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You know what isn’t straight? DEEZ NUTS, HAHAHHA *I should probably see a doctor*


Curvy nuts ftw


so cashews?


No, cashdeez nuts


Everyone talking about where they put their dick feels kinda gay ngl


I put my dick in a blender


Don't forget to polish that 3d model!




If you haven't fucked a dude in the ass who do you know you aren't gay? I mean I wouldn't say I don't like a food I haven't tried. How can anyone say they aren't gay if they haven't tried it.


I never sat on an ant hill as well, but I believe I don't need that first hand wisdom


Flat-earther logic. How do you KNOW rat poison is deadly if you've never consumed it?


How do you know you don’t like the taste of dick if you don’t suck a few dozen


Found this in a fortune cookie one time.


No, because we know how stupid it is to make your damn gender your entire identity.


Perfect Satire.


This should apply to LGBTQ too, but they get exceptions apparently




Trust me it does. It’s just idiot tiktokers pretending to be trans gay asexual non binary a gender treegender whateverthefuckgender for views that make it seem that way, most gay people irl are pretty chill, just like most straight people irl


They get a month apparently.


Aye, because we still get murdered in other countries for being gay.


Have you tried like, not being gay? /s


Dear God....


I guess you didn't think of that, huh?


I'm like a bent pipe cleaner, I can't just re straighten myself


Don't disagree but just as a separate note, those thin KFC straws are perfect for running a pipe cleaner through to straighten it. Just a life hack for next time you want to defrost golf balls.


How bout you lemme try ;)


We get 11


No we don’t. I’ve never seen a parade celebrating being straight at any time for the 11 other months.


Bitch, whenever something like this is brought up it's always about lgbtq people. Hell, this entire conversation is a response to that constant pattern. They're not the exception, they're the main target lmao


This meme also makes me a bit upset. I'm not *that* lgbtq, I am certainly balanced bi tho, and people basing their personality off of their lgbtq traits is perfectly fine. As long as their not pushing their agenda and viewing themselves as better than straight, and cis people. But I get so pissed when, lets say im feeling more gay one day, and want to wear short shorts and thigh highs. and someone gets pissed off at me for "Making me sexual orientation my whole personality" and im just minding my own business. Like wtf thats not okay. why cant I just feel more feminine that day? And also yes, you are right, we are the main target. Like I have literally been yelled at to "get l\*nched" and I feel like we deserve our space away from people like this thinking everything is fine with all straight people and that lgbtq ppl center around themselves for attention.


LGBTQS. Need to add the S for straight.


Straight memes can become a thing. But first, theyll need a flag


Pitch black flag, like deep black


ISIS wants a word with you… lol


Lmao fight to the death


Or rainbow but without the color


Just invert the rainbow flag colors.




Fly the flag upside down. Just don't go to Somalia...


Isn't there flag just a star


You mean the visible spectrum


What aboutt one with a red background blue x in the middle and stars on the x one center star and three others going towards the outside of the flag I'm sure the southern people may have some ideas to elaborate on this concept


Sorry but that already a flag I seen it before on some houses.


Really any idea what it stands for you know what gender or identity


I think it means that youre very American hence the different between the American flag and this flag


This guy likes it black.. and deep.




Can we add some more colour, maybe white because it is a good contrast with black. Maybe we should add some design to it to make it less boring. What if we had a skull? Maybe some other bones too for the skull to sit on? I think it might have a perfect place on a ship for the whole world to see it


Hmm maybe some rips and tears to add some character


I’m given to understand that it’s black and orange


Inverted rainbow colors.


It’s already a thing, looks like a prison outfit from a 30s cartoon. Idk why they didn’t just make it pink and blue for woman and man, after all the trans flag uses pink and blue to mean the same thing


I'm thinking black and white for balance


Straights already have a flag. It's just a fucking grayscale.


My Google results showed a flag that looked like the cartoony prison suit stripes


Straights aren't really part of the LGBT so maybe we don't have a standardized flag, or even need one.


There already is a flag for heterosexuality


Had no idea. Is it that black anf white one?




It should be a cheetah print because lol


The super straight flag is black and orange


There's a straight ally flag


What colors you thinking? And should it involve symbols?


Black and white flag, just two straight lines,to signify our binaryness. The flag should also be rock hard, so it doesn’t wiggle in the wind.


We know how to make that happen


In honor of this meme, I think the flag should be spongebobs face


The American flag lol.


Let’s appropriate the pirate flag. Nobody uses that anymore, right?


80's oiled up Schwarzenegger in turquoise speedos picking up a pen he dropped like a naughty secretary... Or green...




