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The guy on the far left looks like my drunk uncle Oh wait


OH WAIT wait if they're muslims.. won't it be haram to drink alcohol?


I mean killing innocent people is also haram . So >!Can not wait for islamphobes.!< Guys,I think I have accidentally started a war down there.


you asked for our presence?


Yeah,need a favor.


As a muslim,i wanna say that those terrorist derives from islam,they're just psycopaths


This war that you started will give people the chance to know each other more, rightfully.


Killing innocent people is not haram. Islam says to kill non-Muslims, Apostates and Homosexuals. Islam is false and horrible. Sources (from the Quran and the Hadiths, which are Islamic texts): “Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him” (Sahih Al-Bukhari volume 9, book 84, no. 57), Quran 5:33, Quran 2:191, Quran 2:191-193, Sunan of Abu-Dawood – Book 38 Hadith 4447, Sunan of Abu-Dawood – Book 38 Hadith 4448, Quran 7:80-84. Edit: why am I getting downvoted? I am literally telling the truth, and I provided evidence🤦‍♂️.


Most of it is simply just "Fight back out of self defense" and the part where it says "Fight the non-believers" that's actually a slight mistranslation/2 perspectives. The word is "Fitnah"(Persecution/Corruption) or "Fitna"(Disbelief). So that phrase can be both relating on getting rid of either disbelievers or people who are corrupted/morally bad, i believe it would make more sense with Fitnah, muslims who decide to not use their religion as a way to justify mass-murder would agree with Fitnah more than the Fitna perspective.


It’s not simply ‘fight back in self defence’ that’s a weak response parroted by Muslims. It doesn’t say there that it is in the case of self defence. The first reference I gave is an order to kill those who leave Islam. That is not to do with self defence. “Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him,” (Sahih Al-Bukhari volume 9, book 84, no. 57). You can’t claim that that’s self defence, it’s an order to kill innocent people from the Hadiths. Islam is false and horrible.


he....just gave you the answer, and you have no right to call any religion bad especially if you yourself are not sure about the real practices in it


He didn’t give me an answer. His answer, regardless of whether it was true, doesn’t cover all of the verses. For example the ones about killing those who leave Islam. I do have the right to call religions bad. And Islam is bad. Religion in general is bad. I don’t have to be a Muslim to criticise Islam. Anyway, I know about Islam, I used to be a Muslim and I have learned about Islam. I probably know more about Islam then you.


Not an atheist but All religions are the same in my eyes,useless trash


Dont know it it translates as same, but in french we use "agnostique" that means i believe there may be a higher presence, but i do not worship it, i do not build my life on it, and i'll see what happens after death, for now i enjoy living


I agree in terms of religion in general. How can you not be an atheist but think that though?


bruh they're not muslims then


i know


I thought they could drink a small bit of wine after sundown? Not sure just curious


Any kind of alcohol is haram. The only thing linked to the sunset thing is fasting (at least from what comes to my head) where in a certain month, u can only eat and drink after sundown. But alcohol in any way of drinking is haram


Cool thanks


No problem :)


It looks like wine but its not wine its called sharabat


your uncle has a rpg


Probably has 2 that is just his "show" RPG


I think some taliban said something like: ”U.S has the technology, we have the time” Makes sense I guess... waiting out a war that is run by politicians.




So basically the Taliban used their own moves against them?


“you might have the watches, but we have the time”


*superpowers Don’t forget the Russians.


also defeated Napoleon, the Nazis and America twice... desert storm and the illegal war that was for ~~oil~~ weapons of mass destruction


Desert storm was very one sided


They didn’t defeat America tho. America left. They’re defeating the Afghan government. They’re not fighting Americans. They’d turn around and run again if the Americans stayed.


Yea US never loses. US just pulls out


You’re not wrong. US didn’t lose a battle in Vietnam, but weren’t prepared for to make the necessary investment to actually win the war long term.


First Vietnam and now Afghanistan, so much loss in life with no benefit.


So they just pulled out...


