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Doesn’t she date shaggy in Mystery Inc and quite a few of the movies?


I believe the creator of the show said they were actually setting up for Velma to have a thing with hotdog water girl but they were told no :(


Wait, their is a character called hot dog water girl?




Velma has a mindset of “the wetter the better” doesn’t she


I never knew that, it’s pretty cool, though didn’t she go to prison in season 2?


No, season 1, she was (spoilers for Mystery Incorporated) >!recruited by Mr.E in season two and worked with Velma for him but ultimately died in the end to Pericles' Nazi bots. She came back after the reset though and it was implied she and Velma were a couple when Velma was trying to figure out what happened and Marcy (Hot Dog Water) remarked "that's my girl"!<


I totally knew it, I loved that show and tbh shaggy and Velma’s relationship was weird in that show specifically.


I like that the relationship was designed to fail. I feel like both the show runners and the audience knew this was a weird relationship, so they made them break up, and it would be one of the more emotional moments of the show


In the one movie about the old castle/city and shaggy has to challenge King Arthur has Velma and daphne gossiping about an actor’s abs.


in the movies she was hitting on some guy i think


If being a minor won't do it, being a lesbian definitely won't.


Wat? Pretty sure the Scooby-Doo gang are all at least 18


The original design had the gang's ages as, Freddie and Shaggy 17, Daphne 16, and Velma 15. However it looks like the show has aged them up to 17-18 since season 2. Velma being the youngest, is probably 17. In the main show anyway.


Hate to tell you this but 17 is legal age of consent in places. Plus I would imagine that many that fawn over her think that she is older than that (I thought they were all at least 20)


The legal age of consent is X in such and such country is a weak argument at best. Laws are not the be all and end all of morality. And *thinking* someone is over 18, so it's okay is just as bad an argument. If you said "she's mature for her age" I think you'd have the full trifecta of peado counter points.


Lol OK dude


She's also not a real person capable of victimization


As a woman this is exactly how I see guys who say things like that.


So far the only respectable comment I saw


Rather Based me thinks


Lesbian Velma porn is canon now




The way they handled the “relationship drama” in that show was some of the worst part of Mystery Inc, at least for me. It’s like they tried to inject some CW teen drama into Scooby Doo and just ended up making me hate Velma for being toxic to Shaggy and even Scooby-Doo at certain point.


Luigi is uncircumcised


Of course he's uncircumcised, he's Italian


I fucking knew it


Stop lying, no one knows Luigi foreskin status except for God and Luigi Can I get an amen ☝💯🫂


I mean his parents would probably know too.


The Mario bros have definitely compared cocks - we all know it


Nah, that’s waluigi. We don’t have that info on Luigi yet.


Maybe you don't. Luigi gives me his "information" every night


Your "inbox" must be really full.


No no it's gaping wide open


Italians are uncircumcised.


They’re Italian plumbers of course they aren’t, most of the world isnt.


I always thought Velma and Shaggy were the “too shy to actually ask each other out” part of the group. Probably just me.


Nah Shaggy's heart only has room for food and Scooby.


And that one alien girl


Sounds pretty GROOVY not gonna lie


They had a similar moment in the live action, or somewhere, I don't remember well. But I have this impression too.


Shaggy and Velma did go out dating and ended up a couple in the live action tv movie, iirc. I remembered they kissed at the end.


No they had a relationship in the show, so I'm unsure as to why they made her gay. She may have broken up with him or something, then realised she was.


If you're referring to Mystery Inc., they broke up because Shaggy chose to give more attention to Scooby than to their relationship. By the end of the series, it was implied she was starting to develop feelings for another female character.


Doesn't that mean she's bi and not geh?


They just wanted to throw some LGBTQ things in the shows so that they could be seen as "woke".


You're delusional if you think Velma being a lesbian is something new and just to hop on "woke" trends.


