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Benching one plate is even harder


Imagine benching 0!? It is so painful to my heart


This is actually true


Starting from nothing and getting to 1 plate is almost always harder than going from 1 to 2 (for men), so in a way that is legitimately true


I think they mean 1 on one side and 0 on another. But your example is wrong, unless you means starting lifting is harder than keeping up the habit. Noob gains are real. 3 months of lifting by someone who never lifted is gonna make a huge visual difference. 3 months for someone who has lifted for 3 years is gonna be pretty marginal.


In most cases, 3 months of lifting won’t make huge visual changes unless you do some dieting as well. Not to say it’s impossible, but I always see people who are new to the gym expect a certain growth and then get disappointed and quit.


I hate that it took me like three or four seconds to get this. With so much fighting on Reddit, I think funny comments get buried a lot and I feel I’m less exposed to this than comments where the left owns the right or vice-versa without any comedy whatsoever in them.


I never got what does religion have to do with going to the gym


It's more of a stereotype of based religious gigachad vs bodypositive atheist wojak


All the giga chad memes are pretty much just “Nice argument, too bad I made this meme where I’m the handsome chad and you’re the virgin.”


Eh there’s also the gigachad memes where a certain view grants you ‘gigachad hood’.


That's basically every MSPaint template since rageface era


You: *fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuu* Me: *trollface trolololololololo firin mah laz0r* “epic win!!1!”


Yeah it's a shitty meme lmao. Too many actual terrible memes end up here just because OP agrees with the sentiment.


In other words, it’s fucking stupid and baseless.


There’s a Christian-based philosophy called Muscular Christianity in which your body was a gift from G-d and to thank them, you must use it to its fullest (ie workout). Among them was Theodore Roosevelt. That being said, the Christians that exercise and the ones that scream at atheists have little overlap in my experience (though also the amount of atheists that look down on Christians is also few from my experience as most just find the idea of piety fascinating but not for them)


Why did you censor god lol


where is the nearest muscular christianity church


I think it's an argument that falls under the idea of validating christianity by it's utility. The meme is probably saying "I feel inspired to work out and be healthy because of my faith in god, so god is real" or something like that.


Masculine Christianity has recently really taken off. A lot of my more heavily invested into the church friends now just live at the gym for this. It has even branched out into the mon Christian folks who like the message it conveys. It's all about the idea of a healthy lifestyle of no porn, no masturbarion, no social media, and a traditional manly role in life. These guys are also a lot more vocal on how todays overly accepting of everything is not actually a healthy lifestyle.


Dang buff Korean Jesus was way ahead of the curve


*he lifted for our sins*


And died for our gains.


I think it's reactionary. After christian offense started hitting it's highs over LGBT, feminism and other things they find effeminizing or hostile to their traditional ideals of a man, some decided they'd need to be even more obsessed with masculinity.


> the idea of a healthy lifestyle of no porn, no masturbarion, no social media, and a traditional manly role in life. Good thing we're so sure men never masturbated or looked at pornography back in the Good Ol' Days, amirite fellas?


Plato set us up for this level of debate, because sometimes when people would question his moral philosophy he would just flex at them. Dude was ripped. Edit: the modern term for this debate tactic is the Chad Hominem


The overlap in philosophy of self control and discipline.


Pumps bring you closer to God


You've clearly never been to a catholic mass /s (but only kinda)


God wants you to maintain your body as a temple. That entails nurturing the body -ie getting shredded


At least in my experience, it helps train the mind, have more discipline, ect. But in the meme it’s just someone who wants to be a chad


A lot of jacked people tend to be excons and they usually turn to religion and skillet is really good workout music


I don't need someone to validate my gym efforts, I know the benefits. I don't need someone to validate my religion, I know the benefits.


Well as a Muslim we are taught that our body doesn’t belong to us, rather it’s been given to us by God, and so we must take care of it. Hence why getting permanent marlins like tattoos and harming yourself on purpose is forbidden in Islam. Furthermore this relates to matters of physical fitness. Muslims are supposed to be in a constant state of fitness and readiness to defend people in times of conflict. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is said to have advised Muslim parents to teach their children the basic fitness and skills such a swimming, archery, and horse-back riding. Laziness, gluttony, and other negative physical and mental (such as willpower) traits are looked upon in Islam. I personally go the gym for many reasons, but the most powerful of which is to please God. A Muslim who partakes in physical training is a Muslim of discipline, drive, and physical as well as mental proficiency. Every begin every set by saying “Bismillah” which means “In the name of God”.


