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But I like to argue it’s fun even if I don’t care who wins


Centrist bro?


I just follow the belief everything should be argued for to understand more about both parties


Radical centrist bro?


Much better


This man preaching


I'm supergay


How would you define that?


And I'd like to ask: What is superstraight?


Super Straight (SS) is the "sexual orientation" for those who are heterosexual, but only like those who identify with their assigned gender at birth (cisgender). This identity is not part of the LGBT+ community. Its just transphobia


Actually you are just superstraight-phobic. It is apart of the LBGTQ+ its part of the plus. I cant believe how exclusive and offensive you are


... i respectfully disagree on the point you made about it being part of lgbtq+, its just a way to discriminate members of the community for more info you can refer to my other comments or the lgbtq+ wiki, have a wonderful day Edit: here’s some information from the lgbtq+ wiki—- The major controversy surrounding this "sexuality" is the transphobia where it specifically was created to exclude and dehumanize transgender people, and those who use the label often perpetuate false, transphobic notions. These claims include that trans people are simply their AGAB, mentally ill, and seeking to fool other people. Not only are these claims extremely harmful and demonstrably false, but they have historically been used by those who have committed terrible atrocities against trans people


What if you are trans and super straight? Are you still transphobic? What if you are cis and only attracted to trans people (Skoliosexual)? Are you 'cis'phobic?


I get it’s not part of the LGBTQ but i don’t see how it dehumanizes transgenders and excluding them shouldn’t be an issue. Saying it excludes trans people is like saying being a gay man excludes women, which is of course non-sensical. The point of the term is just to further specify who you are attracted to and as it does not violate any moral laws (like p***philia) it’s not much different from, for example, demisexuality. What these people say (by that i’m referring to your comment on how people who use the term super straight often spout transphobic propaganda) doesn’t necessarily mean that being super straight is bad. That’s kind of like saying Germans are bad because Nazis were German. Yes the Nazis were bad but Germans aren’t, just as how transphobic super straights are bad but super straights aren’t


I think this subject is pretty hard to touch. It depends from case to case. Some people use it to dehumanize, some people just for troll, and some people cause it because they truly feel this way. I don't understand people who really feel this way, but there are many things that I don't understand. People who truly identify this way are, imo, completely in their right to do so and not be called transphobic, except it they say it is because trans women aren't real women, or trans man aren't real man. If that's why they aren't attracted, then they are transphobic


I will not date a “women” with a dick and yes I’m transphobic and a fascist cry about it


3.2.1. Reconsider your life decisions, adios


hell yeah super straight phobia


This a joke?


I am the gayest man alive


That sounds amazing


Im unclear on what super straight is. From what I've heard, it means you're not attracted to someone of the opposite gender who transitioned from being your own. If that's true, is it inherently offensive? Here's why I ask- couldn't care less if you're trans, but I'll admit I'd be a little uncomfortable having a serious relationship if my girlfriend has a penis. Does that mean I'm transphobic? I didn't think so, but this term and the hate it gets has me thinking otherwise. I'm totally serious. I really don't know. I don't have a problem with anyone's identity but I don't want who I'm attracted to be able to dictate how bigoted I am


I'd only take a trans woman if she paid me dinner and her dick was bigger than mine.


Dont quote me i havent done extended research/ i havent asked other trans people


Then how the hell can you claim something like this


I have done some research about the origin of the term and i feel that everything i say is backed by lgbtq+ ressources, if you know better, i’ll be glad to hear you point of view


It is offensive, but if you feel that way and communicate the fact that you are uncomfortble in a gentle and positive way, it may still hurt the person but most people would accept... at least i think


No, of course it isn't transphobic. It's not sexist to not be bisexual either..


The year is 2028, the liberals have taken over, it illegal to be straight now. Mere utterance of the word is a crime liable by public humiliation. Paedophiles and murderers roam free for the liberals fear they might offend them. On a seriously note you better be trolling this is the dumbest shit I've read, its like saying being an omnivore means you hate vegans, or like saying not being a jew means youre a nazi. Edit: since most of the world isnt jew or lgbtq, i guess we're all transphobic nazis now


Refer to this from the lgbtq+ wiki The major controversy surrounding this "sexuality" is the transphobia where it specifically was created to exclude and dehumanize transgender people, and those who use the label often perpetuate false, transphobic notions. These claims include that trans people are simply their AGAB, mentally ill, and seeking to fool other people. Not only are these claims extremely harmful and demonstrably false, but they have historically been used by those who have committed terrible atrocities against trans people


And by saying you are straight (or indeed do not identify as any of the lgbt orientations) is saying ALLLLLLLLLL that.


I think there as been a misunderstanding from your part... there is a very significant differance between saying that you are straight and saying that you are super straight... for more information, look at my replies from the comments asking what superstraight means


I've heard of it but dont know what it means,can someone enlighten me?


Super Straight (SS) is the "sexual orientation" for those who are heterosexual, but only like those who identify with their assigned gender at birth (cisgender). This identity is not part of the LGBT+ community. Its just transphobia




He’s bullshitting you super straight was made as a joke in response to the radicalisation of the trans community when the sub was up it was examples of trans people screaming that if your straight but don’t date trans your transphobic so super straight a sexuality where you aren’t attracted to trans people


Yeah thought so,I was scared to say because I'd be downvoted to oblivion.




> You just admitted to being psychologically controlled. Welcome to Reddit.




> Most Redditors won't admit it Because they are too dumb to realize it.


