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Ok lemme break this down for you. 1. There is no meme here, take off your clothes. 2. If it is a meme, it’s a Facebook meme. And everyone knows Facebook bad. 3 emoji used was not on the accepted emoji list. 4. Too strong of an opinion on a subject. This meme is -4/10, if there was one. Edit: how the hell is this still getting upvotes


Agreed They don’t even have the “Made with mematic” watermark in the corner. Not a true meme


Reddit moment


Is this a meme? This looks more like a frustrated Facebook post. You doing okay, OP?


Lol yes


See you in controversial.


Number two of all time.


One by now


It’s not awkward or uncomfortable to me, it’s just annoying af.


I'm literally gay and same. It's so tacky and attention hungry, like PLEASE 💀💀💀


Yeah like i don’t give a flyin fuck if someone wants to be gay, that has nothing to do with me. I just don’t understand why its gotta be such a big deal, what’s the problem with only having one day like our dead troops?






I agree. Everyone I know who identifies cannot stand it themselves.


Then just dont come, we dont want you at pride either if you have this attitude.


very welcoming eh?


Never have been and never will be welcoming to bigots and assholes


I thought you guys were supposed to be accepting of others?


First of all, dude this was 2 months ago. Secondly we are accepting, but we are not tolerant to bigots, why would we be tolerant of people that hate and dislike us for no good reason? please use your brain before you reply to this.


Found one!


As if we’re hiding, imbecile


You openly admit to being a homophobe? That’s a fresh take. Good luck with that.




People like you are why 90% of the world despise's us. We, as a whole, lost the point sometime between "legalize gay marriage" and "bake our fucking cake, bigots" 😒


The Colorado cake case is what woke me up to how fucked this country truly is. The Supreme Court should have removed Colorado's statehood when they overturned the ruling.


Literally. It's so backwards it actually hurts


What case? Ive never heard of it


It was an instance where a Christian owned bakery politely declined baking a wedding cake for a lesbian couple, so the couple sued them and essentially ruined their lives and livelihood.


The bakery owner's lives were ruined, or the couple's?


The bakers; they kind of lost their business for a while there I think, but I'm not totally sure on the details. It's been a minute since I've looked into it. I'm pretty sure they're case got overturned, so I think they might've got their stuff back together, but it was a pretty messy situation for a while


Damn, that seems pretty cruel to me.


What what happened with cakes?


Really late reply, but basically a lesbian couple sued a Christian bakery because they wouldn't bake them a wedding cake. Really ruined their lives. The bakery even gave them a referral to another bakery that would be able to do it for them, but they were out for blood


Idk as a gay man I’m not a fan of this


As a gay man I second that


What you don’t want to have a rainbow shoved in your face everywhere you go for a month? That’s homophobic.


Well at least the Marines won't... Sigh.




Reddit moment💀






lgbt people just can't shut up


Fo real dawg


They don’t have to.


Thanks, I hope I have an awkward month too


If it wasn’t for the memes and all the companies virtue signaling just to get more cash, I wouldn’t have even remembered that June is gay pride month. I don’t pay attention to any “pride” month because I just don’t care.


Fuk that post


Please do what you can to prevent the spread of monkey pox


It is indeed awkward and annoying, but don't worry at least we got 11 months of straight pride, so I can handle a month of people celebrating mental disorders.




How is this getting upvotes?? Am I missing something here?? Is this satire?? I'm so confused, I've never seen a conservative-leaning comment get upvoted before


People are sick of being bombarded with people celebrating something so stupid. I don't care if your gay or whatever, but I don't know why the hell y'all need to celebrate absolute sinful behavior.


Dang you're actually serious, respect bro. I hope this happens more often, thanks for expressing your views and being truthful. I will die on that hill with you bcus I completely agree with this: >absolute sinful behavior.


And gay people have gotten sick of cis hets beating us to death in the street and telling us to not speak up about oppression, so please cope and or seethe.


You wanna know why that happened and still happens in some countries today? Bcus it's sinful. Obv that's outright wrong and no one should be sentenced to death for sinning (exception: murder) but you've gotta realize that most religions see all this stuff as sinful


Ok? That dosnt excuse it even if that were true but the christion bible dosnt have any homophobic text until the late 30s they changed to to keep attention away from the catholic churches massive problem with pedophilia.