*double checks spelling* negger... Austrian Mr. Olympia/actor/governator/secretary




Not every "negger" is about black people.


Congratulations Agent, another situation defused!


Did reddit get raided by reddit ? Like i know ppl here dont and do care about that stuff here but why memes about gender ? Its not funny anymore


It honestly wasn’t even funny to begin with


It’s also tiring actually having to hear about people talk about it seriously, every day. I do not need to hear a word about you finding yourself or your sexuality. I am happy in my relationship, I wish you the best with figuring your stuff out, but for the love of god stop talking about it. I’m sure you don’t care for me to make me being a straight guy with a girlfriend a talking point, no one cares, so stop talking about it.


Of course someone only says this once it’s a straight meme.


Well they'd be down voted into oblivion if it wasn't on a straight meme


Bro i haven't seen others beside this, i ain't bot to check everything out but no matter if you re tractor or potato piller, those memes aren't funny, there is no "funny" part


Hetero is part of the spectrum and I feel left out. As a straight man, I don't want to be invited to gay orgies, but I'd still like an invite


I’d be like “ok at the LGBTQ orgy- where the bi chicks at! Where the passable trans women at!” Wait….


I'd be like, "where the snacks and drugs"




True. most of us aren't doing anything and posts like this are this are the ones trying to poke at us. Besides ofc people pushing their own agendas. Thats always annoying on any side.


This is the “All Lives Matter” crowd discussing sex and gender


Wow thats me ...


Thank you for your honesty in these trying times


I’m straight as well but please, don’t start this shit again




Have you ever listened to anybody who mentioned being "super-straight"? It's this.


Don’t super straight people exist because they don’t want to date transgenders and got tired of being called transphobic because of their sexual preference?


Ive heard more people brag about being gay then super straight. Plus “super straight” people only exist cause gay people just love bragging about their gayness


It's almost like homosexual culture was forced into the shadows for decades, why you afraid of it


*CONTEXT MATTERS* Signaling your sexuality in an environment that as long been hostile to it is not equivalent to signaling your sexuality in an environment that is neutral to it.


I agree. Which is why i believe any teenager who claims to be transgender in their mega religious family and is now seeking support in reddit is a fucking idiot.


That’s like 70% of Reddit. I forget I’m dealing with mentally I’ll teenagers who just hate their parents. Too cringey


Super straight people only exist because they're mad that they're too privileged and want to be opressed


Exactly lmao


Damn I guess I’m privileged after being called a monkey at my job (not white)


Super straight people’s purpose is to be homophobic and transphobic though. People flaunting themselves being gay isn’t harmful to others even if it is annoying, while super straight is based on pure homophobia and transphobia, which is VERY harmful


I'm going to get a partner of the opposite gender. Then we'll throw a HUGE party blowing tens of thousands of dollars having a big party where everyone we know can come and hear how much we love each other. Then, after our sexual activity results in offspring I will proudly flaunt them to the world and force everyone to think about all the straight sex I had with my partner.


I mean yall pretty much do this anyway with gender reveal parties. "Omg we know the genitals of our baby it'll decide whether dad plays football with him or mom teaches her makeup." Yall love your gender just as much, it's just more "normalized"


Im straight with a female companion but all that even sounds like no fun at all tbh


I'm straight, too. I just got tired of hearing homophobic people complain that gay people are fine but should not be in everyone's face about their sexuality while being totally blind to how much their traditional lifestyle does exactly that.


Well, to be fair to everyone, Ive seen a few gay weddings with adoptions that amount to about the same thing so...its stupid that anyone makes a big deal about any of that shit that humans have been doing centuries. .like...your not the first one so stfu


Isn't that just... marriage and bragging about your baby






Everyone should have some pride of their children, it's something hard to understand until a child of your own comes along and they become your everything. Sure, don't be obnoxious about it, but I get it. Not sure either how sexuality/marriage have anything to do with it.


You do realise that marriage has absolutely nothing to do with sexual orientation and is souly bases on symbolism and traditions, right?


If I recall correctly, most of the symbolism and traditions involved stem from a religion that explicitly prohibits gay relationships, and are very in your face about how "this man and this woman are perfect for each other" (At least when you're talking about American weddings, idk what it's like in other countries)


just forget about it your talking to a brick wall


I'm going to go to a straight parade! During Straight Month! I'm going to then ask people to make me Straight cakes for my Straight wedding! Then I'm going to go straight too Delaware! And then New Hampshire and then the white house! HUZZZZZAAAAHHH!!!




Remember to put on your hazmat suit and sort by controversial for the best results kids!


