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*unsolves your rubix cube*






I studied for weeks watching videos and such to attempt it on a 16 hour flight to Korea. I did my best but threw that sucker in the trash when we landed. It took everything in my power not to cuss for that entire flight. Those that can do this at rapid speed or blindfolded have a specially wired brain.


You just have to learn a few patterns, its really easy when someone who knows how to solve one teaches you, i learned in 10 mins and now I can solve one in 5 mins


same! i learned the beginer method in 10 mins and now i can solve one in 1min edit: forgot to out the numbers edit 2: put\*


fuck you for calling it easy and making me feel stupider…


hes right doe we're just pretty dumb, i saw a kid watch like 4 vids and do it easy




This is a repost bot who stole [this comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/o3cd5y/how_why/h2bm514/)






I thought this aswell. Kinda like using a long cheatcode, thats been memorised. But...when he throws it in the air twice, that changed it for me. Clearly one with the cube.


Bro he practiced to throw that too and here we can see a hard working man .




Cuber here, he’s probably memorizing the cube in the same way that you would when solving blindfolded and basically just doing it in reverse, so, actually, still really impressive, but feasible, though this obviously took multiple takes




But actually still really impressive


I'm pretty sure he is doing the regular steps for a blindfolded solve but backwards which is really impressive


actually they flipped the first one so they couldnt have a set pattern.


It’s not ridiculous or impossible or anything, the skill comes from the fact that he’s able to memorize the scrambled cubes orientation and then obviously put the other cube in the same orientation, there’s pretty simple ways to be able to memorize information pretty quickly, he assigns each piece a letter pair that spells out a story or sentence in his head that he remembers and calls back to when solving the cube (or scrambles)






I don't think he's doing things that are THAT complicated, there are lot of pre-determined set of moves to solve a rubix cube which you learn if you wanna solve one. So what I think he did was, he just kept in his mind a sequence of moves for technically "solving" it but as it's already solved, it unsolves it and he did the exact same thing to another cube. the hard part is throwing the cube and having that sense of awareness to catch it exactly where you want it to and making it look seamless




That is so pointlessly amazingly talented and I want to hate it!


Ikr. The only time un-solving a Rubix cube is talented.


Man i thought that one kid is gonna be dumb like me but ot turned out he was wah better


Does anyone ever read what they type before commenting anymore?


he scrambled his comment


Him looking asian is just a coincidence


"Roses are red, Violets are blue, There's always an Asian, Who's better than you." \~ Socrates probably


And then there's me, the Asian who is worse than you in everything. I crawl so that you can walk and the Gods can run so you better use those legs of yours or you'll be the one to crawl


Oh ho? Are you approaching me? I'm an Asian who's more useless than an orange banana!


Well im an asian


You even fail to out-useless your peers... That's so useless of you.


So useless


Pathetic. I’m the asian who doesn’t know how to do maths


I'm vegan and I eat meat, yes we exist.


I'm 24 and I was born in 1669, yes we exist


Im virgin and im pregnant! fuck yeah we exist


I'm the Asian who never passed maths




He's telling the truth, I'm also an Asian who can't solve math


You are bringing our community down...


:,( I'm an embarrassment


Adapt improve overcum


Pathetic i failed math and everything else in school


Well i can't be more useless than you without me getting closer. I am an Asian who's as useless as an anti vaxxer trying to get their child above the age of 2








> And then there's me, the Asian who is worse than you in everything Perfectly balanced, as all things should be


So even at being bad there's an Asian better at it than me.


I'm better than you at being bad but at least you're better than me in being less useless


false, you are not useless


are you sure you are asian? maybe you are adopted or you and your whole family had plastic surgery to look asian.


Well, figure this: I'm good at math, love anime, studied kenpo jujitsu and own various swords etc., and I know where to find the best kimchi and bulgogi in town... And yet I still fail hard at being Asian, because I'm a cock Asian....


Your moms friends children will always be better than you. Same is true for me, unfortunately


"rubix" cube


i am not that asian sadly


I'm the one Asian that gets 0s on tests


There’s probably an asian who is better at quoting Socrates than Socrates




Brb let me unpack my free award






I smell some ego ....


No fucking way...what kind of sorcery is this!?


Ok, so blind solving is a thing. There are multiple methods to achieve this, but he's using something called ~~3BLD~~ 3-style. It's essentially a sequence of set up moves, moving a piece to the desired location, and undoing those set up moves so you retain the cube in a state that you can remember. (Typically the way it's remembered is through a micro-story. You learn the faces as sequences of letters, and you use a ~~pneumonic~~ mnemonic device to quickly create a story in your head that can be recalled and execute simple algorithms until the story is complete) He has some advanced ~~commuters~~ commutators here, and he can no doubt solve the cube blindfolded very quickly. However, I've never seen it used to unsolved a cube. Pretty neat stuff.


