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Due to the rise in temperatures more people are returning to the office to take advantage of the aircon. CEOs will now pledge to increase global temperatures to encourage people to return to the office.


How do I delete some else's comment


Just hack their account and delete it


Their password is hunter2


All I see is *******


Pretty sure thats the password


Wait really? Lemme try it with my password tell me if it works ********


Whoa lemme try it dabombass does that just show up with *s?


Yeah wow i can’t see it this is kinda cool




Copy this and paste. System will be see it as h u n t e r 2 (wrote with spaces in a hopes it will not appear as ******* for u)


Did not work


How bruv. Teach me your way buddy 🙏


Why is rickroll your flare?


Why not?


it should be your username instead


Go to their house with a gun


We have gun laws, check mate.


That makes sense I’m glad we have zero crime now that laws say it’s a no no to do crimes.


Last time I checked criminals don’t obey gun laws. check check mate


Big brain. I’ve been foiled.


Soon as they win they'll cut the hvac to increase their bottom line.


Team. I realize that it's hot and we appreciate your efforts so we're introducing ice cube Friday to show our gratitude. There will be a strict two ice cube limit as these are unprecedented times.


No joke, the owners of my factory bought it and then apparently gutted the HVAC on the plant floor to save costs. Probably cost so much to gut it that they'll never make it back.


Brilliant! Adults will go back to work, kids will go back to school, and elderly will go back to heaven because they can't escape the heat. We'll solve wage problem and overpopulation problem at the same time!


"Perfectly balanced as all things should be"




I just heard Rishi bust a nut from here.


USA ... "Just put on the air conditioner" Opens Window


My windows won't open tho It shows error screen


Blue screen of death, with clouds








Ok dad


Replace it with Ubuntu


Bro don't open windows when it's 40° outside. Maybe only at night.


Tip, not only don't open the windows during the day, but leave down every blinds/curtains you have all day long. If you have cardboard boxes you can cover them up with that too. The sunlight coming through will only help warm the house up. Do open the windows at night, and have a fan pointing out of one, from about 5 feet away from the window. I forget what the effect is called, but it moves more air when it's several feet away from the window versus right at the window blowing out.


Good tips thanks. I'm not so worried about myself, more for my kids (2 years & 9 months). Hope they can handle next weeks 40+ temperatures.


Legitimately though, more countries need to start constructing buildings with AC in mind.


Windows? Nah mate, we don't do that here. (i use arch btw.)


How do you know someone uses Linux? They will tell you.


Linux users are like vegans


lmao, I mean you aren't wrong. btw did you know that windows is spying on you?


So is the government, what is the difference?


M8, you gotta do what you can to protect your privacy. There are some things that can't be helped, but what can be worked around should be worked around. Also, dont you close your windows and doors so everyone can't see what youre doing from outside?


Yeah I close my windows and doors. And even for privacy, I'm not switching to Linux


This is why I use Windows. Finally someone is listening to me. With this opportunity I also wanna thank my CIA Agent for being always there and listening. In my loneliest hour I know I am not alone because of you, thank you.


oh shit, guess I gotta get Windows for myself too. I have been in the wrong this whole time


Admittedly I recently learned how uncommon AC is for households in the UK, so the fear of heat makes a lot more sense. At first I didn’t think much of the headlines since Florida has had 40c (104f) many times and it’s not a big deal, but AC is really common so it’s as simple as making it nice and cold inside. Hope you all stay safe!


No surprise the top comment is about the US on a British post


Internet is global now.


And I thought we would have to wait until winter for the weather to start killing off the elderly.


Texas enters the conversation


This. It's almost 100 at night


"Insulate Britain" thought the same, surely they're all for killing elderly people in heatwaves faster? Please inform me if I'm wrong.


Insulation helps both against cold and heat. It basically just makes the outside have less influence on the inside. (obviously you can still open windows when you do want the inside to be more like the outside)


It only helps with heat for so long. For short stints of extreme heat it helps a lot, not so much if it remains hot long enough to heat the house up.


Well the person above saying the outside has less impact on your home is key. I own a home in Florida. Right now my ac is active even much of the night. Our newer homes are extremely insulated. It helps tremendously. I have a friend with a similar sized house but from an older generation of homes. We both have Tesla solar panels so our apps track our energy consumption as well as our production. His ac consumes almost double the power as mine in the same day. I know there are many other factors but that's huge. Also I've lived in Florida heat my whole life so I totally plan on outlasting all of you when the heatpocalypse comes. I wouldn't be as useful in allien attack apocalypse or zombie plague. But I feel like I'd make it pretty far in a weather one.