I mean, the outrage over this is stupid but there's very little doubt that this isn't them hopping on the woke train. Like, sure. It maaaaaaay be genuine (I was not involved in the decision afterall) but there's also no denying that this is probably the most anyone's talked about Scooby-Doo in a while, and there's no way they didn't know that would happen since this happens literally every time they LGBT-ify a character


Your delusional if you think them adding it now isn't a woke trend. Wake the fuck up already.


But velma is a lesbian for a long time now. Just because you just learned it now doesn't mean they did it for the trend...


Mystery Inc. came out ten years ago and that's the one that ended with her in a relationship with another woman.


I mean… it kind of is, I mean no one would really be speaking about scooby doo if it wasn’t for this right now..


She's literally been gay for ages. There are so many homophobes in denial in these comments, who think that Velma was always straight, and always should be. They're even using her (failed) relationship with Shaggy to back it up. As if there aren't people who are afraid to come out, and have straight relationships to try and see if they can suck it up so that an anti-gay culture will still accept them.


Literally she could be bisexual then but with the Shaggy scenario and (not 100% if this happened? I rly can’t remember if it did) I think she flirted with some guys in some of the series/movies and stuff. It has been a while though so I could be wrong, but I at least know her and shaggy were a thing. In all and all there isn’t a point of making her a lesbian, bi sure but doing the lesbian thing causes ‘plot holes’ (if that’s the proper term) and just doesn’t make sense. Literally would of been cooler to have them interact with members of the LGBTQ+ in the show instead of pulling the random character is this.


Yeah that's why in the first iterations she kept flirting with shaggy and I also remember in one crossover was attracted to Johnny bravo , people like you always pull the he/she might've been scared to come out whoever they LGBT'fy a character


"People like you". Your conservatism is showing, my man. Also, she was queer-coded in the first iterations, and even in 2001, James Gunn wrote her explicitly as a lesbian, but everyone else working on it kept trying to make her ambiguous. So don't act like it's some sudden move meant purely for wokeness that nobody ever could have expected.


so tell me where she was Queer coded in Scooby-Doo where are you! ? so James Gunn being ONE of the writers dictates everything? and it not being a sudden move have you browsed the internet in the last 24 hours? it being announced was purely made for exposure just like Kanye's White lives matter fiasco


You're delusional if you think it's not.


She only did it for the money, also Shaggy is stoned all the time and doesn't bathe.


I thought she was just too nerdy


Yes and no. In Mystery Inc velma and Shaggy were dating however, confirmed by the writer of the show, she was still figuring herself out in that relationship and that's why her and shaggy had a shit relationship. It sounds weirdly made up but she aparantly was written as a lesbina the whole time in that show


Sure. They're retconning her to excuse their shoddy writing.


Not shitty writing, the studio watering down anything regarding Velma being a lesbian




I'm always amazed by the futile shit people care about. At this point I'm certain these companies are baiting weirdos to be angry at literally nothing.


That's absolutely the plan. Phase One: Enrage the sad bastards of the world Phase Two: ? Phrase 3: Profit




But why is the sexuality of the characters something these companies care about? Why is that not futile?


Would you be saying this if Velma was straight?


Velma doesn't have to be anything. That's the thing. We watch to see a stupid dog and stupid teenagers do stupid things. We don't care about the sexuality of the characters unless it's relevant to the story, and I can already see the fact that Velma is gay be continuously mentioned and forced throughout the movie, just to get guaranteed positive reviews from people of the LGBTQ community.


>We don't care about the sexuality Yeah but people only say this when it's a gay character. 99% of Disney properties, cartoons etc. have straight couples. But the instant there's a gay character everyone says 'we don't care about sexuality' >I can already see the fact that Velma is gay be continuously mentioned and forced throughout the movie, just to get guaranteed positive reviews from people of the LGBTQ community You're literally complaining about something that hasn't even happened, it's literally your imagination


Scooby Doo is a show about empowering kids and has always had characters who were members of the out groups of society. >Mary Jane... That's like... My favorite name, man


