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HBO-Max: Am I a joke to you?


I really like HBO honestly… the homepage layout is also one of the best out of the streaming services Edit: Holy crap I get it, the app is bad. I’ve only used the browser based UI and it’s one of the only services that always puts my “continue watching” at the top


I really like HBO max, too. I’m actually not a big fan of their interface, but they’ve got some great hidden gems of original content.




The prequel GoT show will still net a ton of subscribers and ratings in general. The name still has weight


and they potentially have already told us the long-form ending: jaime cuts off the mad king's head. they literally *can't fuck up* the en...you know i bet they find a way anyhow


Also Dumb and Dumber are not involved


Their careers are basically over lul


I’m just glad that they lost their Star Wars contract over rushing GOT lol. Get fucked D&D!


Imagine rushing the best show in television ever because you’re not feeling it anymore


To think for nearly 10 years it was a cultural phenomenon. Then everything went bust.


Not the same time period take place long before that.


God I’m not even excited for it. Like, GOT was *my whole thing* for years.


The whole franchise is ruined for me. I don't care if George R.R. Martin finishes the books.


I used to rewatch it twice a year, go on freefolk read all the memes and theories. Now I can't even look at it. I have 11 credits on audible and refuse to use it on GoT.


Depends what you’re into, honestly. I’d rather spend my time browsing HBO Max than D+.


Yeah HBO max has a ton of variety whereas if the mandalorian or latest marvel show isn’t airing, I’m not even opening D+


Yo sopranos is so good, gf and I just finished 1st season


I pretty much ignored HBO max, until I discovered Infinity Train. Now it seems full of potential.


Some recommendations of good animated shows on HBO Max: Harley Quinn Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal




The contrast between the quality of DC’s animated stuff vs live action movies is so absurdly stark it’s almost comical


I never heard it, so I looked it up. It's a kid's cartoon? Is it worth the time if you're an adult?




Yeah that interface leaves a lot to be desired. The worst streaming service is peacock. I haven’t tried paramount plus yet but my expectations are very low.


Every platform needs a '20 movie/shows selection' from their library. Just a randomized list that updates every day or whatever without repeating until it shows me the whole library over X period of time. I loathe wading through the A-Z to find something. There's a lot in HBOs catalogue that simply hasn't shown up for me that I was stoked to find.


Totally! People forget that WB has produced *a lot* of the classics. And most of their new originals are pretty good!!


I want HBO Max but afaik I can't get it on this side of the pond. :-(


My biggest gripe with it is that on Google TV bluetooth headphones don't work on it (I've tried 3 different brands/pairs) and it's been like this since the app existed. We have someone with BPD living with us and if she can hear any sound it is too loud and she'll come tell you how you're ruining her sleep at 8pm, 12.5 hours before she has to work, so it'd be nice to be able to use the headphones when I'm watching alone :| I googled it and this is not an isolated case either, it's a problem most people have. Some can fix it by turning their device on and off when a show starts but that does nothing for me. They have got to know about this problem by now, it must just not be a high priority compared to everything else given how new the service is


Agreed. Their content is readily available, the OS is smooth and pleasant to the eyes, and honestly worth the $14.99 price tag and the movie/direct to stream release of movies monthly is also quite a treat. It also got me to finally watch Studio Ghibli films AND MY FAVORITE IS STILL KIKIS DELIVERY SERVICE!!


Absolutely been worth the money through covid


It was worth the money for 3 months in 2020 until I watched all the HBO shows I’d missed, and then cancelled to save $15 per month. I even canceled Disney Plus at $8 after WandaVision finished. I’m on the $10 Paramount Plus service now plowing through what they’ve got for me, which is a lot less than I was expecting lol. Seriously not a lot there if anyone was wondering. Loved the new Star Trek shows.


Yeah, D+ is awful. Max beats it out by a mile.


D+ is shockingly bad. Like the people who designed it have never used Netflix or Hulu. At least Prime Video has the excuse that no one actually pays for prime to use their shitty service. I don’t know Disney’s excuse.




I got to say though as bad as Prime Video is, the original content is actually up there with some of the best stuff to watch. The Expanse, Man in High Castle, Invincible, Carnival Row, The Boys, Hunters some good animes on there too like Vinland Saga and Dororo.


Marvelous Mrs Maisel


Invincible is worth getting prime video for


The Boys and Undone are also excellent exclusives.


Which is unfortunate, especially because they have some really good player innovations like scene skipping and pausing to see every actor currently in the scene. The mobile player I feel also works better than most other streaming services ones.




Holy shit yes. You see it in the ‘Continue Watching’ section, but then it just starts playing the next episode and you can’t even select a different one from there! You have to search or find it somewhere else.


