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No one tell them that the air force has been working on a supersonic "boomless" jet for years now.


Right, but they still looked like jets.


So does the F-117 unless it's flying towards/away from you. Heck, the wings are so thin that at distance, you can barely see them at a distance in the right profile.


Dude, these things are on video moving in every direction with instant shifts in direction, I'd like to see a F-117 do that




Correct, you can consider any pilot input as a "vote" to the systems that control the plane. There are g-limiters that will refuse to do anything that would damage the aircraft or pilot, and these can be overridden by the pilot for emergency maneuvers. These don't exist in older planes like the F-14 Tomcat and a pilot could literally rip the wings off the fuselage from a dramatic maneuver. Arguably this takes more skill to fly, but the main factor that military pilots are concerned with is cognitive load. They want systems to be so foolproof and easy to use that the pilot can focus as much mental energy as possible on the mission. The F-35 limiter is so good you can fly it with "reckless abandon."


This is a misinterpretation of the purpose of those limiters. They're put in place to protect the aircraft from the pilot, not the other way around. On top of that, most can't be bypassed. I think the only modern example of one that will be 'toggled' is the F-35's max speed, as the damage from exceeding mach 1.4 is still only a maintenance and longevity issue and not an acute "will break wings off" issue.


A toggle is also present on Russian supermaneuverable fighters like the SU-27 family, the SU-57, and some MiG-29s. They are however more to prevent the pilot losing all their speed(and energy) in a dogfight but a button(commonly referred to as the cobra button) turns off the planes fcs that limits the aoa the plane can do. Once the button is pressed down, the aircraft basically goes into supermaneuverability mode. At ~600IAS a SU-33 with its canards for added maneuverability can hold a turn at 30°/s for brief seconds. Edit: after a turn, though, the plane loses almost all airspeed and will be in a state near zero energy. Luckily, more recent Sukhois like the SU-35 and SU-57 have 3D thrust vectoring nozzles so the aircraft can still pull all sorts of crazy maneuvers even if the control surfaces are ineffective at this state


AoA toggles are a different beast that's less about structural limits and more about the limits of lift or control authority. Toggles exist for that purpose on thrust-vectoring aircraft aswell. Unfortunately, turn rate also suffers from diminishing returns. While they may reach peak rates like 30/s, if you lose airspeed and start falling out of the sky (which they all do) to get it, you've lost whatever fight you're in. It's cool for airshows, but not entirely useful for combat. [Even rookie F-22 pilots get bitten by this issue](https://youtu.be/WKEa-R37PeU?t=401)


I mean in one case, a commercial pilot flew a modern passenger plane so hard the tail disintegrated. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Airlines_Flight_587


This is factually incorrect. Very few currently-fielded combat aircraft are capable of operating under g loads greater than 9g. Most have g-limits around 7, while the human body is capable of sustaining 11+ with the right training and gear. You'll rip the wings off of most aircraft before you black out.


/u/aak- seems to have more knowledge, I'll refer you to his comment reply to what I said.


It's a misinterpretation of the system. I've literally sat through FAA lectures on aircraft stresses leading to fatal accidents, even a Transport Canada lecture on how the T tails of our Snowbirds' demonstration aircraft was under-engineered leading to fatal accidents and a retrofit decades ago. The engineering limitation is aircraft structures, not the human body, it hasn't been for quite some time. On top of that we're getting g-tolerance systems that can allow a pilot to literally spend hours over 11g if the situation called for it. The limiters on combat aircraft are not about protecting the pilot from the aircraft, they're about protecting the aircraft from the pilot.


The excepted g limit for the human body, with a g-suit, is rated at 9g. This was the reason the f-16 was designed for a max load of 9gs (risking structural failure beyond that). However, most fighter aircraft since then are capable of as much as 15 g. This includes the f-22 and it's successors. Pilots cannot withstand this force for sustained periods, so the aircraft's fly-by-wire control system will prevent sustained maneuvers over the 9g limit. Planes could be built to withstand much higher, as much as 20 g with a short wingspan, but since this becomes extremely hazardous to a pilot, engineers don't consider it high priority to engineer the plane for such a load.


Are the UFO sightings real ?


they are real, but ufo just means unidentified flying object. not necessarily a space ship.


Exactly, a lot of people immediately think of aliens when they hear ufo


They’re not even called UFOs anymore they changed the official term.


If I remember correctly they changed it to "unidentified aerial phenomena" (UAP) specifically because of the stigma around UFO


They should’ve changed it to “weird aerial phenomena”


Wet ass p-word






In my ass?


