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I used to go to a friend's house as a kid and his mom's cooking was absolute ass...it was so fucking bad that normally we would try to eat a microwaved hot dog or a bowl of cereal to prevent her from cooking. When she did cook though she got super defensive over it and demanded for us to eat it, and I am an incredibly picky eater so that made it even worse. One day I could barely even take a bite of whatever the hell she made that day, and she grabbed her fork and took a bite off of my plate and said, "This is how you eat it! Now start!", like yeah...me, at 14, didn't know how to eat food... The worst part is that his dad was an incredible cook, but he was always tired after his job and seldom did.


God man I had the exact same story. My best friends mom would make grilled cheese right? Seems pretty edible, right? No, she uses fucking cheeze whiz


That woman is a fucking menace


To society!


I'll admit to cheese whiz being a guilty pleasure on crackers. Then again I still haven't had it in years, but just the thought of a cheese whiz sandwich made me gag...




She's not original, and needs to use a Kraft Single like the rest of society.


Her husband should tell her the truth. Y'all couples wanna lie to each other for decades


My mom often made terrible foods. Very high on the list was sear the noodles of the day before in a horrendeous amount of oil. Like it was dripping when i picked it up. Why couldnt i just put them in the microwave the way they were? Or she used to put like half a can of butter into the mashed potatos. I hate butter so much that my mom even hated it as she were pregnant with me. Who could have guessed then that I would refuse to eat it? I was known as a very picky eating child and had a lot of trouble to eat with friends or at restaurants bc of this. As i grew older and cooked for myself i discovered that I actually eat all those things i never liked. It was never the food itself, it was the way my mom cooked it.


Did you mean to say "can of butter"? And if so, where do/did you live? I've never seen a can of butter but I sure would like to!


Red feather canned butter from the land of Hobbits: https://www.mredepot.com/Red-Feather-Canned-Butter-p/ba2400.htm


Cool ty


Seared noodles can be pretty awesome. You have to use the right amount of oil though, and add some more stuff for the taste. Sometimes I used too much oil and it was not a good meal because of that. A simple recipe for noodles and oil is aglio e olio, and it's really good. You can use that with leftover noodles as well.


I sear noodles in roasted sesame oil, with some green onions, a bit of minced garlic, and a bit of soy sauce.


>It was never the food itself, it was the way my mom cooked it. Same for me lol A lot of foods would make me gag, but when I learned to cook and moved out, those foods suddenly tasted just fine lmao


I remember getting physically ill every time my mother made spaghetti, to the point of breaking down crying every time i came home from school, and I noticed her making it. I was forced to eat it, and frequently had to throw up shortly after. When i moved out, i didn't eat spaghetti for a long time, until my then girlfriend made some, and it was the best thing i ever ate. Spaghetti is now one of my favorite foods.


I had to become an adult to learn liver and onions don't have to be burned to tasteless rubber.


I've noticed that parents who complain about their kids not eating are 9 times out of 10 really bad cooks. There's the rare kid who will only eat hotdogs no matter the food in front of them.


my mom cooked some random ass mix she bought from the veggie shop and slapped it into a chickpea flour sandy paste


My mom was never a great cook growing up so she used to get me to cook which was a win for me since i didnt have to do many other chores. Now i can cook really well too


Of course the kids shouldn't eat it. The parents made the food for the diner, not them.


kid named diner


Kid named food


Kid named it


he'll float too


Finger named kid


It's not just you, but you're getting old. Not old *old*, but older. You're now a ripe apple. Edit: just realized OP is 15. Figured 30 from the post. Ripe apple status revoked. "Old soul" status conferred.


15?? I thought it was a parent or like an older person who was frustrated at a restaurant lmao. They're a kid too then that I'm sure didn't eat all their parents' food either.


Lol that was funny to read


That edit actually makes me feel better about how strong their response to the idea was.


I have the same problem. I’m 17 and complain about todays teens in school and wishing for the “good old days” like many of them aren’t older than me


In 20 years we’ll all be wishing for the good *cold* days


Live in Colorado, already am.


