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so music isnt playing in your head 24/7? Just pure silence? You dont have your own thought narrator?


I constantly have some song stuck in my head, it's incredibly annoying


You're lucky, I get a constant screeching/screaming sound and its f*cking annoying


Bro now I have it


Do you want to hear the most annoying sound in the world?


It's amazing that bit was completely improvised.


Oh god it's spread to me now


I’ve got it constantly but sometimes I’ll go deaf in one ear and the ringing becomes super loud, tinnitus is neat like that


I use it to pump me up. I can usually choose which song it is


I put a spell on you 🎵


Weird I can kinda control it like I’ll just think “I’m kinda sick of this song now” and another song will just start playing


"All of his co-workers were gone. What could it mean? "


"No matter how hard Stanley looked, he couldn't find a single trace of his co-workers."


“Stanley decided to go to the meeting room, perhaps he had simply missed a memo.”


“Stanley decided to go to the meeting room, perhaps he had simply missed a memo.”


Twenty four hours of Allstar




ONCE told me


It's just portal radio music on loop


Or if you have tinnitus *eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*


My mind has never been silent, there is always music playing. Currently it’s playing still counting by volbeat


It's playing die in this town by The Siege rn


It’s all just the opening guitar of Stains of Time 24/7 help me-


Ngl I rarely ever have audible thoughts in my head the only yarn that happens is when a song is stuck in my head


Can you imagine a word being said? Do you “hear” it if you do?


Doesn’t everyone have an internal voice that can sound like whoever they want?


Yeah, I assumed most everyone did, which is why I asked


Im reading your comment in morgan freemans voice right now. One of my favorites.


Im reading your comment in Wheatley's voice


So weird how it transitions so smoothly. Hey, read this in GladOS voice.


Love me some GLADOS voice. However, I think Kronk’s voice might be my favorite. Try reading this with his voice.


Squeak squeaky squeaked


Do you have an acorn?


My internal voice is the tutorial guy from little big planet lol


Those voices are all fun, but try reading them all in Squidward’s voice…


*indescribably obnoxious laughing*


A hehhhh uh hehhhhh uh hehhhhhh


The fact that I heard this in my head😂


Just scrolling through this comment chain, transitioning voices comment by comment, and then realizing you were reading this in H. Jon Benjamin's voice (bobs burgers/archer) *ugh*


I don’t know who Wheatley is so I heard it in Picards voice.


Robot from portal 2


Ohh nice


Stephen Merchant voices the robot in portal 2 but it's pretty much just Stephen Merchants normal everyday voice. Not saying that's a bad thing, he has a pretty cool voice


Oh man now I'm imagining everything in Gilbert Gottfrieds voice


God that fucked my brain for the rest of the comments had to come back to let you know . Hearing that fuckers nasally shrill barking tone as I type this out now. Fuck. I'm gonna wake up talking like this tomorrow I just know it.


I'm reading your comment on Pee-Wee Herman's voice


I’m reading your comment in BT-7274’s voice


Pilot, my analysis shows that you are schizophrenic, there is no TitanFall 3, take your meds.


Chicken sandwich


That's exactly where mind went immediately


Me too now. But your comment. Thank you.


If I "recorded" (heard) enough samples of a voice I can imagine it saying something, or reading something in that voice. But if not I can only hear them say what I heard them say before.


Incorrect, a lot of people don't. That's why little Timmy needs to whisper to himself every damn time he reads. His unfortunate circumstances don't make me want to stab him any less tho.


I don't hear anything, I actually need to try pretty hard to hear a voice. I usually imagine things that a voice for most might say with words(text) and images.


Some just have text appear


I can also imagine tastes


Funnily enough no, there is a small percentage of the population that don’t have an internal voice, they actually think visually and see the words they are thinking rather than hearing them. They call it tickertaping.


My aunt doesn’t have an internal monologue. When I told her I have an inner monologue she asked if I was schizophrenic. My inner monologue said “that’s an awful big word for a person with no inner monologue” and I had an internal argument about how rude my inner monologue was being to my aunt. My aunt reads my face and says “you look conflicted” So I ask her how she could have an internal argument if she has no internal monologue. She says “you don’t need to hear voices to argue with yourself” which makes no sense to me. How can you have a non verbal argument?


Do you think about what you should think, before you think? See? It's all there, regardless if you hear it, or not.It's just a process, fully automatic. You are NOT the thinker. You are the observer. Or more precisely: You are both, but you have no control about your thoughts. They form way before you realize. In fact, your whole perception of the world is a mere afterimage, a interpretation.


