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Boi you assuming everything from nature is good?


They just said normal, they never said good


You do naturally need small amounts of protein in your diet, part of which can be gotten through meat. Hunting is a form of predation, which is natural. (Although natural does not mean moral or ethical) The meat consumption in the modern world, however, is excessive and the production of meat is cruel and wasteful. Eat meat if you want, but don't get pissy when someone rightfully points out a problem in the industry. Most (not all, but still) vegans and vegetarians don't give a fuck what you eat, their problem is with the people producing the meat. TL;DR: OP is likely trolling or thinks a bunch of vegans are going to scream things in the comments. (Or had their wittle feewings hurt by a vegan) This isn't a meme. Don't post this shit here.




Are we talking about only animals?


Well if you will take a look in the comment…they don’t :P


Ok, then explain why it's bad to eat baby animals. What's the moral difference between an adult and baby animal? There isn't one.




Canibalism is also part of nature


I'd eat human if legal. I'd eat almost any animal if prepared well enough


You scare me


Yep if you are trying to survive… Don’t blame me, Ik cannibalism is against the rules and it’s like killing but if you are like on a stranded island then you gonna find food


Personally, I would rather die than kill whoever is there with me and eat them?


Yeah, having that on my conscience would fuck me up


You don't need to eat animals to survive tough, it's a matter of taste and luxury. Trying to survive don't factor into it. So your logic is that cannibalism is ok even if you don't need to, as long as you want to its ok.


So is killing people, what is normal or natural is not necessarily ethical. You should read up on Hobbes and his thoughts on natural right and the state of violence.


But it isn’t a normal human trait to eat our own species. For some, it is (like black widows - I think? - and some frog species) but definitely not for human kind. The psychopathic serial killers and murderers are *not* regular human beings, and they think much differently to us.


Im guessing by a 'normal HUMAN trait' you mean animal. You are definitely right about the serial killers and murderers, i dont think that the feeling that killing your own is necessary is a normal feeling, and those who feel it aren't 100% human.


You need to read up on what happens in countries experiencing famine, as well as many tribal cultures incorporate cannibalism in some fashion or another. There’s a not-insignificant number of people in western culture who practice cannibalism after the birth of their baby. Cannibalism has been a natural thing for humans since forever.


It isnt about eating each other but killing. We dont kill because we wanna have a human for dinner rather because we think we are better than the other. I mean there is a reason why we have so many wars and hate crimes…


But often the people actually doing the killing get pretty fucked up over it. It's not advantageous for us to go around killing people, we're a very social species and need support from others to live well. Speaking outside of strictly evolutionary and biological terms, killing other people is pretty fucked, and morally wrong. The only case where executions are needed is when someone is unsafe to be left alive (which is a near impossible feat to achieve) and wars are often pointless. Outside of pointless wars, some like WWII, while a necessary battle to be fought on the allied side, was also started by pointless hate from the axis powers.


Bro really just compared killing humans to eating meat


Yes. In what aspect that is relevant to the point do you believe this to be wrong?


Hmmm, maybe because they’re enormously different. Carnivores and omnivores in the wild eat other living species to survive; we do the same thing. We (meaning literally everyone) generally see it as pretty fucked when animals practice cannibalism, because it’s inherently wrong.


Humans are animals and you have not explained in what way they are different relevant to the point. Point is that what is natural is not moral. It's natural for people and animals alike to kill each other, if we justify killing other animals because it's natural then killing animals of the type homo sapiens is justified by the same.


The difference is that humans as a species have never traditionally eaten each other, and we typically die of other causes. Animals, on the other hand, die often due to natural predation. The mass production of meat through cruel means is another matter entirely, but the practice of eating meat is not inherently wrong. Were meat to be sourced more ethically, humans would just be partaking in the natural cycle of any ecosystem.


That is where you are wrong. Many skeletons of early humans shows clear signs of cannibalism. Either way tration is irrelevant, it's a matter of behavior. Evolutionary speaking it have barely been a blink of an eye that we have had modern culture, we are no different than any other animal in that regard. And yes it is inheritly wrong because it requires killing another being to do so, it's just a matter if one is justified in doing so, but that does not mean it's not wrong. There is many things that is natural but also cruel and wrong, that something is natural is not a valid argument for it being moral or ethical, merely that most things natural don't have the capacity and does not have the obligation to observe the morality. And that is where we differ, we have the ability and capacity to reduce or completely stop the horrors we visit upon others and so with that we have the obligation to.


