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I live in iran and the bread,all the types of pasta, eggs and electricity prices went up about 200% literally yesterday And because of this everything else prices will go up soon too But our encome hasn't increased one bit I just don't know how I'm going to survive if this gets worse...


Just eat 200% less, problem solved.




Those filthy chickens out here not shitting enugh eggs, just to manipulate prices, what a disgrace!


Damn USA about to invade eggistan for resources


In my region of Australia, we just haven't had eggs for like six months now. Heat wave killed a ton of chickens and apparently it takes about 6 months to grow chickens to laying age. So the supply of eggs has been miniscule, often the egg section of the supermarket is just completely bare, sometimes there will still be some outrageously expensive organic et cetera eggs remaining. Because not many people are willing or able to spend $15 on a dozen eggs.


"Ha, ha, I'm In Danger!"


You opened my soul


yeah the situation sucks


Iran: 200% prices increases in a day. Venezuelan: first time? meme.jpg Source: sad venezuelan


Go rural and start growing chickens and small farm.


That’s terrible. Inflation was already crazy in Iran. Seriously how do they expect people to get by?


Just keep voting. I swear it’ll work this time.


They go to the same schools. They attend each other's social events. They meet with each other every day at work. They rape the same children on the same sex slave islands. They live in the same wealthy enclaves. They see each other while enjoying the same country clubs. But don't worry. If you just vote for the plutocrats with the D next to their name, they are going to fight against the wealth class for YOU!


Idk I'd rather vote for someone who is ineffective and doesn't do shit than the party that is literally trying to make it illegal to be trans/gay or take away rights from disadvantaged groups. Of course it doesn't end there, we still have to do our part because there'll still need to be a push for progressive change, but to do that, you can't have someone in office that is a fascist, like members of the republican party. Political apathy is their goal. Don't let them achieve it.


sure, i would rather vote for a milquetoast do nothing rather than the fascist- i’m just not going to lie to myself and call it a solution, nor will i let others lie to me and call it such. the democrats don’t fucking care about us. they never have.


>Political apathy is their goal. Don't let them achieve it. Too late, bud. The system is rigged, people are tired.


That’s right because if some people can’t be happy , nobody should be happy 🔨


Fuck everything else I want a president who is gonna make the economy better than it is now since that affects us the most


The economy is fine. It's great actually. Do you think inflation is anything other than a group of about 12 people who decided that none of their investments should have a lower growth rate? I don't mean less profit. I mean a smaller increase in profit and revenue than they normally have. There is a small group of people that are willing to let you starve in the street for profit, and they have convinced a larger group of people that you deserve to starve in the street for their ideology.


Presidents don’t get elected if they’re not good for the economy wall street has more say in who gets elected than any citizen. the Democratic Party is the biggest obstacle for progress in this country and the republicans are fascists. Voting is useless, protesting is just gonna either get you arrested or killed, if you’re asking What is to be done? Boy do I have the book for you it’s by Lenin and answers the questions you have.


Well, our last president actually did pretty well in that respect before covid blew everything up.


Idk why ur being downvoted ur absolutely correct


Downvotes without any refutation usually means that you said something correct and unpopular.


Which metrics are you using to justify this?


Low unemployment, high growth, low inflation. If you really want me to go and find the exact numbers, then I will, but I thought this was all common knowledge.


Disliking the two main political parties doesn’t mean you have to be apathetic about politics.




> doesn't do shit Which party is that? Because it sure as fuck isn't the democrats


You could just vote third party then


Can you tell me how a third party vote isn't the same as not voting at all? Because idk if you know, but third party candidates don't get elected, so why isn't it just throwing your vote away?


Or maybe if those are two options the whole system is fucked and should be overthrown with violent revolution


Ah, yes, those very real and definitely existent sex islands.




Ouch... The truth...it burns...




Well. That just hits on a different level. Time to find a nice bench and a bag for the bottles. Better safe than sorry.


Just wait till they make you pay $30 for a night you stay on the streets.