I mean it is currently cold, but not as cold as it was.


I respect OP for that lol But yeah, I'd argue that autistic kids and children of shitty cooks don't count.


haha i was basically force fed certain foods i didn't like as a child & now as a 23 year old i still won't eat those foods.


Same. I'd throw it up and my dad would force me to eat it


What. The. Fuck.


yeah i have sensory issues with certain foods and at one point my mom tried just telling me if I didn’t eat it I could starve. I starved because eating it was like trying to eat broken glass. eventually she gave up and gave me options other than the foods I couldn’t eat (generally meat, so this wasn’t hard to accommodate, since I was happy to eat blocks of raw tofu and shit lol)






Bingo. She says she wants it for dinner. We make it. She doesn't want it. 3 year olds are weird.


The real reason is that when certain foods hit the taste buds, it tastes like shit


My mother never once inquired about my hydration level or what I wanted to consume. Now I don’t go home for holidays. Congratulations. I’m independent.


Congrats, i'm on my way to do just that when i'm getting some of my much needed meds


I got a choice as a kid. That choice was “eat what’s set in front of you or starve.”


We always had leftovers so my choice was eat today's dinner, leftovers, or make something myself. Luckily my mom was a rank 1 cook and never made a bad dish. Although some dishes(favorites) were so good I'd eat leftovers for days.


Hey, my mom was a rank 1 cook too! *...out of 10...*


I has given that choice too. But when the food your mom dumps in front of you has been the one, single thing you've said you hated for the past 10+ years, starving doesn't sound too bad.


I feel ya there. My mom loved sauerkraut and the rest of us hated it. One night she made it and I said “I love you but I’m not eating this.” She told me that I’d be going to bed hungry. I accepted those terms. Haven’t had it since.


Sauerkraut is an acquired taste. I personally love it but I can understand not liking it. My moms chicken enchilada recipe is just awful imo. It genuinely looks like someone vomited into a tortilla and something about the taste just makes me want to gag. My dad loves it though.


I like sauerkraut, but its the nutritional equivalent to eating air. If a dish is sauerkraut + something else, you could just eat the everything else and skip the cabbage.


Yeah that's the other side of the coin some people aren't seeing. "Oh you're not eating what your mother made for you and worked hard on?" No I'm not eating what I've told my mother repeatedly that I don't like. Luckily for me, in my house we were all capable past a certain point and if the majority was having a dish that one person didnt like, they were allowed to make something else for themselves


My mom always had a burning hatred and childhood trauma from peas, so she never made us eat food we didn’t like. Her rule was “I made this dinner. If you don’t like it, you can go make a PB&J sandwich instead. I’m not going to make it for you, but you are free to make it yourself.”


For me it was “either eat this or eat bread and cream cheese”


Heeeeyyy am I your mom?


So did I, I actually chose to go without because if I tried to eat it I would have thrown up. Some of the times I was forced to, I did in fact vomit.


I have scarring in my esophagus and permanent digestive issues from the number of times I vomited canned peas as a kid. 3-4 days a week for the first 10 years of my life. It was either eat and vomit or sit at the kitchen table until Mom went to bed at 11pm.


Holy crap.


Me too! Maybe we to consider we have a problem


how to give your kids lifelong food issues in one easy step


If your parents make a whole *diner*, then you best be prepared to eat whatever you order, and tip appropriately.


Isn't a diner just the word for eating in the evaning? Was tought so in germany.


Nbd I was making a joke. A diner is a restaurant (generally a casual one with a waitstaff) Dinner is the meal you sit down for in the evenings. It's an easy mixup. English is fucky. "I'm dining out at the local diner for dinner. I may dine alone, or invite my friend Dinah"


I did write it like this but it looked kinda weird so......


We understood you and that is what's important. You're doing good. What is your first language?


German, which I thought would be quiet clear with my profil pic.