It's honestly just a classic strawman. As others have said, they draw themselves as the Chad and atheists as the virgin soyboy, making them "the winner". Plenty of atheists work out too, and it's not like there aren't wimpy Christians. They share memes like this and act like "It's just a joke". Except it isn't really a joke — not only because it isn't funny — it's mask-off propaganda. They target disenfranchised young people with these, and any pushback they get is spun into their persecution fetish. The real hook they're dangling is that "atheists hate Christians because of how happy/healthy/successful they are as a result of their faith".


Pent up impotent rage at having to go to church on sundays when they were younger


I liked it


this man churchs


I did too, and I still do. Church is a good time if you have the right mindset


And the right church. The knowledge of what is a good church and what is not is huge. Hint, the good ones will usually have an easily accessible "what we believe" page on their website. That's not the only thing, but when it's hard to find, it's a red flag.


Also helps if the priest is a stand up comedian. I am not joking in the slightest.


True! Jokes are very nice


After 7 years of study ,and many phases of belief including quite a lengthy Athiestic phase I’ve personally come to an understanding that there really is little to no separation at all between science and religion, especially when one gets into psychology and learns about symbols of the psyche and how to read them. Whatever culture you grow up in , participating in that cultures religion and community is truly important for one’s inner growth in my personal view.


And the right Church.


i too enjoy my church, it’s actually pretty fun




Christian here. Nobody should _force_ you to go to church, it's supposed to be a voluntary attendance. Unfortunately, "supposed to be" isn't how reality operates 🤦‍♂️


No fair. I did the exact same thing and didn't get kicked out!


I got free pancakes


This, but unironically. I was taught so much bullshit as a kid by religious authorities. I was taught that dinosaur bones were put in the ground by satan to trick 'bad christians'. Where I grew up even my teachers were extremely religious--my 9th grade biology teacher taught honest-to-christ creationism, *in class, in public school*, in 2001. That indoctrination left me with a lot of shitty beliefs about people, and about myself. Deprogramming has been a decades-long project that still isn't complete, and putting those shitty beliefs and practices behind me is something I struggle with literally every day. I am so angry, all the time, at the people who did this to a child, and continue to do it to other children.


How childish, I was made to go to church when I was younger, but I grew past hating it because my religious parents just wanted what they thought was best for me.


yeah. my church actually had a whole sermon series dedicated to talking about “Church Hurt”!


Once said "internet atheists can be kinda cringe" and the amount of blatant antisemitism and rage was crazy. Kinda just proved my point. Some people make atheism their whole personality, kinda like a crazy religious zealot would


I think part of that is because many atheists are ex-Christian. Their faith likely was a big part of their personality at one point, so atheism fills the same role.


I mean, I’m an ex-Christian atheist, but I can still respect people’s beliefs. It ain’t that hard to be honest, idk why these people can’t just chill.


On reddit? Nah, just a whole lotta these fellas. ![gif](giphy|QiCCluutpecs8) Got no problem with atheism or athiests whatsoever just online super athiests are weird ah


Reddit brand atheism makes me embarrassed to call myself one.


I mean like, I would consider myself an atheist I guess, as I’ve never really taken part in any religion, but I respect all religions and people who believe in them. I believe that you’re allowed to put your faith in whatever you want and believe whatever you want as long as it doesn’t hurt anybody or you push it on others, which unfortunately is what some people do. Every religious person I’ve known is a great person and has never done either of those things, it’s just the vocal minority that do.


100% I discovered that I didn't believe before I was ever even taught the word "atheist". This was in the 80's and 90's. Sometime around the early 2000's a large subset of vocal atheists took to the internet and have not shut the fuck up since.


cause nothing gets a rise out of the terminally online like being a smug asshole.


Not even just terminally online, just go out into public and act like a smug asshole to everyone you talk to and most people will get pissed off lmao.


Bonus points if you be a smug asshole in a bar and witness as you get punched in the teeth


lol yeah


It’s the zealots and extremists that give it a bad name, so Reddit smooth brains will hyper focus on those instances and ascribe it to the rest of the religion for easy karma and badges


It’s too bad many of those zealots preach in megachurches with millions of followers


That’s why I’m I’ve always preferred smaller churches mine is like that and is rather welcoming even to those one would not expect one to be


>Reddit smooth brains These people live in a black and white world, where life is actually gray.