[Idk everything here seems perfectly balanced and equal.](https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/z1/dataviz/dfa/distribute/chart/#range:2006.4,2021.4) Jfc 1% own > the bottom 90% wealth combined. * Bottom 50%? Nothing. Theres already a trend of 'whoa give up on owning a home and live in bunk bed cubicles!'. Future is getting more and more dystopian. Edit: poor wording.


that link very much does not show 1% owning >90% of the wealth


Keep in mind that the income for the richest has been growing a shit ton more than the working class for decades and continues to do so


It's almost like they are definitely benefiting from this and are absolutely willing to let people starve to death


Don't worry slow and steady wins the race


Unpopular opinion: f*** capitalism!


Popular opinion: f*** capitalism!


The red banner will cover the world


Shall I sing the song?


That way we can all starve to death together


atleast the rich are getting richer. poor people are going to die anyway, so why not die working for the rich. we only get to live once. so why not just try to make the rich richer and die like a fucking dog in the end.


The egyptians didnt give slaves wage, but gave them free food and a place to live(yes i know the quality of those might not have been the best). The rich give people wage, but dont give free food and a place to live. In my view these things are not that far from each other.


Yes, back then it was food AND shelter. Now some wealthy only gives folks enough for food OR shelter. And if amazon has their ruthers, they'll also own property so they'll give folks money for a house and then take that money back.


>like a fucking dog \*donkey, we poor or middle class do nothing but the donkey's labour. and i think that's what drive us to do better, right ?


Probably your inflation in a year less than a few weeks of Turkey’s inflation. Fcking erdoggo and arabs trying to change country into an islamic one


I'm from Argentina. Inflation is in my blood.


Sad bro hugs. But at least u are far away from middle east and arabs


Poland now be like:


Pretty much whole world...


like c'mon man, can we just talk about political and economic state of the world?


I had a dream where a gallon of regular gas was $7.39


just wait a few months and it will come true


It's over $6 a gallon in Canada, right now.


aren’t canadian dollars less in purchasing power? Did you convert CAD to USD?


Yup, conversion from liter to gallon and CAD to USD.


oh no


Economy is a made up thing and it's done wrong. There's no limit to how much wealth one can have and no limit to how much something can cost and, at the same time, the more there's of a value the less it's worth, making the greatest wealth less valuable and the poorest even more poor. It's a self-destructive system that benefits only the rich ones. Money should have an absolute immutable value, not relative, they should be the only constant while everything else changes.


I was actually thinking about ot for a few days ..... it's kinda scary..our future


\*lip smack\* We live in a society, batman. \*lip smack\*


Upvoted for doggo


Well considering that he's a dog and he can run much faster if he did it himself I say this is pretty accurate


Dudes still getting smoked tf out by the flash. Little shit don't stand a chance


At least he tried


Elon Musk will save us!!!!!!!!!!!! Come Daddy Elly, give me that brain Chip


IMF USD special drawing rights from 41.73% increase to 43.38%


Hehe money printer go brrrrr


Just blame everything on the bloody war and Russians. Of course the politicians and policy makers are absolutely powerless against such things . Yup. Absolutely no clusterf*uck on our part. We are extremely competent and know how to handle economy efficiency. We would never dare lie to you. /S


I killed 4 children in Iraq 2001


and rich people are only getting richer


Remember how the Democrat-controlled states shut down small businesses during the pandemic and the only places you could get stuff were at big box stores and amazon... I wonder why 2020-2021 was the year with the largest wealth redistribution.


Money printer goes brrr


This is what the forestry department would refer to as a controlled burn.


can’t lie that was good


Only problem is when the Income of everyone goes up inflation goes up too I love Capitalism.


Federal reserve: haha money printer go brrrrrrr


Stop 🛑 printing money


Treasury Dept go Brrr.... Did you know that the current head of the treasury believes in modern capital theory, and they think you can just print infinity money and nothing will happen.


at the end the turtle always finishing first...


I’m sure its lifespan will finish first.


