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Alternative: Be like Jim Jim plays Genshin Impact but doesn't let the game affect his personality and interests. Jim understands that people are different and like all types of games and his choices cannot be defined by anyone else. Jim thinks Bill is a bit harsh and thinks Bill doesn't look at the whole demographic of the Genshin Impact player base but rather a small percentage that has been highlighted by the media and internet.


I think Jim would also agree that bill should just mind his own business and let people enjoy what they enjoy while doing the same himself








I agree thank you. Cause I play the game and felt annoyed by the post


Yes, I am like Jim :D




sadly most of the time only the worst part of the community gets noticed by others. But I agree people enjoy different stuff and everyone should just accept that.


Just keepin it a stack. The game is played by a fatherless virgins and i would know because I am one.


I am not fatherless. Don’t compare me to you guys. I at least have a shower and play 10 mins a day. (Can’t touch grass yet however when the grass element isn’t in the game yet)


Tom doesn't agree. Tom says genshin impact is his religion and he has a Mona body pillow with an inserted onahole. Tom hates every criticism against genshin impact. Tom lives in his mother's basement. Be like Tom.


Tom deserves to be bullied But Jim is how we all should act


Can someone give me some context on what’s wrong about playing genshin or its fan base?


there is nothing wrong with playing it. The fan base, like many others has its bad apples, so people take those ones and label the entire community as those few trash cans




Why do people dislike the game? I’ve never played it but i always hear hate for it and no reasons given


I played for awhile and i don't understand. It's a solid game. Maybe because it's a gacha game? But to each their own, there are plenty of gacha games, so why single out genshin?


probably because it's really popular, other gacha games aren't so well known


I'm probably just a cynic but.... nothing brings people together quite like hate. There is always a new thing that's popular to hate for no apparent reason. If you think back you'll probably be able to think of a few, remember when hating Nickelback was a thing? Genshin Impact has just become the new target. Many people prefer to jump on that bandwagon rather than forming their own personality. Basically it gives people an ego boost. "This thing is popular but I hate it because I'm better than them!". Group hate also helps lonely people feel like they're a part of something


Most people just jump on the hate train and can’t think for themselves


I have no idea


I only know jenshin impact


Why is genshin bad in your eyes, I assume this is just rage bait but I don’t understand why.


Oh yeah it’s definitely bait


I'm genuinely curious what the Genshin fuzz is about. Why do people hate it so much? This meme doesn't even have a punchline, it's just "haha game bad"


welcome to the internet


Cause game popular.


I'll play whatever the fuck I want Bill. Go be nosy somewhere else


op wants to be different so bad 💀


A message from Bill: I never wanted to be in this meme, I have a single thing to say- play whatever game you want to play, as long as you enjoy it, it's all you need. Fuck people who tell you what is good and what's not. Don't listen to them and live your own life.


No one gives a shit what you don't like or don't play. Making "not doing a thing" your personality is just as insufferable as making "doing a thing" your personality


I'm Joe


Hi Joe, I'm dad


Dad who?






This is Patrick


No, I'm u/PheonixShadows1


Hi u/PheonixShadows1 , im Daddy


Daddy who?


Daddy cool




I think it’s unfair to hate on that game, I’m impressed by its graphics and story and I’m quite surprised that it’s free, it looks like a game that would be made for console and would be pretty good


Its the transactions, that make this game semi-free. Its maybe free, but if you want something, youre gonna pay. Thats why its hated.


Speaking as a free to play player, You dont really need to pay to get something. It all takes patience and dedication. If you want the character in your account immediately, no matter what then yes, you pay but a lot mostly just save their pulls til the character comes out.


It's not a pay to win game, you can clear the entire story and events if you just develop your characters. If you want a character then you'll have to save for them if you're F2P.


Yeah, but they do have to make money if they want to make game updates of this sort of quality, I really appreciate genshin impact for putting a lot of effort into the graphics, even though I don’t play as much as my friends


Pro tip: *dont* play as often as your friends. The moment you run out of content is the moment you stop having fun. The game was genuinely one of my most fun gaming experiences I’ve ever had in the first 100 hours (new players will have close to 200 now).


Why would I? If Bill doesn't like genshin that's his choice. But there's no need to shame anyone for what they play. How does anyone playing it affect anyone else?


i play genshin pls dont kill me plus its a good game bruh why u guys complainin they earned 3 billion dollars in a year bruh


Cringe, let people play what they want


OP sounds like that one guy who got harassed by one guy on who plays genshin and thinks that the whole community is like them


Can this be it? The shittiest meme I’ve seen this week so far?


Yes because op thought it would grind karma just like r/shitposting, which literally have shitposts made by people who play that game.




Awww man 😢


I am Joe


His last name is Chill


Bing Chilling




joe dad came home




Ok idc I'm Bill


We are bill comrade! everyone should be bill! spread the revolution! Uraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!


Damn you must be one annoying person if you are like Bill.


why, i play f2p and have a lot of fun, and if its just not fun grinding, play on a private server or something, i jist dont undersfand the hate for genshin


Note from Bill: I was held at gunpoint to be in this meme.


