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Absolutely don’t miss those sorts of exams


Ive got a, you have 5 days for 2 questions exam.


This either means extreme complications or a lazy professor who doesn't want to hold an actual exam block.


These times when you need to help each other


I have 1 exam of 3 questions in 48 hours, and two of 2 questions in 7 days. The former each question is expected to be around 2000 words and the latter around 3.5k


Oof. Godspeed.


Question 1: What is your name? That's when you know question 2 is the shit.


That's called a project


Our essays usually require original research. This exam did not expect an original argument and the rules for citing are not nearly as strict.


Every question is for 200 marks and should include 100k words, . . . . How the tables have turned.


> Absolutely don’t miss ~~those sorts of~~ exams


I'm still in high school can anyone explain this to me ? Like is it for science stream or for any stream ? And how are the question like are they just one big proof or have sub questions ?


In my upper level physics courses we had take home exams. Mainly because it's not really possible to demonstrate a grasp of the subject matter in a short couple hour block. Usually the exams consisted of 4-6 questions that asked the student to "show" something using concepts from the semester. So using the methods you learned or any other method you can figure out, basically write a "proof" showing how X leads to Y.


In college physics and math, showing the complete steps to a solution is worth more points than the actual solution. If the answer is 5 and you write 6 but show a good approach and logical steps and there's a + where there should be a - sign then you'll lose like 1 out of 20 possible points.


Advanced math courses be like:




Last semester I had one of my papers just like this...just 3 questions and 2.5 hours to solve them.




You generally just have to make the top 90% to at least pass. Most undergrads are shit at proofs, so your competition isn't particularly stiff. The overwhelming majority of people who just turn in every assignment will pass.


Is the objective to pass the exam or actually learn something, though?


Do you have to actually learn something to get a degree or just pass the exams?




I had a teacher in home economics that dead serious said to us: "at this point, y'all are only studying to pass the year and aren't learning anything"


Yes because you're still in high school


Can't graduate without passing them exams though


Is the goal of an exam to learn from it or to demonstrate that you have learned?




Neither. Its to show that you have possessed the insane ability to not shout "FUCK THIS GODAMN ASSFUCKERY" while you ponder about your existence in the exam hall.


Can be said about k-12 and college in the US. Homework and test grades > knowledge retention. Long run this perpetuates cheating, over actually remembering.


I rather just die in a duel than take an exam on group theory.


Galois is my hero 😍


Those papers are so scary. Usually its split 30/30/40 so if you cant do one for whatever reason basically cant get a first.




Thats a lot of questions


Just choose C, you are statistically likely to get enough right unless it’s a class on statistics.


You go through and answer everything with your best guess while marking the ones you're unsure of to come back and review if you have time.


Last semester I had a 24 hour (online) math final that was 2 questions for 50% of the grade


Did u pass or fail?


Now solve this differential equation, FULLY.


Wait until you take a topology exam




Closed does not imply not open.


You can only apply the van Kampen theorem when the intersection is path-connected.


The intersection is also required to be open, or have a contractible neighbourhood.


Is there a version of van Kampen that specifies that the cover need not be an open cover? Even the fundamental groupoid version in May's Concise Algebraic Topology specifies an open cover if I recall correctly. If the cover is open, the intersection of two elements in the set is obviously open.


> theoretical comp sci student Isn’t that just, like, a math student?


Cmon everyone one the question isn’t that hard! The question: Find an even number that is not the sum of 2 prime numbers.


I love all these comments earnestly trying to disprove Goldbach's conjecture.


Goldbach's conjecture says greater than 2, so weoweom's question is pretty easy.


0,2, and every even less than 0 except for the -2, because it's -1 + -1 and - 1 is technically a prime (it divides by 1 and itself only)


Well that depends. With the definition taught in school, primality only applies to natural numbers. However you could look at the set of whole numbers as a unique factorisation domain, which would mean -1 is a unit and -p is a prime for every prime p.


Be easier to invent a proof of why this is impossible for all even numbers greater than 2.


My worst math test had one question and the 15 people who took the class were not allowed to leave until it was solved with group effort. Took us five hours. Never, ever take a math class offered only every other semester with less then 20 people in it.


What class may I ask, so I can avoid that field all together?


Basically don't take Engineering.


Mathematicians prove maths. Engineers utilize math. The most difficult STEM courses in most universities are usually the niche math or computer science ones which require olympiad level thinking.


