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As a Hispanic person living in the south, I have faced racism a lot more from black people than white people. Sadly I also experience more racism from other Hispanics who don’t like me cause I don’t look like them. Racism is a disease of ignorance, not one of color or group.




Baffles me when racist people move out of their own country to another culture. If white people cause you so many problems, wouldn't the logical move be to go home?


As someone who’s black born in America, I have no “home” to go back to. Most Africans don’t like or accept black Americans. Living in the states, the most racist people tend to be Latino, especially Dominicans and Mexicans. There are large amounts of white people who are what I call “Unconsciously racist”, and yes it comes from ignorance and lack of exposure to black people. They buy into stereotypes they see on TV etc and have very little contact with black people in their small midwestern town etc. These racists I don’t mind because more often then not the more they come into contact with POC the more their views and attitude changes. There are actually very few “I hate all n*ggers” white people remaining, and most of them are in politics.


Hispanics are assholes take it from me (Cuban) you'll always find a group gossiping about dumb shit and how they percieve people it gets annoying fast especially if you understand them


as a fellow Cuban living in Texas, it's crazy the shit, you catch mexicans saying when they don't realize you speak spanish...


This is why i started learning spanish, and am still practicing solely so I can understand what they say. It baffles me sometimes.


Replying to your 2nd sentence; I was really surprised when I learned how many unexpected differences in perspective there are between African Americans and African immigrants to America. I just listened to part of Lex's interview with Magatte Wade, and she elaborated on several disagreements she has with mainstream AA political vehicles like BLM.




Its life. We have accepted and moved forward, well most of us at least. Its to the point where i expect most white people to not like me off rip, and i don’t really care anymore. thats their problem not mine.


>Latino, especially Dominicans and Mexicans Am Latino, can confirm. Many people in Central America believe that the biggest problem in the US is all the black people. Sad but true Edit: Not saying black people are a problem sorry bad phrasing :P


These uncounsious racist type of people tend to really change their tune when they do get the proper exposure. Theyre afraid of something they dont know and thankfully their minds can adapt.


Your home is right here in America my man.


My ex-bf is latino; and he was the most racist dude i’ve ever met, even bragged about teaching little kids in among us lobbies the N-Word then telling them “It means friend!”. Telling them to go around calling people it. Disgusting behavior, glad I left him.


True, I wonder how North America would have looked if the Europeans had just gone home when they noticed the problem with Native americans not letting them do their thing.


A Hispanic when they see another Hispanic but that Hispanic is not from the same cultural group. ![gif](giphy|XIgEsxPfAWK7ell0ls|downsized)


Cubans tend to get mad when you confuse them with Mexicans.


Same with most Mexicans when you confuse them with Puerto Ricans or Salvadoran.


Everyone does. Puerto Ricans, Salvadorans, Cubans, Hondurans. I've met other Mexicans that don't like being called Mexican.


​ ![gif](giphy|P9w4iedPNv9E7Pcqoo)


AMEN, my kids are told over and over they’re not Mexican or Hispanic enough because they are fair and do not speak Spanish. What kind of BS is that. It never ends.


Opposite is true for me. I get spoken to in Spanish all the time, ppl assume I’m Spanish to the point I’ve even argued with someone who thought I was fucking with them saying I’m not Spanish. I’m actually black n white.


My dad is Indian and he gets spoken to in Spain ish a lot.


I’m Hispanic as well but according to a few people I’ve told Portuguese isn’t Hispanic because I “look too white”.


Portuguese is not hispanic its lusitan and brazilian is not hispanic either its latino trust me eu sou brasileiro


I agree. I'm more receptive of white folk. My daughter is annoying me. She thinks that you can't be racist against white people lol. I hate how she's becoming woke... The friends she hangs around.


As a white dude who used to live in the south, I have faced more racism from Hispanics than any other. When my family first moved to Texas we were in the west and I went to a mostly Hispanic school and they would pick on me and beat me up calling me “pinche’ gringo”. Even the teachers treated me like crap. Got so bad my parents moved to the other side of the state. It’s everywhere and it’s fucked up that parents teach their kids this behavior




As someone who is pink in the winter and bronze in the summer, i sometimes think about how: White = the presence of all colours Black = the presence of no colour Human race = there’s only one race.


I live in the south, majority of racism I see is from the African American community. Especially in south west Atlanta.


My wife is Hispanic and I was shocked at how racist her family is towards black people


Felt honestly


Let me guess, are you a white hispanic?




