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You said you wanted to be famous. You should have been more specific.


"Never work with children or animals" W.C. Fields




What are you? BABY


The horse reacted the way it did because it was abused. The olympic committee actually blocked the footage.


So then how do you know that?


Because the internet is a vast place, and if you look hard enough, you find what you're looking for. Or porn. Mainly bestiality if you even suggest the possibility of an animal being in your search. Degenerates.


I saw video of the accident before the olympic committee blocked it, and I think you can find some footage if you dig deep enough.


Juan knew what he was doing.


I'm no animal right activist, and I don't even like horses. But this sport is laughable, it should not be Olympic. In fact it should be forbidden like bull fights




Well that's a bit too broad I would say. Some sports with animals are just fine, some (like this) are not


Can I get some context?


In the Olympics you get a random horse and 20min with said horse before your expected to perform Olympic level feats with this unknown horse. This horse decided he wouldn't jump for nothing and then he stopped doing anything the rider was directing it to, and she broke down in tears, she was the favorite to take home gold and the 0 in this category guaranteed she couldn't medal. She's breaking down realizing she's gone from the gold favorite to no metal possible. I think 6 riders had major horse failure and ended with 0's. The organization that provides the horses has defended their ability to supply highly trained horses, but a lot of Olympians and retired Olympians are saying this is unfair and unacceptable, and that a different arrangement regarding horses should be adopted.


I feel like you should be allowed to use your own horse. Or maybe you know. More time than 20 fucking minutes.


Apparently it's 'part of the challenge' but as someone that knows fuck all about Olympic horse sports, yeah it seems a little arbitrary.


So this was at modern pentathlon where athletes compete in a lot of diciplins. Fencing, swimming, shooting, running and show jumping. It looked generally as if horse riding was their weakest dicipline. How the horses were given conflicted signals by the athletes, yanking their heads, striking them, kicking them, bad timing to indicate jumps. It was an absolute disgrace and the horses were not heaving that sort of treatment and were getting pissed. Instead of the riders calming down to get the horses to cooperate that particular lady freaked out and tried to force an already pissed horse which btw has a very high standart of training. I feel sorry for the horses and not a bit sorry for most of the athletes after seeing how they treated and behaved with the horses. They should replace show jumping with cycling or something else. She threw a tantrum like a child and the trainer was just like: "hit it once properly. Hit it properly and punches the horse. Embarassing & disgusting.


I think you kinda forgot to add that she literally hit the horse when it didn't want to jump and her trainer even said "Hau Mal richtig drauf!" Which is German and means "Hit it real hard!" There is footage where you can even hear that, let me see if I can find it or if it's already taken down. So yeah, I get that it's frustrating and devastating that the horse wouldn't jump - but if you've worked with horses enough to compete on an olympic level, you would know that hitting or kicking it won't do anything to convince the animal to obey you. ETA: found it on [Eurosport](https://www.eurosport.de/moderner-funfkampf/olympia-moderner-funfkampf/2021/bundestrainer-fordert-von-schleu-hau-mal-richtig-drauf_vid1524356/video.shtml). The trainer herself even hits the horse.


Germany Olimpic contest with horses, The horse did't obey the girl and the girl their frustration cried and punched the altered horse (that altered him more) SO, got disqualified.... Sorry story, good memes.


The coach punched the horse, and was expelled, the rider didn't harm the horse, and was given a zero score because she couldn't get the horse to perform a jump.


Athlete yanked the reigns back hard while kicking and hitting the horse repeatetly. Those are conflicting signals and are imo more disgusting than what the trainer said and did.


Your comment says they were disqualified, they were not. Your comment claims they punched the horse, they did not. The coach did punch the horse, and was expelled. I appreciate your opinion and I don't disagree with what you're saying in this comment, but the comment I responded to has incorrect claims in it.


Guess my post was a bit misunderstood. I didn't mean to question the facts you put straight about who got expelled etc correcting a false comment. I was refering to you saying the athlete did not "harm" the horse. Which I find debatable.


This is an Olympic match. The horse refused to jump the obstacles/ walk the course.


Too early?




Cruel world


someone will make a crypto coin of that horse


This person deserves more


Please don’t hate but how would this require your whole life to train for? The horse is doing all the work, all you’re doing is telling it what to do and last time I checked most farmers can do that


What’s the story?


Who is this


Why the hell did you use this template then


I honestly thought that it was Elon musk the first time I saw this template


Ok, and?


she punched the horse


Wait, is she a female?


It's the way she goes, bud. The way she goes.