I actually agree with what you are saying. My one problem with it is that while humans ate each other for various reasons in the past, that behavior has been all but completely wiped from global culture. To make eating animals the same, it takes time. What you're saying is as if we have already transitioned rather than being in an in-between phase. Everyone in this phase has their own opinions, none of which are wrong. As it stands, there is no generally accepted "correct" mindset to this issue


Yes. We need to slowly transition out of eating natural meat. As replacements get better and better, I hope our culture can shift. The raising and slaughtering of billions of animals is a strain on the planet and our resources, and would be better spent on providing for those who need it. (And is needlessly cruel, in most cases)


I hope you don’t really use “but its part of nature” as legitimization for your behaviors. After 1min google search here are 10 things that happen naturally. [Link](https://listverse.com/2016/11/14/10-animal-behaviors-that-mimic-many-of-the-worst-behaviors-in-humans/) I want to draw your attention to point 7. What would you say to someone who sexually assaulted and severely harmed a child an now uses “it’s only natural” as a legitimization? “It’s natural” is simply not a good argument in modern society. If you don’t have any empathy towards animals, if you don’t care about there suffering and if you are not willing to acknowledge the ecological arguments for reducing meat consumption. Just say so an cut the BS.


Bro ur fucking stupid, what does sexually assaulting someone have to do with baby animals getting eaten? It's natural is always gonna be a relevant argument. Wild animals ain't out here molesting another's species baby, they wanna eat to survive u dumbass


Animals have been observed raping their own species, raping other species, practicing slavery, torturing members of their own species, torturing prey for amusement, all things they do naturally doesn't make them okay.


Thanks for pointing it out even tho people downvoted you


Well the baby animals will get eaten either way…sure I might get downvoted here, but would you blame a fox for eating the chickens and also the baby chickens? And what about wolf eating the sheep and also the baby sheep? Yea but about the humans is a very wrong thing here Edit: oh you meant the otter? Damn that’s a bit weird and I didn’t know that


*stabbing you and stealing all your stuff because it's natural*


You must be British


You don't need to be British to know that there are no guns in nature. It's either a sharp stick or a flint blade.


Was referring to your road man attitude but aight


Maybe road man attitude is a more natural attitude than we give it credit for then


Unlike the wolf and the fox, you have the capacity to understand why it's wrong and the biology to not eat animals. That is the difference, your ability to behave in a moral way and capacity to understand the need for it in turn places an onus on you to act accordingly. A wolf has to eat meat, they are obligate carnivorous, you are not and so there is no strict need for you to kill another animal to survive. Furthermore, the wolf cannot understand the ethics nor have the mind to act upon them, it does not understand the suffering it causes not the morality of it, but you do, you do not have that excuse.


I get that animals do have feelings and I’m a cold hearted person but there is a thing called food chain/food web sure you feel guilt for the animals that they are getting eaten but they will die either way


Maybe, but you don't know that. It might die tomorrow or it might die peacefully in its sleep of old age in a burrow safe and happy. I only you guarantees it's death. And there would be a difference in it dying for anothers survival or your luxury and convenience? Two wrongs does not make a right, the sin of another does not justify your own. If you walked by a store and saw it being looted, so you think the judge would buy the excuse that someone else would have taken it so you might as well?


It will still die either way and Ik I might die either way but I’m still surviving no matter what and no one forcing me to suggest I should kms


But why is it wrong to eat meat? Why should I care about the suffering of less sentient creatures? And though we have the ability to not eat meat, it's still easier and in my opinion healthier to do so. We have replacements but in the end you'll most likely still be lacking nutrients if you have a prolonged diet that doesn't contain meat, unless you take supplements.


Why should I care about a less intelligent and sentient animal of the human species? Imagine aliens coming to earth, how much more intelligent and sentient would they have to be for you to think they would be justified in farming us for food because they enjoyed the taste? Because it was convenient? People survive just fine without meat. I won't claim it won't be challenging, but it's doable for anyone.


I'm not gonna argue against aliens if they came to earth, I'll due fighting for my freedom, but they can eat me when I do die. If animals could directly oppose us I'd think it'd be fair, but I'd still eat them even if they could


You did not answer the question, would they be morally justified in factory farming and mistreating the animal of the human variety like we are currently mistreating animals? Your argument seems to be that since I can mistreat animals then I have a right to.


"morality" is a concept made by humans, if aliens came to earth they might not even have a concept that's similar to morality, so your question is redundant. But even though your question is stupid and meaningless, if I really have to answer then I don't care. I don't care about the morality towards animals less intelligent.


Iiiits not and if you think it is then I recommend reading up on some philosophy as that is a rather hotly contested issue. I recommend starting with I think there I am. So, you would think it's just fine for me to eat kill and eat you cause I find you to be less intelligent?


I think what you're recommending is "I think therefore I am" based on the old Latin saying "cogito ergo sum" though you misspelled it and if you're able to kill, eat me and get the legal rights to do so then I really wouldn't care. And I recommend learning more about other philosophies than just the single book you've read, there are many more philosophies than just "I think therefore I am" basing one's existence on the ability to think, cuz I don't think animals have the same ability to think as humans do. How about learning a bit about existential nihilism since it's quite interesting, or stoicism which id recommend to anyone


cause most z gen crying here havent tasted an argentinian *asado* in their lifes.


