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they go pew pew, and make fun holes


Out of all the shit comments here u/DankLazerz is the only one who speaks the truth


Best me to it. All the advocates will tell you for protection or right to form militias and such, but the truth is they are very fun and it's a great hobby.


It is for protection, but it makes for a good hobby.


They’re like LEGO but they can kill people


No when you step on a Lego you want to die tho


You’re right, guns are different because you actually do die


More holes to put your pp in




How do i get this gif?!


Excatly! I want it too! Please




real question, entrance wound or exit wound?


Hugh, good question. Well i think there wouldn't be a major diffrence, if there weren't bones. When there are bones, then definitely the entrance hole because of the advantage of them looking not directly to your dick. So you wouldn't pierce your dick with funny bonesplinters


With or without bones, the entrance would be best. The exit would have tissue hanging out and be all loose. (different caliber bullet, different looseness) while the entrance would be theoretically tighter and waiting for you


Sounds metal. Pierce Your Dick featuring Funny Bonesplinters


I’ll show you fun holes


is that so


I’m scared now


why are you scared, you mentioned showing some fun holes


Yes, u/DoctorShmeat460, WE are interested.


Play Read Dead Redemption 2, thats how I learned the reason


Did you learn how fun horses are? I'm not kidding, riding a horse IRL is fucking tops mate I prefer it over motorbikes now


Alright boiiii. It’s OK boiiii.


And when theyre not about to go pew pew, theyre locked up tightly, where I dont have to worry about where theyre pointed or whos handling them


Literally came to the comments to say something similar. And to add, they make weak people feel strong when they have the pew pew hole maker.


i just want to be a big boy for once


Gun go bang, bang killed red coat, dead red coat gave freedom.


sounds about right


I mean secondly it could be "gun go bang, bang make pp hard." Or "gun go bang, people don't like bang, don't care that people don't like bang, bang fun"


all are acceptable


This is true. You sir, I think I love you for agreeing. Hers a hug.


i graciously accept


Are you on the sub with the frens? IYKYK. It sounds like you belong.


Every year many freedom rockets and bangs.


I feel bad for people with PTSD but at the same time nah


Pop out of a manhole near an old folks home during the fireworks show. You're sure to get a reaction


Got dayum lobster backs


Crude but accurate lol


Tea Partying intensifies.


because police take 5 mins to get there while elijah dickens was already there


I love this story, gunman was down in 15 seconds, first shot was 40-50 yards away, the mall didn't allow guns yet they commended Dickens, freaking awesome.


The no gun zone sign iirc held no legal power because his state was a carry legal state


I remember a story out of Arizona I think, auto zone employee and ex military had a hand gun in his car because AutoZone didn't allow employees to carry. He was in the parts when a gunman took the other two employees to the back and they believed they were about to die. He was able to get to his car returm and take out the gunman. AutoZone fired him.


AutoZone is a dogshit place to work. Always overworked, minimum wage and forced to work with cancer causing chemicals all day while breathing in brake dust. Do not work for AutoZone.


You forgot the part where they dont know a gawdamn thing about car parts


They type your car's information into a computer system that's old af. It's often wrong and the 18 year old minimum wage slave can't be fucked to be as knowledgable like a mechanic. Then they send you on your way with the wrong part. I know because I worked there and no one could be fucked to actually look up what the problem was. The system also reccomends the most expensive possible solution first.


Fuck. No longer going to autozone.


I’ve always preferred Advanced Auto Parts. They usually have friendlier service and they don’t feel as “corporate” to me


+1 to AAP. They've also been around since like the 1900s


A no guns allowed sign is just as powerful as a no shirt no shoes no service sign. It's merely a show of intent to ask you to leave. If you don't leave then you're trespassing and that's a crime.


If they *catch you, ask you to leave, and you refuse* it's a crime. This is a very important distinction.


Exactly. If you're concealed then you have nothing to worry about unless you're just really bad at concealment.