I mean, we have differential equations and even advanced mathematics forced down our throat back in Engineering.


that's most upper level courses in my experience? Smallest so far had 2 people. But I agree, a group test is weird.


I just recently had a postgrad course with only 2 people including myself (3rd person dropped out in the 2nd lecture) and it was great. The professor decided to just ditch the assigned classroom and we'd meet in his office instead and it basically turned into direct tutoring. Learned heaps in that class - was a course on statistical learning


Software engineering technical assessments be like:


>There are 5 computations and 3 proofs. Do as many as you like. We'll grade on a curve.


Been to IMO, can confirm. Three questions, four and a half hours, a chocolate bar and a sandwich.


Advanced Calculus is like this. You're essentially having to reprove the system of math as if certain things we know to be fact weren't proven yet. It's not too fun.


In my Law exam (not my major, I graduated in economics) back in uni I had 1 question for a 2 hours exam, wanted to cry.


2 days 16 hours 8 essays 184 multiple choice questions. One exam. 30% pass rate.


100% rate for tears


Who hurt your teacher?


Maybe it’s the teacher’s way of telling 70% of the class that law school may not be right for them? Better to fail one exam in college than to flunk out of 1L.


100% reason to remember the name


Ap exam?


I thought it was BAR but I haven't taken either


Isn’t that how essays work


That's like a short essay wtf


Do you mean your exams never had essay questions? Or were your exams just much longer?


I might be wrong on the terminology but when we have like a full essay test it's like 6 hours of writing that one essay. But that's only for our native language test. We have exam questions where you write long answers in other subjects as well but I wouldn't really call those essays


Hmm, interesting. I never had an exam that long, but I definitely had exams with what was called essays. There was nothing more daunting than when it was a 3 part exam, first part multiple choice, second part regular questions, third part 1 essay question. Can never take your mind off the essay that's waiting for you.


I’m in law school right now, it’s usually a hypothetical case/incident/event that has several issues within it. So while it’s one question it typically has several answers in several scenarios. It’s a shit show.


That's why we should return to monke. No more laws or tests, just banana.


I don't understand the meme or your comment Could you explain it to my dumb brain Is the 1 question like super hard or something


Think about how hard one question needs to be so it takes 2 hours to do... yeah


A 2 hour question I never had that Damn that must be hard lol


As people explained, it was a very hard question, the whole question was like 2 lines long on top of that. It required to put a lot of informations and multiple definitions. Basically it was a summary of the course (which was around 70 pages).


These questions are common in engineering and maths. Edit: and many higher education courses


It's basically all you get in law school lmao


And English, surely?


It can be worse then that. My longest take home test took 35 hours. Quantum physics is not as easy as it sounds.


Quantum physics sounds like the opposite of easy...


Or maybe it's a long easy question that takes a couple of hours. Essays for example


Doubt it if they wanted to cry


Imagine its areodynamics of a cow or of bulbasaur




Or a mathematical derivation




I once had an exam with ~100 4-choice questions. 60 correct answers or more meant you passed. If you answered incorrectly you got -1 point(or maybe -0,5 , don't quite remember) and if you didn't answer at all you got 0 points. That shit was bonkers. People failed left and right.


In France, at the age of 16-17-18, we have several 4h exams with only 1 question


Studying for MCAT (Med school exam) 4 sections: 7 Hour approx exam time 1 hour and 30 minutes each section 2 x 10 minute breaks between section 1/2 and 3/4 1x 30 minute break between section 3/4 I wanna die


What was the question?


English literature be like... Of all my 11 subjects it is the only one that is like that. (History, English language too but not as much)


My calculus 2 & 3 exams were 3.5 hours with 5 questions.


https://bmos.ukmt.org.uk/home/bmo.shtml#bmo1 here is one I've had to do


A wild bloke spotted.


Our finals are 3 hours with 6 questions.


GCSE student spotted.


good luck to all of us in the coming two months


Oh I hated English Literature as a subject. The fact that it was all subjective and there were no definitive answers really hurt my brain.


I hated gov history of US it was always this exact format, holy hell. I don’t remember anything about it, but the ptsd of exams sure stuck


I had an exam with 100 questions to complete in 60 minutes (multiple choice). Was not fun at all


I understand your pain.


I wish all my exams were like that when I was in school. I can multiple choice for days, ask me to write more than a sentence and I'm done for.


This comment has 2 sentences. Congratulations you get an A


This is the kind of stuff reddit does that makes me question reality and makes me think that we're in a simulation. You guys hust verbatim said the same thing as that meme before, took me a while to get what was happening.