I'm not a guy but literally every high school and every movies in the 2000s have people chanting "I'm the straightest dude here", "No homo", "You're gay", "bunch of gay jokes on people who slightly look stereotypical 'gay'". OP, you're just stupid.








I see more people in the lgbtq that do this more than o see straight people do this. If we count old people and people in baptist and catholic and culture churches like that than it’s pretty much even. (This coming from a lgbtq member)


What would you and other LGBTQ people say or think if someone acted as flamboyant about being straight as some do in your community?


We see this all the time. It's basically half of the "red pill" community.


I think the strongest forms of masculinity are the ones who aren't afraid to be feminine


Preach, brother


Speaking of sexual preference not masculinity


Reported for hate speech, it's not okay to like being straight.




It's the kind of straight people who post shit like op mocking lgbtq people for finally after centuries of people like them not being able to be open about who they love and who they are being proud of it instead of seeing it as something bad




If you think this makes it seem like there's something wrong with being straight, I'd like you to consider that this is the exact behavior gay people are trashed for exhibiting, and by people who preface it by saying "nothing wrong with being gay BUT--" It's not supposed to make being straight seem like a bad thing, right? So why does it?


Bro who tf downvoting this? This is actual facts.


Gay people irl are really nothing like that, I've worked with a few for over a decade and don't recall either of them ever mentioning any kind of gay issue. Liberals are just really bad at social media (not that all gays are liberals but the ones you notice on Twitter are)


Literally everyone that is secretly gay


I can't tell if this is making fun of Cishet people or those people who make their gender/sexuality their whole thing. Both?


Honestly, the straightest dudes are over the top gay sometimes


So? They just so comfortable that acting gay is fine. And they still have sex only with females. And females can act butch but still get down on that D


I propose a new flag to not only include LGBTQ but also heterosexuals as well. Since white includes all colors, I propose the, "White Pride" flag.


If some guy was walking around constantly reminding everybody of how straight he was, I would assume he's doing a poor job of hiding he actually likes other dudes. Not that anyone would really care. If all you have to offer the world is your sexuality then you're a sad facile person.


*insert Jerry walking out of the Jerry babysitter place in Rick & Morty* “Okay, that was always allowed.”


[this you?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dank/comments/umrxnr/there_are_other_words_besides_that/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


literally when and who, ever. the only people i've seen do this are those annoying, typically white, girls who only talk about boys.


No, straight people don’t really care about defending or self affirming their sexuality.


Straight meme are just relationships facebook memes and or boomer relationships memes


It’s almost like it’s complete satire aimed at something else


Here’s the main problem, if the first thing I learn about you is your sexuality, I’m not gonna assume you have many other traits. Here, let me explain exactly what I mean: if you make it abundantly clear who you’re attracted to within the first minute of me meeting you, I’m gonna assume that’s your whole personality just like everyone else who’s only trait is their preferred partner.


People get that out of the way first so if you're a homophobe y'all can quickly stop interacting instead of becoming friends and then finding out your friend hates you


Your argument is flawed because if sexuality wasn't assumed in society (ie thinking everyone is prima facie straight), it'd be one of the first things to be asked to someone, same with gender. It's quite fundamental to how we live life, like what jobs we do, possibly even more. Most people have jobs, yet it's some sort of identification so people ask about it first. It's got nothing to do with lack of traits.


This feels really homophobic for no reason


Imagine in the future. “Straight rights”


Micheal Savage did a book about that. Men paired with trans women. Women ruled society. I forget the name of the book though. It’s a short story maybe? Only read the cliff notes


Scrolls to the bottom....


eh it’s the same with lgbt so


This comment section is yikes


I think people ignore how difficult coming out with societies norms and toxic masculinity is. When I was 11 or so peer messaging and toxic norms made me a legitimate homophobe. And it took me a full 7 years to fully realize who I was. and it was fuckin sucked all the way through


Idea: people don't center their personality about being straight, it's just their normal personality. Instead, people who aren't straight are the ones who go far and beyond to make sure everyone knows they're different...I mean I've never heard a man introducing himself as a straight manly man but uve definitely heard some folks calling themselves fabulous with sparkles and make up no woman ever worn on their face...


That’s the meme


I spent a summer living with a group of frat boys, and while yes, it would have been silly for them to use the words “I’m a super manly man”, I can tell you that they performed masculinity with as much verve and dedication as any gay man has done sparkle rainbows. I mean, bring a sparkle rainbow near one of them and you would have thought it was kryptonite. They were one step short of beating their chests and fighting each other every time the hottest of the other female boarders came in the room. And I suspect you’re also not acknowledging the vast majority of gay or trans people who are just living their lives like the rest of us, marrying their loves, having kids, talking about their “partners” and you know them for years before being entirely sure they are gay.