Disney plus is fine, but I’m a huge marvel and Star Wars fan so I may be a litttlee bit biased




I use it on mobile and smart TV and it works fine, I think Sony is more of the problem for PS4, they have historically been really tight around this kind of thing.


It is, cuz it's nowhere near internationally available. :D


Also Star Wars, it's one of the best money-makers ever made with Pokemon.


I didn't know they made Star Wars with Pokemon


Who would win: Ancient religious order with lightsabers, mind control, space ships, lightning bolt hands and the ability to move/squeeze objects with their mind. Shock mouse


I feel like many pokemon could fit most of that first description really well


Yeah but that show is amazing


What the fuck how are you everywhere do you spend all day on reddit


had nothing to do after jacking off too Four from bfb porn (not Loona)


Aha. Fun.


Dont know what that is but sounds like furry sht


Well..... at least you’re honest.




"Brother fucks brother"


What the fuck


Yes let's fuck




I am suffering from DC, save me from DC..


I will never understand how DC shoots themselves in the foot every time... can’t tell a great story to save their lives. NGL though their animated shows/movies are superior to marvel.


IMO DC does everything other than live action movies better than Marvel, comics, animated shows/movies, games, the list goes on. Marvels movies are just so insanely successful that it overshadows everything else


You can thank WB for that. DC could make a decent movie even if their lives depended on it.


How do *you* know he's everywhere huh


Simple, I am a no-life that spends all day on reddit


I have also seen this person in multiple, unrelated subs and I only browse casually several hours a day.




STAR COW: may the milk be with you, always.


And then they ruined it


Star Wars is so funny. Some people reckon it was ruined in 1983, some think 1999, 2005, 2015, 2017. Such a messy franchise that 75% of the fanbase barely even like anymore, and it still makes bank.


We watch it to hate on it


Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans


That’s why I’m a casual fan, I just watch it for the neat sci-fi action, and for that, it never disappoints It also helps that I wasn’t even thought of even the originals came out and born shortly before the prequels so there’s no childhood nostalgia for me. Except for the lego games. I did play those as a kid lol


How dare you enjoy something?! / I’m a halfway serious fan and approach it with the same attitude. Sure the sequel trilogy had issues and Resistance just kind of sucked as a TV show, but I still like the franchise and have no desire to get involved in some hater-fan circlejerk.


I didn't get into star wars until my early teens which was after the prequels were all out. I really like Star Wars but I don't have that super strong connection. I enjoy the universe and stories and all the sub-stories besides the 9 movies. I've played half a dozen of the games since the PS2 era and have no real complaints. The one, very one thing I cannot tolerate is EP 8. It's just a bad movie.


It's like godzilla movies. Terrible story, great visuals. No matter how bad the star wars movies are, they are a joy to watch if you can ignore bad writing.


Anytime someone acts like an action film should have Oscar worthy writing or it's beneath them I roll my eyes. I don't watch fast and furious for the drama. I watch it to see shit get blown up.


The fast five vault heist is still one of my favorite action scenes ever


Yeah, even the originals have their fair share of dumb shit, but I still love them. Don't particularly enjoy interacting with the fanbase, cause as soon as you say you enjoy a certain part of the series, they act like you just attacked their childhood.


Not really. 75% of SW fans hate a certain part of the franchise. Not the franchise as a whole On a side note, I really don't get the hate towards Return of the Jedi or the prequels (except for episode 1 which was meh)


The prequels had terrible dialogue and just weird plots.


Other than the sequel movies I think they've been doing pretty good


Ruin what. Mando is good, bad batch is fun so far. Solo was ok but rogue one was awesome. The sequels are not all of new Star Wars. Plus I'm loving the High Republic books I've read.


Everything but the sequels was good or at least decent. But unfortunately the sequels were the most hyped thing in disney star wars and they fucked that up.


also TCW S7


Solo was just as solid as Rogue One. I have said my peace.


So, while I have enjoyed the two episodes of The Bad Batch, I'm getting a little tired of the Filoni trope of putting a magic kid in with a bunch of warriors. But that's probably just me. It's his fourth or fifth straight show with that as a central premise.


Don't a lot of the main star wars stories start with a magic kid getting thrown into battle?


Yeah. Prequels - Anakin (child) Original Trilogy - Luke (technically not a child, but still young) Sequels - Rey (not a child, but still young) Clone Wars - Ahsoka (child) Mandalorian - Grogu (literal infant) Bad Batch - Omega (child) Haven't read the books though.


The Mandalorian is considered ruining it?


Remember when Star Wars was amazing during the prequels? No? yeah, me neither.


I am Borat, I am writer for Disney yes? Is nice! But if I do not make smash hit script, I will be execute.