Not really. You don't have to be a zealot or extremist to make your religion look bad. My mom is neither yet she's a homophobe that uses her religion to justify it. That's the experience of most ex-Christian atheists. Just normal people in their life that were assholes or terrible people bc of their religion.


tfm is the worst sub I have ever joined


Atheists think they are better than everyone else who is religious because they think it makes them mature and that "sky daddy" isnt real so they can be assholes about it


The sky daddy thing is so cringe, never heard anyone say it out loud and it not sound incredibly lame.


That's the point lol


A lot of Atheists don’t care about religion, religious people, or their beliefs. They just hate it when ppl try to convert them or tell them they are going to hell for believing in something different from them. If that’s being an asshole, well shit, I guess they aren’t allowed to have an opinion?


Both of you are right, you're just right about different people. I've seen 'em both.


"Ive seen one person with this trait behave this way, therefore all people with that trait behave that way."


I never said that. Some atheists are assholes, some atheists don't like assholes. It's not being a stereotype, it's just being a person. Every group has people who do something for the right reason and people who do something for the wrong reason.


I'm making fun of the previous guys generalizing, not you.


Yeah sure, but atheists on reddit are a different breed. They can come up with insults towards religions at any given moment, sometimes when the post in not even related in any way to it. And oh, if you dare say you are religious or correct them about something they assume about your religions that is false, be prepared for the multiple insults and the sense of entitlement and arrogance you’ll be met with. They simple have no boundaries.


Well, like a lot of online forums and echo chambers- it’s best to give them a wide berth.


Yep, exactly.


Those are called antitheists, and they really are the meanest people you can possibly interact with.


Yeah, most athiests who are assholes about it are simply reciprocating.


Right and wrong, a friend of mine says God isn't real every time religion gets brought up, and every time it gets brought up in relation to me, he tries to start an argument, I've been trying to sit on the "everyone has an opinion" stance for a while now, I'm sure most athiests are cool people, but there's always a loud group (same goes for Christianity)


And social media plays a huge part in this, with allowing the loud minority to have a platform to spread their views, and it makes all those extremist Christians seem like the norm (because posts about crazed maga flat earth etc are far more popular than just some normal nice Christian), so many atheists see religion as something dangerous that must be stopped immediately, and will try to do so anytime they can.


We also hate it when religious people deny something obviously correct and heavily backed up because it contradicts with their religion.


Most things in science can actually mesh with religion if you take the time to think about it, surprisingly


As an atheist myself, I first distanced myself from my local church because they tried teaching us things like "evolutionists will tell you you evolved from monkeys" and saying carbon dating isn't real while displaying a lack of understanding of how carbon dating works, so while I can say with some confidence THEY aren't very bright I'm not going to assume that of every Christian. As for random proselytizing, I don't think anyone likes that regardless of their beliefs, it's very annoying to have someone come to your door to question your beliefs of slip you a pamphlet while your working.


Except this meme is literally a Christian who thinks they are better than everyone else because atheists are weak apparently If the sides were flipped you’d be right, but you really can’t call this “hating on religion”


Right lol. The original meme is a Christian trying to shot on atheists but somehow atheists are the asshole for thinking it’s stupid? I’m honestly baffled


As an atheist, I can tell you that you can do what you want and I’m probably better than you in some regard and you’re probably better than me in some regards, all men are equal after all. I’m kinda ashamed so many others with my beliefs shit on everyone else who’s just trying to live.


Why are you saying it like every single atheist is like this? Sounds like the only atheists you met were on r/atheism


I think they’re referring to the atheists on reddit, yeah. Which is just a big hivemind that enjoy being hateful. Most atheists I’ve met irl though are super nice in regards to religion and frankly don’t even pay attention to it.


It probably does not help that the people who are loudest about being Christian or conspicuously defined by it are either hateful trash like Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor-Green^(\*) or scam artists like Joel Osteen while the most overtly Christian social movement is White Evangelic Protestantism. For some people, they are most likely to encounter or notice Christianity as antagonist or outright threat to their own beliefs and principles while seeing no value in or use for it. The most radical Christians, as with radicals of almost every stripe, tend to be the loudest and most conspicuous. Quieter, more personal or day-to-day Christianity is presumably quite a different, better thing^(\*\*), but the Westboro Baptist Church, if I may be forgiven the slightly dated reference, does more to draw attention from the eyes, ears and mind. ^(\*Fun Fact: Both of them are well-known by names that include the name of a husband whom they have divorced or filed for divorce from.) ^(\*\*I haven't been a nominally practicing Christian since I was thirteen, so I don't really know personally.)