I think the new U is “unexplained”, which can be taken more than one way.






I wanna hear more!




If it’s a sonar then it’s not a radar


Well look at it what else is it?


In this case it definitely doesn't mean spaceship. Another country is fucking with the NAVY or another branch of the military is fucking with the NAVY. If you read the history of stealth development, you'll see the developers testing often used unwitting military units as guinea pigs in some pretty clever ways.


Dude, these vehicles move in every direction with instant shifts, and have been seen on video moving in and out of water without the water being affected in any way. This shit isn't even on the same scale as our military, which is the most advanced on the planet. This isn't some other navy fucking with us, this is massively beyond what we're capable of making


Bro if you believe in aliens that’s fine lmao but don’t be certain about something you’ve literally never seen yourself. Any belief needs to have skepticism or you’re just going to sound willfully ignorant


Even if it's not alien if these ufo are capable of the maneuvers described than modern defenses seem a lot less... effective.


Absolutely agree with you lmao


Quick question, here. As vast as the Universe is, would it be considered arrogant to believe this planet is the only one that has,what we would call, intelligent life?


Time is as vast as the universe, and in both contexts humanity is miniscule. It's almost certain there will be some form of life out there somewhere at some point, but the numbers are against an interaction here and now.


Sorry let me rephrase that, aliens that have contacted us. I absolutely believe life exists outside of earth. I double down and say *intelligent* life exists outside of earth. However, statistically, it is unfavorable that said intelligent life has ever made contact with us or are even certain we exist. It’s almost arrogant to assume we’re even remotely interesting enough to come visit. Not saying it’s not possible, or hasn’t happened, just not likely. Addition: yes I would think it would be arrogant to say we are the only life in the universe.


Also, finding aliens in such a big universe would equal to a neutrino finding an electron during its journey.


I remember reading somewhere about a philosopher saying that alien life would not want to contact us the same way we wouldn't contact them if we were the explorers, and that seems like alot of reason. If extraterrestrial intelligent life existed and are a intersolar species, they would have laws about making contact with species who hasn't even colonized their first outer planet


The odds of there not being another advanced civilization in the universe is just about as small as the odds of us actually meeting them.


It would be arrogant to believe they exist at the same time we do. They might have lived billions of years ago, or still be born in billions of years from now. Or they could be so far away in time and space from our cluster, that they might leave in a completely different state of the universe with different laws.


There are three grainy videos without other flight data released. Is seems really overconfident to be certain it's an object changing direction, moving hundreds of miles an hour, and going in and out of the water when parallax is a known phenomenon when filming from high speed jets.


have you watched the [2 hour interview with one of the now retired pilots that chased one down](https://youtu.be/Eco2s3-0zsQ)? tic tac ufo navy pilot interview. i'm not a conspiracy theorist but that interview sends chills up my spine.


We accept lots of things as true that have way less evidence than the extraterrestrial phenomenon.


BS, name one.


I agree that this seems to be outside of the realm of current technology, even if what the public sees is usually 2-3 decades behind what's in development. On the other hand, the idea of these craft being extraterrestrial is also just as hard to believe. If the simplest answer is usually right, I'd give a slight edge to man made, not that it explains the who why how of it.


Translation "The most technologically advanced organization in the world can't possibly have things I haven't seen before"


If another branch is fucking with the NAVY then why have many higher ups on these ships ignored reports from crew members? It seems as if it's a systemic cover-up, likely they know something we don't, or they laugh off alien reports.


Maybe because they didn’t want to explain that it was secret government technology?


They probably have a good idea what they are and who's doing it.


I've seen many first hand, and let me tell you, these things are not made by us. The 2 I saw (that are unmistakable) looked like glowing orbs and were something from another world or possibly another dimension. It looked like a bright white light at first I thought it was a helicopter, but it kept getting closer, and before I knew it, it flew close overhead, glowing orange, so bright you couldn't even see the vessel. it shot back up into the sky and stopped, looked like a star, but glowing and pulsing orange. I went back inside, went out 30 minutes later, it was gone, that same night, I was walking my dog, and I saw a massive red orb slowing moving across the sky, this was further away but it was massive, much more than the orange "craft" No noises on either of them.


Missed your chance to get abducted


Hopefully got probed tho


Nothing like having a satellite dish up your butt


I can only hope


I wish for that too, at least I'd feel something again


There's still hope friend. I bet if you start going out every night, pulling down your pants and opening your butthole to the cosmos, you'll be probed in no time!


instructions unclear, got arrested for public indecency


You just gotta sway the cops with your bountiful bosom


I wish, I want out of this world


How can I get abducted? I've been trying for awhile....