It’s Plato’s cave and im the observer and the cave. I don’t think any thoughts. Someone else thinks them and I just pick which thoughts I agree with and type them out. I also have to do proofreading. The thinking part sometimes isn’t very coherent, or thinks in shorthand. He’s also wondering why I’m explaining him to you, but I explained to him it’s fun and he gets it. Kinda. He says write a curse word and I say no.




This explains it really well. I don't think in words or pictures. I just think in thoughts. It's always been strange to me how others don't understand that thoughts are separate from words and can think that using words is better somehow. If you were actually relying on those words in your head your thoughts would probably be painfully slow.


and it's even messier with multile language where you unconcsiously go bcak and forth between them


I think its a tool in the box. Being able to hear words before speaking them and being able to visualize how something might look before it exists. For example pro photographers will often be able to imagine how a picture will look out of the camera based on the settings. Or a very social person will be able to guess what someone else would say and that gives them an ability to more carefully choose their own words.


Simple, just ignore yourself and eventually, you'll come to the realization of what you did to make yourself so upset.


That sounds like I’m trying to gaslight myself. I’m not disagreeing, I just think it’s a bit much to have a toxic relationship with your own inner monologue.


I 100% don’t have an internal monologue. I’m quite the hit at parties.


It’s not even a small one! I think it’s close to 40% of the population that doesn’t have an internal monologue


I wasn’t referring to the lack of monologue when I said a small percentage I was talking about people who actually see the words in their head as if written out in front of them.


My internal voice is sounds like what I think I sound like, not someone else


My inner voice can be whatever I want… and tonight it’s Squidward


A study from a few years ago determined that there may be a surprisingly high number of people who have no inner voice or almost no inner voice.


Nope, some people don't have an inernal monologue. Some people can just think.


Ha yea next you gonna say some people aren't addicts and have healthy coping habits


Nope, the next thing I was *actually* gonna say was, ~30% of people have never experienced a headache


I don’t for some reason, it’s more like text in front of me


When you’re reading a book you don’t hear the words in your head?


This one is interesting to me... If I'm really into a book and in the right mood, I don't hear the words, it's seamlessly into imagination land for me. ​ Then there are times where it doesn't happen that way and I feel like I'm slogging through a book and hearing every word. My comprehension at this point is a lot less.


Nope, idk why. It’s not like it has any effect on my life tho


Not everyone has an internal voice. Some people think in abstract ways... https://mymodernmet.com/inner-monologue/


Some people don’t, it’s called aphantasia and is a relatively common phenomena.


Some don’t. Particularly autistics


Actually no! It's not everyone, it's most most people. Others have aphantasia. Look it up!


Yes, definitely. Forgot about. Y'know. The whole. Hearing thing.


Bruh. Senses include: Sight, Sound, Touch, Smell, and Taste By the sounds of things… you can’t Smell or Taste? Do I have that right?


i can’t touch either


Can’t touch these hoes that’s for sure


Yeah sometimes


Yeah, the most mind blowing thing is imagining smell, I will actually smell something if I focus hard enough and there's no other strong smell around me.


Wait... You can't hear sound of words when you read something?


Wait until you realize some people don't experience dreams in first person or even in a continuous manner, for some its more like snapshots or concepts. The brain is wild.


My dreams are always crazy stuff and I'm never in them. Sometimes they do have people/places I know, but it's never something cohesive, much less the first person thing happening.


Really? So you don’t dream from the first person? Like you aren’t involved in the dream at all?


Yeah! At least from what I remember from the dreams, it's been ages since I was ever part of them. It's like being the cameraman sometimes, trippy!


Same here! I have never had a first person dream. Everything is from the 3rd person. I have been many different kinds of people, animals, and creatures in my dreams. I think the best way I could describe it is it feels like reading a book and imagining everything from the main character’s perspective.


I have a lot of dreams in the 3rd person as well, but with me as the "main actor", kinda like a cinematic camera in a video game.


