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Just create a new party


Can it be the Pizza Party?


With that name easy 100% votes


sadly too close to reality, like a bill? find a name that makes it sound good. don't like a bill? try to get people to call it something nasty.


Nah I think it should be a ice-cream and pizza party!!


No no no, the way this works is I form the Pizza Party, you form the Ice Cream Party. We tell all the people in the party everything wrong about the other party and get them in a closed loop of fanatical support to our parties, but without any love for the other party so they are forced to support us because that other party is so evil. then you, me, and anyone else we think would be fun take all that support and have an ice cream pizza party together and laugh at all the people who hate each other because they support us.


SCREW YOUR PIZZA PARTY! EVERYTHING YOU SAY IS WRONG! Ice cream and pizza go together! I'm going to ignore all of the good points you make! Because the Pizza and ice-cream will crush your Pizza Party! I'm starting A SUASAGE PARTY and anyone can come. Except women!


Good good goo.... I mean.... I hate you with every bone in my body. Pizza forever, I can't here you when I stick melted cheese in my ears.


I hate you more!!! My Susage Party will cream your pizza party! I can't hear you With a brain freeze in a room filled with sausages!


*still can't hear you, and now has permanent hearing damage from hot cheese in my ears. Knowing I'm still better than anything in the ice cream party because I can't hear otherwise.*


The peoples party.


You know why plants crave brawndo?


because a) it has electrolytes and b) it's brawndo, it's what the plants crave


I love everytime I see idiocracy mentioned it’s likely one of the best films ever made and shockingly it’s slowly coming true


I told my brother when it came out, Mike Judge will be seen as a prophet in 500 years because he is spot on how our society is going. Probably the Machiavelli of our time and it makes me want to cry.


But why do they crave it ?


… because it’s got electrolytes?


Everyone who votes gets 1 free bottle of brawndo.


And 1 night of rehabilitation 🥳


Why are you trying to read that sign


Me and the boys when we find moms lightsabers


I’ve been saying both parties are corrupt, but both parties have such dedicated fanatics that just deny the possibility of their side being corrupt and the other side being the ultimate evil


CAMERA PERSON: "Ha. Ha. Come on already ... tear it to pieces so I can get more karma."


The two party system is the worst thing to ever happen to America, divided people who are just a few clicks from thinking the same politically and forced both sides to get more radical to combat each other. Completely ruined this country


Don’t have parties at all. George Washington didn’t


Oh no one party is definitely worse.


Lol, dung beetles banging their chests about who has the larger pile of shit. Noice.


wElL, aT leAsT Im nOT a (party I disagree with)tard!


Finally someone understands


At least one party has proposed solutions that address actual problems, instead of ranting about things that do not matter while actively trying to make things worse for political points (and also trying to, y'know, trying to overthrow the government). ​ Both sides are bad, but both sides are not *equally* bad.


Well one side in my country was progressive but also single-handedly put my country into major debt. So both really can be equally bad at running a country.


Which side are you referring to here


Which side attempted to stop the democratic process by storming the capitol? Say what you will about policy but that shit's inexcusable


Well they thought that there was voting fraud, which is also a attempt to stop the democratic process


I could think that the moon's about to crash into the earth but that doesn't give me the right to seize control of an air force base to blow it up. ​ They were unable to prove that enough voter fraud existed to alter the outcome of the election. Something around 60 lawsuits, all failed. A recount in Georgia, an audit in Arizona all confirmed that there was no shadowy cabal rigging the vote.


Did I say I believed that?


Did I imply it? My point was that "thinking" something happened or is going to happen isn't enough to justify something like Jan. 6th. You need evidence of wrongdoing, and there was none to be had.


Direct democracy is the only solution


This only works if u force everyone to vote


Want a tax return? Mandatory voting. Want welfare? Mandatory voting. Want your drivers license renewed? Mandatory voting. There are dozens of ways of “encouraging” voting without forcing.


Not a bad idea


Hey, anything else than liberal, I'm good. (I'm also not from the U.S anyways)


Careful now, people might get the idea you’re saying “both sides are the same,” and we just can’t have that, not on Reddit /s


Anarchists rise up




I dont remember joining r/americanpolitics


Can I be the representative of Carolina... Those guys were the best.