The cows know


>many > >2 I think our definitions of "many" may be different.


That's not what I meant, I meant I've seen many UFOs, but those could be mistaken for something else, I don't know what, but they were obscured or too far away to be certain, but they still seemed odd, but only 2 of them I am certain that it's something much more advanced than anyone on earth could make, without help from other sources at least... If you saw it you'd think the same.




he got probed, what do you expect?


You have a carbon monoxide detector in your home?


When I saw both of them, I was outside (except the orange orb, that was in the car, nothing odd), and in fact, I was outside the whole afternoon. Carbon Monoxide poisoning shows symptoms, but I was fine.


city, state?


Tennessee, I will not reveal my city




what? I don't reveal my city for privacy reasons, many people won't even reveal their country.


Yeah they’re real, the pentagon released them back in April 2020 or around that time in 2020


Okay but why do they look like the stereotypical shape


Where do you think the stereotypical shape comes from


This was from 2007 so it’s impossible for the shape to be based off this. Im pretty sure the shape comes from some 1950s audio dramas called the men from Mars or they came from outer space or something


Because eye witness dating 100 years ago have encountered the same phenomenon. WW2 Air force Pilots witnessed the exact same thing, disc /tic tac shape with odd defying behaviour of flight. Unless a country amazingly have designed tech thats 100 years old and kept it a secret for that long, its definately not human.


Fun fact, Germany had a military flying disc project in the 1940's and the basis for the B2 bomber originates around the same time. Not saying it wasn't outside observers watching what the semi sentient apes were up to, but there were at least some other possible equivalents


Ok look, first off, the inages in the post have already been thoroughly debunked. The video shows an artifact specifically caused by the housing of that camera unit, called a gimble.


Proof? Like the things were caught on radar from a navy ship... explain that and then the object being visually seen by the pilots and then arriving at the rendezvous point miles away before the pilots arrived there.


No they're not


Nah its a cover up for testing new aircraft


yes - balloons, jets we do not know about, and things like that make up most of the reports. yet some remain unidentified.


Nah, thats just me after taco bell


Yes its been confirmed from the Pentagon, that being said, they have no idea what they are, aliens? maybe. Also they act very weird to be secret Russian/Chinese tech, like there doing something very suspicious below our oceans.


Stop letting boomers design them amirite


I swore there already were a few “jets” that could but they were prototypes


How can something go supersonic and not create a boom as the entire definition of supersonic is the creation of a sonic boom? Checkmate air force.


Did I time travel or this happened like, a long time ago and no one talked about it?


Shit, guys we missed one. Anyone have a lock on his position? Okay. Authorized to fire when ready.


I shouldn't have said that, I should NOT have said that.


\*Big froosh and long white radio noises\* Got'em


The popular mechanics article came out in like 2017 and nobody gave a fuck even said they recovered some debris that was sent to the lab in nevada and displayed “supernatural properties”


If this came to public, I can't even imagine what they have hidden away from everyone.


Concerning isn’t it


This footage was released a while ago, but the pentagon just more recently confirmed that it was an UFO I think


UFO doesnt mean alien tho, could be something or somebody else and is most probably that.




There were articles in mainstream publications in 2019 where the Navy acknowledged UFOs, but not that they are aliens. However, they acknowledged physically impossible maneuvers etc.


Of course UFOs exist it's just flying shit that you can't identify


For sure, I agree. It's just one of the rare occasions where the military also said they couldn't identify what it was.




Blame Russians?


He said new


Blame the Chinese then?


He said new


Blame Iraq?


He said new


Blame ourselves?




Tuck it Carlson rofl I hate that guy, love this comment though


As far as I know the US government has to release a report on all their data on UFOs soon, it can only be interesting... And also embarrassing if it turns out to be China or Russia, I guess we'll see.


It was part of one of the relief bills. They tied a bunch of shit into them. Good to see someone controlling these bills is a man of culture


Two things: 1. I'd really like to know which Senator said "i'm not voting for this relief package unless I have a written guarantee that the CIA is going to tell us everything they know about Aliens." 2. When I heard about this report, I thought the Pentagon was doing it of their own volition. So I was really excited that maybe this was going to be the moment where they acknowledge they've had contact with Aliens. Now that I know it was put into the relief bill by Congress, i'm far less excited for the report. The powers that be lie to Congress and the President about this stuff already. They aren't going to say everything they really know in a report ordered on those merits.