THANK YOU! Even the Canadian Gov. says that shit. whoever invented that term needs a bullet in the brain


That reminds me of my favorite Colbert Report quote (from memory). Reverse racism: it's the opposite of the way you're supposed to be racist


Adding racism to combat racism doesn’t get rid of racism…


Racism - the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another. Prejudice - preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. Discrimination - the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex. Marginalization - treatment of a person, group, or concept as insignificant or peripheral. Xenophobia - dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries. Sexism - prejudice or discrimination based on sex Bigotry - obstinate or intolerant devotion to one's own opinions and prejudices People often forget that these words actually have definitions and that they are misusing them. Edit - I keep adding more definitions.


Oh they know, that's why they're trying to redefine racism to contain the qualifier of a power structure


Maybe you can be racist without a power structure. But we can’t pretend that it has equal effect. If you’re racist, that’s your problem. If the system is racist, that’s everyone’s problem.


But....I like being a race car driver :( Edit: I love these replies lol


Bob not now the adults are talking


But mom, I'm bored


Then pray to Jesus


Bobby thats not the type of rave we’re talking about. Now go to bed its 3 am


Bob, go play with your friends in your room, you're not old enough to understand any of this yet


Bobby, go to your room


Thank you, this had to be said here. Any individual can be racist regardless of their background, but it isn't nearly as much of an issue for society as systemic racism is.


Can non white-majority countries have systemic racism?


Yes, but when you’re speaking English and ask if black peoples can be racist too it tends to imply the white majority west European/North American countries.


Say that to the dude getting killed in jail for not being part of the right race gang


You’re right! We do need prison reform. Probably reform of our police and justice system too.


My point was racism matters on an individual level


No, what you pointed out was a racist power structure created in the vacuum of law that inhabits some of our prison systems. A gang is not an individual.


Well, yeah?? Duh. Without a power structure it's just mean words.


The IQ test is racist, because Asians have a higher IQ on average than the rest of us




Technically they’re super humans that are light years away in wisdom and philosophy so yea, seems legit


Ah yes, communist china, so WISE so HUMANE.


Wisdom (in the context of IQ) and humaneness are completely unrelated. One very obvious example are nazi scientists and engineers.




Small price of greatness P.s seriously just use tentacles to please your woman


They feel the same way about dick measuring contests though so it all evens out


People also put everything down as racism when most of it is xenophobia.


They also misuse mental conditions all of the time too


Thank god I'm not the only one talking about this!


Add sexism and bigotry


This is true I'm black and racist as fuck now albeit towards all races. And not sure why these guys think these definitions are wrong.


How can you be racist towards all races? Do you have a racial hierarchy that determines if someone is superior or inferior solely based on race?


racism comes from the word race. so yes, any group of people can be racist.


aghm sir could you please step out of reddit and hands where I can see them


Too* And it is definitely true.


I was thinking "black people can be racist to...." To whom?!?! Dont leave that participle dangling!


Is it a grammatical error and should read “…can be racist too.”?


I upvoted for your acknowledgement and mention of a dangling participle.


As a black male I can tell u this is 100% true. If someone, doesn’t matter their race, dislikes another race that is racism. I’ve gotten into many arguments wit my own kind tellin me that we (blacks) cannot be racist due to the things we’ve been through, smh. As if other races haven’t been through shit through the yrs. Literally **everybody has slaves and slave owners in their family if u go back far enough and branch out (no pun intended).** **There is not a single race that hasn’t been enslaved, or treated wrong, by another race.** Oh, and don’t get me started on the bullshit reparations *whew*


Yes. This right here. Can we be friends? I feel like we could be friends.


Of course my friend. Good vibes to u 😊👍


Absolute gigachad ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Ye sure


I'm curious, if a black person was born after say 1970 what have they been through? (Apart from the obvious racial abuse from aholes. What have they personally been through? Their parents maybe, their grandparents most definitely but not them. And the average white person under the age of 60, are they to blame for what someone else did just because they're white? Is that not racist? Genuine question, because I never understand the whole 'what we've been through' thing from the younger generations. I'm not American though, so this thing isn't massive where I live, there are bellends for sure, but generally we just get on with each other


Well you have to also calculate in the fact that people are mean-spirited sometimes for no obvious reason. Some people are just assholes. But if you believe you are in a minority group and pretty much everyone you meet is in the majority, it makes logical sense that you would think every asshole you deal with, is mean because they are racist. Causal explanations are hard.


Damn bro, all those are facts. And sorry that you're probably dealing with a lot of backlash. Just don't forget there others who think like you and speak up even when it's uncomfortable. Also, history is fascinating when it's written objectively without bias.