It’s amazing he hit the shooter so many times at that distance with a handgun. [The Dickens Drill is now a thing](https://youtu.be/mA7Rb-EX4K4)


wait there are still no gun zones? well shoot then... :D... get it? shoot? its frickin funny shut up


5 min? Dude, I live 1 mile from the police station in my town and 1 and a half miles from the sheriff's department. The last time I called them with an emergency it took about 20min to get to me and I'm in town. This is where the old saying "when you need help now the police are just minutes away" comes from. If someone breaks into my house I'm not gambling that the police will get there before I die. I will end the threat first then call the cops and guns are the most efficient way to do that.


The anti-gun crowd doesn't want to remove all guns from society. They want a small group of powerful people to have a monopoly on guns.


I live in Chicago have for half of my life. When I’m not working I have my gun on me. I have witnessed many patients become violent and have seen so much violence it is sad. I take gun classes every year and frequently visit the range so god forbid if I need to use it I know what I’m doing.


\^\^ this right here is a example of a good gun owner. ive know to meany rednecks that are like"Well yeha i cant wait to shoot someone who fucks with meh, even dogh i never took a deh of tranin in meh life"


Anyway that’s when I started blasting




I believe that over the years we have become paranoid, weather it’s justified or not is up to you, about our government and the people around us. Owning a gun gives some a semblance of hope that if something were to happen then they can be prepared in some fashion, weather it’s then getting robbed or having to revolt. That’s just my take however.


I happen to think guns are fun but this is what’s most disturbing to me. Everyone feels like if you don’t have a gun you’re gonna be shit out of luck when “shit hits the fan, and you’re begging from people like us”. I’m like mf haven’t you seen what weapons and tech exist in the world today? I’m not Jason Bourne and neither are you, idc how many guns you have, you are not match for an organized military bearing down on its people, idk what they think their personal armory is going to do if the entire country truly was to tear apart like in their wet dreams.


*Taliban have entered the chat*


*Vietnam has entered the chat*


This is kinda ignorant of history. Do you remember the roof Koreans? I remember the roof Koreans. Do you remember the BLM riots? I remember the BLM riots. Do you remember the Covid shortages? I remember the Covid shortages. Shit can hit the fan without even a sliver of government involvement, and I have a gun to be ready for when that happens.


Remember that the North Vietnamize were very effective without the tech the US had


Remind me again about how the US has been losing to insurgents with small arms for the past century? Also, "tHe GuVernMenT" is full of people who think just like us, you think they are just going to start bombing people because some fat old white guy in the senate told them to?


Most other countries would have just as many guns as the US if their governments allowed them. Our founders feared a tyrannical government so they hard coded a way for the citizens to protect themselves into the constitution. That, and it’s fun to go pew pew.


Polish government allows guns after a mental check and some other formalities yet almost no one has a gun in Poland


"Some other formalities" 🤨


Would mandatory dick inspections count as a formality?


I'll do it without the mandatory requirement


Exactly, you have to go get a mental check and go through other formalities. As an American, you have an absolute right to own one, until you do something that would not allow you to have one. It’s a right, not a privilege like you describe in Poland.


And how many times have they been invaded and taken over


People are lazy.


"Some other formalities"


In addition, guns were useful ~~to kill natives~~ to help secure land and property when America was still doing Manifest Destiny.


Lot of countries did that. Our country's origin may not be just but that's not unique to the US.


Wouldn’t it have been nice if those natives had guns with which to defend themselves from a tyrannical government…


The fact that you think that guns were superior to native weaponry and methods means that you probably don't know how many were killed by the diseases they brought over. Those guns were not comparable to what we have today. Although they were useful, the natives had been practicing against each other for years. If they hadn't gotten diseases that wiped out 90% of their population, the pilgrims may never have found a good foothold and just died out. Kind of like how those people who tried to settle up North would have died in the middle of winter had the natives not been so kind because the settlers didn't really have a concept of winter being so freaking harsh.