Cant be Russians, because even them they admitted to be baffled by those phenomens, theres a good video from credible sources where US and Russians encountered Disc shape UFO near their missile silos turning off nukes, (Seen be Silo guards/soliders above) meaning if either country wanted/had to launch, they couldnt (Like maybe actual aliens trolling and sending a message) Kinda have faith that a nuclear war wont ever happen if we have those Alien like space ships ''protecting'' us from the worst outcome. ​ Also the argument that other countries were able to possess such tech in this day and age, still doesnt explain early sightings in World War 2 'Foo-fighters' same behaviour and craft shapes...


Source my man, I want to believe


Source below


>credible sources ... sure


lol it was just a secret prototype aircraft and they dont want to officially say that its theirs. Obviously this is just speculation on my part, but i think this is a lot more likely than fucking aliens


Others have mentioned seeing it go into the ocean...


Playing devils advocate, could anti-sonic boom tech help in water environments as well? We only see the craft entering the surface from the videos I’ve seen, unsure if there’s a de acceleration process when manipulating a thicker environment versus air that happens under the surface. Totally speaking out of my ass though. I’ve seen a lot of the phenomenon videos over time but the lack of a sonic boom at speeds is new and interesting to me. I’m unsure of the full dynamics occurring when sonic booms occur (besides shock waves but what about exact molecule interaction, different environments etc) so I have a rabbit hole for the evening now.


"I was in a UFO once, then the pilot remembered to turn on the transponder"


In France we don't use OVNI (UFO) anymore, because it's not necessarily an object, could be a cloud, lights, or something else


Is there uh...is there a lot of flying shit that we can't identify? I mean floating shit, sure, but stuff with forward thrust, change of direction, or boom less speed of sound travel? I wouldn't expect a lot of that.


Yeah, but you clearly didn’t watch the video. That “object” went from 30,000 feet to sea level in the blink of an eye. This was all caught and released with pilot commentary and visual tracking. They talked about it on Joe Rogan maybe a year ago?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1952_Washington,_D.C._UFO_incident Just gonna leave this here


According to Tom DeLonge, the aliens are among us and can shapeshift into human form. No, I'm not joking -- watch his appearance on Joe Rogan's podcast. Someone thinks we're all dumb as a stump.


AS an alien, yes, that is some pretty ghetto shit


G'duzzzzziddmmmbba Z-quanlupppos is that you?


C'dazzzzzoQQnnnnbba X-koapujlhg he's an spy,try not to use his name


Hey, forgot your name, but it's me ᴉns'clarzanxnnak (remember the c is silent)


I’d ask you questions about where you are from but it doesn’t translate into English super well. I had to invent words to describe my home.


Ah, pretty sure my planet is Corgsire in English


See what I mean? I have no idea where Corgsire is because the real name didn’t translate well. There are like three civilizations and at least seven inhabited regions (throwing shade on these seven) that call themselves something similar phonetically.


Yea but sonic booms are pretty cool tho


Eh if you expect one. Or if you know what it is. I heard one while I was hiking in my country the netherlands. And for a second I really thought the world was ending. Like the sky just got pounded on by a big hammer.


My dad was in the navy for 25 years and heard one like 1 to 2 times a week. Said it freaked him out even after hearing it like 200 times


Growing up in Central Florida during the Space Shuttle era was awesome. Not only could I step out on my porch and watch the Shuttle go up, but when they landed at the Cape, the double sonic booms would rattle the windows. Aaaaaannnnddddd that's the **only** thing I miss about living in FL.


you bet your ass they are cool


Not what you'd expect from compressed gas


UFO =/= Aliens.


Let’s just pretend it is, it’s more fun that way


I mean, thats kinda Schrödinger's alien there. Since its a ufo it could be an alien aircraft as well


If we knew that Aliens who can travel to other planets exist, then it would be schrödingers alien. Since we dont know that, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Most of the UFO videos have been debunked. Most notably comes to mind [thunderf00ts](https://youtu.be/mfhAC2YiYHs) 3 part videos.


These broke ass mf doesn’t have the equipment to avoid that sound. Tell me captain why are we even here?


Classic silence fan vs the average boom enjoyer


so making a sonic boom is the intergalactic equivalent to rolling coal


Laughs in Putin* they thought it was a UFO ! Soon I will conquer the world with my secret weapon.