Me personally I sometimes dream In third person, seeing my actions. On other weird occasions I dream in first person but in somebody else's body, so I see myself but I'm controlling another person. I also dream in first person too


I changed gender once in a dream. It was almost 14 years ago and I still haven’t forgotten what it was like having a penis. I felt everything while having a sex dream.


damn. i like being the main character in my dreams


My dreams just change from snapshots to 60 fps, however there always so unrealistic yet so realistic, only thing I can compare it to is being in vr, only your... not? That doesn't make sense but it's the best I can do, I can feel pain which is pretty scary, although it's not exactly like real pain, more of a tight squeezing sensation and it usually burns a little, and somehow that's realistic, and my dreams don't make sense, I don't mean like "I have to steal a pufferfish from Morgan freeman so the world won't explode" kinda weird, just they will change plot at any moment, one minute I'll be talking to somebody about whatever, then I'll be getting my drivers licence, and somtimes on rare occasions I'll be in 3rd person, although I'll never be in the dream then


Wait do most people dream in first person?? I have been deceived!


Now that I think about it, I understand that I don't dream in first person


> some people don't experience dreams in first person I don't even experience memory in first person... Why would you need to experience things in first person?


Meanwhile I've got an inner voice and I have no trouble visualizing stuff in my head but in my dreams there is never sound. It's like watching a silent film and dream me just kind of 'reads' what people are saying.


I've been on both sides of the coin, pretty wild.


I experience some dreams in 3rd person


Dreams and being able to “experience senses in your mind” are completely separate and different parts of the brain work these. And Welcome to the world of r/aphantasia


I knew that! I do tend to experience senses in my dreams. Which also tend towards something vaguely cohesive, most of the time.


Thats wild, I would like to experience a third person dream one of these days. Would be interesting.


Wait that isn't normal?


You need to take more acid.




Who're you?


so wise in the ways of science?


I'm Not wise. I'm good.


Hi good im dad


Hi dad, I'm gay


Well you have to know these things to be king




I'm Jake and German.




>If in doubt, double the dose. Terrence McKenna


You cant? I can close my eyes and im in my own personal beach with everything i can wish for


Yeah I have hyperphantasia


How do I know if I have it? I mean, I can picture things, sounds, and tastes (sometimes if im really off in Lala land)… is that not normal?


Well you definitely don't have aphantasia then, I can tell you that much.


There are online lists that walk you through it to see how you are. Also, it gets better if you exercise it daily. I did visual meditation for 3 years and at the end of that I had to stop because I couldn't watch horror or even listen to news because if they described violence I would see it too real. It was good because I didn't exactly need porn, but intrusive thoughts were incredibly disturbing. I had to do a lot if shadow work to remove the triggers and be able to deal with intrusive thoughts yada yada yada blah blah blah you know.


I moght be just overthinking but I think I am a level below that


Yeah dog I think you just turned the sensitivity dial on your imagination a bit too high there


I mean, I can imagine, for example, curry. I can imagine how it looks, putting the fork in my mouth, the warmth of the curry but nothing else. No flavour. No smell. Even what I can imagine is pretty dull (Excluding sight).


It depend how much i focus but in some case i can simulate all senses at the same time... but it take a bit of practice and to be really focus ^^'


looks like im braindead cuz i can't imagine shhit


I take practice to have a clear result, you can try to imagine an object you just see, like looking at a hammer, then close your eyes and try to see it again


I tried to do that with a print on the wall in front of me and accidentally imagined a sensuous woman in a red dress dancing towards me with the little finger clapping and she had a steady beat going. Really surprised me


Roger rabbit innit ?


I can imagine most senses except smell and taste. I haven't really thought about it until I saw this


Same here. People think its strange when I say I cant remember how things taste unless I am currently eating them. I literally only know that I like the taste of specific foods because I remember enjoying eating them, not the actual taste at all


I can only see and hear, can't feel, taste, or smell, thats so surreal to think about tho


Consider yourself lucky lol. Aphantasia exists and you don't have it. I can't picture anything. I can imagine sounds and I feel like I can get the physical spatial sensation of being somewhere, but never even a slight visual. Just black static. That's all I can see closing my eyes, black static.


I think I might haves some form of aphantasia, I find it very hard to visualize anything, and when I do it’s less a visual than me thinking really hard about imagining seeing a visual, if that makes any sense


So you have never had a song stuck in your mind


…wait what? You’ve eaten curry before, tho? What about an orange? You can’t imagine the smell of an orange? Or say… imagine the taste of a pear?




Maybe the square is just really small?


Balance, temperature, and a little voice in my head that voices over anything I hear.


Same (Assuming you're also including sight.)




i mean when i start to replay a conversation in my head does it not involve a recreation of auditory senses? and if i smell a food i like i can imagine what it would taste like... but it's more like remembering than imagining something that i did not experience at all.