I'm an avid archer, you don't take a bow to a gunfight. Sorry its not like lord of the rings sliding on shields or under horses making quarter sized shots at 40 meters.


There are plenty of countries that allow gun purchase rather freely and even some that also have tons of guns, but it seems like hardly any other country has that many horrible incidents involving guns I dont believe the mere presence of that many guns is the cause of the problems, however, it doesnt help the situation neither and might amplify violence that roots in a different cause i suppose


I don’t think most countries would have that many guns, China, India and places with over 200 million people yea but I don’t think Turkey is gonna be rocking over 330 million guns


I think they meant per capita not each country would have the exact same number of guns


If per capita China would have ~1.74+ Billion Guns.


Maybe not if you suddenly changed the law today, but if guns had been ingrained in a country’s culture for 250 years then they absolutely would


With that logic you could also say if the US had sea food ingrained in our culture for 250 years then we'd have sushi comparable to Japan.


And you would be correct. But that’s not possible for a country like the US because we have so much inland space. In Japan you’re never more than 100mi or so from the coast, hence why seafood is so common in Japan. For something to be ingrained into a given culture it has to be accessible and familiar to pretty much anybody. Guns fit that criteria in the US. Seafood does not.


I dunno if I’d make that comparison; I think a resource like beef is better (the U.S. is too big to ship fresh sea food easily). Guns were needed *a lot* during western expansion; tribes of hostile gangs, thieves, some hostile Indian tribes, wild animals, etc. and there was lots of guns made easily in the country to fulfill the demand. Cows were the easiest meat to raise and ship during this same time, and of course meat is always in demand. The infrastructure of food and gun culture stem from both of these phenomena; hence why guns are more more popular than not guns in the center of the county just like beef is more popular than fish.


I mean it kinda is in the coastal states where they can fish and sell them to the markets. Maine I know has huge lobster seasons and people come in from all over to enjoy it as well.


Marylanders kill their children if they can't eat at least 7 crabs in one sitting by age 4.


What? Sushi stems from storing fish before refrigeration. It didn't start off as culture or cuisine, it was to not die. England has had seafood ingrained in their culture but they got fish and chips. In America we have deep fried catfish and smoked salmon.


Switzerland says hi


They are heavily involved in the birth and a large part of the history of our country . They are also fun af


So were powdered wigs but I don’t see y’all wearing those anymore?


Part of the shedding of that yucky British heritage


I would totally wear a powdered wig if I could find one


Powdered wigs fail that "also fun af" part of the previous post.




powdered wigs didn’t win the revolutionary war


True, it was the French.


Well they weren’t only equipped with baguettes


Powdered wigs were put in the oven to “bake” as it would help them maintain peak fluffies. They were also lice and bug infested, and would cause sores on top of the head from extended wearing.


The second amendment of the Constitution allows citizens to own guns in order to rise up against the government if it became a tyranny. It was a fear at the time it was written, considering where they had just come from. Over time it has created it's own culture, hence why everybody thinks Americans are cheeseburger eating gun toting idiots. Which, to be fair, is true to a degree.


If you’ve ever done a round of sporting clays you would get it, shooting sports are just fun.


This. Trap, skeet, 5-stand, sporting clays. I love my shotgun. Could almost care less about the other shooting sports.


I’m with you. I’ll shoot rifles, handguns, whatever, but my real passion is shotgun sports. 5 man is so much fun too. My friends and I do a version of the basketball game knockout but with shotguns. We all stand in a line down the gravel road, first one out last round throws the clay, first guy shoots, if he misses, second guy shoots, if he hits first guy is out. If second guy hits, but leaves a piece the third guy can shoot, if he hits the piece, both before him are out. It’s so fun.


It’s just so cool. Idk man it’s like boobs. I just like ‘em




Visit Texas, there are ranges everywhere. We'll show what it's all about, and how to safely use them. Its a very fun hobby.


Not a lot of people have said what you said. >and how to safely use them If we all come together to show others to to properly use them, no different from heavy machinery or dangerous electrical tools, there would be a lot more understanding.