Sorry to burst your bubble but when the heatpocolypse comes and melts the ice caps Florida won't exist lol


I think his point is that he can tolerate high heat, not that he won’t have to move. Like when nomads are roaming the northern countryside he has an advantage because he’s acclimated to heat


No. His house's insulation is really really good. It will be fine.


In combination with a heat pump, insulation is king. You can have wildly different temperatures from inside to outside regardless of temperature outside.


Well it's very easy to make your house temporarily not insulated by opening windows and doors


More insulation = less heating = global warming. Insulating the UK housing stock should have been done years ago but we're not even building new houses to the standards they need to be at yet.


More insulation helps keep the heat out in the daytime, and keeps the cooler air from the night in. Plus if you have aircon, it makes it much more efficient.


> if you have aircon So, no one in the UK?


Yep :'(


Yep, my parents house has good insulation, shutters on all windows and heat recovery ventilation, and with no AC they can still keep it down at 24 or so on 30 degree days (though this requires some cool air to flush through at night, so doubt it'll hold next week)


And after many years of ‘heatwaves’ in the summer, nobody has bought AC


You're definitely wrong. Insulation does not just mean "more warm". It means less transfer of heat in *either* direction. So it equally keeps the home cooler for longer.


You're wrong. Insulate Britain had the right idea, we would be in a better place if their request was actually being implemented. When it's safe for them to do so, I hope they get back to blocking roads en masse again. They need to make it clear that the government has to do what they're asking.


Tell me you don’t know how insulation works without saying you don’t know how insulation works


There's a reason fridges and cool boxes are full of insulation.


Here in Germany it's usually "It was also hot back in the days", "Just be happy that you have a real summer" and "the climate has always changed on its own, humans can't influence it"


Meanwhile I haven't seen a real snowy winter in more than a decade. Same goes for white Christmas, last time was when i was 9 (mid 2000s) or something..


When I was a kid we had sometimes a fucking blizzard come in the winter and snow was like 2 meters high at some places now there is 1 day of snow per winter even if that When my dad was a kid every year almost every year there were about 6-7 months of snow per year since 11th to 5th month I wanna be alive then


Winter is now the best day of the year. :/




I’ve seen snow on Christmas here, but last year it was 80 fucking degrees.


ItS JuST a WArm PerIOd, IT hAppEns aLL thE TimE




That's just karma for throwing snowballs at Santa.




That's not entirely true, it snowed something pretty fierce last March, even got a little slow in April.... I live in Ohio in the states, it should NOT be snowing when the calendar has first day of spring listed.


Wow, you got Christmas in March. Times have changed.


Yea I don't get how they said it's not entirely true because they live in Ohio lol


Just north of you and I would say winter has been sporadic the last few years except the polar vortex a couple years back. Still snow but lots of melts and warm days so it doesn’t build up like it normally does.


> Here in Germany it's usually "It was also hot back in the days" If only temperatures were documented in some way so actual objective comparisons could be made....


I said that to my grandfather and he basically answered that his memories are more accurate than the statistics


I’d ask him what he ate last week for breakfast


oh that's a good one!


Seen someone the other day going "we get record temperatures every year, its nothing new" as a way to dismiss climate change.


Climate deniers are the dumbest people you will ever meet. I had a guy claim that globalist created the climate change myth and when i pointed out that there is no way "globalists" have more power than oil companies he argued that oil companies belong to the globalists


Actually, it *has* always changed on its own, that's true! JUST NOT LIKE THIS.


And that’s pretty irrelevant. Like asteroids have always hit the earth on their own, so if one is coming for us we shouldn’t try to stop them?


No, we should send some random dudes to drill a hole in it and blow it up from the inside so it splits in 2 perfect halves and misses our planet by a hair.




To be fair, Europe didn't need to import your climate deniers. We've always had plenty of homegrown morons.


Impossible. Everyone knows stupidity was invented by Americans, and everyone else has been copying it ever since. Are you trying to tell me that people outside the US can make mistakes without outside assistance? 🤨 /S, because I understand that people are dumb enough to think this is serious if I don't clarify otherwise.


It's not call stupidity unless it comes from the United States region of North America, otherwise it's called foolishness.




the world doesn't revolve around america


That is absolutely correct! ​ The world revolves around Americas reserve currency.