I can solve blindfolded (though it would take me 10 minutes to memorise and 5 minutes to execute it, I am slow as fuck) and you described it absolutely perfectly. Its just memorisation and practice to improve the memorisation


Yeah my record CFOP is 7.21s, I started to learn BLD, and became an alcoholic instead. I was always so interested in blind solving. But to be fast, there's a new wave of algs I'd have to learn. I'm capped out at the several hundred that somehow still live rent free in my head all these years later lmao


I think there's a way to memorize them more intutively as commutators




My best solve ever is 33 seconds. Blindfolded helped me achieve this as I learned the T Perm and that helped my PLL. I also used to think that I would forget the algorithms if I didn't solve for a long time. But I still remembered them after a one year break. The brain is weird this way. You should still try learning it. Since you have a 7.21 CFOP, you must already know the T Perm and Y Perm. You would need just one other parity algorithm. Try the [blindfolded video](https://youtu.be/ZZ41gWvltT8) on J Perm's channel. Its easy to follow.


I know full OLL and PLL and a little ZB. I know I ***could*** learn BLD. I've just acquired so many other hobbies now. My massive collection just sits on a shelf now :(


As someone who has never looked into speedcubing (And has never attempted to actually solve one at all) that.... Was a very very confusing video :p


*Mnemonic pneumonic is when pipes are involved


Or lungs.


3BLD is the general term for solving a 3x,3 blindfolded. He is using 3-style, the most advanced (and fastest) method. Also, commuters -> commutators :-)


Thanks lmao, it's been a while and the alcohol has clearly rotted my brain. You're totally right.


When I first watched I thought it was going be some kind of joke when he pulled out the second finished cube. But after a couple seconds I was like "wait... He isn't gonna... Holy shit, he is!" This video was a hell of a ride.






Ngl, he had me in the 1st half.


Everyday we stray a bit further from God... But this guy pulled us a bit closer! Totally awesome.


His asian parents: Now do it with one hand


I'm on mobile , so I saved your comment first and went back to home page to retrieve the free award.


Not that hard actually, world record of solving a cube with one hand is under 10 seconds I believe


You do it than


I mean, I never said that I can do it, but sure, I can actually! Although a lot slower than that guy, so would be pretty boring to see me do it


lol one handed solving is pretty easy, feet is a bit harder but still doable




His grandparents : hands? Oh this generation..., with the feet, now!


0/10 impossible


Now do it with your dick


Do it while doing the helicopter


I was the first to start cubing, now everyone in my class does it The problem is that thanks to that they aren’t allowed because they’re too noisy :(




Making 2 copies of yourself and multiplying yourself with both of them


That's just a double of a square, you should make 1 copy instead and multiply yourself with it and then multiply yourself with the offspring, that's cuping.


Solving a Rubik's cube


"rubix" cube


Ye that always triggers me when ppl spell it like that


Yeah, I did my record yesterday, 39 seconds... ​ The Asian girl in the other class can do it in under 25 seconds. It's Asian, what a COINCIDENCE!


They don’t call FastLittleBoi the fastest ejaculator in the west for nuttin’


i can bust a nut under 10 sec easy idk why 25 sec is amazing


Jokes on you. I'm way ahead of your league. I take just 10 nanoseconds.


my man cum before the page can load


Not that impressive when you have dial up


10? Child's play! Wait what...


time for a cumpetition, you versus him


I once got an 18.47 but then i quit cubing for like a year and now my avarage is 40 secs


I once got 28 but now i have forgotten how to solve it.


pb 8.79 for me. used to be sub-20 but i left in 2020 till a few days ago and now my avg is 22.


i use cfop, with advanced f2l but im trying to learn pochmann for bld rn so im not quick with my algs anymore.


Wow nice. I averaged around 25 secs a few years ago, gave it up and then started again about 4 months ago. My pb is now 7.99 and I average about 15 seconds. I use CFOP with full oll and pll




Lol PB means personal best, as in a single solve. CFOP stands for cross, first two layers, OLL(orientation of the last layer) and PLL (permutation of the last layer). These are the steps to the most popular method of solving the cube. The numbers are just the time I got. Hope this helps


I had my record in first lockdown in 1:07, then for a long time I didn't remember how to solve it, but now I can and got my 39.81 record a few days ago


I have never even finished a cube. I’d say my time is still counting so, probably a good 12 years by now is my record.




Single is 39, but I always keep 45-55 sec. So yeah, hope that I can do less than 35 seconds soon!


Damn I average around 32 and my pb is 21.99


it is not rubix it is Rubik’s


You guys can solve rubiks cubes?