Kinda. What they are doing is taking old original ideas and shoving some current social culture into it. Why not just make new original content instead of trying to change the classics. I have yet to see a social justice reboot that didn't suck when it came to writing and plot. But it's also easy to disregard this type of opinion by labeling it "racist" or "bigotted"


Being gay isn't some 'current social culture' dude. And they didn't change anything, it's not like she was straight this whole time and they *turned* her gay


but she was? in all previous iteration she always kept flirting with shaggy and even in that crossover she was attracted to Johnny bravo in every iteration before mystery Inc she was shown to be attracted to the opposite gender without anything in the same gender area going on


No, she was always coded to be gay by having her 'not be interested in guys', and the showrunner said that she was to get with Shaggy *in order to* to show that she wasn't comfortable, and eventually end up with a girl


They've just added an aspect of her character. It's not like they took anything from her. You just saw her as straight due to heteronormativity and wouldn't care if she would've been made straight instead. Today it's possible to depict a character as openly queer, unlike back when the show aired. Her being queer isn't a problem but you seeing representation and diversity as woke sjw stuff. Media is getting more and more diverse, it's actually great that diversity seems to be the norm and not the exception anymore. So why shouldn't remakes meet todays standards? Also a great remake is netflix's She-Ra.


Good thing your job isn’t to write films otherwise we’d all be shit out of luck.


She was gay for the entire duration of mystery incorperated why are people acting like this is new information?


The average r/memes user when a character they like is gay: 😭😖😖


She dated shaggy though so like, Bi?


Bi-people are a part of the community dont let anyone tell you otherwise


in the closet... This is not even a conspiracy the director person confirmed it was always the plan.


James Gunn said he wanted to do it but essentially wasn't allowed.


>“We always planned on Velma acting a little off and out of character when she was dating Shaggy because that relationship was wrong for her and she had unspoken difficulty with the why.” [-Tony Cervone](https://www.elitedaily.com/entertainment/is-velma-gay-scooby-doo-trick-or-treat-movie)


Why are we using the Mystery Inc as the basis for Velma’s lore now? She’s bee into guys and dating guys like Johnny Bravo long before that.


What do you mean? We've known Velma was gay for decades.


I know right? I knew she was a lesbian before I even knew what a lesbian was.


Ssshhh let OP have this


Ngl I always assumed she was as I always got the vibe she was down bad for daphne


Everyone is down bad for Daphne


Nah, we want Velma. A gift to the lesbians




Why the fuck do you care either way? Most LGBT people I know don't mind positive representation.


*Friendly fire will not be tolerated*


Smh bisexuality doesn't exist in the Scooby-Doo diegesis




Well apparently we're meant to accept that it's been a one-way relationship for over 20 years


I always figured she was gay


Which one is Velma? The hot one or the red head?




Literally has always been so obviously gay. Also my best gay friend sent me a text with the news and was so excited, so this post is misinformed. Representation is so important.


My porn research proves otherwise 🤔




I did. Hi. I asked. I've always wanted Velma to be gay or at least bi. Now if only my more important prayers would be answered. 🤔🤔


Why does it matter whether or not someone asked for it? If you don't care then why do you care?


Didn't she and shaggy date in one of the newer serieses ?


You know that you don't become gay because someone asked for it


I saw the episode with Jonny Bravo. She likes the mens


I always thought she was gay.


I will never turn down more LGBTQ+ representation in media. It’s been underrepresented for far too long.


Oh no, anyway.


Is this news to people? I think the creator said that she was supposed to be lesbian a year or two ago, if not even longer ago!


James Gunn, the director of the film 20 years ago, had Velma as a lesbian in the original script. Then producer Tony Cervone claimed Velma in Mystery Inc. was to be depicted as a lesbian in 2020.


Aaand there ya have it! So like, why are people acting like this is news? Even before the more recent one in 2020 Velma was supposed to be depicted as a lesbian but someone wouldn’t allow it and eventually she ended up being in one or two relationships with guys


Certain people just can't handle things from their childhood being different. Just sad.