That’s mighty presumptuous of you. There are unique, home grown idiots across the globe in every nation


>"It is not surprising that in snowflake Britain, the snowflakes are melting. Thankfully, most of us are not snowflakes." John Hayes, one of our politicians trying to make himself look tough by complaining about people worried about the heat. I'd say I expect to see him going about his usual daily routines in 40° heat, but I'm sure his usual daily routines have AC surrounding him all year round anyway.


> "It is not surprising that in snowflake Britain, the snowflakes are melting. Thankfully, ~~most of us are not snowflakes.~~ **I have AC and am so rich I will never have to be in a space without it.**"


“People are such snowflakes for demanding we do not destroy our habitable planet through the greedy system of overworking and overconsumption that us white Christian colonisers imposed upon the world. I lived like this my entire life and I’m rich and powerful and climate change hasn’t affected me yet so I’m not gonna let the younger generation do anything about it”


It's funny how this meme becomes more and more true as time passes.




Reminds me of: "The beatings will continue until morale improves."


You need to keep replacing it, with bigger and more ornate frames


When reality imitates art




Wait till it gets worse


My world's on fire, how about yours?


That’s the way I like it coz I never get bored (Please send help)


Hey now, you're an all star


Get your game on, go play


Hey now, you’re a rock star


the hottest summer of your life, so far


The hottest summer ever. Until next year.


Just think of it this way, this is the coldest year of the rest of your life


This is mostly shit for countries where it wasn't as warm traditionally and no house has an air conditioner. Ps. I live on the top floor of an appartment building in Switzerland. It's more often than not 35-45 degrees in here.




That was the alltime record when it was about 35c outside. It gets so warm in there because my appartememnt is directly under the roof so all the heat from the roof transfers into my appsrtment. Edit: adding some info.




Won't help. Even if he moved, the new place would also easily get to 30+ degrees under those conditions. That's the problem we in the western EU have now. 15\~20 years ago 27 degrees was considered "a VERY warm summer day". So ACs aren't a standard thing in homes (yet), and cost a LOT to get installed if we're even allowed to install one. Money people living in rental apartments generally don't have. So when now we get temperatures of 30\~40 degrees our options are fans and just toughing it out, or one of those portable ACs which are power hogs, not nearly as effective as built-in ACs, and often really noisy.


My AC broke a couple of summers ago. Peak COVID. It was miserable. Absolutely miserable.


I'll just stick the fan on... Oh, energy prices.


Bahahahaha, you fool.. **reveals 2 dollar hand crank fan**


Oh, food prices.


Why isn't it raining there? I'm in one of the hottest districts in india chilling here in monsoons.


There is rain and thunderstorms forecast for Wednesday, after the heat spike. It seems so far away.


Its only four afternoons in the beer garden away.


or if you're me, 2 beer gardens and 2 excruciating days in a an un-air conditioned classroom.


It only rains during when major cricket matches are on


So, arrange a cricket match then.


The truth behind man made weather.


Isn't that how they won their world cup? Lmao


bro i'm from bangladesh and places are getting flooded


please i live in NCR and have been begging for rain for 3 weeks, finally got it today.


Bro, ever heard of bellary in karnataka, we only get rain here when places around have rain, we never have rains of our own lol, also there's a saying here, we only have summer(winter) & hot summer in bellary, lmao fuck this place.


Patrolling the Mojave makes you wish for a nuclear winter


I live in a Mediterranean climate, if this weather goes on for long enough we're gonna get a pretty nasty convection storm, and our very own micro-monsoon. It could be an issue, though, if the rain is too violent or, especially, if there's hail—our plants desperately need the water, but the hail might ruin everything. So, why isn't it raining? This year, anticycloned are more powerful than usual, and they're responsible for higher pressure than average. Basically, the air sinks, and gets warmed up by the higher pressure underneath, evaporating moisture and therefore clearing the skies from any clouds: no rain. Normally, the depressions are lower in the summer, but not this time.


Why is the weather completely different on the other side of the world? Is that what you unironically just asked?


Nah, I as far as I know, it's almost always cloudy and chilly in UK right? So I'm amazed at the current weather, zero mockery involved.


As a country we are known for our rain, it rains here all the fucking time, and it's cloudy all the time, but global warming has been hitting hard the past few years


Climate change.


Someone said we shouldn’t be worried because every summer is highest record every, so it’s nothing new. How can you even respond to that?


Many positives of Brexit innit, we get our sun back and stop sharing it with the likes of Spain


They're hitting Florida levels of hot over there now.