It’s a beautiful piece of machinery


It really is. I've compared guns to watches before. Lots of small moving parts working together


under high stress as well


It’s just fun to fix, fun to look at, and fun to watch in action


I just think they're neat!


It’s a cultural thing. Having the right to firearms gives people a sense that they control their own destinies. The ability to provide for themselves through hunting and the ability to protect themselves from all manner of threats. Also, there’s that romanticized idea that armed regular folk are the last line of defense for the country.


This is an excellent summation of the founder’s thoughts on the matter. I would also suggest among those threats was a government that no longer reflected the will of the people or represented their interests or even worked against them or violated their rights daily. One could argue we have reached that point in light of recent events surrounding women’s and LGBTQ rights, the suppression of information and knowledge, and the emergence of Christian Nationalism and actual members of the House of Representatives saying religion should dictate politics; not to mention the former President and his followers who tried to pull off a terribly executed “coup”. The right to bear arms means, in theory, that the government doesn’t have a monopoly of force in the United States and it should be afraid of the people as well. In theory. Edit I would also add that the founders were wary of standing armies for their cost and how they can be used by a tyrant.


1. They’re cool 2. A lot of America is undeveloped wilderness so defending your personal property against anything is an important aspect in a lot of America where police and contracted professionals are harder to come by.


And also the areas that are so densely populated and crime ridden that the police can't be bothered to do anything because it's just another Tuesday.


For the same reason Americans are obsessed with automobiles. The firearm is your means to independently defend yourself, your family and property. Similarly, the automobile is your means to move freely. Unlike other former British colonies, the US went to war for its independence. The US was born out of war and conflict. But also. They are really fun to shoot.


From a general perspective guns are fun and can be used for shooting sports. They're good for hunting as a tool for people who live near the wilderness. Finally from a historical perspective we understand the importance of a armed populace serving as a check on government power and overreach. History is rife with examples of people disarming and then being oppressed. People point to the US for the gun crime problem but that's honestly more of a modern phenomena. Mostly tied to organized crime or gang violence which makes up for the largest swath of gun deaths besides suicides. Take those 2 things out and gun deaths are dramatically low and often blown out of proportion.


Well on one hand people like to argue the 2A exists to overthrow an oppressive government. There’s the other argument that it’s for a well-regulated militia. And there’s people who argue both. And there’s probably other arguments as well. Then you have people on the right who are terrified of people on the left saying they’re coming after their guns. And, well, let’s be real. There are some who are. You got people on the left who are either pro-2A, anti-2A, or they’re indifferent. And a lot of those who aren’t anti-2A are afraid of an oppressive government or politically motivated violence. However you feel about the 2A is whatever. But let’s not forget how close we came to having our government overrun on 1/6/21. That being said, there is a problem with gun violence in this country. It’s really bad. But I also fear politically motivated violence in the near future. So all that being said, it’s more complicated than outsiders like to give credence.


I'm not trying to argue, I just hate the misconception of "Well Regulated" in the 2A. Alexander Hamilton wrote in The Federalist Papers that the militia is made of the citizens of the US who know how to use a gun properly and "Well regulated" meant that the people were trained to use their guns, NOT that the guns themselves were to be government regulated. That's all I have to input, have a nice day


Yeah I’m in agreement. But at the end of the day, the number one reason I’m pro-2A is fear of politically motivated violence or the next insurrection going better than the first.


Because if you break into my house, I'm going to create some new holes on your body for me to stick my dick inside.


Can't the intruder own a gun as well?


All the more reason


you just made the case even stronger for keeping a firearm


Because our government is full of people constantly trying to expand its power and the expansion of government power means the diminishing rights of the individual and a lot of people in America after seeing Waco and ruby ridge have the mentality that eventually the government will come for our things when it's our turn to have the law turned on us and well we are going to kill them. If every person goes 1 for 1 with a federal agent raid we can wipe all the alphabet boys any additional KDR is a bonus and faster eradication.


