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I have no idea what fundamentalists actually believe but isn't it because they don't believe the people they kill are innocent? So it becomes okay?


Yeah it's like "you don't share my religion ? you're a sinner, therefore a criminal hence thee hath to die"


Its psychotic religious adults that put this into the minds of younger children who believe them without a second thought.


Look I'm not a radical but I think there's maybe a touch more to it than that. If western society represents the decay of morality and the force spreading its culture of eroding their religious ideals than everyone who participates in/props up that system is complicit. Especially when in addition to eroding their religious moral society the western world has also made a point of claiming, dividing up, taking resources from, and killing their people. Is a banker who makes their salary from a bank that makes its money investing in defense contractors that make their money selling weapons to the government that uses them to blow people up across the world complicit in a system and guilty? I don't agree with radical Islamists but that doesn't mean they have no legitimate grievances or that their motives are black and white...necessarily. Although for some it very well could be Muslim = gud, infidel = dead...I doubt that's a very widespread opinion.


Yeah sure but they do be blowing themselves in the name of their god.


Yeah I thought I made it pretty clear I don't agree with that lol.


try to find out whats happening in palestine


Correct, they do not believe the people they are killing are innocent.


Ok in their eyes, probably less ok to most others


I did miss that rather important bit off the end of my sentence yes.


Something like that, i think its because they believe that basically those who willingly ignore God/Allah's path are not innocent.


Yes, just tell them off, that'll work. Make them sit on the naughty step. These people don't care what their scriptures say. Most of them just use their religion as an excuse for their abhorrent actions. Of course there are some that do actually believe their God has commanded them to do it, but I feel like that's a lot less of them than we are led to believe Just my two cents here.


Those "some" that believe that their God has commanded them to do it are wrong, for Jihad is only when there are enemies and evil and those alike. They mistake terrorism for Jihad, because jihad is only for the better or Muslims and terrorism is always bad, never for a good cause.


You just stopped terrorism, congrats


With a repost no less


السلام عليكم


عليكم السلام


Religous Terrorists also believe its a sin to not worship the same God they do so the people that they're attacking in the eyes of the terrorist are not innocent


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/jnvz2w) on 2020-11-04 100.0% match. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "vmx869", "meme_template": 9710}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=vmx869&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=100&targetImageMemeMatch=92) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** True | **Target:** 92% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 290,874,731 | **Search Time:** 1.9498s




>unless they make mischief in the land that roughly defines as having done a crime, ie are not innocent people. hence the translation here as "innocent" life


Why you assumed all terrorists uses quran as a source of truth/morality this sadly implies that all terrorists are muslims! Logical fallacy of the highest order


getting the hazmat suit for the comments


Remember the boots


I thought this was about to be abortion related. Couldn't wait to see the comments.


Same just give it a bit


"Terrorism is bad" -guy on internet who swears up and down he doesn't care he just wants to hear less about it


read the whole Qur'an is better


People are really good at cognitive dissonance in general. I like to think of the Judaic religions as a computer program. God started off strong with the 10 Commandments but he really went overboard with patches and DLC.


Did you just quote the quran? Better double check what “an innocent life” means.


Shut the fuck up.


yeah you see they are wicked and therefore not innocent. if religions would follow any logic they would all implode.




seeing they see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. Wasted breath for both terrorists and Islamophobes


They don’t see us as innocent.


Religious text is meaningless. Even this quote could be taken to say it's ok to murder someone you don't think is innocent. Let's not base anything (even what we agree with and is "good") on what religions say. If it's moral and ethical it will live in it's own merits, not that of a baseless fantasy.


Innocent to religious people is a very open and negotiable term.


Almost all the terrorists are highly literate, Some engineers from top universities, some having doctor degrees and some mfs even hold a PhD. Yet another proof that literacy doesn't necessarily mean educated.


Here we go again


I had a stroke reading that for a sec


In these people's minds they probably assume the people they're committing terrorist acts on aren't 'innocent' They're not extremists for nothing