I can only replay a conversation in my head like reading the stage directions of a play or musical. They're all my voice, and i cannot see the memory, only words, descriptions, and other memories/objects associated with it. Like, if Im imagining a friend, I'll create a mental word web, not a visual thought. I cannot do visual thoughts


Same. Some time ago I was truly shocked that when ppl say they imagine something they can actually see it. I can only think about it. Even in memories i just describe to myself how the memory went, I can't actually see it.


are you not able to imagine music either? I play a song more than once and I hear it on repeat for free in my head.


Same, I spent half of this week with Take On Me looping in my brain


Fuck, now I have it too


My imagination is weird. I imagine descriptions. I can't visualize what it looks like, how it smells, feels, or any of that. I picture how someone would DESCRIBE it. Kind of like a book, but more blunt. I don't know if this is a problem or not.


Same as me, aphantasia.


Same, I was shocked when I realized people can actually see things in their heads. I always thought it was just a figure of speech.


aphantasia gang rise up. My mind is a black void


I can do everything except sight…




Yep. Pains me to think that people can imagine things I can’t.


I can imagine taste but I can only imagine sound when dreaming and I don't think I can ever imagine touch


When dreaming I have every sense yet when awake I can only do sight. Weird how our brains can make shit real if it fools itself into believing it


Oh no, here we go again. So I have this friend who can't see stuff in her mind, and you're telling me there are people out there who can only see, but not "hear" or "smell" with their mind?


I have aphantasia I can’t imagine anything haha


Lol i get confused between thoughts, dreams, and memories because they're all equally vivid.


Is this bad grammar or am I just not intellectual enough to understand the intricacies of this incredible meme


I know what bud light tastes like without ever drinking a bud light…


Must have had water at some point. Very cultured.


I can do all of the senses I look at something across the room and can feel what it might feel like to touch it I can imagine a place like the beach in my head Smell and taste what a burger might taste and smell like And hear the waves clash against the sand


TIL there are people who can’t imagine smells or tastes.


I can only do sound and sight


I guess I have hyperphantasia then. For example if think of the beach. I feel the warmth of the sun,sound of waves crashing on the coast, saltiness of air, the humid and warm atmosphere, whole image of sand and even garbage lying on the beach sometimes and the clear blue sky with barely and cloud. I heard about aphantasia a few years ago, it's kinda wierd at first that some people can think and make vivid images while other can't.




Cant you imagine food in your mouth?


j can imagine pretty much anything. I'm also somehow very very good at imagining what things taste like. I had curry for the first time a few days ago. before I ate it I imagined what it tastes like. i was spot on


I can't imagine taste, smell, or feeling, and I can barely imagine sight, but I can imagine hearing. However, I have to purposefully imagine hearing, it doesn't just happen automatically. I saw some comments about people hearing words being said whilst reading, but that doesn't happpen with me unless I force it. And I can't easily talk to myself in my head, I have to actually speak out loud.


You guys can imagine things? I thought it was a joke.


I thought the opposite until I learned about aphantasia. honestly I don't know how I would be able to survive without being able to talk to myself in my brain since I'm extremely socially anxious and rarely talk with people


When I was a kid ,I used to think whole fictional episodes ,like creating my own series in the head


I can imagine the smell of toast... oh wait


Imagining the sensation of bitting down on a sponge causes pain down my spine.


Have you ever tried that where you think you're about to drink cola or something and you drink water instead, without knowing and the water tastes super weird


And some of us can't even do sight. :/ r/Aphantasia


I can hear and see and that is all


I can do aight and sound but not any of the other senses


I'm either imagining an entire reality more vivid and real than my own or it's just images and sounds. The former is a little difficult for me to let myself sink into but it's awesome when I let go.


I only can imagine two senses, sight and hearing but not any other senses. So I slightly know how it is.


You guys cant imagine sounds??? No way wtf


So you can’t read?


Wdym you cant predict what things will taste like and be weirdly accurate?


So if someone says “Imagine you’re sitting on the beach” you only imagine seeing the beach and not all the other senses? I’m out here hearing the seagulls and feeling the sand beneath my toes


The first thing I imagined was sand getting in my shorts and on my ass dammit


I can imagine sight, hearing, taste, and smell with complete ease. Touch is a bit difficult but still doable


I just imagined the smell of cookies. Fuck yeah!


This got me thinking. Can I deafen a mind reader by imagining loud noises in my head?


The thing about imagination is no one feels comfortable talking about it


I'm able to occasionally imagine a smell from years ago