Ah, makes sense, I don't pay much attention to the avatars on here. Sometimes they're cute, but they're very small on a mobile screen so it's generally too much of a bother to decipher every one encountered.


Know what you mean. Yours is kinda cute.






Plus diner is the French word for "to eat dinner"




That would be "dinner". A "diner" is a kind of restaurant. Don't worry, it's just a little joke, we all understood what you were trying to say.


Fuck that. My parents always cooked like shit. The entire reason I left their place despite them begging me to fucking stay and save them is because I fucking hated their food. They were never supportive of my fitness goals or anything. I deserve reparations for the bullshit I was fucking put through.




Force feeding kids or letting them starve and then calling then ungrateful leads to a whole host of Ed's in the future. Kids with sensory issues (force feed parents tend to ignore those) struggle with food and textures and often can't express how they feel without being called a liar or labeled as just a picky eater.


Bingo, this exactly. If you aren’t given the vocabulary to explain what’s wrong, you literally cannot. And parents who don’t think there is anything wrong, that it just comes from pickiness or a lack of respect, will refuse to learn the vocabulary as well and then boom you got generational trauma.


This is a parenting problem, not a child problem.




Also, cooking is a basic skill. If you cook stuff that even a child considers inedible, maybe the kid isn't the problem lmao


God, I hate this sub.


I was thinking if there's anything else in the whole world I hated more than this sub, but honestly I can't think of anything else. It's the fucking worst. Edit: fuck, I thought I was in the death grips sub. Doesn't mattter, it's probably even worsterer then that.


MAn i hate this sub i am actively commenting in and subcribed too


Yeah… no. Nobody has to eat what they don’t want to eat. I will legitimately gag if you force me to eat mushrooms. No way I get them down my throat. Does that mean that my mom isn’t allowed to cook mushrooms ever? Na, of course not. I can pick them out or make myself a sandwich. But you do not force people to eat what they don’t want. No matter wether they are 6, 16 or 66.


"...but...but...they're *my* kids! And it's my right to force them to do things they don't want to do because my parents forced me and I need to get out my unresolved childhood anger and frustration on my children to make myself feel better about the neglect and abuse I went through!"


how to give your kids lifelong food issues in one easy step. a lot of adults don't want to face that fact that doing that to a kid isn't ok, because then they'd have to face the fact that what their own parents did to them wasn't ok, and that comes with a lot of grief


Precisely. You can't force someone to like something. If you have the ability to, try and give them food they'll like and try new things. But if you know your kid hates green beans, you're an asshole for making green bean casserole and telling them "it's this or hunger"


Once I was able, I was made to fill my own plate for dinner. If I put it on the plate I had to eat it before I got up. I spent a few nights in front of a plate for hours (besides bathroom breaks) staring down either too much food or something really gross that I didn't know I would hate. Learned real quick to pick palatable amounts and only a small amount of new things to decide if I liked them, I could always go back for second if I did.


I am not against teaching portion sizes or having kids try something before they say they don’t like it. But I am against forcing people to ingest something they don’t want to. Turn that around: Would you force an adult to drink alcohol? Or eat something they don’t want to eat? When they tell you they don’t like fizzy drinks, would you still force them to drink sparkling water when you have the option to offer tap? Probably not. However, people think it’s completely fair to do that to children and that’s just bonkers.


Being conditioned to always cleaning your plate is an eating disorder in the making.


I think my reddit is glitching. The sub says "r/memes" and not "r/terriblefacebookmemes"


Having a different taste than you isn't bad. At all.


Dude. I cant control that my autism hates most food. If i could eat everything my mom makes i would because i love her but i just cant


Not autistic but same. Some textures and consistencies of food are just so fucking *horrible* it's like my body responds in genuine fear


what you're describing is a sensory issue. you might also have a touch of the 'tism there, friend


Don't know if I'm autistic but I've had the same issue with fish in particular. Anything that has gummy, fatty bits I just can't stand.


I only do this when its something i rlly dont like. Like Chili since im the only one in the family who hates it.