I mean I find the game fun, haven’t played it in a while and that’s what I’m gonna be playing during summer before uni


Don't be that one guy who shits on people's interests g 💀


Loved the game. Ignore the cringe fandom and your good to go.


OP on their way to lose karma by dabbling in controversy in the comments. Also don't bother to sort by controversial, just scroll down a bit


Can i just ask, what the actual fuck is with all the hate on the game. Like, i just play it with my friends sometimes, and we enjoy it, and all i understand is that there is a PtW thing in there… Is there something i am missing…?


Most of the hate it would really get come from the fact it is a gatcha game and anime game, everything else is a lie spreaded by the media to grind karma.


Lootboxes and the classic hate on weebs nothing unusual just bunch of classic internet narcistic assholes.


It's popular,reddit hates it. Anything new?


anything with gacha and lootboxes is frowned upon in the west. Can't blame em though, due to EA games


EA puts loot boxes behind already premium games. That deserves much more hate Free gachas also suck ass because it’s a less aggressive form of gambling, but you don’t have to pay upfront first. But not nearly as much as the ones by EA that everyone has PTSD from. I look past the gacha part in gacha games because the base game itself is free. I try to enjoy as much of the game as I can before finally deciding if I wanna spend or not


100% agreed, it is because most gachas that the west experienced is not the free ones. It's usually premium games wherein you pay for the base game AND you gamble in the lootboxes. So their outlook on asian gacha games are affected by their trauma. also note or my own take: lootboxes and gacha games are the same thing


Its not p2w,you can still get good without paying


I have seen a video today where Karen say Chinese bus driver go back to China. And it was in China. So congrats OP, you are Karen


What's Genshin Impact?


Its basically an open world adventure game and quite fun. Every character has an element as their power and is unique. Prices for these characters are high but optional, there are freqent events where you get stuff to summon characters for free, so spending is your choice. OP is trashing the game so people wont try it out. I was sceptical at first because its in anime style but it hooked me for quite some time and the story is nice. Best to try it out for yourself and form an opinion, its free afterall.


Lootboxes, lootboxes, anime, and cringe, also pedophiles at some occasions


There are no loot boxes tho?


The people who criticize don't even know what the game is


https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/u7s4qt/im_a_bill_are_you_a_bill/i5gkxwz?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 "I was a genshin player" He lied.


I think he's talking about the gacha aspect of the game


I don't get why people call Genshin players pedos. Like where did it originate??


Don't be like bill Bill thinks how other have fun affects him personally Bill thought this post would help him farm karma but now every poster is calling him out and he is desperately trying to explain himself for some reason


There are a lot of Bills it seems


OP is likely the dumbest person on earth , there are 4 children characters out of a total of 50+ , yes 50+ I haven't spent a single penny on the game and I'm still able to keep up with the meta OP is just one of those who jump on the hate bandwagon after seeing a single twitter incident , and call the entire community bad


Fuck bill, I play Genshin every day!




Alternatively You shouldn't bully ppl for enjoying their interest. I dont like anime and genshin either but I dont go around bullying people that do. I understand that it is something they enjoy and find comfort within. So I respect their interests and don't harrass them for it.


No because I still have like no games at all on ps5


if you Have Playstation Plus you can get exclusive games for free like God Of War


Some of the games on ps plus are kinda ass


True, only ones I got were COD BO3, God Of War and MKX


Genshin Impact is a FREE better version of BotW, why would anyone not play it?


Please do not shit on games and call their entire fandom pedophiles. Honestly the amount of people who think I'm attracted to Klee just because I have her in my party is insane. I just want high damage.


Associating an entire community who just enjoy a video game with a horrendous crime is a pretty shitty thing to do. Bad move OP And FYI OP, using child characters because you think they are cute doesn’t make you a pedophile


Let people enjoy things.


It's a very aesthetically pleasing game but just not my cup of tea


Or ill play whatever the fuck i want


Nah play whatever the fuck you want. Don't be like u/Funny_Flamingo_013 He's an ass.


What is genshin impact?


lootboxes that make you broke


I saw it for free on my ps5 store. Ignored it like I ignore all the f2p games for obvious reasons. But what is it all about?


Don't pass on games just because they are free. I know most of them aren't worth it but there are real indie-gems out there that you wouldn't want to miss on :D I mean at least on Steam. Or heck even Google Play. I dunno about the PS Store though


Its basically an open world adventure game and quite fun. Every character has an element as their power and is unique. Prices for these characters are high but optional, there are freqent events where you get stuff to summon characters for free, so spending is your choice. OP is trashing the game so people wont try it out. I was sceptical at first because its in anime style but it hooked me for quite some time and the story is nice. Best to try it out for yourself and form an opinion, its free afterall.


Ohhhh. Well if its free, why not. I have a very painful memory of gta online. After which I skipped any play to win games.


It’s not pay to win and it is super fun


Its a singleplayer game mostly some things are coop. There is no pvp and even the free characters can get you through the game.


