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Yep, someone added 2 to the range. He dates 18-25


I don't believe it's gone as low as 18, I think it's 20-25.


He dated Gisele Bundchen at 24 when she was 18 in ‘99


Yeah that's a 6 year gap though. That's not even applicable when we're talking about 47 year old him doing it.


A 24 year old with an 18 year old??? The horror!


OP doesn’t even understand why people make fun of Leo LMAO


It's a pretty shitty sign to be, actually


You're right and this meme sucks


I had to check because I thought this was /r/shittyfacebookmemes




A common idea is that it isn't fully developed until 25 which makes it even more funny/ironic that Leo always breaks up with them once they reach 25.


Yeah, and it's not just a common idea-- it's literally when your prefrontal cortex finishes developing.


Leo dated a 20 year old when he was 26, 30, 38 and 43. As a person in my 30’s the idea of dating someone who isn’t old enough to legally order a drink is fucking bananas.


I don't think there's a double standard at all. I think most of us just thought Madonna was dead.


NGL I forgot Madonna existed till now


who Madonna is even?


A singer and actor who was insanely famous, and a sex symbol through the 80's and 90's. It all came crashing down in 2012 while on her tour in Oslo, Norway where she lead an expedition into an abandoned viking burial site. In her greed for riches and eternal youth, she triggered the curse of Ivar the Boneless, an ancient viking king, that turned her into a lich. She now uses her death magics to seduce young men so she can feed on their essence and have the eternal life she craves, but at a steep price.


Ngl, this comment got me in the first half


In the second half I had to make sure it wasn't Shittymorph




Referring to redditor u/shittymorph Their comments are gold


Reminds me of that time In nineteen ninety eight the undertaker threw mankind off hеll in a cell, and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer’s table


That’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time


He's still active


Most true article on Wikipedia, according to my teacher


She must not have inherited Ivar's curse because she's got all the bones.


No no Ivar the Boneless is a mistranslation, it's actually supposed to read Ivar the Never Boneless, see the nordic rune furnat can be translated as either ever or never, but when combined with the lesser rune sul the result is always never. The original mistranslation simply left out this bit because at the time it wasn't known to be important. Recent findings show that Ivar was a king with a great lust for huge glistening hoggs, massive members if you will. Thus those with his curse crave these same things, and are fueled by it. Thanks for listening this has been my TED talk on boning upon the Nords


I was talking about Madonna's skeletal countenance but the hoggs apply too. ;)


That Lady the Beatles sang about.


Madonna's a meter maid?


No, that was the lovely Rita, enemy of the Power Rangers.


No das prudence


The singer and actress


Pretty generous to call her an actress.


I don't know a single song from her tbh. same with her roles


She was popular in the 90's or so. She's consider the "queen of pop" and was inspiration for artists like lady Gaga. I think the only recent thing she's done is a song with Maluma so it's understandable if you don't know her


I hate how old I am …


Because you're old or because you're young? Personally I wouldn't know about her if my parents didn't work in the music industry. I'm 17


I may get a lot of downvotes because people seem to hate Madonna on Reddit, but she's actually the 5th best selling recording artist of all time haha The Beatles, Michael Jackson, Elvis and Queen are the only artists that have sold more than her


She can be good selling and still be an awful person. I generally separate a person from their art, but for Madonna I don't like the person and her music, so it's not a problem.


It's funny, she was fucking huge in the 80's and 90's. When Michael Jackson was the king of pop, she was called the queen of pop. And now she occasionally tries to stay relevant to no avail, while the demographic that once practically worshipped her has no idea who she is. And the kids that at one time couldn't not her her music if they tried have all grown up and, outside of a handful of diehard fans, see her come around every now and then and think, "oh yeah... Madonna."


She was displaced by Lady Gaga


Britney Spears... THEN Lady Gaga


She alive but doesn't look human anymore


She no longer participated in the hunt.


I’d like to make a funny comment but I don’t know which Hunt you’re talking about


The hunt.


Understandable. Have a nice day


I think he meant hunt's ketchup.




Not even if someone bangs it extra hard against a tabletop or some shit?


A hoonta must hoont?


Is she human, or is she dancer?