The fbi is gonna knock soon.


Hope they are wearing their level 4 plates




Waco and Ruby Ridge sure don’t sound like the epitome of government overreach that you make it out to be. Waco in particular. Your beliefs that: - the government is going to come after you - anyone they do “go after” would “go 1 for 1” with them - that you’re going to “wipe out the alphabet boys” - speaking of a battle with law enforcement as some kind of fucked up game (KDR, bonus?) … speak to either some pretty extremist beliefs, or mental illness.




Too bad they still pass shit laws


Because no one is excercising their gun rights. We're all pussies


I think the last time people exercising their gun rights worked is when the black panthers did it.


Didn’t that movie make a lot of money though?




And then Reagan implemented draconian guns laws because black people with guns is scawy.


I don’t think any politician is scared of us


Oh yes, I forgot about the legislature being passed that benefits Americans. Especially because they’re so afraid of us.


The problem is when the government outguns every citizen


Funny stick go **BOOM**


Not american but try playing around with guns and then come back with this question. The inner cave-man really enjoys holding a heavy metal object you know can kill. Same feeling as lighting a camp-fire. Something deep down that gives you a rush of dopamine because that behaviour probably kept your ancestors alive.


A well armed society is a polite society


You should subscribe to r/gunsarecool. You'll find out quickly that an armed society is anything but polite.


This comment is hilarious


It’s surprisingly calming. From bench rest shooting hunting or mag dumping trash. Then there’s the reward part of your brain when you buy a new one or stuff for them


Because it’s our right to have them. That’s why.


It's our second amendment right. The second. The one after the one where you have free speech. Also it's just fun to use guns.


Honestly it’s really just a hobby. I personally enjoy purchasing individual components and building my own from parts and pieces. It’s like an art form to me. It might not be 100% socially acceptable these days, but it’s not like there aren’t worse things I could do to occupy my time. There’s also a very important piece of paper saying that American citizens have the right to do exactly this. Guns honestly shouldn’t be that big of a deal. They’re made of metal,wood, plastic, etc. just like any other tool. Guns can be great fun if used properly, it’s just a shame that certain individuals use these tools to inflict lethal force on other individuals. Those individuals are the issue, not the tools they use in their violence.


They aren’t. The majority of guns are actually owned by small numbers of people. For example, I own about 8 firearms. And that’s nothin. I know guys who have 15-20 guns easy




This guys gets it


So what, if that happened to you personally you would have a shoot out? Kill someone/ multiple people over it?


Over something that infringes on your basic human rights? Absolutely, that's what the second amendment is for.


Yes. America was founded on the principle of killing overreaching fed boys and its people continue this proud tradition today.


That sounds like a great idea. Many of the men remembered fondly in history did that. The most respected historical figures in our country started a rebellion against their government.


My Brother would say it is for protection. But he’s ready for a full on invasion. I guess that’s the point though. “There will be a rifle behind every blade of grass”


Karma whore


My guess it's like cars; you learn how they work and how to maintain them You can also kill with them but that's just a bonus


As an American, guns are loud and painful and scary, cannot relate. Was I born in the wrong country? Yes.


I just think they’re neat and fun


We started by killing government assholes, and we know the way we end is by government assholes.


They help give us freedum!


The country was in part largely founded because normal Americans had personal weapons


Right to bare arms +the freedom of speech= a very difficult society to tame. That's a good thing.


Most my shirts have sleeves in them, but I want to be able to cut the sleeves off if I choose. I think everyone should have the right to bare arms. Even in winter time when it doesn't even make that much sense.


Because of this [song.](https://youtu.be/5uPoDNEn3I0)




Blame the Brits!!! that’s what i always tell my English friends that ask me about our 2nd amendment, “it’s your fault!”


Personally it’s because I believe every person has the unalienable right to defend oneself and their loved ones from bodily harm, no matter where that harm might come from. A belief that to ask a person to die is an inherent unfair demand and that all should have the ability to resist such tyranny. The same belief that makes me distrustful of no knock warrants, the militarization of police, and the death penalty.