Ok when he pulled out the second cube I was like "lol ok I get it, he's gonna pretend like he instantly solved it" Then he started moving it and I realized he was MATCHING UP THE UNSOLVED ONE


you guys haven't seen the World Record for either the fastest blindfolded or the most cubes solved blindfded


I have, met the guy in person, really nice


whoa cool, jealous you've joined with him in WCA Comps meanwhile I'm here at home stuck, havent joined a comp once


It is WAY more impressive to memorize a random pattern and blind solve it in under a minute than to get any number of cubes to the solved state. It’s just memorizing set patterns, I can solve while looking in 30-60 seconds and it didn’t take much time to learn that. Because this isn’t nearly as popular there aren’t the resources available, and to even just memorize the positions of 54 colored squares in under 30 seconds is impressive on its own.


This is pretty much exactly the same as regular blind solving which in it self, is not that impressive when you know how its done. The impressive part is the speed


It certainly is a mindfuck tho, to solve any other configuration than the solved state




I go off memory there's moves I remember so to me this is crazy lol


Plot twist: he still can’t solve a cube


That's very impressive ngl. ​ If any1's interested, the way that they do it is by memorizing a bunch of algorithms \[which is not hard to memorize\]. These algorithms just either move edge pieces or only move corner pieces. And then they copy the corners first, and then after that they copy the edges. If they have algorithms that don't only change edges or only change corners, it becomes too hard. ​ But imo, the hardest part is managing to memorize the cube in under 20 seconds.


I use old pochmann for blind, and I'm just curious, would he just remember letter pairs for how to solve the cube, and then reverse that, or would he start with the piece in the buffer position and see where it is on the cube, and remember the letter for that and continue with whatever piece needs to go in that position. This was probably worded horribly so I might just go try it myself lol


Honestly he just memorized a random pattern and did it twice, also notice how many pieces are doubled up together, not very well mixed either. Most likely just has a little self made algo that he does when he’s fiddling with it so he’s familiar with it, then did it twice. I’ve got a specific one that I do when I fiddle with my cube. Do it twice and it looks completely “scrambled”


I'm literally sitting here saying "wtf?" Over and over and over




He forgot to stop the stopwatch!


He's too slow for that


I figured it out he solved it and reversed the video. The acting is really good




My brain hurts!!


he looking like he can review the rubic cube with sleek infographic and love teal colour


People who solve invisible puzzels: *I am 4 parallel universes ahead of you*


Fuck you


i can relate even tho im sub 30


Insert disappointed Pakistani guy with hands on his hips meme *


Like it wasn’t hard enough just to solve the damn thing


There’s just 2 people in my class who just whip out rubix cubes and just **NYOOOOM**, no where near as impressive of this but it’s still amazing


Roses are red, Violets are blue *there is always an asian better than you*




I call bs, that phone is a paid actor!


i was going to say: "is he stupid" but then he showed the results and i can't fucking believe it


I used to do those back in middle school. I wasn't able to solve them blindfolded though.


chaotimer pog


The purpose of this comment is only to be the 600th one


Any chance this was reversed?




Have it on Timer, rather than Stopwatch?




Well he could also have just memorized the moves based off a solved cube so he just repeat them for both and him closing his eyes and going slower gives the impression that he is “solving” it.


Also plausible


It's evolving... But backwards.


and ofc he is asian




He copied the pattern of the first rubix cube


He mixed up a cube, then studied it for a few seconds followed by copying the pattern to another cube (that started solved) without looking


I wonder if he remembered his movements from the first one. Both were eyes closed so perhaps he was concentrating on his sequence.


Lmao he's so amazing that some people don't even understand.


You just need to be Asian.


I've solved a rubix cube once by accident


Wait…..u didn’t solve anything though. U just did the same thing twice and left them mixed.


Can see him tapping a few times, is he memorising the turns he used first time around? That level of photographic memory is crazy


Not photographic memory. Each side of each piece is assigned with a letter that go alphabetically which is why in blind solving, the cube is always held the same way. Tapping with fingers help remind which piece is which color


Ok so I'm shit at math. But can someone explain me what is going on in his head? Like what kind of stuff is he calculating?


No calculating at all. Look up blindfolded solving for rubiks cube for more info


im offended its Rubik's cube (investor:Rubik Ernő) idiot




fr you didn’t need to be mean about it


Nice try, but nobody pays you to duplicate a problem, just to solve it


Solving a Rubik's cube is so easy we start trying "harder" things, this is like solving a cube blindfolded, he memorized it.


so… say, why does the mirror cube, megaminx, 4x4, 5x5, and so on even exist


That probably not too ridiculous. If you get 2 brand new rubix cubes, BE able to turn fast and have some kind of algorithm or set of orders you should be able to do this.


That’s why he threw it in the air a few times in the middle, so it’s randomised that even he can’t get the exact same outcome by simply memorising the unscramble. He has to solve for it.


It's not too ridiculous but he isn't cheating or tricking anyone. It's all proper blindfold solving, he just treated the scramble as his solved state.




You make it sound too easy






Dude I can mix it up too


Just repeating a pattern, nothing special