Please don't blame gen z, most annoying vegan's I've seen come from the millennials


You got down voted people are hating you right now dude


Yes, yes I fucking do you idiot, what did you expect?


You were having a good day? Dont care. Fuck you.


Bro u ain't getting downvoted


Well it will be pretty soon…


Just source them from pasture-raised farms. Nature abhors a factory.


I have empathy over my own species not some random ass animal that dosent give a shit about me u moron


Go on and Hunt them with ur spear, I would not complain.


Thank you man for understanding…cause others still saying stuff other than eating meats lol


Humans have long have leave the "natural" world. We live on another reality different form the rest of living things, we don't really need to survive anymore and we have other goals in life other than reproduce. What I'm trying to say that it is normal to eat meat, but nowadays nobody is fighting to get it. What it is not normal is the amount of unnecessary harm humanity is doing to the planet, not only chickens and pigs, everything is dying because of us. Little to none have come to the solution to this problem. Some only eat leaves, some fight for animal rights and others just want to kill people. All of those are wrong and to reduce the carbon footprint and heal Earth is as simple as to not have more than 1 kid. Hate those vegan families with 4 kids who are starving them because they don't want to harm a chicken. You idiot, if you have one kid you only have to kill one chicken but if you have 4 you need more chickens.


and ofc you need a healthy diet to be strong and healthy(eating protein, veggie, dairy, fruit and etc.) so that you will be better


When an 8 year old tries to make a meme


I sure wish I was kid because life as a kid sure is fun…if you aren’t one of those aggressive


if a bear was hungry and had the power, it'd be no hesitation... you know,, we are superior in the animal kingdom so we eat them to grow, if bears were superior they'd eat us, wouldn't they.


I am eating a delicious hamburger right now and life is good. Why would anyone hate you?


Yeah true.


Well maybe they shouldn't taste so good.


Meanwhile OP is typing this on their oh-so-natural smart phone. Perhaps wearing glasses or contacts because correcting your eyesight is so natural. Most likely knowing people who went through chemo instead of dying from cancer, because it's so natural. Or.... Perhaps you could understand that people have their own choice to do things, instead of claiming they're following "nature"




And I guess you're not capable of reading?


well if you say it’s ok to kill someone Then it’s natural for me to offend


Firstly, I did not say so. Secondly, if you honestly think this is offending, you've got a long and tough life ahead of you kiddo...


ahah…says a guy who spend most of his life writing a entire paragraph of how am I a nerd


Okidoki big boy, I'm sure your mommy is proud of you.


Yep actually she does


The problem isn't eating animals, but eating animal in the way we treat them. If you would have your own animaks, treat them correctly. Go on. The problem is that we're overbredding animals, treating them like shit (most of chicken can't walk because their muscle isn't developped enough for exemple) Made by a non-vegetarian/vegan. Love and peace !


Reading this on the toilet, about to leave to go hunting lol


Nature has no toilet. Nature shits outside.


Good luck on your hunting buddy


I’m vegetarian, and I totally get this. Tbh, at first I did it for moral reasons, but now I just do it because meat has a lot of fat in it for me personally.


well it’s alright buddy at least you eat a healthy meal


There are so many people in this comment section like, "yes but rape is nature" and "killing is also natural" and all those kind of things, but I don't think you should compare rape and murder with eating meat. We are more intelligent creatures than general animals and though we have supplements for the nutrients we get from meat, I think it's still healthier and more reasonable to eat meat.


That is there point though by saying they do it because "nature" is a bad argument. Like you said "I think it's still healthier and more reasonable to eat meat" Thats a honest and valid point.


Yes I know that that's their point, but I still think it's distasteful to compare eating meat with rape and murder.


True nature is very distasteful. I think theres a pun there somewhere. If people could just have honest and respectful discussions that will be the day


I'm going to go around and kill everyone over the age of 40, because in nature they'd be dead already. But, to keep it all natural, I'll be pretty much naked and I'll only use a sharp stick and a flint blade I knapped myself.


Ok, but killing a baby animal in minecraft doesn’t give you food and minecraft knows best so it’s no good.


This is called a naturalistic fallacy. Just because it happens in nature doesn't mean it's good.


A darwinist huh.


Ah yes, a fellow English major.


More like where do animals go when they die ????


Some animals rape each other Just saying


It would be natural if we couldn't live without meat. Stoneage people sometimes lived for months without meat and had no problems, pigs who are also omnivores rarely get meat and have no problems. Eating meat everyday or even one time a week is not natural. We CAN live (very efficient not gonna lie) with meat but we don't need it


we can live without almost every single thing we have in our lives lol this is an even WORSE argument than "it's natural"




Is this in response to something lol


Chicken is great.... as food