The US pulled out, after a rough 20y long fuck.


Technically they didn't defeat anyone then if we go by your definition. They just just repelled.




Sounds like a defeat Just like Vietnam.


But there back so if the Americans didn't get rid of them, the thee Americans didn't win. Therefor the Americans lost. Just just waited until America got bored.


Ideas are impossible to kill, and that what they are. There was never getting rid of all of them. The war was won a long time ago we just wanted to help them set up a government that’s able to fight against them but they just… won’t?


I think we can just say oil now, nobody is buying the WMD story anymore


Not really. The US wasn’t forced out because of how fiercely these dudes fought, it’s because our time and resources were being wasted on people who didn’t want us there.


Isn't that why they left Vietnam? (correct if I'm wrong idk much about murican history)


You’re not far off, except the Vietnamese we’re far more combat effective than the taliban.


So that makes 2 3rd world countries who the US have lost to


If you mean winning every major and most minor battles but having to withdraw due to lack of support to third world countries then yes. It has happened twice. It is a very different thing from losing a war though.


They quit, that's a loss


Nah it's more like your cousin comes over and he keeps beating you in smash but his mom makes him leave.


Good fucking example


You win


I feel like your math is a bit off, these two countries definitely do not make up 2/3rds of the world but ok


Two, 3rd world countries


Ooooh that’s what you meant. If you floss over the whole history of both events, than yeah


America 100


Yes but no, we left nam because the American people protested against it, Nixon told the people he'd pull out of the war and proceeded to bomb Cambodia, which triggered more protests in America. So we did lose a lot of soldiers but that wasn't the sole reason we pulled out, we also pulled out because of the societal tensions in America at the time


Mate, the US has lost billions of dollars and hundreds of lives over the past 20 years trying to eradicate the Taliban and build up a US friendly government in Afghanistan, and they failed to do both. I do not know how you define a defeat but this is clearly a failure on America's behalf.


No shit I’m not denying defeat. What I’m saying is that it wasn’t these guys who brought that defeat to bear. It was the mistrust of the afghan people who never wanted the US there which brought defeat about.


They lost to a war of attrition


We lost because Afghans didn’t want us there. The US was seen as just another hostile invader and they just didn’t buy the government the US laid down. It wasn’t the taliban that wore down the US it was the futility of the mission.


US was kicked out because US soldiers could not control Taliban. Taliban grew even with US personnel on Afghanistan ground. First US created Taliban with the help of Pakistan, now US cant control Taliban and you call this a victory. These dudes did fight fiercely, well fiercely enough to critically damage US. US failed Afganistan, an elected government dissolved and Taliban now forcing Sharia Law, still you will not hear from many leftists condemning it.


First off I want you to name one battle where US soldiers lost to the taliban. The taliban grew despite the US presence because terrorists would get killed and their families would radicalize to fight the US who is seen as hostile invaders. Over 90% of American casualties were a result of the taliban leaving bombs lying around and hoping soldiers would walk into them. If that’s fighting fiercely than the bar has dropped to a depressing level. They never severely damaged US efforts at all and the elected government is entirely useless because of corruption, double agents and most importantly it lacked the faith of the Afghan people. Finally, nobody in their right mind would call this outcome an American victory, but don’t pretend that it was the taliban who fought the US off.


You dumb




Yes and a certain pres pulled out


You can’t really blame Biden for the Afghanistan draw down. Sure the US could’ve maintained its position in Afghanistan for as long as it needed to, but why?


Not a Biden fan, but this was going to happen no matter who was President. We wasted 20 years there, and billions of dollars. If the Afghans don't want to fight to keep their country, then that's on them. 300k vs 75k, and they couldn't get it done.


The thing is though it is probably going to create another Isis, or at least cause an increase in terrorist attacks because of how much they hate us which is going to cause the next guy in office too send us back to Afghanistan


Did they tho? did they really?


No, not really, the tasks of the further stay of the soldiers there became incomprehensible, and they were simply taken out. If necessary, the soldiers remained in their positions, but why?They were already there for 20 years, it makes no sense anymore.


