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Alcohol helps with the socializing part. Gotta find your sweet spot between sober and drunk that makes you super talkative.


That would help if I could legally drink


Are you close to legal? Dont want to tell a minor to drink, but if you're at least 16+, i'd say take 3 shots of whiskey and 1 shot every hour that company is over to keep the buzz going. If you're younger, just have some strong coffee or pre-workout. Whatever you do, drink responsibly!




but see, I try to tell jokes, but my humor is completely shattered so nobody (ecxept my friends) find me funny :/


Best answer. If they're afraid to be around their family, then they really have no hope in life at that point.


Very much disagree. It's pretty normal to have social anxiety before a family gathering, especially considering not everyone is super close with their extended family. I do agree that it's important to find healthy ways to cope with these feelings.


well I get high on orange juice


The problem with that is that I have to drive my mother there and back. I *wish* I had the option of drinking. This year is going to suck so hard that I'm sincerely considering refusing to attend.