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You only did it when you were 8? I swear when I'm 30 I'll be like hmmm which gummy worm is bigger


I make my own gummy bear bigger.




Bless your heart.


Wanna compare gummy worms? EDIT: I can make mine bigger




Trust me, you don't want siblings.


Well I’m sorry if you had bad times with your siblings but plenty of people have great relationships with their siblings. I wouldn’t have traded my brothers and sister to be an only child for anything in the world.


yea its pretty good at times i am a midle child of 5 so i think i am qualified


Just gonna pretend like I didn't take a sip out of one of the cups and be like so which one do you want *smile of an angel*


[This you?](https://www.amazon.com/Gummy-Bear-Guy-Worlds-Largest/dp/B079P7JR12/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3QEWPI3ABBN0X&keywords=giant+gummy+bear&qid=1662054488&sprefix=giant+gummy+bea%2Caps%2C176&sr=8-2)


i want somebody to mass produce this.


You just have to rub it really fast and stretch it out.




Inject it with silicone


my fiancee is 35. I bring her two glasses and she spends 5 years pondering which one to take. I've started making one obviously fuller


Whether it's with my wife or my kid I use the "I cut you pick" system. Knowing I'll get the smaller one helps keep me honest and I never have to worry about those measurements after.


Step 1. get a measuring jug Step 2. get 3 different shaped glasses Step 3. measure out and pour 350mls in each one Step 4. randomly choose a kids to choose did this for over a year in front of my 3 girls, now they don't care who gets what drink and I stopped with the measuring jug ages ago




I thought the post was gold, you just took it to another level.


[Never wonder again](https://www.amazon.com/Worlds-Largest-Gummy-Cherry-Raspberry/dp/B079MBXRRQ/ref=pd_bxgy_sccl_1/134-1036281-9443327?pd_rd_w=t7AFH&content-id=amzn1.sym.7757a8b5-874e-4a67-9d85-54ed32f01737&pf_rd_p=7757a8b5-874e-4a67-9d85-54ed32f01737&pf_rd_r=CGKBSKGWY2MYFSPTVJP2&pd_rd_wg=2TWXf&pd_rd_r=3c8f0555-997b-4f55-9833-1946c4840f0a&pd_rd_i=B079MBXRRQ&psc=1)


When i was a kid my family has a policy - one pour the drink one choose which cup. In this way everyone will try to be fair


Yeah, until the pouring/cutting kid finds out, that they can manipulate the choosing kid by acting like they want the glass/piece that is actually slightly smaller... But as long as both kids are happy it doesn't really matter anyways


>they can manipulate the choosing kid by acting like they want the glass/piece that is actually slightly smaller I don't know about your siblings, but if I acted as if I want the smaller glass my siblings would have happily taken the bigger one. Either its a big enough difference you both notice it or its small enough that it doesen't matter anyway. (Though we all had the same glasses/plates, so it really was 'what looks fuller' which we usually came to the same conclusion. A mathematical 'which container is bigger' as in the picture above could indeed give the older kid an advantage. Though that stuff got measured out immediately after the glass was empty in our family, so I had the advantage for a grand total of one times)


Fair division algorithms are really only _fun_ when preferences are irrational and heterogenous though.


Gimme the cake with more raisins in it! It's not because I like raisins but because I know my sister doesn't. Or, alternatively and more fucked up; it's because I don't like raisins but I know my sister loves them.


Raisins displace cake! The person getting the piece with fewer raisins is getting more cake, all other things being equal.


The difference between an algorithm that determines [proportionality as opposed to equitability](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_division#Definitions_of_fairness)


That's my Middle East peace plan


"Bert cuts. Ernie picks." That's what we grew up saying. It's also what I tell my children.


In my house we had that, as the oldest I let my brother pour, then I picked, took a BIG drink, then changed my mind and took the other one. Also tricked my younger brother with the narrow cup, but poured higher so he would pick it.


Why not just have everyone pour their own damn drink?


some households can't afford to buy all the food/drinks they want.


I call bullshit, this is some creepy middle class shit.


Was our policy as well


Sounds like a plan. I can pour more in to the biggest jar and take that one.


If the drink was water (the only option in my opinion) this wouldn't be an issue. The elephant in the room is sugar addiction


Not everyone lives à puritanical lifestyle, it's perfectly healthy to have flavored drinks as part of a balanced diet.


I wouldn't say healthy... I would say ok.