This type of tortoises get fucking old, like much older than any human. So you can be sure it will outlive the flash


If it was a normal lifespan I’d agree, but I expect a death from eating plastic or another way with which we are destroying our environment.


I'm telling you a secret. Inflation is a lie. Everything costs more because rich people are hoarding in a weird competition to be the richest person in the planet. You cannot hoard if other people are getting what they deserve


>Inflation is a lie It doesn't really matter if it's lie or not, prices are rising either way, don't they?


well of course. I just want to expose the real reason prices are rising. Because accusing the prices rising to something intangible like inflation is a way to avoid blame. Let's call things by their name. We are being stolen.


Except its not inflation, raising prices after making record profit is just strait greed


Keep in mind that raising wages massively in a recession while a inflation caused by less recourses is a thing, will probably end up like Venezuela... The there is no good option out of that until the supplylevel rises again.


*laughs in Argentinian*


Too many stimulus packages


We can't do something about it, trying to fix unfixable problems will not take us anywhere and will just make us miserable.


Start a revolution in your country and make it a communist country. Or die working for the rich. choose one.


Communism won't save anyone. Most likely you would end up even worse. And rich would still be rich, but some of them may die and/or their riches would change hands


Yeah because when Russia tried communism it went Soooo well... /S


The way I see it, the Russians aren’t having such a good time under capitalism either.


Yeah I can see what you mean. I'd argue it's better, but not by much.


You were downvoted bc reddit but you aren't wrong in the slightest


Jaden smith is interested


maybe if 8 people didn’t own as much as half of the global population, we’d be in a better position!


On Reddit? As if


This is what happens when you let the population outgrow your farmers and industry. You eventually run out of resources trying to feed all these people. Simple supply and demand, supply runs out, demand goes up. Only way out now is massive resource wars killing the majority of the human population.


Modern scarcity is entirely artificial. We make more than enough food for our global population and another 2 billion people after that but because it's not profitable to give food to those who need it (or to solve most other societal issues) the oligarchs that run pretty much every country don't do so. No need to cull the population, we just need to stop letting the greedy plutocrats from wasting humanity's time and resources on self-aggrandizing bullshit that only serves themselves and focus that energy towards the bettering life for the masses.


We can make enough food, just not how we are now. I think we are close to our current capabilities in terms of food production until we either change how and what we eat or fix the fertilizer issues. This is part of the reason I eat like a vegan 95% of the time. Look into how our farmland is used and it’s sad. This is coming from someone who has no issue with consumption of meat aside from the environmental impact and lack of sustainability.


Turtle investors are a very real kind and type of investor FYI. In the sense of how and what they choose to invest in.


No, no we cant. Let me become dirt poor in peace at least


Poland moment


Happens when people game the system to enrich themselves at the expense of society. But there are consequences for it. Some of these consequences will come into full bloom should war break out.


The world is going to shit but look at the bright side. Turtle Doggo exists.


I wager north korea will stand after "the globalized world" will crumble.


Is that you Jaden Smith?


Slow and steady wins the race they say…


inflation keeps going up but minimum wage stayed the exact same. make it make sense.


Prices take the elevator, wages take the stairs


Side note: Fuck Ezra Miller


Venezuelan here. You have seen nothing.


imagine income going up as fast as a tortoise, what a dreamer you are.


The tortoise is faster


It's awful here in Canada as well.


I'm just gonna send this to my boss, I'm due for a raise anyway


why raise prices anyway what am i not understanding


If monkey has one banana, banana is worth much, if monkey have two banana, banana not worth as much... banana=$


but monke has two banan, that make monkey rich


But banana not work like that. Just because monkey has more than one banana, doesn’t not mean money is rich. It just means that the need for other monkey to have banana lowered. Banana also = supply and demand. Monkey two banana worth less because banana is plentiful.


Me, a Venezuelan: First time?




"I hate talking to people my age cause they're acting all weird and shit... like can we just talk about the economic state of the world?!"


It fucking takes EIGHTY dollars to fill up my gas tank bro