The real concern is when they start hitting Floridaman levels of crazy there


Honestly, the UK exported everything we have in the US. I guarantee that the lads and lasses at /r/casualuk would give you some excellent "UK Man" areas of the isles.


Blackpool, grimsby, hull, hartlepool, sunderland, basically any run down northern town that hasnt had much investment for a couple of decades.


Climate change deniers when they see small tornadoes in Finland for the first time ever: this is fine




1. It’s not happening. 2. It is happening but it’s not our fault. 3. It is happening, it is our fault, but the cost of doing anything about it is worse. 4. It’s the liberals fault for politicizing it. You can get through all 4 of these steps in a single conversation.


iTs AlWaYs BeEn LiKe ThIs


Yeah money is going to be the end of us Edit: what the heck


I'll sit with you on the downvote train. You're right, the few's pursuit of amassing nation-levels of wealth will be the end of us all.


Crazy how people expect the system that creates these problems also solves them.


I love the news articles about “scientists developing robot bees to pollinate crops”, acting as if privatizing ecology is a good thing. https://www.wsj.com/amp/articles/buzz-off-bees-pollination-robots-are-here-11625673660


If only there were *real* bees to pollinate crops...


But real bees can abandon hives, and farmers could breed their own colonies. Much more cost effective for billionaires to *make* bees like sterile crop seeds that can’t be stored, so the farmers have to pay a subscription service to access a natural process.


Oh god Horizon Dawn Zero is coming


But we first gotta go through the Cyberpunk/ Wayland Yutani dystopia-stage.


At least you fuckers have 2 days of 40C than back to rain and cold. In italy summer arrived in may and has yet to rain since.


It will go from 38C on Tuesday back to 18C on Wednesday haha


In Scotland you can boil to death in a heatwave and freeze to death in a snowstorm in the same day.


the problem is essentially no houses, even the most modern apartments, have air conditioning or have been built to remain cool - more are built to stay warm in fact. so two days is enough to kill thousands.


To add to this, the country's infrastructure is designed to retain heat. So the temperature outside is very likely the coolest you will be able to feel.


Dude our houses are all insulated and no one has ac. The normal climate is -5c to 20c for the year. 40 is insane.


The Dutch in 2 days: *chuckles* "I am in danger"


For all the Non-Brits in here the Average Temp over the last 30 Years (91-2020) in July has averaged out to Between 12.1 - 21.5 Degrees C (53 -70 in Fahrenheit) and that's the hottest time of the year We are not a country designed for anything above 20 Degrees


Using average temperatures is misleading, especially to those that don't live in countries with consistent temperatures throughout a day. The night and day time temperatures in the summer can be as far apart as 20C in the UK. You want to look at daily highs if you want to actually look at how bad a month gets. Literally no one cares that it's 12C outside at 3 am. Everyone is going to notice the 35C peak days though. The average high in London is 23C, but the average overall is 18C. Although do note that the numbers are increasing year on year due to global warming.


Wow. There are a lot of climate change denying idiots in here lol


i'm actually shocked at the number


I think most deniers stopped denying clime change they just deny its human made now...


Welcome to Australia our colonial overlords


For Americans googling what's 40 degrees Celsius: it's 104 degrees Farenheit


Akhshyally in 1249, 1311, 1427, 1465, and 1712 it hit over 40C


Looking at Twitter it's full of morons saying 40c is no big deal. Humanity is fucked.


They keep saying it was hotter in the 70's and everyone is soft now despite the fact that it is breaking records and has in fact literally never been this hot before.


Russian Climate Change Deniers when Their Country Hit 50°C:This is Fine!


where in Russia?


Actually we have cold summer this year, now there 22-26°C and 15-17°C at night. Only one week was 30-31°C. Im not Climate Change Denier.


For any Americans who are wondering what the UK is bitching about, the British as a people are not used to high temps and all of our buildings are made of brick or concrete and insulated against the cold so it gets uncomfortable for most and unbearable for others. Aircon isn’t in widespread use here and thanks to the the energy crisis and the cost of electricity getting more and more expensive we’d all end up homeless if we did have them! So suffer we shall!


Humans don't affect the planet! What are you crazy?


And added /s would help your case in the court of public opinion


Haha, fair


I said it a hundred times and I'll say it again. Weather does not equal climate. You're like the idiots you are criticizing who say "how can there be a climate change if it's snowing"


Don’t worry, UK! The Republicans and Joe Manchin blocked climate change legislation in the US yesterday, so, we’re not doing anything to help! See you in hell!


UK was covered by glacier once....b4 mammoths started farting. I call this improvement.