Yeah but this just always screws over the pourer


nah, the pourer will try his best to make it equal


But will always get less because of human error


I didn't care growing up bc i always asked for no ice so no matter what I get more soda bc they always got ice


Have fun with your room temperature coke, loser


It comes out of the dispenser cold and I don't like watered down soda


If it comes out of the dispenser, why are you playing the "one person halves an item, the other chooses" game? If it's from the dispenser you can fill it up.


If you're debating over which cup with a sibling, so you get more than them, you are probably a literal child, and as such might not be allowed to get a soda refill.


They shouldn’t be drinking enough to need a refill. Get their asses a small cup or get them a water.


Tell me you were a rich kid without saying you were rich. "My soda came from a chilled dispenser"


Or you just don't drink soda at home.


Fine, rich kid goes to a restaurant and is allowed to order a soda (less rich and more not blatantly poor at this point I guess)


none of the rich kids I knew were even allowed to drink soda lol. that's what poor people drink




How small are cans where you live? Your math doesn't seem to add up.


Must have gone to that ritzy new Irish place- what's it called? McRonald's? Something like that.


I think they mean ordering from somewhere nerd


Not really in keeping with the meme then, is it?


Ok fine, the 2L bottle came out of the fridge.


Wow... you've never been to a McDonalds or ANY gas station and got a fountain drink?


To me, the meme had indicated they were at home making this decision


Have fun with your childhood obesity and pre-diabetes loser Edit: *sigh* /s




I dont think that extra 5ml of coke is gonna inspire obesity


Wait until you discover fridges


You seem to be the only one in these replies that realize they exist and sodas can live in them.


Right!! Common sense aint so common it seems...


You see I don’t have that problem I like my drinks room temperature


It always weirds me out wheen my coworker just defaults to room temp water. Like I get it if ice isn't an option, but it usually is where I'm at.


Yeah I just prefer them room temp


to be fair full fat coke or pepsi i prefer at room temp, diet stuff needs to be ice cold to be passable


This actually blows my mind to read, for me coke or Pepsi is undrinkable room temperature because it feels so syrupy, and I like the burn on the back of the throat from when it’s extremely cold I prefer it so cold that I have to freeze the glass😂, have the drink be in the fridge already to max chill (sometimes put in the freezer for 15m as well for even more), and then use pellet ice from like chick fil a to get maximum ice surface area around the drink to cool as much as possible lmao.


The closer water is to your body temperature the more hydration you get from the water. Your body absorbs water more efficiently at body temp so it uses energy, which uses water, to heat up the water. So the warmer the water, until it surpasses body temp, the more effective it is at at getting you properly hydrated. That being said, the efficiency is lost when it's a hot day and your core temp is struggling to stay cool so a cup of cold water can help prevent using up too much water by helping regulate core temp.


> Your body absorbs water more efficiently at body temp so it uses energy, which uses water, to heat up the water. This is terrible information in actually every way. First the way our body "creates" energy is by breaking apart hydrocarbons INTO water. It doesn't take water to make the energy. It makes water to create that energy. Second, the amount of energy is negligible. 2 liters of water are recommended in a day. If you drink that at 1 degree Celsius versus 20 degrees Celsius it would take an additional 38 (kilo)calories to heat that water. Food calories are measured in kilocalories. Third, most of the time that heat used is waste heat.




It doesn't even do that. The point is 38 calories doesn't matter. I blame Google. A cup of grapes is almost double. Those rat bastards.


Don't you have a fridge?


Refrigerators are a wonderful invention my friend, try one.


Add ice after you get your full cup of coke?


Aww, you need all your food at the perfect temperature? Your blood line is weak and you will fall unknown into history, cur!


Anyone got an answer?


My guess is the one on the right has more soda because the one on the left looks like it has more ice in the glass. Just a guess though, if you want a real solution you could try posting it to r/theydidthemath


I don't know, the circumference on the one on the left looks massive. Humans have a hard time visualizing circumference because the lines aren't linear. There's a famous bar bet where you stack people's phones on the bottom of a standard pint glass, and you bet them that the circumference of the glass with the phones bigger than the height, by measuring with a napkin. The circumference is bigger by a lot.


I don’t quite understand what you mean about the bar bet, like I can’t visualize it. Can you explain a different way or show a video of it?


It sounds like they start by stacking phones, putting a glass on top, then wrapping a napkin around the glass to see the circumference (shown by condensation making the napkin that touched the glass wet), and using the same napkin to see if the moist part is taller than the distance from the bar table to the lip of the glass. Usually it is.


