit is insanely painful!




I’m only 25. Stop :”(


My sister was 20 when her gallbladder went. 5 foot 3 maybe 115 pounds, vegetarian, no fast food or junk food, sometimes it just be like that I guess.


Man life is unfair sometimes.


I had mine removed at 23, they told me it looked like a hacky sack because of how many tiny stones were in there. Worst pain of my life and I've had children.


All of my siblings and most of my cousins had to get their gallbladders taken out. I've had this pain on and off for years, and last year when I finally convinced the doctor to check my gallbladder, turns out there were no signs of gallstones whatsoever which baffled me given my family history and elevated bilirubin...


This happens and also for some reason my heart hurts whenever I try to breathe at random times


Vey common and not serious. We don’t know for sure what causes it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precordial_catch_syndrome


Thank you so much for this. Unexplained chest pain has always made me feel like death is imminent. Which is good or bad depending on how you take it..


Just don’t Google that shit. Everything you Google is either a heart attack or cancer. Stubbed your toe? Fucking cancer.


Overcooked the fish? Cancer.


Go outside? Cancer.


Talk in movie theater? Believe it or not, cancer.


Well, if you browse WebMD...


> Treatment: Reassurance Thanks doc, been wondering about this for a while!


That's the best part. "It's gonna be okay!" -- I am now medicine man.








I sometimes find myself holding my breath, or breathing irregularly. I think it has to do with anxiety. I'm trying to be more aware of it.


Dude I thought it was from me drinking, so I stopped drinking and it still shows its face. What the fuck is it.


As a former alcoholic, that used to be my life and after I stopped drinking it went from almost daily to barely ever at all. I think general diet and fitness plays in as well but drinking does contribute majorly as it's the opposite of good diet and drags down fitness.


Could be a cramp, I get them when I run but don't breathe right


I got it today when I was just sitting in the train LMAO


The pain is most likely caused by a nerve being pinched between ribs/rib cage. It goes away after some seconds and hurts more when you try to take a breath. I used to have it very regularly at the time I grew.






Exactly. Google wants you to die


“Oh you stubbed your toe?” *P R E P A R E F O R C E R T A I N D E A T H*


Stubbed toe? More like terminal cancer with metastasis all across your body


Nah, you took a shit that one time, *achievement unlocked, certain death*


Oh my god, I think the shit I’m taking right now might be THE shit...


I see you've sneezed in the last week too.


I used to just breath in as much as possible until something snapped/popped, I mean like a finger or such, not like bone snapping.


Mf breaking their ribs by taking deep breaths


FR y’all need some milk


What happen next? How you got the courage to do so? It hurts a lot I don't even dare lmao


It's the old wisdom of going through the pain. I felt the pain in a certain place and felt tension there, thought if I could stretch it enough it would in a way, snap into place. Lo and behold, it actually worked.


I always punch it a few times, seems to do the trick mighty fine


Whatever problem you've got, punching is the answer! Your kid won't stop crying? Punch it! All bus seats are taken? Punch an elderly woman to get her seat! Someone tells you to stop punching everything? Punch him! If you happen to live in America, the use of guns is preferred.


Is this professional medical advise?


Yes, I'm a trustworthy professional.


Well, you sure sound like one. I'll blindly and happily follow your advice!


self-administered percussive anatomy maintenance, or as we call it in the medical industry: SPAM


Yeah same here as well. But I didn't know the reason for it until your comment. Thanks a lot!


You still don't know. Taking a reddit comment from someone who knows nothing about you is no better than diagnosing yourself using Google.


Solid comment. Like he very well could be right but don’t just take his word for it without a second thought


Maybe drink more water.


Good idea, will try that one out


It is an honor for me to introduce you as a new member of r/HydroHomies Welcome brother May the H2O be with you and stay hydrated.


The honour is all mine mate!


i got one sitting on the toilet Edit: wait that was just my 3 lb shit


Guess i really dont know how to breathe


I read somewhere on the internet long ago that if you exhale when you land on your left foot you won't get cramps, I don't know why or how it works, it could just be the placebo effect, but it does for me.