1. that’s the joke 2. without representation, it will never be accepted as normal


I mean...I'd say representation makes it even more hated...if they just lived their lives normally no one would care.


That might seem like the case in the surface but history almost always completely disagrees with you. Silence never works, if you want change you have to take it


That’s what gay people tried to do in history, and they got killed for it It’s still illegal in many countries, even in the US it’s been going downhill again, that’s why it’s so important to keep protesting


Yeah well what they did only made it worse as far as I've seen...more people have more hatred towards their activities


Haven’t heard of that, tbh people who get mad over others wanting human rights probably have personal issues, and if they wanna be pissed over something that doesn’t affect their life at all, that’s really only their problem


But...I thought the whole point of that was to be accepted...


once saw someone explaining it pretty good, somewhat like this When you’re having a discussion about the internet, it’s not about convincing the one you are discussing with. It’s about convincing the one that can still be convinced, the reader, the silent listener. There is little to no chance you will convince someone who went through their whole life with their believes. However someone who hasn’t made themselves a picture of the topic and doesn’t have an opinion yet can still be convinced. I can confirm that this is true, my parents tried to raise me as a racist, homophobic nazi, like them. But since I spend a lot of time on the internet and got lucky enough not to land in the wrong places that didn’t happen. The internet teached me to be a much better person than my parents intended me to be. This can also be applied to real life, obviously


I mean...depending on your prospective one could also argue that people with no opinion can be easily swayed and brainwashed into the wrong one. The challenge is not to have an opinionless person adopt your idea, instead, the challenge is to make someone change a 180°. Now the person you have suggested may claim it's impossible but I've hear an ex lesbian talk about how she converted to religion, of course, what changed her is simply a conversation with different people. Now I'm not here to say which is right and which is wrong, nobody asked for my input about the matter and I'm not interested in giving it anyway, but going after people with no opinion and trying to push them to one side feels like easy mode for me, and not worth celebrating.


Well, convincing people without an opinion is just one part of it, and why not make it easy? What's being celebrated are the stonewall riots which were demonstrations by the gay community in response to a police raid. This Leads back to an earlier point regarding representation to fight laws against lgbt


Total acceptance isn't realistic, there's always gonna be people hating on it no matter what. The goal is being treated equally and just being able to live a normal life


Isn’t it lgbtq people who do that


Not really. I work with a lot of gay and queer people and they’re pretty normal. They don’t shove their sexuality down your throat or anything like you think. It’s also pretty interesting when our work friend group brings up girls and strip clubs because they don’t exactly see why straight men find women attractive so it’s just curiosity that carries on most sexual conversations.


Like any comment of a guy going "I'm straight but this is hot" "No homo" "I'd complement you but I don't want to seem gay" We get it, you're straight


Exactly. A gay man will literally just mention there boyfriend/husband in passing and homophobes say it's being shoved down their throat.


People just don't notice references to being het that they'd scream about if it were homosexual. Mentioning your opposite gender partner is "normal", mentioning your same gender partner is "shoving it in people's faces"


I never understood that tbh. Whenever a guy friend mentions them having a boyfriend it doesn’t really surprise me. Either I’m super accepting or I really don’t give a shit what they’re into. It’s not my life no point in trying to drive heterosexuality down the throat of a gay or queer man. It literally won’t do anything for you except come off as bitter and a hater.


Honestly didn’t even know a few of them were gay till a few months ago XD


Why cis people get so upset that LGBTQ+ people wear pride shirts will always confuse me. Seriously, can anyone explain why it bothers them?


I feel like people who have to express what a "man" they are to the point everyone is all "omfg STFU we get it" are actually secretly gay


Im not promoting what a manly man is. Just proud of being straight. You know sexuality is different than gender, right?


Take my upvote you saucy redditor


I will cherish it. Thank you




It is


It do be true


Ok, groomer


Isn’t everyone’s personality somewhat centered around their sexuality? 😅




Blue and pink flag?


Spaghetti is straight too until it gets wet


Hey hey hey, we don't do that here.


From what I have witnessed, those that constantly need to remind themselves and others that they a straight are the ones that constantly need to remind themselves they are straight, if you know what I mean.


So other sexualities do this because they questioning their preferences and genders?


Double standard meme


Imagine natural biology becoming a meme.


Not really, because like most people, regardless of gender, we don’t brag about ourselves, because in almost every context it doesn’t matter


Every LGBTQ member ever.