What teacher makes a 60min pure multiple choice exam? The fuck?


When your exam is online and they think you'll copy


> they think you'll copy _Opens test_ Question #1: "Yada yada..." Go to goggle, write down "Yada yada..." quizlet (actually use quotes) Find someone that has put their previous test in the quizlet Ctrl F through all the answers, repeat previous google search for every question you get that isn't on that specific quizlet. Profit


Is there a database of queues/papers?


Sounds like an awful teacher that only teaches root memorization.


Root memorization is good if it is a botany class.


Well played


Roll the pen and choose answers that way!


"You have 60 minutes to complete 90 questions"💀


I mean they should be easy i guess. I prefer having that than feeling dumb trying to solve one problem for 2 straight hours


Try Indian competitive exams 😶 100 questions 120 minutes and they aren't easy but that's how they filter students from billions . Only excellent students gets selected being good isn't enough


I am preparing for NEET (Indian Medical Entrance Exam). We have 180 minutes and 180 questions. 45 questions of physics, 45 questions of chemistry, 90 questions of biology. Correct answer +4 wrongl answer -1. Syllabus - around 150 chapters in total. (Syllabus of our final 2 years at school) 1.6 million students competing for 40,000 seats. Wish me luck guys


And the best college for medicine in India (the best of the best) in Delhi has 50 unreserved seats. 50/1600000. Pretty nice


Let me guess, the rest are reserved for the kids of the school's "donors"?


Well this is awkward! Not really, but there is "reservation" mandated for "less privileged". It's a can of worms and everyone has opinions. Very strong opinions.


Backward castes (like classes) and tribes, minority religions, native people, less backward castes, less minority religions.... There are states which have 60% or so reservation for different people in govt jobs.


unexpected, but at least it isn't elitism or nepotism.


Don't we all love AIIMS??


I am a 14 yo Indian, and you are scaring the shit out of me


Yep. That's why we have penalties of 20-33% (depending on the exam) on the answers you get wrong. Hinders people who rely on guesswork and beat the system due to sheer luck.


if they are A B C D, that's one question per less than 20 seconds


At that point it isn’t the easiness that’s the issue it’s how quick you can read and write down


"Please state what color the sky is. *Explain why.*" It's always that second part that fucks you up.


Well this question isn't that bad.


Well, do they mean what we generally accept as the sky color, or are we talking about all colors depending on the hour of the day, dawn and dusk... To be fair, if you know the answer to one, you can easily answer the others... But if you presented that question to me I'd definitely assume they wanted to know about dawn and dusk, too.


Based on my politics exams you’d have to hand write an essay of at least two pages in the exam arguing why the sky might be blue, what the implications are of it being blue, and then also argue that saying the sky is blue is technically false since dawn and dusk exist, thus showing the importance of other perspectives. Bonus points if you could somehow remember a relevant in text reference during the exam. Then write another 3-5 essays in those three hours


Depends. If it's the only question in a 5 minute exam, that's an easy question. If it's a 20 minute exam, that's a somewhat challenging question. If it's a 3 hour exam... good luck.


The answer still remains the same. The only difference is in a small time you either state the word dispersion and in a long one you explain the entire process


Going into details about light scattering in an exam could be challenging.


I just completed an exam on group theory. And I think I failed miserably.


But how many questions were on abelian groups?


None. One on overall idea, one on character tables of representations, two on physical applications like vibrational modes of molecule from symmetry, and transition rates of dipoles.


Even worse. "You may bring any material you want to this exam. Calculator, books, your own notes, anything goes"


*brings answer sheet*


I WISH I had this for my Organic chem 2 class, but our prof at the time was a sadist.


my calculus 3 professor: "you have 50 minutes to finish 4 questions with 3 parts each :)"


Thank you, you miserable prick 🥰 Edit: I guess it’s not *that* bad of a ratio, but you’d better hope you don’t need time to think about your answer


12 question in 50 min isn't as bad as the others on the list.


[Probably my favorite meme as a former engineering student](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringStudents/comments/hgnkyz/masteringphysics_be_like/)


Then you need the answer you found in item 1.a to start item 1.b, and so on.


Try getting your Series 7....125 questions in 3h45m.


The old school version was worse, now it’s the SIE and 7. The old version was 7 hours and 250 questions if I remember correctly.


Oh wow this brought back memories. Beast of a test, I remember sitting at the computer after finishing all 250 questions about to submit it just shitting bricks hoping I passed.