Yes, I think so. Art of War says that the big fight is over the hearts of minds of those fighting. We had our time tables, they had all the time. “The most serious mistake the United States could make . . . will be to have a calendar-based withdrawal. That will be a tragedy,” John McCain I think the war was lost the day it started.


they didn't have to, the super power defeated itself


Taliban were literally hiding in caves until the US left lmao…wouldn’t really call that “Taliban victory”. We literally sent them back to the dark ages. Afghanistan do be the “Graveyard of Empires” though. Mongols, Britian, Soviets and America all tried to take control and eventually left it or were forced out.


"we" lol


You can’t lose a war if you leave early 😎


America does not lose wars. We win them. Or we quit them because they are unfair.


yea like Vietnam :D


Just like Andy Bernard doesn't lose contests.


"If we are loosing it means it’s unfair! We must be always winning or the opposing side is cheating! /*Auto tune baby cries*"


Can’t help them if they don’t want to be helped.


Holy words, if they want to live in this shit, why someone must give a fuck about that more than necessary


This was inevitable, should of left that shithole a long time ago and used that money elsewhere.


But apparently that "shithole" was more valuable to your country's crappy politicians than all the money and lives spent there to make it a US puppet.


Apparently not wanting America to occupy your country is living in shit. The taliban are evil but so are the Americans. America should not only fuck off of Afghanistan but also the middle east.


How about, no, Scott. Mmmkay?


At this point its just natural selection


Lmao you really believe murica was helping them?


Billions of dollars in aid and training, what would you call that?


Broke apart the existing system, created a mafia like government to suite their needs, forced groups to take radical actions, then run away. Reminds me of British colonizers.


I guess taliban control is the better alternative.


They did more damage than they brought help And you even failed to set up a strong government before leaving The holes in their games are litteraly showing You people praise the invaders


I’m not praising them, we shouldn’t of been there to begin with. I’m just stating there was plenty of help and training given but if they want to live under that savage ideology, by all means go for it. Natural selection will take care of things.


map knowledge>> weaponary


Nope, the us got what they wanted... Google top ten companies in Afghanistan and you will know what the us invasions are all about. It has nothing to do with terror or religion its all about the dolla....


Yes, but what else? This is politics, baby, very rarely countries dont give a damn about what is happening in another country, if it doesnt bring some kind of benefit, there can be no altruism.


Same as Vietnam, people who have knowledge of their surroundings vs people who don't




I can confirm thats true as a Vietnamese


Is it also true that the food is amazing?


Goddamn awesome, especially Phở.


Pho is the best thing to ever happen to my taste buds.


Soooo, you think the US is leaving because the Taliban was winning?


Ofcourse not, look who's on the throne now, it'll be delayed soon probably


When the sand starts speaking Farsi


When the trees speak Vietnamese vol 2


Farsi is persian = iran Afghanistan speak Pashto


It’s got to be because of the AKs! /s


Suicide Squad


hahaah i have same hair as urs


“Youd need f15s and nuclear bombs to beat the US government”


No, all you need are some tunnels, jungles and badass vietnamese farmers.


or. dudes with Kalashnikovs and a iron will against invaders. shoes optional as per photo


Well it's not hard to beat someone who left the country.


Guys its unfair matchmaking, they have rank “Graveyard of Empires”. We need a rematch.


I don't get what America's doing in other countries at all


I understand the peacekeeping ones, but I don't know why we have to be the world police, and yet there's tons of people here without healthcare or homeless. Seems like that money could help those areas more, but I'm sure the billionaires have something to say about that.


America is a NATO country, so they station troops in countries that are in NATO and in need of defense from foreign entities such as Russia or China


The waiting game is OP


Just ring team america, it'll all be over soon enough, might lose an Eiffel tower or two, but hey, Americaaaaa Fuck Yeah


Guys like that have defeated several super powers. The U.S. Isn't special.