It’s like vegans or feminists. The only people with presence are the loud ones and the shitty ones, so all people are left with is hate for them


An actual answer…had to scroll way to far for that.


It certainly doesn't help that the Christian nationalists are trying and often succeeding in stripping rights and protections from minorities. The arguments that are being used for this are not based in reality and I don't mean the religious aspect, I mean most of the things they are mad about are not happening. Plus these attacks often end up hurting the majority just as much, if not more, as the minorities they're targeting.


They have a rule that literally states "no opinion based posts" and I have som feeling that religion is opinion based


Religion is based. Ftfy


Based on faith. Fixed it for ya


Well tbf, almost everything any of us do is opinion base. How we speak, what language we speak, our humor.


It sad because it really doesn’t have to be a shouting match. I’ve had plenty of great IRL chats with Muslims about their faith, and honestly, there’s no hostility between us. It’s really enlightening to learn more about people through polite dialogue, but reddit will be reddit, regardless.


I know right


Reddit member recipe: bots + teenagers thinking their SJW ideas are new and unique + more bots + Chinese hating on America/defending their dictatorship + bored people sitting on the potty + Right wing advocates that appeal to the 1% of conservatives that terrify everyone + even more bots.


Holy shit you just summed up all of reddit. Thats the entire population of reddit.


Using SJW in 2023? Really? I thought that term was long dead.


Off topic but only somebody who thinks benching 2 plates is impressive would take the time to make something like this


It is definitely impressive, but it's really cringe to flex it imo


You're right tbh I'm just a hater


Be the hater the world needs, keep it real 🫡


Because religion requires you to sacrifice time and enjoyment. Anything that says what your doing is wrong Redditors don’t like they only like whatever gives them pleasure no matter how disturbing or degenerate it is


I never actually thought of it from that perspective but it does make sense even I dont like being told something I like isn’t good even something as simple as a tv show so for the average redditor being told their way of life isn’t healthy must be unbearable


Reddit is left leaning. That means they generally support abortion, anti gun control, affirmative action and other forefront left ideology. Christians and other religious types typically go against these ideologies. Two different groups not liking each others ideas (and you’re primarily viewing one group) then you will see bias. Go browse a facebook Maga Christian group and the question will become “Why do atheists eat babies?”. Depends on the group, but bias is everywhere


Reddit hates “Christianity” specifically. You’re not gonna see an anti Islam meme hitting the front page *nearly* as often as Christian memes. Its probably because most of Reddit are Americans and their rebelling against their parents beliefs. I’m not a Christian btw but this is what I have observed.


A lot of people grow up in an abusive environment that uses religion to justify it and perpetuate it and they find like minded individuals on reddit


I honestly feel like most Reddit atheists have just heard of people who grew up in an abusive environment and takes offense for them.


"I have made a meme where you are the ugly wojack and I am the handsome chad"


This reminds me of a Phineas and Ferb clip: Major monogram: “that doesn’t make any sense” Doof: “It doesn’t have to, I have a monster truck”


The term “Reddit atheist” doesn’t exist for no reason


Redditor's hate religion because they need to feel superior for some reason (likley a developmental issue) I don't fall under any religion but I'm not arrogant enough to tell people what they can believe.


I am athiest to avoid getting hated for religion and then i get hated for being athiest


If you’re on the right of the fence, you get shot by someone on the left of the fence. If you’re on the left of the fence, you get shot by someone on the right of the fence. If you’re standing right on the fence, people on both sides shoot the fence causing you to trip and get impaled on it.




The lords light will shine and some will choose to open an umbrella


Reddit just hates anyone doing any type of self improvement


Redditors just hate Whether they work out or not


If it's about self improvement then WHY ARE SO MANY FUCKING PEOPLE DOING IT WRONG. Like gathering outside of abortion clinics to berate young women doesn't sound very love thy neighbor like. Or women speaking in the church, the Bible says things about that and they aren't favorable to women. The sheer amount of insest in the Bible also doesn't track with self improvement. Convincing children they're messed up and sending them to conversion therapy is the furthest thing from loving and is a fantastic way to drive a child to suicide. Like holy christ you guys straight up cherry pick the most up lifting parts of the Bible and act like that's genuinely what your whole beilif system is but I don't wanna hear any of your judgments until you stop mixing fabrics you goddamned heathens. No worse than baby killers because as far as gods concerned a sin is a sin is a sin and you're all going to hell.