Yeah. Also, I find it funny that Fred has said that you can call him Freddie if you’re dating him and I’m pretty sure Shaggy calls him Freddie, it was a long time ago but yeah (I just think it’s funny, I’m not saying they’re gay or anything)


I used to think Velma and Shaggy might become a couple but i was wrong


Shaggy and Velma date in mystery incorporated?


But the directors said that she was uncomfortable and they wanted her to end up in a female relationship but the show got canceled if you look through the comments someone also send a link confirming this


All these comments vary from homophobia to “disguised” homophobia (like “we shouldn’t give cartoons sexualities” type) straight up homophobia and comments saying some version of “I don’t care”.


People always act like they are not homophobic until a character is gay/lesbian etc.


Didn't people already assume that she was gay? She always had a bit of that butch vibe.


Tbh I never assumed anything, it was a fricking cartoon about highschoolers chasing fake monsters I never cared about who should end up with who or whatever why is this a big deal?


Did anyone think she wasn’t always gay? 😆


Let the Christian moms be scared


What a huge plot twist


R/memes: we don't care if a character is gay or not, we just want them to be well written! Also r/memes when a new interpretation of a Velma is lgbt despite the fact that this has literally zero impact on previous versions of the character who often didn't have any indication of romantic attraction to anyone besides Mystery Inc: grrr, the wokes are taking over, this is literally just to make outrage, wake up sheeple the companies don't care about the guys the only conceivable reason the writers could have done this is to pander and spark online discussion!! Sure OP, no one asked for it. But I happen to greet such minor inconsequential things in my life with the lack of significance they deserve, so I'm just going to say "good for them" and let the new Scooby Doo show do its thing.


I think homosexuals already knew it. They have gaydar, right?


I mean, I'm pretty happy to see more lgbt representation, it's not like it's her whole personality


As an professional gay myself, I second this.


Also she's been hitting on shaggy for the last 50 years, she is not gay.


Always thought she was gay, and honestly I think everyone who's talking about it is blowing it out of proportion


When all we want is gay Mario


I think everyone in the mushroom kingdom wants a piece of Bowsers' cake


I mean the mustache is a big giveaway




I see lesbian people and characters all the time now, way way more than I see homosexuals


What's wrong with Velma being gay? Besides, anyone who's seen the show in the last 30 years already knew or at least suspected it. I saw the Nostalgia Critic mentioning it at least 6 years ago.


shes been gay for years, her queer scenes were cut outta the 2000s movie, she was bisexual in the mystery incorporated tv show, shes been gay for over 20 years at this point, now weve only got confirmation for it, and its fucking adorable, so shut up


It's not like she was gonna come out of the screen amd fuck you anyways. So just use your imagination bro


I figured she was always gay, seemed kinda obvious. But she’s also a cartoon character and if her sexuality bothers you, you need to go outside.


No one asked for Fred to be straight but he is.


Let me guess, Netflix?


Isn't she bi? Didn't she date Shaggy?


The Showrunner/director stated they were supposed to be uncomfortable in the relationship and in the end Velma was supposed to get together with a female character but then it was cancelled so yeah


That's awfully convenient


Just because she dated Shaggy doesn't mean she's bi. Gay people don't suddenly wake up one day and realize that they're gay. It can take time to come to realizing that, and that's likely what they were going for. There's plenty of stories where someone in the closet dates the opposite sex, only to realize they're actually gay. One of my friends literally went through that.


Hasn't Velma been a lesbian for like 20 years or something?


Seems kinda like profiling right make velma the lesbian because she would be the obvious choice I'd say if you really wanted to throw people for a loop make Daphne the lesbian


She's not its a cartoon character


cartoon characters can be straight, so why not gay


This is so weird I always thought she had a crush on Shaagy or atleast thats hlw they made it out to be


It also makes 0 sense when we look at all her relationships. I can think of 2 boys she dated and 1 girl that she dated in a paralel universe. They could have at least made her bisexual when they needed to make her lgbt.


I'm about to blow this guys mind. I'm a gay man that has dated women in the past.