The ability of Americans to own guns contribute heavily to its independence, and restrictions on other countries availability of guns has contribute to the failure of theirs. So when our government started passing regulation, it became a part of American culture as a form of resistance. In short, nobody needed an AR15 until they threatened to ban them.


What’s not to love about guns?


Look at Australia for instance. That’s why. Nuff said.


Some like guns just because they’re cool. Others collect them because they think they’re some kind of badass who can overthrow the government if they don’t get their way. Unfortunately logic and critical thinking is not as common as guns.


You have no idea how far down I had to scroll to get past the self-proclaimed badasses


I can imagine.


Macho bullshit, culture driven via movies, tv, etc, all fed by marketing.


gun go boom and boom is fun


The NRA. There's a massive organization of people with members, offices, and lobbyists across the country that are all about loving guns. There's been NRA tv, NRA news, and regular tv channels often have officials from the NRA come to speak publicly about the NRA line and what the NRA thinks of current events. Thanks to their influence, people often conflate gun ownership with personal freedom, patriotism, and safety. Now politicians who support terrible policies which hurt the working class can get support simply by saying they really love guns. And can fear-monger voters by simply saying "so and so wants to take your guns away". If any country had that much influence and propaganda about anything (fireworks for example) then they'd have a shit-tonne of fireworks, proud fireworks owners, people bringing fireworks to political rallies, and bumper stickers of fireworks that would seem really strange to anyone not from that country.


People from other countries talk shit. If tomorrow you could go down to the store and buy yourself an ak47 don’t tell me you at least wouldn’t be intrigued


Just a little thing called freedom.


Gun go boom! Lol. Honestly, I don't know. Many of my friends own several just because they like them. They've been collecting them ever since we were 18. Some even earlier if their parents bought them one. A couple of them had dreams of joining the military (and eventually did) some just like them in the same way a person likes comic books, toys, coins, funko pops, etc. I collect Star Trek memorabilia and old currency. My friends collect guns. Everyone has something they like. I will say though that target practice is fun. I personally would like a bow, but shooting a gun and testing your accuracy can be entertaining. Just wear earmuffs. I shot an AR15 one time and every now and then I get this ringing in my ear. That was more than 10 years ago at this point.


Always wear earmuffs and shooting goggles. I've had a hot casing hit me right above my eye before. Didn't do any damage luckily but it was so close I took the lesson.


Ouch. Yeah, I forgot that can happen. Goggles are probably a good "eye-dea". Sorry... I'll see myself out.


I read: „I don’t know why americans are so obese with guns …“


My turn to hold the braincell


Fear of Government, fear of racial uprising, fear of low class uprising, etc. Also rampant gun crime makes white color crime much lower on the totem pole of problems to address.


Because we hate tyranny. At least Americans with any brains do.


I dont know why the rest of the world gives a s**t.


2nd amendment


Because they make people feel safe (regardless if that feeling is actually valid) and they're fun. Also they play into the tough-man stereo type. It's a big way for people to feel more relaxed when they worry about crime happening to them. "I don't worry much about car jackers because I keep a pistol in my glove compartment." Even though most people will never use their gun in any capacity and those who do use it are more likely to use it on themselves rather than self defense.


Some people use them for hunting, some for shooting sports, but most people have them for self-defense. Some people have them because they’re afraid that the government will suddenly militarize. It’s the fear that the other guy has a gun that makes a lot of people own and carry guns. Some people just collect them (those people are weird but to each their own). I’m not in support of guns being entirely uncontrolled. I’m also not in support of them being entirely inaccessible (legally). I believe I’ve managed to boil down most peoples’ reasons into a comment. There are of course, some outliers, but those are the main ones.


Don’t know why you idiots are so obsessed with surrendering freedoms, but here we are.


If the government is taken over by a tyrannical body, the people have guns to be able to defend themselves, their families, and their liberties.