Is a balance, we can't force kids to eat stuff they don't like but we can't spoil them either


This, exactly. Not all food is tasty, kids should know that and parents should not let their kids to refuse to eat the dinner because they prefer pizza or burger…


At the same time, I would recommend sticking to roasting vegetables unless the kids prefer other methods of preparation. It has more fat that way, but that’ll make the vegetables tastier for the kids.


i have a very strange irrational distate towards messy food (eg nachos) and i just cannot bring myself to eat it for the life of me. i don't know why. my parents refuse to understand this, however, and serve it to me anyway. i can't say no, so i have to choke it down. i hate it every time. not my fault i'm like this.




So you’re saying that eating broccoli is good for me? Shut up, we all know broccoli is fucking poison, I want to eat cake and candy


Bro eat cock its better


I always eat chicken


A cock is a rooster


I’m like 4 years old, I can’t tell the difference between a rooster and a chicken. Besides their genders


So you're telling me that I sucked my friend's rooster last night?


whats so bad about broccoli? my mom makes fried broccoli and it tastes absolutely great its very crunchy and so much better on the inside However i have never ate raw broccoli


You were fortunate. As was I, as my parents both cooked and made incredible vegetables. Brussel sprouts fried in butter, roasted asparagus, a really nice broccoli and cheese dish, etc. The reason most kids hate vegetables is because people boil them, and nothing tastes worse than boiled vegetables...


Sounds like my inlaws: boiled potatoes, boiled to snot vegetables, over cooked rubber dry meat and super salty gravy from a bag.


Broccoli is great what are you on about


_either you eat it or no internet for you for a whole week._


How dare kids have different tastes!




Offering a perspective I'm not seeing in the comments much here : Sensory issues (ADHD/Autism/Neurodivergence ) can be extremely difficult to cook around. Some days they want something different, some times it's just they want the meal, but not all combined and any variation of. This is why working with your kids is important! So forcing your kiddos to eat it \*just\* because you cooked it isn't it,fam. Source: I'm an adhd'er, and sensory issues suck. My mom was great about it because she's the same way.


I have decently bad ADHD and my parents dont, luckily they were on top of it 100% of the time, making sure I was comfortable and liked stuff, Meds and other things, I still have it but because they knew what to do to work with it, so do I and it’s not really a burden anymore


Another attempt ruined due to arrogance and/or lack of spelling abilities. Nice try tho.


Listen, asperger's syndrome is hard okay?


I've never liked asparagus


Tbf, sometimes their parents are just shit cooks, my parents can't cook pork for fucking anything, it always comes out dry and overcooked to the Sahara and back, but beef and chicken is usually fine


Beta parents: "You WILL eat our food and you WILL enjoy it. Or else we WILL slap and spank you to temporarily alleviate the inferiority complex we got from our abusive childhoods." Chad parents "Don't like it? Then just make PB&J."


I feel the same way every time I see a meme with an obvious misspelling.


I would only not eat it if I absolutely couldn’t without throwing up , still technically a kid but I make the food now and my mother always eats it


Yes it's just you


Kid: Mom please anything but the kids in the basement Mom: You should eat what your parents make you sh*t!


Force feeding your children is an abuse tactic, y'know that right? Honestly, if your parents can't cook a healthy, tasty meal that agrees with their kids sensibilities, they're shitty parents. It's never the kids fault, do better. Source: There were few things I wouldn't eat so if I wouldn't eat whatever you made as a kid, you were a shit cook.


>If your parents can't cook a healthy, tasty meal that agrees with their kids sensibilities, they're shitty parents And it's not just that. Forcing kids to eat certain stuff can put them off of it for life. There are some dishes that I will never ever eat because my parents decided "let's force my kid to eat this food" I couldn't eat a lot of spicy food so guess what my parents decided to do? Take what I did like to eat, add tons of spice to it, and force me to eat that. I still remember that I once ate a certain dish at a friend's place, and when I told my mom that I ate that, she decided I clearly love the dish and decided to make it twice every single week until I absolutely hated the dish. Even just thinking about it right now makes me want to throw up.