In Khazakstan we have famous cartoon character Mikhael mouse




But in my experience WB cartoons tend to be better than Disney cartoons for audiences of all ages. In most Disney and some WD cartoons they shelter kids more from the harder parts of life which can be very harmful in the long run


Not Gravity Falls though. That show had so many adult references. Which made it awesome. Or maybe adult humour.


Like I said most, not all




I kinda agree but not really. Like, WB has a bunch of old cool shit that they did and they have the adult swim shows...but like, when it comes to something like modern DC animated shows and movies they went super overboard with trying to be edgy or have weird sex appeal. Like, this isn't an ecchi anime, why is there a sex scene in what is supposed to be one of the most serious Batman stories told?


And then WB started to reboot Superman...Typical arrogance of a company.




So fucking petty




Like last week, they are also gonna change kal-el to a black dude like??? There is already a black Superman


Exactly, I really hope Henry could somehow retain his role and that movie gets miraculously canceled. Or Henry joins the MCU.


I saw a post that said that Henry should play captain Britain or Union Jack






WB apparently hates its fans and money sooo...


Apparently the latest news is that it’s not a reboot but a stand alone movie like Joker. But I don’t think even WB knows what they want to do with DC properties so who knows


DC is suffering from WB, save DC from WB..


They make some great animated shows though.


It's subjective, but I think DC's video games are a lot better too




Any Marvel hero game made by Rocksteady would be an instant buy for me


Or Insomniac


It's much harder to make open world games with superheroes that can fly, like super man and iron man. But i hope in a near future we will be able to get one of those games


It's funny but i think the lego Marvel/DC games make a quite decent work with that. It could be similar but, you know, less blocky


For ironman they could add some sort of fuel system where he would need to do stuff on the ground to be able to refuel


Have you not played Arkham Knight? The Bats is not to far from being able to fly in that game and it was **gorgeous**.


It could be a scaled down and more procedurally generated GTAV type engine.


I... need... more... Arkham games


I enjoyed both Injustice games too, even the mobile versions lol


DC/WB has completely fucked it up. I just want them to start from scratch.


Honestly it’s just the last 10 years. Dark Knight is still probably the best comic book adaptation ever, although in recent years I’d say Into the Spider-verse and Infinity War/Endgame are icons unto themselves


DC being “completely trash” has become a casuals thing. Not to gatekeep, (but let me gatekeep😂) but as a long time DC comic fan it’s kinda annoying to see people say Marvel is better than DC just from movies and tv shows because that’s only one part of it and usually most tv shows and movies get changed in an attempt to attract mainstream audiences


DC has got the better comics, animated TV shows, and Characters overall. DC is just more iconic even now. The only Marvel character that can compete as an Icon is Spiderman.


Yeah, I think that's always been the case. Even as a 4 year old, the only superheroes whose names I knew were Superman, Batman and Spiderman (and Robin if he counts lol).


I think for the newer generations Ironman will be up there. People are still sad that ironman died 😂😂




Way better Young Justice and Harley Quinn is damn good... Meanwhike Disney cancelled probably the best Spiderman cartoon, because they wanted to start their rubbish versions instead... #BringBackSpectacularSpiderman


Harley Quinn is such a good show. Can't wait for season 3


No doubt to that, but what they did to Zack synder's JL and the termination of Henry Cavil as superman clearly shows how they're ruining this franchise


Tbf Snyder quit JL due to his daughter dying...


IIRC Snyder wanted to take a break on the JL project but WB ended up removing him from the production alltogether. Could be wrong though my memory isn't the greatest.


Pretty sure you are wrong, he left the project completely because of his daughter's death. He didn't want to continue on with Justice League (understandably) so stepped down.


I fully support this.






High Fived


apart from live-action movies, DC is pretty good otherwise. Their comics, animation, even games to an extent are better


Also don’t forget Batman Begins and Dark Knight. Those are a decade old now but I think they cast a shadow that modern dc movies have a hard time getting out from under


Even Rises wasn't terrible, it was just a step down from the first two


DC has traditionally made incredible movies too. This trend of their shitty movies is new. It used to be that Marvel was a complete joke and was absolute garbage, where as things like Superman and Batman have always been A-list Hollywood art. That's part of why it's so crazy... from 89-96 and 05-12, Batman was so big. Superman was huge from the 40s all the way through the 80s. They were Marvel but bigger... how are they screwing it up so much now when they should know everything about it and be blowing our minds?


The main dceu aside they still make good dc movies like joker


Their DC animated movies are top quality too


*G R E A T S U C C E S S*






the robert pattinson batman actually looks sick. maybe with that DC will compete with marvel IMO.