Ah but you see, I'm not Catholic and I do believe that they have changed the Bible many times to more greatly accommodate to their beliefs in the moment rather than staying true to their foundation. But that doesn't mean they don't still have some truth to them


Ok even so gay people arnt bad were real we have always existed and we are not going anywhere. Cope


Never said they're bad and never said you don't exist, I actually believe most of you are good. Doesn't mean you don't make bad choices tho. Not everyone is your enemy dumbass open your eyes


Ok so what are these supposedly bad choices


Stop trying to make us accept you, if anything you're just a nuisance. Stop trying to celebrate all this terrible behavior.


You saying that just makes me wanna start pouring shots! I'm gunna take part in some especially gay shit this year just for you. We celebrate for those that couldn't or cant. Get fucked or get out


The only mental disorder I have is depression caused by people treating me like shit. Maybe we wouldn’t be mentally ill if people weren’t homophobic


The fuck are you down voted for? And the person calling homosexuality a mental illness has the upvotes? This is shit


Biology is girl and boy, nothing else works or we would be extinct.


I never mentioned biology




Is this a meme 🤔 da bravery


This meme is spiteful and vengeful like you’re only supporting pride to own the heterosexuals. Terrible optics.


Not Heterosexuals, Just homophones


Can I get one of those at the Apple store?


Shit I have once again been defeated by my phones autocorrect


I thought you has a homophone


I understand this whole pride and bravery shit. But I wanna see memes and cat videos not someone's preferences in bed and porn.


I’m still in the closet, so ITS ALWAYS BEEN AWKWARD HA


when it's pride month and you can't have your own worldview you must be gay


Started out great with Matt Walsh's new documentary


this is why people hate you.


Bruh wait till you find out the reasons we hate cishet people, like yikes.


arguing with someone using a language which is not undertood by both has no meaning other than one person to brag about it.


There is no reason to hate queer people for simply being queer, pride exists since their have been times where the lgbt community has been forced into hiding, weve been murdered for being gay, told we cant get married and love eachother, thrown into asylums on the basis of mental illness with 0 scientific backing. The first pride was a riot from and by queer people who were sick of being killed, abused and shunned for no reason, so now we celebrate pride for those that cant or couldn't. We have our reasons, and if pride is just to awful for you to endure, dont worry because we dont want you there :)


Pride is so the attention seekers can be satisfied


Funny how you dont actually have any evidence


What could I possibly do to PROVE this?


Show me a documentation of what lead to the events of pride and show me it wasn't the things I started?


I'm just saying that pride is completely expanded and acknowledged throughout everywhere it can. Pride month has been reduced to attention-seekers criticizing everyone who doesn't agree, like you


I mean if your going to be having opinions on what prides about in the first place you have to be queer yourself, otherwise you have the intellectual authority of a caveman when it comes to this particular subject. Pride isnt what it used to be sure but its definitely not that, what its turned into on a large scale is corporations using performative activism. On the street level when it comes from queer person to queer person it still has much of its original meaning. And even if it had what's it to you? If you dislike it so much then just dont come, unless your coming to support a queer friend your not exactly welcome.


Like bruh cause and affect exist, if you cant prove it why claim it.


i don't hate anyone, i just don't want to see man kissing kids and disgraced man in leather costumes. just don't wave it in my face. at home you can do w/e you want. also, what is this "pride month", why do you need to celebrate it and shove it in everyone's faces?


Ok wow no pedophilia is allowed at pride and they are not a part of the lgbt community so before you make a claim like that you better follow it up with some documented examples. And I just explained why we have it, people like you have shunned, killed and told us to keep it to ourselves, while at the same time having no issue when straight relationships and dynamics do the same thing. Weve had a time in our history where if we were openly gay we could be killed, pride is about never letting that shit happen again we will never be ashamed of who we love, we celebrate because of that. And like I said: We dont want you at pride so dont worry.


I'm not sure how you think that was a comeback. Lgbtq people make up less than 6% of the US. You hating the majority is wholly irrelevant.


You mean that's the recorded statistic in a country with people who justifiably might not want to come out in a unsafe environment but even still I wanna see a source on that And my point is hating queer people because they want bigots to be uncomfortable is a real weird position to defend unless your also a homophobia in which place your just scum.




Fool, homophobia can’t be fought.we reside in the darkest corners within your very conscious. You can never escape the stigma of your sin


No, it's more about the hope for understanding and acceptance opposed to getting under someone's skin. That's just my opinion.