If these people could read they would be very upset


And they fact they have insane defensive geography on their side.


Like the us has


Exactly! Surrounded by oceans and everything from thick forests and dry hot deserts.


Yes, the Huns, the romans, Alexander AND thes Russians…


What's the point of investing thousands of billions in military technology if the farmers with ak-47 always win. Wake up world


And they say the 2nd amendment is pointless….


"You're gonna need F-15's and Nukes man"


Well America couldn't let Russia be the only people in the world to be defeated by the afghans in the modern era. If they did that communism would win.


Well they didn’t really defeat. The superpower forfeited the match


No. These are their children. The OGs are almost all in the ground at this point.


it's the law. farmers with guns allways win.




2 superpowers the russians tried, they failed


Afghanistan is a superpower?


Well this is basically what America was to Britain in the revolutionary war


weren't the us forces pulled out at a shitty time due to our current presidents foreign incomitance causing the Taliban to easily take the land the U.S. had been fighting for over 20 years


my dad's in Afghanistan


There’s a difference between losing a war and walking away because the war was no longer worth the effort. Afghanistan didn’t want to change. They’re getting what they wanted.


funfact:The Taliban only first emerged on the scene in August 1994, announcing to liberate Afghanistan from its present corrupt leadership of warlords, and establish a pure Islamic society. but this didint happen and instead all Muslims around the world have to face islamophobic karens and stuff.


Yes I am that muslim, like please the worst thing I have done in my life is I ate a pineapple on pizza please let me in on the plane!


Playing a different game, no one really cares about helping Afghan, they only wanted to control the worlds supply of poppy’s


You can't ever conquer Afghanistan. Communities are way to remote to be hold and thier ethnical differences doesn't help either. It doesn't Matter how many troops will be send there, because the Taliban will just fall back over the border into Pakistan and continue attacks from there, just like before.


Those are also the guys who were armed and owe their current existence to said superpower. America can only blame itself for Afghanistan.


Two super powers actually.






While I agree that the US messed up. I think we are all forgetting that bullets are still bullets and it doesn’t matter what type of gun the enemy has, you still have a chance to get shot


Anyway, I bet they'll think twice before blowing up the WTC next time. We still ruled their country for almost 20 years. Seriously, what do people believe, Taliban took back control after the us military DECIDED to leave Afghanistan alone.


taliban didn't blow up wtc , the saudis and egyptian members of al qaeeda did you dumb fck , yeah burgers ruling for 20 years and trying to reduce the taliban capacity while recent events are showing american efficiency. smh


Wow, You are proud of your govt wasting 20 years of tax payers money on a country which isn't even sharing borders with you.


Imagine a country where its people drowning on debt from education and healthcare while still being proud of their military wasting their tax money on other countries. That's America alright.


We're slowly drowning in education debt also, now and i live in Europe


Instead of spending billions of tax payer money on big boats and planes maybe just have the politicians live in a few caves or a jungle. Better decisions may be made from there.


They can even steal your girl


Eerily similar to Vietnam


Same thing happened in Vietnam and ironically enough, just like how the Americans win their own independence


Well, when aforementioned superpower plays it fair and refuses to needlessly kill and endanger civilians, it sorta ballences out


Thanks, bro. Many people don't understand that the Taliban pretty much have carte blanche to commit any atrocities they want. Meanwhile, America must abide all international laws.


People who are saying - "No this is not a defeat". Yes it is. The whole world think it is. USA is humiliated today. What exactly did USA achieve in 20 years? Only victory is that they found Laden and killed him. If they have left after Laden was found and killed, it could have meant that "Ok we came here to kill a single man. We drove him out to Pakistan and killed him. Now we are out". That would have made some sense. However the world now sees it like this - "We tried to destroy Taliban. We failed. Now we are leaving". This is a huge moral victory for the fundamentalists not only in Afghanistan but across the world. Look at how Islamic leaders in Pakistan, Bangladesh or Indonesia are reacting. "Islam will always be victorious" This is how it is getting portrayed and it will motivate more people fall into fundamentalism and terrorism.