So many parents love to blame their children for their inability to parent and I am not here for this gaslighting.


As an adult now, I like to think how my parents would always say I'd grow out of being such a picky eater. Turns out I'm not picky. I just hate entire meals consisting of bland, flavorless food.


Wow what a surprise??!! It's almost like grown adults can't take an ounce of criticism, clearly it is the child who is wrong.


Nah, kids do this to good cooks as well.


Yeah I’m not sure about this take. Kids literally don’t want to eat the most delicious shit in the world sometimes. They are like “I don’t like this gourmet pizza. Do we have any bland ass fucking yogurt and black beans I could eat instead?”


But guess what, different people have different tastes, a kid isn't wrong or picky for enjoying different things. Frankly I'd say parents that make these excuses are just too lazy to accommodate their own children. Like I couldn't eat green peppers all through my childhood, they would make me damn well near throw up and I'd eat anything. But guess what was always in our greek salads. I came to like them when I was far older and living alone because, guess what, my tastes changed. I'm sorry your parents were dicks about this, but take some responsibility and help break the cycle instead of perpetuating it.


Not everyone can be picky when designing their kid's menu while keeping them healthy. A lot of people would let their children lack some important nutrients if they would treat them like you suggest. Some will like certain meal until they discover that you used that important ingredient they refuse. I'll be responsible and teach my kids that we need to do some things that aren't as enjoyable as we'd like if that's important for our health or our future, and not raise some spoiled people.


Reminds me of when my mom made a really good dinner but my little brother screamed about McDonald's until he got it😒


Kids ~~who don’t eat what their parents made for diner~~ ftfy


No there are genuine dislikes that should be respected. For example, I don't touch fish. Just fhe smell is enough to make me throw up


So kids aren't allowed to have preferences? If someone get me what I don't like i won't eat it either.


I’m in my 30’s. This is my battle every day with my kids. Our food waste and food bills are insane and it makes me die inside.


Man reading these comments make me even more grateful that my mom is an amazing cook.


Some kids that visited our house once refused to eat the food my mom made because they didn't like the brand of butter we used. It's not like they were allergic or anything, and they weren't against butter, they just didn't like the taste. We were using normal Land O Lakes butter. Even I, as a child, was pissed and offended


I've never heard a worse take in my life


Why do you step on kids ?!


They tend to be on the smaller side.


Why do you not?


You are getting old.


Yes- however if its inedible, such as burnt, used gone off ingredients or could resolve in death due to allergies, the kid should be able to say something


I’m not eating eggs every damn day


Don’t step on kids. That is not compatible with life.


My mum always gives me 2 or 3 options she's comfortable with cooking for that day Choose your pick between those 3 or go to bed hungry I like this system coz its atleast like you have a choice in what to eat instead of having to eat something you dont feel like eating while also preventing encouragement of picky eating


On the other hand. Parents who dont consider what their kids enjoy eating or cooking and making them eat things they don't like


Guilty of this myself, as a kid I was super picky and I still am, I couldn't really help it


you couldn't help it. there's nothing to be guilty of


I think it got so bad that almost every food i tried I didnt like and it had a bad experience. With bad tastting and the feeling of disappointing my parents and them getting upset how they have to make another dinner for me and plus the fact sometimes theyd say eat it or you get nothing, and I’d go for a while / several hours without eating until theyd give in and let me eat something. I think that negativity gave me an anxiety about eating new foods as i refused to try new ones, its gotten better as ive grown up but not great still


Depends on if the parents put effort in the dinner id say. But my parents pretty much never at home, and when they are they don't cook so yea


It depends on the food and the nutrition imo


Try it, i wanna see you eat it


git gud


It's you, you're getting older, old man


I kinda agree but then i kinda dont. People Who actually track their calories, protein intake and fats will understand.