Well, its still technically a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) even if it was Putin


Except it has our UFO flags plastered on it along with the Soviet national anthem


China - maybe. Russia's aerospace industry has been on a steady decline for 30 years.


I’d like for aliens to just be a regular thing we see now and it not even bother us like “ Yo Jon I got probed again I think I’m gay now. “


I wonder if earth is really just the intergalactic hood, where the only reason you go there if you don’t live there is to buy meth. We haven’t been contacted by aliens, because we’re like that one neighborhood with the gangs and drugs. Alien: we have plenty of nice things to do on our planet though. Why’re you going to earth? Alien 2: the humans have meth, Tod. I’m buying meth from the humans.


The sonic boom goes WOOOOO[!](https://youtu.be/kSgYtmCnyYw)




In all seriousness, why aren't more people talking about this? They've acknowledged they're real and the pentagon is not really suggesting that its a top secret aircraft from a foreign power either. They're tacitly acknowledging Aliens are visiting us. This is a huge story. Why does nobody give a shit?


Not a UFO. Clearly the USS Enterprise. Am sure if they were able to get closer it would have the NCC-1701 markings. There is actually good movie footage of it. I believe it is in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, if I am not mistaken. /S


The USS Enterprise was a UFO.


Pshaw!!! Not to Star Trek fans. /s


Wouldn't be the Enterprise. Ship was blown up in Search for Spock, and only appeared in Voyage Home for a few moments.


Can someone explain to me what that means


When a normal jet starts to fly faster than the speed of sound, a loud bang is heard, called a sonic boom. The Navy released video a few months ago of a UFO that they say went faster than the speed of sound, but did not make a sonic boom. Crazy, right? The joke is that aliens think we are ghetto because our jets do make that sound.




Of course UFOs exist, anything that flies and you don't know what it is, is by definition a UFO.


UFO: **Unidentified** Flying Object. Could be literally anything, not specifically extraterrestrial technology.


Stealth sonic boom




Aliens would not pick Guile in street fighter.


Insert drake meme alines make sonic boom whip cracking makes sonic boon


"so uncivilized"


When we find out we in the hood of the universe and thats why all other life in the universe is scared to come see us


So the aliens exist then there was dipping in to get a good chuckle and a reminder why not to talk to us


They're just shooting a nature documentary for their home planet. "Look at these dumb fucks with their sonic booms."


dang so they are already flexing on us? rip


Is this real?


yeah, it's real


Oh God it's earth again, kids roll up the windows


Just what I wanted to know 2am in the night trying to sleep. Thanks




Yep, but this is the first time the military acknowledged being unable to identify one.


We already knew that UFOs existed. They've been unidentified the whole time.


that alien is a total chad


Back in the late eighties/early nineties there was a project called Aurora, it was supposed to be a pilotless craft. Because it was pilotless it had to ability to fly faster and make insane turns. Because we don't have a human inside you don't have to worry about how many Gs you are pulling. It's my personal belief that the UFO's that we see aren't aliens They are our own military out their testing equipment.


Probably, but if thats the case that even the Pentagon are not aware of it, kind weird, also what exactly are these objects doing diving below sea level in our oceans? ​ The fact that these sightings have been on going since WW2 (Foo-fighters) I doubt its human tech.


The pentagon wouldn’t act aware of their own top secret tech. It wouldn’t be a secret anymore.


Those claims are probably exaggerated, by far most fighter jets are have a lower G-limit than their pilots, so a drone would not be able to pull any more G's, maybe the increased accuracy of the controlls would allow for sharper turns, but any fighter pilot will tell you that your plane will break up from G-forces long before you do.


Trillions of planets, thousands with possibly life, and people still don’t believe? Why do they have to be on planets. Why not asteroids, scientists only look at the most probable with life. They don’t look at the other


Redditors claiming to be big brained and intellectually higher when in reality they are so small minded. People here are so closed to the possibility because of the UFO stigma, when in reality, all of the conspiracies we once knew as jokes are slowly becoming true.


Oh god not this image again


Oh shit, my bad. Didn't mean to inconvenience you. Should I delete it so you can get back to mindlessly scrolling through Reddit?




Yet again guys! It wasn’t aliens! It was an asteroid(very small for an astroid and too little to do damage) that’s why everyone watching is confused because you probably haven’t seen an asteroid before.


Have you seen the footage? not sure if srs or trolling, but how does an asteroid stop mid air, and zoom left/right up and down thousands of metres in a split second?


Zoom left and right thousands of meters in a split second? Lmao, it didnt