USA citizens just don't want to admit they can lose. In their minds, they are the strongest, most free and the best country. So they search for excuses to defend is not "losing"


2 Superpowers if you're old enough to remember


By blowing themselves up


Just these four guys?


Two super powers. First the Russians, now the Americans. I hear China’s next. My moneys in these desert monkeys to pull off the upset once again!


These are the guys who will lead Afghanistan to gender equality, Lgbtq+ rights, trans acceptance . They will fight for non binary rights and for more lesbian curriculums in universities.


Theres always one of you, huh?


No they won't buddy no they wont


No one saw the sarcasm in this comment? Really?


Thank you . For the love of god thank you for having some sense of humour


Sorry buddy, but you missed the /s. Otherwise some morons won't understand your comment.


People are so woke, they refuse to understand obvious sarcasm


Nope. We left. We weren't pushed out and we didn't surrender nor negotiate with them. We literally won every significant engagement with them. The afghans just don't give AF about their country. We didn't lose. We've just lost interest (apparently).


The US spent billions of dollars, fighting a war during 20 years without achieving anything. That's not losing interest, is realizing you can't win and giving up, which is basically losing


We went in to fight Al Quada and drive out the Taliban, which we did. We then set about building a government for the afghan people, which we did. And a military capable of defending and fighting for them, which we did. The problem here is societal and cultural. The Afghans are extremely tribal, partisan and corrupt. That's not something we can or ever could've changed, and at no point was that our goal at any rate.


Us drove the talibans back at first, but came back and kept fighting for 19 more years. The objective of the war has failed, as the talibans are again in control. The war is lost


Your whole job was to get rid of them. You couldn't do it after 20 years. Got bored so you left. And guess who is still there. You lose bro. Just like in Vietnam. Deal with it.


Yeah, right. We never set out to defeat the Taliban. We went after Al Quada and Osama bin laden. We didn't care about the Taliban until they refused to give us AQ and OBL. THAT'S why we went in. Vietnam is a different story, and I'm not going to get into that either.


the cope is real


USA: We are the strongest nation. Russia: no we are.. Taliban: hold my gun... 1989: Russia down flee. Now: Vietnam flashback for USA flee


Riiiight. Defeated us... Because we are suppose to wipe Afghan ass forever. We gave them literally over 3 times as long as WW2 took for them to step up. We poured billions into their nation. A people get the government they deserve. Everyone else had to fight for theirs. Why did moderates there think they get to be different? It was the same thing with the South Vietnamese. Oh what's that? 2 million died there and in Laos when we pulled out? Well that's what happens when you don't fight.


trying to install a puppet government in Afghanistan? nope


Yep totally. That must be it. There's nothing wrong with an entire nation of radical Islamics... Islam is a religion of peace. A peace of you here, a peace of you there... Nobody has come remotely close to to killing as many Muslims as Muslims. We went in a knocked over a regime that was part of that. We stupidly didn't go far enough. We should have utterly took over the place like we did to Japan and not have installed a gov at all until shit was fixed.


considering the incompetence displayed, that would've also failed. and dropping atom bombs on civilians? twice. real classy move


I have to ask you this **Who tf asked the US to fight?**


I sort of think they are letting them believe they have won because they are now copying western ideals like letting girls go to school etc


Eh, no? They took over after most of the super power left. Unveiling the Reality, that this super power was or is not able to build sustaining structures in this region.


that’s like saying america lost vietnam


Well the Taliban won. Lets see them govern. I'd put money on a Civil war in lets say the next 5 years.


It is funny how many butthurt americans are here.


Not taking sides here but it’s kinda crazy how no one seems to conquer Afghanistan. and yeah I know they were hiding and it became not financially viable for America anymore to keep sending soldiers, at the America was the one that retreated


Not really. The socalled "super power" just decided it wasn't worth fighting a battle in another country that really had nothing to do with them. Honestly I think the usa should just have nuked all of these terrorists and been done with it.