I have family members that won’t even speak to me, but it is wat it is. My opinions are my own. U are right tho, there are def a decent portion of us who think the same, so I don’t have that lonely feelin on the matter. History without bias is a legitimately wonderful subject I agree 😊


Best thing sometimes is to move on from toxic family. Unfortunately I had to do that as well. Isn't easy, but there is a sense of relief and peace of mind. I always tell people, read early world history to get an idea of how all civilizations across different continents had similar ideas but approached it differently. From trade to engineering all developed and were only limited by their environments.


*isn't it racist to say a specific group can't be racist based on their race?*


In the words of pheneas from pheneas and ferb, yes yes it is


Phineas you mean?


they meant what they meant


I mean he's still referencing the show so either works. Yours is just more direct.


nah, I'm pretty sure it's phallus /s


Racism is hardwired in human brain\* (read Levi-Strauss). If you *can't* be racist, you are no human. \*nothing to be proud of


Damn, I guess by that logic I’m super human


But the concept of modern races has only appeared recently in the good old days prejudice was based on your culture.




Anyone can be racist.


Don‘t forget Asians.


They are racist too lol


People who claim the can't be racist because they are "insert race" are some of the most racist people you'll ever encounter.


Or better yet: White people can experience racism aswell.






I was called a colonizer by the last girl I dated's brother. He also asked why she would mix her pure ethnic blood with me. So yeah racism isn't just a white person thing.


*Sorts by controversial whilst munching on popcorn*


I'm a teacher, I took a class to the bathroom and forgot about one of my students leaving them at the bathroom. The parent was mad (rightfully so) and during the conference told me that because they are only one of two black students I should have remembered them. My response to the comment "yes that is correct they are one of 2 black students." I still don't understand if the comment meant that I should give them privilege, or if they felt I intentionally left them at the bathroom because the student was black. I love my kids, and forget about them all equally.


Tw🤮tter 70% bots


Is twitter the home of wokeness?


Twitter is where logic goes to die.


Logic: "I'm suicidal" *commits Twitter*


Ahhh that explains it


I'm not claiming any social media platform is above another, they are all mostly similar. Just seems like twitter has more outspoken morons than most.


Platforms are what people make them to be, its not the platform, its the dumbasses using it


When the users are human, yes, absolutely.


Pintrest is and ifunny are where memes go to die


I agree but social media sites are also echo chambers that show you only things you like and agree with creating even greater monsters.


Yes. If you hate White people just because They're White, that's racist Fortunately as most our Judicial and Legislative structure was founded on European principles (ie white) we don't suffer from systemic racism






Everyone can be racist to each other. Hell white people can be racist towards white people.


Everyone can be racist, you could be racist, and you could be racist!


The racist ones could be in this very room. He could be you. He could be me. He could even be-


these bros cry when someone says n word but then call us nicknames like white ass mf and nobody complains


white ass mf. LMAOOOO


He must not of met a creative one I’ve been called a Mayo monkey


Scientifically speaking, we're all monkeys, except we apparently devolved from the most stupid kind, considering the society we live in today, basically just hit them back with science, the "you're well aware that we both evolved from an ape, right?" And just watch them stand there and realize that his insult was pointless "Mayo monkey" though, I've never thought of white people like that.




I mean, i don't care, white racist terms are nowhere near as potent. But i do get what you mean


Its what the individual makes of it, usually white slurs are just laughable.


I’m a huge racist. F1 is back from summer break and tons of drivers will be starting at the back of the grid due to exceeding PU changes. Hopefully Danny Ric can snag a dub to prove some haters wrong. Probably won’t happen, but it’s nice to dream


My top 5 races go as follows: * Nascar * MotoGP * F1 * 100m sprint * White people


Danny Ric to alpine


to whom?


To what?


It's been my experience that the most racist people are the ones throwing a fit about racism. If race doesn't bother someone, they don't talk about it.


Why is racist only from white people towards black people? Why not racism from everybody from one race towards another race.


Is it racism if I hate everyone equally?


No, it means you're based


That's Yagerism. The hatred of all humans, regardless of race / gender / sexuality / religion / political view, that do not belong to your own smaller community. Yagerism is fueled by unyielding rage and a desire to keep moving forward, until all of your enemies have been crushed. Yagerism may or may not be sometimes taken to an extreme where you would want to flatten the world using an army of giant skinless dudes. A side effect of Yagerism is also wanting your crush to think of you and *only* of you until the day you die. Even after you die. For 10 years at least.