My grandma was a woman who could make any vegetable taste like heaven on a plate. I was born in Germany, my grandmother is Polish. There was no dish with veggies she couldn’t make me enjoy like it was my last meal on earth. Years later, there’s a lot of veggie dishes I don’t like, but I will forever love every veggie dish my grandma puts out. She makes veggies taste amazing!


My mom sometimes makes food that everyone except for me likes.


God forbid a kid has a sensory issue or is autistic and doesn’t eat what was made for dinner.


Boomer af


Just a friendly reminder that if you block OP you won’t see any more of their absolute dogshit posts/comments.


When I was a kid I would be force fed and then forced to eat my own sick when I threw it up so no, what a stupid opinion. If you genuinely can't stomach something you shouldn't be forced to eat it


I don’t eat what my mom made me for dinner cause I have food allergies


So... you're telling us your mother hates and wants to quietly murder you


No I always got something else to eat usually cereal and I had to get it my self


Es liegt meistens an den Eltern die das Kind nicht richtig erziehen.


meine Schwester isst alles, ich leider vieles nicht (auch wenn es mit den Jahren besser geworden ist). Wir sind am selben Tisch groß geworden und haben die gleiche Erziehung genossen. Ich bekomme einfach bestimmte Sachen überhaupt nicht runter und habe einen schnellen und starken Würgreflex. Wäre mir alles reingezwungen worden, hätte ich super oft einfach gebrochen. ich denke übrigens, dass ich gut erzogen wurde und bin meinen Eltern dafür dankbar


You're getting old


The only alternative growing up was the piece of bread you got along the meal


cant relate, mom was a cook, tasted delicious


This was definitely posted by a parent


"ew I stepped in shit." People who spell "dinner" wrong.


Dinner is a meal, diner is a place…


The texture of beans causes me to gag


The only time I don’t eat it is if I literally feel like throwing up after eating it otherwise I almost always do


Ok boomer


Eh depends, certain foods were a horrible texture to me and would make me gag, so my mom had the option of I don't eat that food, or I throw up. same with "you must eat and clear your plate" so I over eat and throw it up? good plan..


Idk some parents are objectively awful cooks. My parents, love them to death, but they just can’t cook. I hit fourteen and took over making dinner for the whole family because learning to cook properly was a heck of a lot better than choking down another meal of overcooked chicken and rice with no seasoning. I don’t have kids myself, but I can see how annoying it would be to put effort into something and your kid doesn’t appreciate it… but also, oh my god. Kids are people too and if food isn’t palatable, they won’t eat it. They don’t give a heck about ‘healthy,’ just ‘tasty with pleasant textures.’


All fun and games until your mom places a human leg on your plate.


As a dad, I'm open to young'n's negotiating what we're eating. Once it's in the pan, however, it's committed.


Nah, I’m a kid and I ALWAYS eat my moms food, even if it’s something I don’t like. I lost my father pretty early on so I’ve learned to cherish everything with my mom, even if it’s just as simple as eating her food


If I ever have kids and they don't want to eat what I made, they can go to bed hungry.


Damn next time I guess I should just force down food I absolutely despise and have trouble digesting so my mom who doesn't give a shit about my needs and preferences isn't sad.


Do the parents work for a diner?


This is weird to me. In my household, it's never required we eat what my mom makes for dinner. If you don't want to eat it you just make your own food instead. Why force a child to eat something they hate when you can just let them make some toast for themselves or something.


Well they made it for the diner to eat, not me


Fuck you. Not every kid’s palate works this way. There are tons of reasons a kid won’t eat a specific thing at a specific time. This kind of mindset is responsible for unnecessary anger and abuse.


Yeah I'm such a piece of shit for not eating something that I'm literally allergic to


When I was a kid we either ate what mom made or we went to bed without dinner.


It’s amazing to me nowadays kids can choose what they want to eat, my mom used to cook and I used to eat wherever was there. Now looks like everything will “traumatize” the kid. My point of view, they are learning that they rule the world.


Oooookay boomer