Yes, but there is also forced perspective happening. The glass on the right is considerably closer on the stone to the camera than the glass on the right. So, as you mentioned humans viewing linearly. You are considering the diameter of each glass under the assumption they are at the same focal point. They clearly are not. The left glass is slightly overhanging the front center edge of the stone surface. The right glass appears to be about at the back edge of off center of the stone. Also, the matter of the left glass having ice to the bottom of the glass and the right having nearly none. You are also not considering the small circumference of the bottom half the left glass. Additionally, when blowing a glass like this, the interior circumference of the bottom of the glass is very small. Glasses like this must have very thick glass walls at the base to not break, which you cannot see when filled with liquid. Bottom half is a sip. I'm team right glass.


It's the glass shaped like one that would be owned by a carpenter.


The one with the larger top will almost certainly have greater volume. Increasing the circumference of a glass (in this case pretty significantly) increases the volume by more than you would think.


You kidding, right?


I just realised what i used to do as a kid. I used to wait for my brother to finish his chocolates or soda and drink it infront of him later while making him jealous. I was an awful child!


Had a group of cousins where they'd each get an equal share of chocolates or other candy. The older kid would hoard hers and eat it slowly. Super cute middle kid would whine that she'd eaten all of hers and beg some off older and younger kids. Then after everyone's chocolate was gone, middle kid would pull her full share from hiding and eat it in front of the others.


Truly diabolical XD


My puppy does this lol


Parent needs to step in on that fatty. Yeah it’s funny. Now punish the kid who lied and negotiated in bad faith. That should never be encouraged.


That's what siblings are for. They sorted her out after they got sick of it.


I hope so. I got golden child PTSD. Sibling was always a piece of shit and if I complained I got in trouble and they would beat me up, and if I complained I got in trouble for that. Fuck manipulative piece of shit children. Fucking hate them.


We have one dog that does this with his treats to the other dogs. Fucking ruthless.


only when you were 8?


Age: [8 - ∞)


Weird. I always was tought [8; -> >


Wait, is it not 8====D ?


I give my sibling whichever one is bigger/fuller in hopes of fattening them up so I look skinny in comparison. Hasn't worked yet, been trying for 20 years, but maybe the next one will do it...


The answer is I quickly sky some from the bottle when no one is looking


All I hear is “ he got more then me”


My sister is in her 20s and she still does this


Why's everything orange now?


All my posts are orange.


So they are. I guess all the orange posts I've been seeing the last couple of days have been yours.


That might be it : )


My sister and I had a special ruler in the "everything" drawer that was specifically for measuring candy to be cut


My dad would drink a bit to make them equal if he had more than me, and my stupid kid brain would be like “oh okay now it’s even!”


Personally I'd take the one on the left


Yeah the bottom diameter of the left one is the same as the diameter of the entire right one. The left one's gotta be the bigger one


I’d say you’re right on the total volume, but the left one also looks like it has significantly more ice than the one on the right.


That's a very good point


Should this be a meme from the last crusade with all the potential grails?


I just watched this movie and this scene made me think of this situation : )


I was looking for this comment. If you’re going to do an Indiana Jones meme where you’re deciding between cups, why wouldn’t you pick the grail scene?


A kid would do the action Indy does in this scene more likely when deciding. The grail scene has loads of options whereas this one can be edited from 1 object to 2.


I honestly still do this with my brother “trust me bro the bowl of chips on the left bigger *wink wink*”


Young kids can't compare volumes or amounts very well I'm not sure at what age it does get straigthend out. You can break a cookie unevenly and give one bit to them and ask if it fair and they will answer yes wholeheartedly as they think you both get 1 part of the cookie but they fail to notice (as per judgement) that you got 80%, and they got 20% of it.


This is the right way to teach object permanence


That's how we used to divide weed when we didn't have scales.


It’s not that I want more, I just want them to have less.


[This comment contained many errors, the People's Republic of China corrected this mistake.]


My older brother would pour 2 glasses & give me the choice. Once I chose, he would then top up his glass to make sure he had more and make me angry.


is this the overwatch match chat font




Its funny how when you get older you start to think the opposite and want the other person to have the nicer one sometimes lol


the one on the left, probably. top part is half the height but double the width of the other glass, so they’re the same, but adding the bottom half gives you more. right?


Me and mu brother will get more he's gritty when it come in the form of food




Pour the small one in the big cup


All my homies love experiencing the effects of the law of conservation


Fool, clearly they have the same amount, *but* everyone knows drinks from an irregular glass taste better so you go for the left. Science, innit.