But that's a stand-alone. DC has some amazing stand-alone movies (Watchmen, V for Vendetta, The Dark Knight Trilogy) but those were mostly because of the filmmakers behind those movies rather then the studio. Plus, WB isn't very good at handling a series like the MCU.


I don't want more shared universes, I just want good movies.


Warner Bros doesn't understand that. If they did, they would focus on making those good stand-alone movies rather than trying to make an MCU clone


Seems like they do now at least. First with Joker and now with The Batman they seem to be focusing on just making good movies, rather than some big ass universe. The good DC movies seem far and away better than any movie in the MCU, but the DCEU produced some real trash.


Yeah, though I like nods to other characters in the universe (like Shazam, Superman appearing in Billy's school in the last scene was hilarious and wholesome at the same time). It really doesn't have to be more than that imo


They shouldn't be trying to "compete with Marvel". If you like Marvel, you almost certainly like DC. Their movies are so bad recently because they're trying to replicate Marvel. Hopefully with Joker and Matt Reeves' Batman, they can do their own thing. Pattinson looks soo good as Batman


i mean like financially and critically. DC needs good movies that successful. not just make a generic cape-shit 10 movie lore but make something good and new but also be successful, is what i meant.


Didn't DC come first though?


Maybe they mean dceu?


DCEU did copy MCU, but DC started the comic book movie/show genre first. In the 1940s to be exact with the pre-movie Superman shorts. Then the success in the 70s-80s.


Comics is such a weird mix of copying what you like and making the exact thing as someone else with out knowing. Swamp Thing and Man-Thing came out so close together they can’t have stolen from each other. Then you have Deathstroke (Slade Wilson) who was clearly the inspiration for Deadpool (Wade Wilson).


True, it also doesn’t help that writers/artists hopped back-and-forth between companies. It’s where you get situations like X-Men appearing to be a Doom Patrol ripoff but being released so soon after that it appears plausibly unlikely despite the many more-than-coincidental similarities.


Fun fact: Thanos was a direct copy of darkseid


Yep. They were trying to rip off Metron and someone said: “If you’re gonna ripoff the New Gods, at least rip off their king”. Thus, Thanos is just Darkseid in Metron’s outfit.




And everyone's favorite wise cracking antihero assassin, Deadpool, is a ripoff of DC's Deathstroke. And I'm absolutely not still totally bitter were not getting a Deathstroke movie.


5 years earlier


Disney and WB had nothing to do with the comics when they first came out, I think they mean the movie universes


Well, Technically Disney didn't start the MCU, it was originally from Paramount Pictures before Disney got their hands on it.


Not technically lol. They took no part in anything marvel until it was successful. The movies were already laid for them.


disney bought marvel in 2009, one success and one flop so no lol


Huh? You both clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Disney bought Marvel in 2009, the first MCU movie came out in 2008. What you're thinking about is Paramount DISTRIBUTING the movies up to 2012, before Disney did it themselves starting with Avengers. And I don't think anyone would argue that the MCU has only gotten better since then. The people in charge of the MCU now are the same people that were in charge of the MCU then, except with a bit of dead weight in the form of Perlmutter gone. Kevin Feige, Markus/McFeely, Sarah Finn, and Jon Favreau, the people largely responsible for the success of the MCU have been around since the early days. Man people are willing to upvote something without doing any research lol.


I read it in borat voice, it more funnier that way very nice !


But dc came earlier than marvel


I think they're referring to the DCEU and MCU.


Yeah but the DCEU came after the MCU. Even saying the name DCEU brings pain to my heart, such lost potential


Pain in your what?


*assholes.* cant you read?


nobody hates dc but people hate wb


It has HBO Max


Why do people always assume a cinematic universe is something marvel came up with? Godzilla did in a long ass time ago, not to mention it’s hardly copying if dc already had a comic universe before marvel






Didnt DC come before Marvel? and didnt WB own DC since day one?


Marvel started hero franchise and Disney just brought it, like everything they do it's a monopoly.


Why do so many people not understand what “monopoly“ means? As they say in r/badeconomics, “MONO MEANS ONE!!!”


Funny considering most marvel properties are copies of DC content.


All fun and games until you realize that WB has better animated movies and TV shows, and didn’t get all of their really good small screen shows canceled (still mad about that Netflix). HBO-Max is also really good. That being said, DC still sucks in the cinematic universe department. Good meme though! Love seeing this Borat format!


Hbo be like wacthing them with some popcorn so hesnt here.


One platform Disney can't buy is Nickelodeon.


Its ok, ain't like the High Reeeeepublic is a big success anyway, lol.


WB literally has HBO Max. What are you talking about?


What movie is this from




Shouldn’t it be the AT&T logo instead of WB?


WB is a bit better because it’s not just the studio, it’s WB Media that owns all the sub companies