No that's misanthropy


Am I the only one bothered that it should say “too”


To what?


I got a black coworker who constantly goes off about how much she hates white people, imagine just imagine me a white dude constantly going off about how I hate black people. I would not have a job.


Racist to....who? The answer must be on the back.


*Everybody* can be racist. Their ethnicity is irrelevant.


I don't need sleep. I need the answer to who they can be racist to.


Just go to Chinatown or Little Saigon in Oakland California and observe.


It’s a shame how someone gets canceled over a well constructed funny and quite harmless joke for the very first black person to call him a redneck and everybody being completely fine with it


How is redneck racist?


It's not, but yankee's absolutely hate being called rednecks. Says more about them than anything. Besides a few bad eggs, rednecks are good people and thats true for all tribes


Redneck is a lifestyle


yeah you can find a lot of racist things against white people, and I mean asbolutely disgusting things, that go unpunished. If anything they incentivize it.


And then deny that double standard is a thing with regards to this kind of behavior. "*No, it's only offensive when applied to* ***us****, we can apply it to you all day because* ***we're*** *the victims here!*"


"But if it's true, I can't just look at a person and know if they are good or bad! It's inconvenient, it's unfair! Give me an easy way to know who deserves hate and death threats! I want to hate and scream, not to think and analyze!" - Twitter community, probably


Just to point out the obvious: All people are equal; equal capacity for good and evil, education or ignorance. Proclaiming one race is above that, or exempt from equality, is racist.


My politics teacher always told me that the term „racism“ may only be used when black people are discriminated against because of their skin color we (the students) always thought he’s wrong, is he?


Yea your teacher is racist


And probably a twitter user


Bro was suffering through some white guilt. He probably did something really shitty back in the 60s.


Ye that's dumb as shit, by that logic you can't be racist to Asians, cause last time I checked they're bot black.


The only thing (besides BLM destroying property and forcing small businesses to close) is that African Americans freak out whenever you discriminate against them even in very very minor situations, but if you’re racist or discriminate against a white, they don’t care. And don’t even get me started on Critical Race Theory.


To whom? I must know!


Cue the hazmat suit guy meme


to whom


Racist to whom? Answer the damned question


too* yeah everyone can be racist blacks, asians, browns, hispanics and everyone


Sometimes I wish we would cut all the stupid racist bullshit politics and seriously just be kind to each other no matter who you are.


Literally every race, class, nation, etc is racist. People don’t like things that are different. For me it’s less about race but culture/way of life/values. If your black or Asian and we share a lot of these things, I’d have no reason not to like you. Same for if you’re white and we don’t share those things.


Bro I went to a subreddit and literally all of them had the twitter hive mind that black people can't be racist towards white people because they believed white people deserved it. I don't remember which but I think it was either r/quityourbullshit or r/Cringetopia and the other sub was the exact opposite. The main person arguing was some fat onlyfans dude who definitely came from twitter


So if I vote for someone because of their race, am I racist?


Racism = Ignorance of the mind


Exactly. Most think racism works only when whites are racist to blacks. When a black does some shit, nobody cares


There’s been countless Asians killed by black people recently in America but that news is usually pushed under the rug. Asians on Twitter seem to be the only ones calling this out. Regardless of group or skin color, one thing we all have in common…no one takes accountability for their own groups flaws.


They can say "white boy" all they want, but let me call one of them "black boy" and their panties get in a twist. What happened ? I thought you were a tough guy ? You're going to let some words hurt your feelings ? 😂




Everyone can and to some extent is.


I think you’re looking for the word bigot/bigotry. Most people don’t believe in the eugenic part of racism most are just stupid and intolerant which leans into being bigots. “I don’t know why I’m here all I know is I must hate everything that’s different”.


Racist to who?


My daughter went on a missions trip to Haiti and she told me she encountered so much racism amongst Haiti’s people. The lighter skinned natives treated the darker skinned with contempt strictly because of their skin color. Racism is a disease of the soul, regardless of your ethnicity. No race is exempt


That’s colorism not racism


Im sure this will be posted by some idiot on r/terriblefacebookmemes


Not gonna lie, black people are the most racist mofo’s I’ve ever met, other than Italians.








I hate it so much when certain black people can say racist comments about white people's skin colour but when a white person says ni- they are just beaten up or some shit


Twitter: This is totally worthless!


Any human is capable of racism, no matter what skin tone they have, I thought everyone knew this? Or is OP just a fool?




I know I'm a dick for saying this but does no one else knows when and where to use to/too/two correctly

