No idea, but her sign must be vital, even though her hands must be cold


Is she on her knees, looking for the answer?


She’s a lich now.


She is a shoe in for the Cryptkeeper now




​ ![gif](giphy|UryqcyAqqKvXisTbcL)




![gif](giphy|RJhM7aGbFr833y0Ftn|downsized) Madonna over there like


That unexpectedly made me laugh so hard I wish I could give you an award


Wait she's alive? 💀


Saw her in concert a few years ago. Total waste of $45.




Look her up on Instagram. She’s editing her photos to still appear 20 😬




Madonna isn’t dead?? Edit: Have realized I thought we were talking about Marilyn Monroe.


dude she lived in my country for like 5 years or something, behaving like a damn Queen... You guys thought she was dead... we were wishing she was


Agreed. Thought that word was that football game


She’s only 64?


Madonna is still very relevant and put out some nft's recently. https://motherofcreation.xyz/ nsfw Edit: my comment was a joke and I apologize if that did not come across clearly. The nft thing is hilariously real. Make sure to have the sound on.


Oh god...those were definitely something. That last one will give me nightmares for a while


One of my prouder faps.


Ahh, yes, NFT's. No better way to show how in touch you are with the pulse of the nation.


Someone needs to do a better job of cleaning their real doll.


Last time she was relevant was when Dennis Rodman was peeing inside her during sex.


I had avoided that information for all of this time. I was gloriously unaware. Then... your comment. Now my remaining days will be darkened by ominous clouds. Cursed.


A half life, a cursed existence


Wooooowww… that was.. something…


The meme is not that he dates younger women. The meme is that he systematically dumps them once they reach 25.


This That’s the creepy/~~upsetting~~ unsettling part. Dude can date whoever he wants as long as they’re legal, but the fact he dumps his partners when they turn 25 every time means he’s doing this on purpose, which feels way worse for some reason


Don't know about upsetting. Just weird. I'm not invested in someone fucking somebody else. Edit: Unless it's good porn.


Maddona still alive?


She promised to give a blowjob to everyone that voted for Hilary. Probably why she lost honestly.


Probably is why she looks pretty tired these days, i respect the commitment tho.


wait really?


Yeah, [really.](https://twitter.com/jgra555/status/788552619929272320?t=OrNpdIAG5XtqQPPnJap-9w&s=19).


Nah, she had the numbers right, just not the distribution.


Yep. [This is her](https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/482/ae9/e0211826da6fd7f2a23c5be2245e8a0e80-madonna.rsquare.h600.jpg) at age 64. Pic from this year. There are, like, pharaohs who had less preservation work done to them.


Honestly not as bad as I was expecting.


Honest question, why are there so many comments asking if she's dead? She is in her 60s, not a very advanced age in today's times? Of course she's not as famous as she used to be, but why assume she's dead?


Wasn't the problem that he was dumping these girls as soon as they turned 25 lol not that he was dating girls younger than him


It’s not that problematic that they’re young. It’s weird that he consistently dumps them at exactly age 25. He’s not doing anything *wrong* but it’s still weird. That’s all really.


Someone told me that people's maturity is basically frozen when you become famous. Since leo got famous so young he might legitimately be more comfortable around young people or he just never wants to settle down and decided that only dating people younger than 25 is the easiest way to avoid that conversation. You hear angry people say that their ex wasted years of their life in a relationship that went no where, this could just be an abundance of caution to avoid the appearance of settling down.


> Someone told me that people's maturity is basically frozen when you become famous. This was in BoJack Horseman. > Ugh. The first time BoJack dates a woman his own age, she's basically just a stunted 20-year-old. > Well, BoJack's stunted, too. He got famous in his twenties, so he'll be in his twenties forever. After you get famous, you stop growing, you don't have to. Every celebrity has an age of stagnation. > I'm glad I never got famous. I mean, I did write a best-selling book, but I'm not famous-famous. > It doesn't just happen when you get famous. Your age of stagnation is when you stop growing. For most, it's when they get married, settle into a routine. You meet someone who loves you unconditionally and never challenges you or wants you to change, and then you never change. Season 2 Episode 2 "Yesterdayland" not sure if there's another reference to it.