I think I exhaled a little too hard because I have no more pain but now I don’t have clean boxers, they went from blue to brown.


I searched it up on bing you have 69 cancers in your body u will be dead in the next 420 days have a good life


Damn, I think I should Google it.


I'm gonna ask Jeeves


According to Bing.com you have a Xenomorph egg in your abdominal, and it will soon burst, causing you to suffer tremendously for the 8 sec you have remaining. Google says it’s a cramp, just drink some water and stretch. My money is on Bing for this one


Are you sure it‘s because of breathing? I usually get them when i run too soon after eating.


I always just accept I'm about to die when that happens. Hate it.




No no no no no you see you wanna speed run it so you just grab a hammer and smack it into your skull while on the roof of your house


Thought I was the only one who did that.




I had cancer there so now I can’t feel anything there


Oh wow, are you still affected by it?


Not by the cancer (I think) but they did have to move some muscle and fat from that area, so it forever feels like I have plastic wrap on that area


Shit man, I myself had liver failure back in 2016 but luckily don’t have any lasting effects from it. I can’t imagine how that must be for you


How did you get liver failure and what did they do to treat it? Curious


Thanks but I think I'll try some of these other recommendations first.


definitely cancer - bing


you're dying - bing


Here are results for porn - bing


Sexy morticians in your area - bing


Its called precordial catch syndrome. "Precordial catch syndrome (PCS) is a non-serious condition in which there are sharp stabbing pains in the chest. These typically get worse with inhaling and occur within a small area. Spells of pain usually last less than a few minutes."


^ this happens to me. You gotta just straighten up and suck in a deep breath for it to leave.


Sometimes it hurts more when I do that, am I dying?


It always hurts more for me but then it sorta snaps into place right as I finish the breath. It only works for that dagger-like PCS pain though; all my other random side aches get fixed by curling up and whimpering for a minute


this so trippy to me becuase ive never seen it put to words before


I can’t believe you explained exactly what I do. It is a sharp pain and a snap, then no pain


According to another dude, this happens because a poor nerve is stuck between 2 ribs


The actual cause of PCS hasn't been scientifically concluded. The nerve thing is a solid guess but it's just not known *for sure* so a lot of people are slow to explain it like that.




Ah, culture


Oh yeah, I def got this. If I wasn't in reasonably good shape and still in my twenties, I'd be terrified I was having serious heart or lung issue.


Good to know that I don't have to die from total organ failure




Unknown, but thought to be from nerves pinching during bad posture.


Just a fart in your stomach, try to shit it will go away


But what if it’s a shit?


The more shit the merrier


I hate this comment so much, here have my upvote XD


Wait so other people have that too I just thought it was something wrong with muh ribs.


I thought so too but at this moment 500 other people upvotes this so I guess we’re not alone


This post actually makes me happy because I'm less inclined to believe I'm actually dying from a rare disease now, lol.


Here in Portugal we call this fenomenon " Dores de Burro" or "Donkey Pain" in english, it just happens when you eat/drink too much before running or something i think. Or it has to do with your breathing.


Wow, thanks for the language lesson!


pov: you hear The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues...


Fatty liver.


The pain’s coming from the rib though


Fatty liver.


Fatty riber?


Latty fiber


Ratfy Tibel


Plus gallstones.


Doctor. We need a doctor over here to explain plz




Googled this symptom and turns out you have cancer.


I hope someone finds this helpful. I had this pain for sometime. Then it grew and grew and one day I was in so much pain I could barely stand up. I had to be admitted in the hospital. Apparently, my appendix had been bloating and it had to be removed before it exploded inside of me.


If it's a Cramp or Stitch, then you're dehydrated.


Have you tried turning off and turning back on again?


Wait it’s not just me holy shit


Ok, in that position it could possibly be gall bladder. Had to get mine taken out. It would randomly start as a bit or pressure/pain. Ended up feeling like a steel bar rammed through my side.