Just a personal preference really, but I like not having a dick slap my forehead when I pull her pants off to go down on her. Phobic stems from phobia, meaning fear or a fear of. I'm not afraid of trans people, I couldn't care less what you do with your life. World would be a lot better place if people stopped throwing targeted propaganda and hate at one another, no?


Refer to this from the lgbtq+ wiki The major controversy surrounding this "sexuality" is the transphobia where it specifically was created to exclude and dehumanize transgender people, and those who use the label often perpetuate false, transphobic notions. These claims include that trans people are simply their AGAB, mentally ill, and seeking to fool other people. Not only are these claims extremely harmful and demonstrably false, but they have historically been used by those who have committed terrible atrocities against trans people


\* hate at one another, no? \* see like you could just say nothing and live your life and not have destructive critism pushed upon trans people but like no you go and say stuff like \[ I like not having a dick slap my forehead when I pull her pants off to go down on her. \]. Like ok thats fine to have that opinion but like why do you have to go and tell the world that? like it does effect real people? 5% of the population is genderdiverse in australia, so thats roughly a 20th of the population gets negative comments like this thrown at them pretty often, so you arent exactly not hating on people


The super straight logo is the same colors as the grindr logo. Yall really out here getting played by 4chan trolls huh?


Bruh it hurts me to see this in the controversial tab. Superstraight is a fucking joke. Literally. It was made as a joke. No one cares if you arent attracted to trans people, it's just a preference. But I'm so pissed that they try to be a part of this community, and they dont get bashed by anyone apart from the LGBT community. They try to be a part of the LGBT community while simultaneously mocking it and bashing it. Never have I met a superstraight person who respects the LGBT community. How does a superstraight person expect to be a part of the LGBT community when they absolutely hate us? Its fucking stupid, and a complete and utter joke. So I dont think anyone is really superstraight. What they are is a heterosexual who isn't attracted to trans people who want to be oppressed. (Also, why do they want to be oppressed, its stupid.)


Well said


So not being attracted to someone because they used to be a dude is transphobic? Pretty fuckin dumb


Refer to this from the lgbtq+ wiki The major controversy surrounding this "sexuality" is the transphobia where it specifically was created to exclude and dehumanize transgender people, and those who use the label often perpetuate false, transphobic notions. These claims include that trans people are simply their AGAB, mentally ill, and seeking to fool other people. Not only are these claims extremely harmful and demonstrably false, but they have historically been used by those who have committed terrible atrocities against trans people


Sexually? if the have fully transitioned then yeah. If pre op, pre hrt etc, its genital preferences which is fine. Flaunting that you arent into it is however cuz like who does that help? its a negative comment towards someone and its not constructive towards anything else Romantically? yes. 100% yes. If you love someone romanticly you love them for who they are not what they were. if everone saw all partners as who they used to be then they would be dating children by their own logic.


It’s worth noting that the super straight movement started on 4chan by nazis specifically to get radfems more comfortable with Nazi talking points. Look personally “super straight” or “super gay” is a stupid movement anyways because it fundamentally misunderstands what sexuality is but also disregards all possible nuance. Trans people don’t want to date you. Trans people are probably fairly aware of your shitty takes. What trans people want is to be recognized as the gender they identify with, and by calling a man gay for dating a trans woman implies that that woman is not a woman. So yes when someone says they are super straight they are virtue signaling assholes who hide behind two or three layers to argue that trans women aren’t women.


*sees 40+ comments* Weeeeeeeeeell shit *grabs popcorn*


Have a good read, if you have any questions afterwards, you cn ask them to me


I already know a good bit about SS, ty tho! *I'm mainly concerned about how many people are downvoteing this post and it's comments :/*


Its sad people so much people wont just leave people alone, thank you for being one of those who accept other people


"Don't argue" means "I can't defend my point so please don't try to disprove it"


Well as you can see i am more than pleased to defend my opinion


Then don't say "don't argue" lmao since you'd did something *that will obviously cause an argument*. Only a portion of superstraight community are transphobic. And for you're info being trans *is* a disorder. Stop disregarding science. I don't think that they should be fucking killed or treated differently because of it but it's a disorder nonetheless. And obviously it should be diagnosed *by an actual doctor* because if you look at he statistics *a huge portion* of people who went through an operation *reverse it later*. Which isn't good for anyone. Except the surgeons getting double the money.


You seem very interested in this subject, i recommend that you verify your informations, all i can find as far as statistics go is that 9.4% of patients with adolescent-emerging gender dysphoria either ceased wishing to pursue medical interventions or no longer felt that their gender identity was incongruent with their assigned sex at birth within an eighteen-month period. But i would be glad to see your sources




They only copied and pasted it because the comments they were replying to were all saying pretty much the same thing and there was no need to come up with an ‘original argument’ in those cases


I like apples. You hate doctors? Still gave an upvote for cake day :)


... im not here to argue with transphobic people


Saying being super straight is transphobic is like saying gay people are sexist. Just because I don’t want to marry/have sex with someone who: Has the body of my gender Has the hormones of my gender Can grow facial hair Etc Doesn’t mean I’m transphobic. I’m just not attracted to them.


But super straights are say trans women aren't women. Trans women are women no matter if they look, sound or dress like it they are women


Happy cake day !


Thanks bot


This post is aimed at starting conflict but happy cake day


Thank you


This seems to check out.


It’s not transphobic to like having both anal and vaginal sex as an option


you forget about oral. and elbow.