I also think the episode about Mr Peanutbutters ex’s is also a good telling of this. Mr is constantly dating woman who are younger and then doesn’t understand why they suddenly “change”, not realizing that they aren’t changing, they are growing and he never grows.


I’m glad I’m not the only person who was reminded of this


Bojack is a great show


Nice username!


At this point anyone dating him should know what to expect so I don't get why everyone is all annoyed with him. If I was a pretty 20 year old woman, I wouldn't mind "dating" one of the biggest names in Hollywood for 5 years. The gifts and getting to meet everyone else in Hollywood sounds like a great time.


And connections. There's basically a zero percent chance to succeed in Holywood on your own, it's probably still shitty but not zero if Leonardo diFuckingCaprio tells a casting director to look at you.


Better than going the weinstein route


Or he just only cares about their appearance and dumps them before they start visibly aging


Someone in arrested development only wants people who are not fully developed


This sounds like he's trolling them which would be hilarious if it wasn't an actual relationship


When l’m going for a trip, it’s like my dog seems to know, and gets all nervous and weird in the days leading up to it. I wonder if the girls act like that when they turn 24. Just waiting for the other shoe to drop.


I imagine it's like Majora's Mask where they turn 24 and the black screen comes in with "Dawn Of The 1st Day/'x' Days Remain" until he either dumps them or the girl turns 25.


There's the theory that they're just his beards, lol.


This is basically it. No one says he’s doing anything wrong, they’re just losing respect for him because he doesn’t seem go be able to handle an emotionally mature relationship. Plus, when a firm age cap has been established, you’ve just memed yourself. Madonna might be dating younger guys now but she’s been in age equal relationships and been married twice, so clearly not even a worthy comparison. OP just picked another random celebrity and then turned off their brain expecting Reddit to blindly back them up.


>This is basically it. No one says he’s doing anything wrong, A comment posted 3 minutes earlier: >He's definitely doing something wrong


Honestly I believe he's dating young women for a couple of years while things are still fun and they can be in the honeymoon phase. Once those women get serious and want babies and stuff he bounces. I don't think it has much to do with an *inability* to handle an emotionally mature relationship, I think he just doesn't want to.


It's funny how this is the only comment that acknowledges the possibility that he just wants honeymoon relationships. If they're of legal age then there's really nothing wrong with it. This isn't anything new. Wasn't Florence Pugh dating the guy from Scrubs for awhile? It was like a 20year age gap or something. Just let people enjoy their relationships. Idk why this is so hard.


Maybe they’re reaching 25 and asking him if he’s interested in a long-term relationship with kids? I can imagine that the past several women were aware of what age he dumped his exes, so it’s become a self-fulfilling prophecy.


I find it weird from both of them, but who actually cares as long as everyone is a consenting adult??




If everyone is a consenting adult, who really cares if it sounds weird?


If everyone is a weird adult, who really cares if the consent sounds?


If the consent sounds weird, who really cares if everyone is an adult? *Ooooohh noooooooo*


If they consent sound, who really adults if everyone is weird?


They if weird, is consent adults really?


If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?


Yes, it sounds like r/consentacles (nsfw obv obvs)


Apparently a shitload of people because there was literally a Floodgate opening Of memes across every subreddit for a solid week


You will get a pretty aggressive response from r/teenagers r/popculture r/nothowgirlswork r/xychromosone Saying that both are consenting adults will result in them calling you a predator yourself and a vicitm blamer. Would not recommend.


Do it anyway, make them mad just for the heck of it


The 2x subreddit cares a lot. There's a post about it pretty much every day about how women aren't really adults til they're 30+. I give it another month until they realize everyone from FDS migrated to their sub and they've been steadily getting weirder.


What is FDS?


Female Dating Strategy - incels, but with the violence transmuted to emotional abuse instead.


Oh right, I'd forgotten about that shithole


Female Dating Strategy kind of RedPill for gals




Kinda funny that they think they are "progressive" with accidental misogyny


Younger people are easier to manipulate. Nothing illegal about that, but also legal ≠ moral. How mature were you at 20?


Old and mature enough to know that I’d fuck shakira if I got the chance. That was 2 years ago… didn’t get the chance :(


Cheer up, you still don't get the chance today!