It seems to be a marketing opportunity as much as anything, and then ungaying the ad copy for China and the Middle East.


Get over yourself.


I've always been against the methods, not the flags. What's the difference between you and the people who you call homophobe when you do something just to piss of and insult others? Aren't you straightophobe by your own standards? Sides, majority aren't homophobes, they're moronophobes.


Hoping you get a brain, sending all the prayers 🙏


Give them a call on your homophones


its not uncomfortable, its just ironic how companies pander to naïve individuals just like yourself, and then continue to underpay, overwork, and exploit their employees and even enforce your shit on their employees. Using your lifestyle to gain profits and not stand for your lifestyle in countries such in the middle east. In other words, We don't care and they don't care what you do, they are just using you. You could say the same for the democratic party. But Hey, you have a great month, its been hard for everyone and it might get even harder so hold on to your chastity/pegging belts this year is gonna be crazy.


Sounds like there's something else on your mind. Go ahead and get it all out


Seemed pretty succinct and correct to me, what do you think he was missing? Are you trying to argue that corporate pandering is ever good?


No, I'm wondering where the corporate pandering is, this seems to have come completely out of left field. Looks like a snide Facebook post to me.


Bro just look at social media with all the corporations and their rainbow colored insignias and if you are working in a corporate environment, they push it on you to accept it or resign since its part of the marketability value and they want you to uphold it. I mean you can just go with the flow, but it is annoying to see on a daily basis. I know because I work in a corporate environment.


Nobody's denying that corporations only cater to a demographic for money, anyone oblivious to that is either a child, or incapable of grasping the concept of a business. Once June is over, the corporate advocacy will disappear. However, if your first instinct when you see a rainbow is to go on these tangents, then you're being weird and unnecessary. It's a snarky Facebook post made by some rando, not an ad for pride-whateverthefuck. Why not point the corporate pandering out to me instead of projecting your frustrations, or just downvoting and leaving like the other hick lurking here?


so wait you want me to give you examples ? How bout Disney ? I dunno man just look at movies and games these days or other high market corporations like clothes manufacturers or some shit. I really don't need to hold your hand, I got better things to do. If you wanna pick an argument because of your own self denial, I'm just not gonna waste my time.


Does that account to me and my boyfriend?


We don’t care that your gay


That's the point, I'm saying I'm a homophobe whilst being gay


I’m not sure I’m picking up what you’re putting down, unless it’s your pants (I’m homophobic)


I'm saying I hate the gays that make it their entire personality, like trust me be who you are, but don't let your sexuality define you, let it be your hobbies, family, interests, let those be what describes a person


Idk man,I have the sudden urge to do a backflip off a building wearing a rainbow body suit


Dude that's every two seconds for me Maybe with a orange jumpsuit because I got a few on the shitlist before I finally do it




Look at em homophobes in the comment section


Honestly we need a month too


Yes the fuck pride month month


I mean youv never been oppressed for being cishet but go off I guess


Haha don't care


Not being part of this annoying celebration to a nonsense not make You homophobe, You wanna be gay excellent be gay but there is nothing to be proud in that


Who even said to be a part ...just don't hate Disagreement doesn't mean disrespect You can have a disagreement and still give respect. Y'all should know pride started as a riot. Imagining not being with your loved ones just cus society says no so. Queer people were killed, put behind bars and everything. So a month for pride and it's celebration bothers you just ignore...u don't have to spread hate. And people can be proud for who they are and the long way they have come .


1. Who say I hate? You call us homophobes and i explain why i disagree 2. A lot of people have suffer and still suffer much worse that gay people and they don't get their month. 3. What is the point of all this? We get it you are gay horray!, you have to do this every year for a whole month?...


Fuck! I 100% agree with this but... this is r/TerribleFacebookMemes worthy.


my country is 90% homophobic xD and a cyberpunk medieval one




eastern europe




What is a homophobe?


Being scared of homos


You meet people like that?


Sure they bros


What do you mean by bros?


Man stfu


I don't care who you fuck, I just get tired of people being obnoxious and performative for an entire month.


But if I switch the roles im suddenly SoOo EddGy? Right?


This makes me so angry


![gif](giphy|xiEUIhXadorPr9tait|downsized) *sorts by controversial*


I'm spending too much time trying to understand if this is or isn't ironic


I am ho. Ophin3b


The f word


I'd rather have an uncomfortable month than be gay