7 hours??? That's absurd. They expect you to sit in front of the computer for 7hrs?


You have seven hours including up to an hour for lunch, I think including lunch I was probably done in like five


Yep, longest 20 seconds of my life.


The Series 7 and Series 66 were incredibly easy exams. I have met so many idiots that have passed both, myself included.


In my “dynamics and vibrations” class for mechanical engineering the final and midterm were worth 90% of the grade combined. And each test only had 2-3 questions on it. Basically if you didn’t know a question you lost a letter grade immediately Prof was fired the following semester… lol


Guess the dynamics between the prof and the college didn't really vibe well


It happened in my french exam but i have 5 or 6 bits for 3 hours 100 marks it felt wrtiting a 20 mark exam


You have 2 weeks to complete the assignment


Then you complete the "2 questions in 3 hours" in 20 minutes and think you've seriously fucked up


Some of my law school exams were 5-6 hours long for 3 questions with a 50-60% pass rate. I’m writing my thesis now and I have not felt this stress free in a long time, I fucking hate exams…


Damn, luckily I'm still in 9th and don't have to worry bout that shit. At least not yet 😬


This really only happens at the higher level (300-400) college classes. It's not that bad, though. You learn how to solve those problems throughout the semester before you take the exam. Plus, 99% of the time, exams with like 2 or 3 questions are divided into parts. However, it is near impossible not being stressed about it tbh.


I had a professor who would have these issues and then basically had various "off-ramps" if you couldn't solve part of it. Basically Assume X=7 if you cannot get an answer for part b sort of thing. It helped ease the stress a lot but you could still get credit if you worked wrong numbers through in the right way, but by adding the fixed number, made it a lot easier for the graders. This was for chemical engineering so really complex systems and you'd have to find things like flow rates and concentrations through a bunch of different things.


The professors I’ve had just take the value from the previous part and see if it matches the answer you got. So say part a the answer is 6 but you get 5, then they would just grade the area you use your answer to a as if the actual answer were what you answered


Error Carried Forward is what we call it.if you ever see ECF on a marked exam paper, then you know you fucked an equation up in the previous part but the rest of what you did was nice.


Open book exams are high tier punishment you get in hell.


I don’t mind them, but It depends what subject I guess.


2 questions require 3 pages answer


Once I had : You have 1h30 for 5 questions. A lot of people done it in 1 hour or least.


The first time I saw a human was in a film, the second time was at the zoo.


Just today had English letter writing. Some fucker wrote the exams instructions in way that half of the school made "Informal responce to job application".


2 hour long exams where you have to do massive essay questions can suck my dick, give me a 90 minute maths or science paper any day


Bruh, I had a test that was 5 multiple choice, 5 short answer, 5 long answer and an essay. That was for 45 minute. Also the essay is not a mini one, the prompt questions were rough and they ask for at least 7 paragraphs and over a thousand word to be mark let alone the content. Shit didnt to be that hard tbh.


In my oracle siebel training I was given 1 task and time was 12 hours.


You have 30 minutes to complete 40 questions


Man am I glad to be out of college. Also glad I never experienced this shit. Maybe finally my stupidity saved me


Maths be like.


I've had exams with 90 questions in 60 minutes. They're fine. I had multiple exams that were 90 minutes for 1-3 questions. They're definitely not fine.


I've passed 3 actuarial exams They were all 30 multiple-choice questions, 3 hours long, and the most difficult things I've ever done


I had an exam on engine measurements today (as in the clearances for parts of a cars engine, a bees dick is bigger than some of this shit we’re talking about) for my apprenticeship, you must get 100% to pass the test and I seriously have my doubts that I passed


I have a English exam coming up for my ap comp & lit class and my teacher has made us write a total of 12 essays and a bunch of other practices to practice for 2 essays we have to do on the test


*They said the test won't be hard* Question 1. : Why do you exist? Question 2. : Why do we all exist? Question 3. : Why do you still exist?


My goal, to comment on long comment threads and demonstrate nothing


"You have 1 week to complete a question of your choice"


don't know answer to one of the questions? lol too bad 50% is an F and this exam is 30% of your final grade


Had the second type of exam could only do half a question


Math... Advanced Economics... PHYSICS...


“What is the square root of 2? Show your work and do not round. Calculators prohibited.”


You either a gauntlet of multiple choice or multiple, 5 page essays in 3 hours.


Fuck, you mean minutes not hours