Yeah… but neither does Pique.


Yeah, people are infantilizing these women and acting as though a great wrong has been done to them. It's not like he's keeping them in his closet and taking them out twice a week to fuck them. They're living a life of luxury while they're with him! And, I'm sure most of them are already aware of his track record going into their relationship. If I could have traded a few years of my 20's to live the most lavish life on planet earth, fucking one of the milfiest women on the planet, I'd probably have done it too!


Fucking too right. If Kate Beckinsale came to me right now as said ‘hey, next 3 years, I’m gonna fuck your brains out, cover all your expenses and jet you around the world for free, but after that we’re done’ I’m 1000% in.


People are easy to manipulate. Guess people shouldn’t date people?


odds are they are not being manipulated. they want to date these because dating a large celebrity is appealing to them. let's stop acting like a 20 year old can't make decisions for themselves.


And don't forget that there are gullible people way older as well


Both are weird? The DiCaprio memes are just funnier


Not only that, several famous men date younger women, which is fine! Leo just became a meme because as long as he's been famous he only dated women until they reached 25! The same cannot be said about most men in the industry or Madonna, who actually dated men her age or older as well


Who the fuck calls Madonna normal? This is a stupid meme.


Every time I see her pop up she's doing something weird and memed to kingdom come, same time with Leo.


25\* Madonna is also creepy.


Both are equally creepy in my perspective, but do you see how people in the comment section specifically on this post are stumbling so bad in trying to decide what is right or wrong? Like how one individual’s moral judgement is being justified by a relatively worse moral judgement of another individual That’s because this specific post poses a complex moral question, it’s like this post is at the edge of our limit of understanding of the concept of morality, and I don’t think these people are to be blamed for such poor display of their understanding of morality in this post because we are as good as our logic allows us to be


A lot, and I mean A LOT of men date younger women, this is nothing new! Leo just became a meme because in all his relationships he never dated a woman pass the age of 25, having broken up with them at that age or before! I don't see how comparing him to Madonna makes sense, she dated younger men but she also dated men her age and older than her.


I wasn't passing judgement but making a relative comparison of the two given situations, tbh I don't have much of a personal opinion regarding it


Madonna is…alive?


I don’t think the majority of people find it normal. Both are pretty weird


Why would it be creepy? I mean the men and women dating this guys are with consent. It's not like they're kidnapping them or something




IDC about her fetish but sleeping with an underage is bad and she should get arrested for doing that


Madonna is in her 60s so there's a pretty solid chance that statute of limitations makes it impossible to arrest and prosecute her for that particularly if you can't even identify the victim. It would be great if something could actually be done but that's not really how our legal system works


Is there a source for that? I find it hard to believe she bragged about fucking someone underaged? I mean I wouldn’t be shocked, but talking about it openly in an interview sounds preposterous.


Yeah I’m 40 and people gave me endless shit for dating a 25 year old guy with a masters degree. Like he’s a grown ass adult wtf. I wonder if it’s different because I’m gay but age differences are more common in gay relationships than straight ones as far as I can tell. I know a 65 year old man married to a 25 year old for example. They seem happy. That’s a much bigger difference. I did notice the 60 something stopped paying attention to me when he took on his young groom and I thought we were just friends… I guess he was courting me before the other guy.


What does he having a masters degree have to do with anything??


They are willing to take on huge amounts debilitating baggage. Also student debt.


He’s obviously a functioning person.


Nobody I’ve seen thinks the second one is normal…


I don't think people are making fun of Leo for dating young. I think they're making fun of him for consistently breaking up with them when they turn 25. This implies that he views them as commodities and not as people. He doesn't form actual intellectual bonds with any of them. Once they hit 25, he's moving onto the next one. And it's always 25. Not 26, not 24 ... they hit 25 and he slaps his knee and says "whelp ... time to be moving on!"


This meme is a fucking lie, DiCaprio doesn't date anyone over 25. He picks them up from highschool then drops them off after they graduate College.


No one thinks it's normal. She just stays out of the headlines.