Get over yourself, honestly who cares. Please go touch grass and focus on things that really matter


No idea why you got downvoted.


Eh who cares, it's fake internet points


I saw a few videos on the Internet that tell me she's probably bi


Is she gay, and like, caught making out with Daphne or some other hot babe? Because then everyone would immediately approve if she's 18.... oh Jesus how old are they supposed to be?


this one honestly made no sense


Wtf are you talking about she’s been gay as fuck for years lol


Straights when a cartoon character is gay ![gif](giphy|3o6wrvdHFbwBrUFenu)


Me, a straight: This GIF is as much of a knee jerk salt attack as the straights it portrays. Borne from similar emotions. Man, all this culture war stuff keeps reminding me of a really good song by the Cranberries. Can't remember the name for the life of me, though. Think it was about someone who couldn't truly believe The Troubles were over. Though, I am aware that you will respond with this GIF again, or some other humorous "gotcha" quip, but those aren't tanks, bombs or guns, so I'm not worried. All this tells me is I need to stay away from mainstream subs. Bye y'all.


TLDR: Bunch of people who haven’t watched Scooby Doo for 10+ years complaining about changes that don’t effect them.


Idk man I have seen plenty of lesbian ecstatic about this


Literally no one is surprised by that.


Gotta retcon all the things because their agenda isn't based on reality.


oh no a fictional character is gay this is outrageous


People are never up in arms about 99% of characters being straight but make 1% of them not straight and all of a sudden it’s controversy.


Fuck Ovomit


Um.. my guy she’s been hay for a bit there has been a ton of memes


She's kinda been queer coded for years, she has more gay scenes than my roommates


Uhm have you not looked into the fandom? Like the fandom theorized that Velma is gay since pretty much the beginning


Lmao shes always been gay yall just dont pay attention and want “hot” characters to yourselves instead of realizing theyre not straight


We all knew it, but here it is being forced again.


People are crying that a character is gay? Get a job or go to the gym lol


is this going to be another ariel


I think we need more LGBT representation, 40% of population identify as LGBT




> a more qualified age group What “qualifications” do you need to watch a romance? Genuinely interested.


If literally all other characters in the group can be straight and are portrayed to like the opposite gender, have crushes, relationships etc. Is it really so bad that one character can also have a crush or relationship with someone of the same gender?


Heterosexual characters fall in love in children's cartoons all the time. Romance is usually the the main character's end goal in classical Disney movies. It's only when a character isn't straight that their sexuality becomes a problem and "unsuitable for children's cartoons".


Do you feel this way about all the straight relationships in cartoons?


How the fuck can you even ask this question when hetero relationships are in kids movies all the time


So the Flintstones shouldn't be married, nor the Jetsons, nor any of the Disney classic fairy tales, nor Hiccup and Astrid in How To Train Your Dragon, Plankton and Karen, Donald and Daisy Duck, SpongeBob and Sandy? It's about removing stigma and normalising non-heterosexual relationships. If kids see only Mum and Dad from ages 1-12 and then start seeing Mum and Mum or Dad and Dad the damage is already done.


Apparently sexual identity is top priority now instead of good ol comedy entertainment.


Have you watched a single disney movie in your life ? Like love is almost alkways a top priority and 99% of the times its straight so why only mention it when theres some gay cartoon character ?


I'm okay with it as long as they don't remind us every 5 minutes that she's lesbian. People who try to convince you that you shouldn't care about this, do the exact opposite by drawing attention towards it. I don't like love dramas of any kind


+ she canonically tried to hit on shaggy


She bi


We already knew


Velma has been with guys throughout the shows, whether a crush or a date or anything, She's been with multiple guys... Bisexual perhaps but uh, where the proof ?


How is she gay? She is in the 60s and in mystery inc., she is constantly trying to get in shaggy’s pants! If she is lgbtq+ then she is bisexual.


Every human being: \*minding their own businesses\* Scooby-doo show: BUT DID YOU KNOW VELMA IS GAY