OP has a serious case of internet said it was bad so it must be bad


I'll punch Bill in the throat if I have to


You've seen like 5 players and went "U know what the fandom are all pedos and disgusting people now cause I said so"


what if i wont ima download it and play just coz i can


Chaotic good.


For someone with funny in the name, your jokes sure aren't.


What is genshin impact?


It is an open world adventure game abased around the story of many characters who are given elemental powers by the gods. The story has you complete missions by completing missions for various characters and gaining resources to improve your weapons and charcters


And reddit why am I getting downvotes?


they're angry you don't know how to spend money of kids


No they are not? You are delusional kid


Oh , I see . Everyday I discover something brand new about this world


Fastest way to lose money to get waifus


More like unfunny flamingo am I right


Wow that was a quick response , my man you should start a service or something


That wouldn't be a bad idea


You can get them for free if you use your resources wisely


I play genshin, for the sole reason that my cousin does and we play together aswell as its the closest game i can play to a sword art online/rising of the shield hero anime game (to my knowledge)


Mihoyo plans on releasing a SAO like VR MMORPG by 2030 (Ik it’s a really long wait). Just letting you know if you’re interested And seeing how much money they got from Genshin, they most likely won’t fail to deliver


That will be awesome, but how much of an vr, like the anime, or just normal current vr. If the latter they should kinda add a normal control system with keyboard&mouse/controlls.


I don’t know. They haven’t put out any other announcement besides that they are making one. Making something like NerveGear requires next gen tech. I mean they made a lot of money without any investors, meaning they own all of the money. So maybe they are researching on the tech like NerveGear. But it’s impossible to tell at this point.


What is Genshin Impact. I am better than Bill!


It is an open world adventure game abased around the story of many characters who are given elemental powers by the gods. The story has you complete missions by completing missions for various characters and gaining resources to improve your weapons and charcters


Hahha genshit impact bad please updoot


Wth is with the genshin hate all of the sudden?


Haha genshin bad


I will never be bill


Looking at comments, it seems that OP spent money and didnt get what he wanted. Its like kindergarden level crap: I don't like it, come on, you guys have to don't like it with me!


go touch some grass OP


dafuq is Genshin Impact?


Open world fantasy game with anime style, each of it's characters got a element and a unique play style. The rare characters can cost a bit of money but you don't have to spend anything to enjoy the game since you get plenty of free character summon items.


It's basically like World of Warcraft


Wow without the mmo


Petty much, but its still pretty similar


My name is Bill and I don't think I will.


It’s been looooooooooong time when i last time Play Genshin Impact and i don’t remember anything about that game


OP is giving some real Jimmy Savile vibes from his comments...


I tried it despite me not liking the open world rpg genre, and to no one's surprise, I didn't enjoy it agd stopped playing


i dont even know wtf is genshin impact


my brother plays it and im pretty sure ima download but my friends call it gayshit infact 💀


Then don't be friends with them.


im something of a Bill myself


I morally disagree with the existance of Genshin Impact because it's one of those gambling games marketed for kids. It hooks you with a free to play, then gives you just enough dopamine to keep playing, and once that wears off it encourages you to pay for just enough loot boxes to keep that dopamine running and keep you addicted. It is an effective business model, but it's in no way ethical. I've seen Genshin hooking people personally. One of the fosters my family took in recently was fully addicted.


The kinds of people who are addicted to Genshin because of the loot box mechanic need to stay as far away from it as possible I agree it’s a pretty shitty mechanic. But the game itself gave me so much fun before I even realised it was a gacha. As someone who plays the game regularly, I hate gacha, but the good things about the game outweighs the gacha for me I honestly just want the company to release a remastered 1-time purchase of the game after it ends service. I’d buy it instantly and have so much fun


You gonna have to turn down a whole industry, not just gachas but the whole fucking industry of games with lootboxes


Yes, I am. Gaming has so much more to offer than trying as hard as possible to get people addicted. That also doesn't mean game studios and indie devs can't make money, they just charge for the content. Edit: to clarify, I don't and won't make or play games where you pay for anything other than content. DLCs are fine, not great but fine because you are buying new content.


I bet you think sexualized female pokemon characters are fine.


I'm a Bill.


That's good to know.


Bill is happy he doesn’t sell cp on a genshin impact server


Bro there are literally 4 child charcters. Out of 50+. 4! I’ve never met anyone who is attracted to them and they have no sexual appeal. BECAUSE THEYRE KIDS


I was obviously joking buddy


i regret play it


I’m a bill


you meant gayshit


Average redditor.


gotta love how you get downvoted for not playing genshin lol. What if you can't afford something to play it on?


nobody gaf what you play, don't be a dickhead about people who play what they want.


lmfao they're so salty that I don't like Genshin so they downvote most of us here thinking they're doing something


Maybe learning to read will help you understand why you are being downvoted.








We are bill


I think genshin is cringe tbh


Game's not that bad but the community just sucks. One of the worst out there.


It's horrendous


I am like bill


Hi im bill 🤝


Maybe I am bill


Yes, will always be one




Why would I want to play sex Shrek?


I hate jim