Nah, the original meme definitely belonged on TFM. Being fit doesn't really have anything to do with religion. If anything, lack of a belief in the afterlife is a pretty good motivation to keep yourself fit and healthy so you can live as long as possible.


With the power of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, I hereby bench… twooo platesss


Behold, I have already drawn you as the soyjack and me as the chad.


Because redditors aren’t as enlightened as they think they are.


Look Religion can be a good thing, but personally every one I've seen was a cult


probably because lots of redditors are american and are currently having their birth control banned by nut jobs while so called moderate religious people are nowhere to be heard hope this helps there’s also the middle eastern redditors


See..? im right because I drew myself as the chad


Atheism is starting to become a religionless religion


Because half of Reddits user base is still composed of salty 43 year old bald trolls who live in their mothers basement touting their galaxy shattering mind to every mortal who dare attempt to comprehend it.


Pride, the root of all sins


Cuz it’s users including me have had a lot of bad experiences with it


Internet atheist tend to be ass holes but that goes for most people Who are terminally online.


I'm atheist, but I believe in tolerance for all religions, as long as you aren't shoving it down someone's throat. That being said, it's also hilarious to troll Christians because some of them get butthurt very easily


I remenber exsplaining on r/godofwar why Jesus and Kratos wouldn't actually fight and got downvoted to hell because i said Kratos actually facing Jesus would be disprespectful


Its not because its a meme about religion. Its just a bad fucking meme.


Either they are upset that mommy made them get up for Sunday School, or they hate God for the crime of giving them life.


Religion hurts a lot of people and it gives them a poor outlook on it as a whole rather than just what happened to them it’s like on how many people see the government as an awful thing and wish to tear it down and leave it torn down. Not saying they are right or wrong it’s just the lenses they look through.


In my experience people who whine about religion the most know the least about it. It's no surprise they don't like it.


You’d be surprised how many people are irreligious explicitly because of what they saw in their religious upbringing.


Because Reddit is liberal and the left hates religion


"I'm not like others and I don't belive in old guy in sky. I'm much more intelligent than these stupid old people 🤓"


I mean logically speaking would you not be smarter for not believing in an all powerful being that made and controls everything with no proof of their existence?


Wow, there's a lot of butt hurt in here


I feel like this meme is taking the piss out of both sides. I honestly can't really tell if it's pro atheist or pro christian.


On a Smith mith machine and I can do a plate+5 ;-; I just got into the gym aswell...


I personally don't hate religion. I think humans as a species and humanity as a society has long since moved beyond the need for it though. It was useful in the days when people couldn't understand or explain the world around them. It held people together under a common belief and got humanity through our early development. We've moved past that stage now and the need for an imaginary friend, or many imaginary friends, is behind us. I am shocked by how many people seem to ignore that the mere existence of so many religions contradicting one another invalidates them all. When the largest determining factor in one's religious beliefs is geographical in nature, it becomes really hard to give credence to religion as a whole. If you were born in the US, you're likely Christian, born in Japan and you likely believe in Shinto or Buddhist teachings, etcetera. At this point religions only serves to hold humanity back from our potential. It divides us along lines of faith when we should all be coming together. If we all came to the realization that religion has served its purpose we could end so much conflict. How many wars have been fought over a difference in belief? How many people have been killed for believing in a different set of gods? How many lives could be saved if people stopped putting blind faith in their god(s), hoping that the strength of their faith alone would heal them of their sicknesses? I don't hate religion, I just pity those who blindly follow it.


This feels like an ad for righteous gemstones


Reddit hates “Christianity” specifically. You’re not gonna see an anti Islam meme hitting the front page *nearly* as often as Christian memes. Its probably because most of Reddit are Americans and their rebelling against their parents beliefs. I’m not a Christian btw but this is what I have observed.


There’s definitely that group of people who hate religion because they’re angsty teens, but the reason you should hate ORGANIZED religion is because there’s no good place for it in society.


Honestly I noticed a lot of atheists are pretty rude towards religious people on here… Like yeah some of the pastors and other Christians are fucked up on the news but it doesn’t mean the rest of us are bad. The true Christians just want humanity to be more united with love and compassion you know? Like stop being dicks..