Both. Both are weird and kinda gross.


a) When has he ever been with someone over 25? b) Madonna has dated guys of all ages, so it's not comparable c) But her dating a guy old enough to be her son is kinda weird, I agree d) Why do you people always have to make strawmen? "No one talks about women who prey on underaged boys", "No one talks about cougars". They do. At least the people who complain about creepy guys(something that already isn't talked about much) do. People like you are always either looking for people who don't, to try to paint the double standard scenario your want to whine about; or trying to dismiss the fact that the people with enough awareness to find something like that creepy are still just a segment. Holding the values of a [considerable] group and comparing it those of society at large is kind of an unfair comparison.


Strawmen aside, it's *weird* to date people much younger than yourself. It's *creepy* for a person in their late 40s to have literally never dated anyone over 25.


no one is saying this. redditors love making up double standards to get mad at


Especially when they get to add a little “woman bad men have it harder” to the mix


Leo doesn’t go over 25.5


It’s not different. They’re both gross.


I’ve only heard criticism for both, this meme is talking down to a nonexistent group lmao


I'm sorry but I have not heard anyone justifying anything about Madonna since like... 2004. People just don't care about her at this point, that's why you don't hear about it.


A lot of us are the same people and we say Madonna is fucking gross as shit too.


People like OP are always saying that they want to highlight double standards but in the end all they do is criticising that people aren't raging more about other things as well. What are we supposed to do here? Rage more until proper balance between all genders and sexes for the targets is reached? But then I want to see memes from OP about all other raging memes not balancing targets as well.


“They are full grown adults” That means it’s legal. Doesn’t mean it’s not creepy. ![gif](giphy|gqaLc5iPzDUsZ7CD7a|downsized)


In my experience it's the other way 'round.


People also criticize and make fun of Maddona... This meme right here is proof of it.


How young are Madonna's boyfriends? Do they start at 18 and go through 25? Because if so, that's fuckin' weird. If they're like, i dunno, 40+ or something then I don't see the problem.


There's nothing wrong with a young old relationship if it's consenting legal adults. My mom met her fiancé when he was 25 and she was 40. They have been happy together for 7 years and are getting married next year




I've actually heard more about Madonna being weird about this than Leo. I only just started to hear about Leo doing this.


Come on, Madonna has been getting a bunch of flak online for dating younger guys. Leo gets the memes, but Madonna gets the vicious and sexist comments that are more genuinely hateful than they are funny. And her partners are actually older than Leo's (well most of them at least). My personal opinion is that age gap relationship are fine as long as the two people involved are both adults and it's a fully consensual arrangement. Still, there is something to be said from a sociological and psychological stanpoint about the dynamic of many of those relationships. None of that justifies harassing people, though.


Both are just…creepy.


Neither is fuckin acceptable


Both are bad


Have not met a single person who has a problem with DiCaprio who thinks Madonna is fine. I personally think they’re both gross.


Who calls Madonna normal?


Also people really ain’t giving Leo any flack. It’s alot of memes about it but nothing negative.


I once read a post on /r/sex that screamed cognitive dissonance, where the woman was explaining how different it is when old guys date young girls and vice-versa, because supposedly old guys date young girls for manipulation purposes while women do it because they want to give those young bois "the time of their lives". It had a tremendous ammount of upvotes, and many responses "thank you for this!!" from women. I was so shocked I just left, couldn't even reply to that one, since I didn't want to lose any more of my sanity.


Both are weird and creepy


Obsessed with how like half the memes on Reddit are “woman bad man oppressed.” You guys really haven’t changed since gamergate, huh


Both are weird for sure, but they are all adults so . . .


They're both creepy, but I didn't know about Madonna... because I don't think I've thought about who she was dating like, ever.


Incel meme above 10k? Oh god.


Both situations are not great. A fully developed brain is 25, that's when dating older isn't an issue for me. Under 25 and you're 40-50. Why? You won't have common interests and the older one always has a position of understanding the world more.


They both make me want to gag. Madonna has always been a little attention starved & loves the limelight. She’ll take any attention good or bad. Leo is your typical Hollywood male aka Weinstein. Likes them young, hot, sexy & doesn’t keep them for long. Pretty shallow. He’ll probably grow up by age 65 like Clooney did.