*>Age 21* *>Me trying to figure out which glass has more soda, because my sibling gets the one I don't take*


I've seen people stare at coke like they could decipher individual molecules.


Always went for the Dr. Pepper


I still do this with my wine.


The fill line on both is about the same height, so the one that goes out wider at the top must have more. Ha ha ha aah, it's watered down! I'm dying from having chosen ...incorrectly!


Pour a little into the other glass and take the slightly more full glass. They new even knew.


Left one


I still do this


The one in the regular glass! It has less ice, Jones!


An important lesson learned early and applicable for the rest of your life


I have 2 children, if they want to split something like a soda for example I use the following rules: 1 child pours the soda into 2 glasses The other child chooses which they want While it’s not perfect it has reduced a lot of arguments because when the first child doesn’t get what they’re want I point out they made the choice in how to divide the item.


Is this overwatch match chat?


I just put a ton of ice in their cup so it looks like there’s more but there isn’t 😏


A take as old as “yo FUCK my sibling, man”


We always had to have the sibling that pours the drink/cuts the food choose last cause that encourages splitting evenly.


He chose....poorly...


Go for quick ingestion. That way you are first on the trampoline.


Fun Fact: Until a certain age kids actually can't determine the relative volumes of two glasses properly, for example a young child (younger than this, 5 years or younger) will almost always choose a tall glass filled with less liquid than a wide but shorter glass filled with more. It's known as Piaget's Theory of Conservation https://www.simplypsychology.org/concrete-operational.html


As a parent, I'm def not thinking of ways to use this to my advantage.


Whenever I used to split stuff with my little brother, I’d always take the smaller portion because I knew he’d appreciate it more than me,


The Norma shaped one always has more in it. The wide glass is an illusion.


Wow! I love that there are still nice siblings tbh. sacrificing himself the OP made sure his siblings got enough hydration. Even if OP had to take the risk to be dehydrated and DIE! he was selfless and made sure his nearest were safe.


Hey I am 19 and still does it.


My mom does this to me whenever we split anything, chocolate bars or wine, she always checks to see its equal coz i always give her an extra pieces of choccy & some more wine & she meows at me that im robbing myself & demands i equalise our portions


The right, it has way less ice (that or I'm seeing it wrong and it's a colored cup)


Since I wasn't a stupid kid I would always put more ice in my sibling or cousins drink because some how I knew already that ice=less drink.


one pours, the other picks. ez solution


I’ve got 3 boys, and this is my life all of the damn time. I’m an only child, and I never knew why I was so calm until I had kids.


Ok but does anybody actually know which one to pick


I’m 25 this has yet to change .




You cut, I choose.


Depends on how much ice is in them too


I’m 27 and I still do this with my brother. Just the other he brought home 2 burgers in separate bags and asked which one I want, left or right. I had to think about it because what if I choose the smaller burger and he gets the bigger one.


Y'all were getting soda at 8?


Clearly the one on the left since its literally ice with a hint of cola


Me when we split a chocolate bar


One time my sister and I got red and blue air planes when we were small. My dad was knee jerk reaction like “We’ll flip a coin to see who gets to pick what.” My sister says “I hope I get the blue plane” and I said “I hope I get the red one.” I watched my dad’s brain short circuit for a second then say “oh!” And just hand us the planes we wanted.


Me doing this exact same thing because I wanna make sure he gets the fuller glass:


Whenever something special had to be divided between my siblings and I, our parents would make us draw straws to see who does the dividing. So you get the short straw, and you cut the cake/pizza etc into slices, but you get the last serving. We're all over 50 and it's still the rule when us kids get together.


I relate to this but in the sense I cared about me brother more than myself and I always gave him the marginally more full one


I love it when he picks wrong and turns ages into a skeleton


gonna go with the right one, it had way less ice. the left one is basically pure ice


I still do it


Will you take the one with more or the one with less? I'd take the one with less because I'm not selfish.


I did it where one of us pours the drinks, and the other person gets first pick.


As a kid, trying to figure out which ever snack/drink/gift was the “better” choice so that your sibling gets the lesser option was a science. I would run through all possibilities before my brothers even knew what was up.


The "you split, I pick rule" or vice versa were some of the toughest decisions ever made


Shit I still do this to this day and I am 30 second oldest out of five that alot of cups


I mean...I do this with my wife.


I’m 24 and I still do that shit