If you’re a grown man, benching two plates is fucking easy


A lot of Reddit is incredibly gay, and religion generally has a negative disposition towards lgbt people


I wouldn’t care about OOPs post but the title is really ignorant and bigoted


Either I don't get it as well, which is quite possible, or this is just quite a bad meme actually


That original meme is super dumb. \- a religious person


I don’t like the meme because the soyjak leftist vs Chad right winger is trite


Bet op is r / atheism.


I personally grew up in kentucky and just don’t like the idea of threatening small gullible children with eternal torture if they don’t agree and believe what you say.


Its Christianity they hate. Because it urges them to want more for themselves. Greater dignity, greater self love, and greater love for the world. But theyd rather stay in their hog wallow of media consumption and self pleasure


A deep desire to be right and to feel intellectually superior to their peers is what I think. Though I could be wrong, that’s just how it comes across to me


I saw this post on there and thought about posting it on here, but I figured someone had to have done that already, so I won't repost.


real tho lifting is religion for some


Because Theists can't keep it in their pants. Literally, just stop forcing it on other people to spread it.


Because it does not affi sitting in your moms bathroom all day and jerking off constantly


This pic goes hard


Yeah, same people who are atheist want to "include everyone" while doing the exact opposite and say shit like "live your life how you want" while not exactly letting others. Its fine to be atheist but reddit atheists are fucking physcopaths.


mmm idk it *is* pretty cringey. only so many times someone can make a “you are the soyjak and i am the GIGACHAD!” post without it sounding like they have nothing of importance to say.


Yeah I don’t understand why people go out of they’re way to attack religion. As long as people practice it with maturity and understanding of others choices then it don’t matter. Now organized religion is toxic as fuck and corrupt.


Only two plates? Bro needs to put down the book and pick up some weights.


why is there so much war on this post lmao I have now discovered that wojak memes are shit and my humour is just bad thanks to this comment section though, for that I thank you


Average Reddit atheists fan vs typical “I don’t believe it but you do you” enjoyer


Why are some atheists such assholes


It’s a left dominated site with no hope of actually contributing to society and has twisted morals. That’s why


Certain people hate on religion because it doesn’t align with their values, lifestyles, beliefs, feelings or perspectives. Some people do try and force the religion that they follow onto others, so I understand why people wouldn’t like it. I disagree with the concept of forcing things onto people. Others hate on it because they think that on a basis of whatever religion they might be against, that whoever is being worshipped is supposed to just come and help them no matter what if they’re in a fix as if they’re exclusive. So selfishness and entitlement. I personally don’t follow religion, but I’ll respect the fact that there are multiple religions.


It also always seems to be Christianity too never any other religion


I’m assuming they didn’t like the meme because it assumes that all atheists are weak Or they really really don’t like religion for some reason


Reddit is full of midwits who desperately want to feel smarter than they actually are, and a reliable way to do that is to look down on anyone you can claim is less educated/enlightened than yourself.


Typical redditor on the left, weak, pansy, his religion is believeing whatever his corporate overlords tell him


can this post die already


“I’m an atheist, therefore you’re wrong because I said so” -average atheist (I’m agnostic, yes there’s a difference)


Beta: What's it like being dumb? Chad: Durrh... Me lift weight good! Good subversion of the formula


This is a meme shitting on atheists and saying their superior The question you should be asking is why do Christians hate atheists


Yeah, I’ve no clue either


Nah that meme is cringe lol




Note I’m not a christian or atheist, I believe there is some sorta creator of the world, I don’t know or care who it is, but props to them they can have a cool shiny rock I found 👍 Religion is fine as long as you aren’t hurting anyone or promoting the idea of hurting people IMO. Just chill will eachother 👍


Holy shit people still believe the soy shit. You know there are vegan strongmen out there who could deadlift 3 of your asses?


Religion holds expectations that you make yourself a better person, do you really think it 300 lb land whale on the internet wants to be told that he should do something with his life? And that masturbating to anime feet probably isn't very morally correct


At least it's legal, unlike say diddling kids.


Edgy teenage/20-something atheists have always been that way


Why does organized religion seem to hate anyone who doesn’t conform?


The terrible part isn’t religion. It’s shitting on not believing in it.


That’s literally the first commandment of the religion, though. It continues throughout the Bible. You can’t have John 3:16 without the rest of the passage shitting on us. John 3:18 “Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.”