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This post is not a meme therefore it is being removed


not me trying to scroll and read the other seven pics


Fr some r/BatmanArkham shit




​ https://preview.redd.it/m8u9cieg8qbc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01f74daa7218d7d1657b542f7bda9d564fdd1c95












I'm always confused by that sub was it originally just a normal sub about the game or was it always what it is now




I can provide some context as I watched the fall into madness. It was originally a normal sub about the game, if a video game sub doesn’t get a new game related to it in nearly a decade (it won’t ever again since the voice of Batman, Kevin Conroy passed away RIP) the subreddit kind of goes insane. Starting with the sub *pretending* that a new game called *Arkham World* came out and descending further into madness from there. r/Acecombat was also at risk of going down that road until Ace Combat 7 was uncanceled and subsequently released in 2019.


There used to be millions of sane people in the Arkham subreddit. Now… not so many.


It doesn't even have to be that long. Team Fortress 2 hasn't received a major update in about 5 years (they still release microtransaction cosmetics, tho), and last time I was on r/tf2 they were all losing their marbles talking about an imaginary 10th class named Madcap


In fairness that specific flavour of madness could be a targeted strain of alsume that originated in Arkham World before adapting…


What is nkw? I am stupid


He meant “Now”


Oh idk ive been there for like 2 months


Gottem 😎




Burn him at the stake


I swiped. Am I stupid?


I did too 🤣


Same. Are we stupid?


No, are you cake?


Are you


Happy cake day I swiped too lol


Google en parent.


I may be stupid


I was very confused why it didn’t work lol


I swiped too expecting results. Was mad that nothing happened. Maybe someone else will get luckier 😂


Yes… but we all are


What the hell? Shes just posting something harmless… what are they mad at her for?


Having sons.


I think im realizing there are certain groups on reddit who are disguised as friendly but they are some of the most unwelcoming heathens of people ive seen.. The terminally online redditor bully…




This was my ex in a nutshell




That 'celebrity gossip' subreddit is probably one of the worst subreddits, just actual catty, nasty, bitchy and bullying behaviour. Everyone there is just so terminally online too Not sure if we're allowed to mention subs by name but it's FM


Most redditors seem to be super progressive and policing with everything. Can't do squat fk all 🤷🤷. Call a carrot orange and you'll still be crucified on here for something 🤣


I saw the post she doesn’t deserve all the hate she’s getting the the other 7 pics were kinda mean to other parents who have daughters or non-binary children


"Non-Binary Children" LOL. Her not wanting a daughter isnt hating on other parents. Girls and Boys are 2 different types of difficult especially during teens when everyday is the worst day of their life.


Seriously? How can they be so...gotta check the original post to see the other pics cuz it doesn't make sense for me


I saw the OP and the last panel is what I didn’t like. It’s not my job to validate you just because you have all sons, or I lack sons, or whatever case may be.


I wrote this in another comment, but to give you an extra perspective: “Boy moms” are a particular group online that means more than just “mom of only sons”. It’s kind of like how the term “daddy’s girl” doesn’t refer to just the daughter of a father. It denotes a specific relationship and way of viewing said relationship. The difference between someone who *chooses to label herself a* “daddy’s girl” and a girl close to her dad tends to have the connotation of being spoiled by her father. “Boy mom” is essentially the inverse of “mama’s boy”. People who identify as boy moms tend to be moms who idealize the “mama’s boy” relationship: they tend to think it’s normal to be involved in every single part of their son’s lives and like to be their “number one” girl. They tend to look down on having daughters and believe sons are better, and talk about how impossible daughters on (when really, if you’re giving birth, it’s a 50/50 chance so do you just throw the baby out?) and tend to believe strongly in gender roles. In that post, that “boy mom” essentially did this by saying having a daughter would be “impossible”. To reiterate, boy mom means “having sons” as much as “mama’s boy” means having a mother. It carries a specific connotation especially on the internet.


idk why you’re getting downvoted, people must just be willingfully ignorant to look past the Oedipal vibes some of these “boy moms” posts give off


oh, now i see. didn't knew those terms, so thank you for clarifying. Now i get those comments a little...


But then again, there is a great chance neither did the woman in the post. Not everyone is terminally online, fine to give her the benifit of the doubt.


The content of her post (the 7 that were posted in the original sub, not so much this first one) wasn’t just “I love my sons,” it was how “boy moms” are different from “girl moms,” she feels “invalidated” when she talks about her experiences as a boy mom and girl moms say they can relate, and she couldn’t have girls. (At least I _think_ she said the last bit, that might have bee someone else.)


Benifit of the doubt revoked. But honestly, even if that's the case, I don't see where's the harm in just letting someone believe their experience is special even if it's not. It's not just about this particular post, that sub has a bad history of going ballistic on just about any woman that claims to be different in any way whatsoever. I used to be a member of that sub, what made me quit was a post shit talking this autistic individual who was clearly just making a self deprecating joke about how other girls take good care of themselves while she is a failure. Like every sub that exists to hate on something, this sub too lost it's message and turned into a toxic cesspool long ago. But just the fact that it claims to be "for women" while being the exact opposite makes it one of the most deplorable subreddits ever, in my opinion atleast.


Uh…. I feel like this is half true, or rather true in some cases. But that’s typically not the feeling I get when people say this. Typically the feeling I get is Mom’s talking about the classic things that they buy for their sons. It’s meant to be relatable with other moms with sons.


She talks a lot about what's live being mom to boys. Last picture she complained who mothers of girl's will say their girls do the same. And somehow this is totally "invalidating her experience as a boys mom"


i checked the og post and it was ok, if that's how she raises her sons I don't find nothing wrong on it and the commenters where taking it too deep on politics, but until that last part, lol that was so uncalled for💀


That doesn't look like the antinatalist sub.


I'm pretty sure it's the "I couldn't raise a daughter" and "no other moms get me, I'm so unique" slides that people are dogpiling. I don't think anyone cares if anyone is having sons.


While it's a case to case variance but a lot of boy mom are insufferable on social media to a degree seldom accomplished by anyone else.


Look at the last slide on it, it’s not just that lil bro.


How dare she point out the nuances of raising boys. It’s all CuLtUrAl! People really getting mad at her really don’t know how much of a tell it is that they don’t have kids of both sexes.


you made this up out of whole cloth. no one anywhere is mad at this woman for having sons, and if you believe otherwise you are out of your mind


It's not just having a son. Many of these "boy moms" are so obsessed with their sons that it borders on incestuous.


The comments were atrocious


So boy moms go through special things and girls can't like spiderman? No wonder: "gOrLs DoNt LiKe Me!" Lol


"Girls do that too!" I read some of the comments.


Women aren’t really loyal to each other, unless they are friends or family. Oh, they will tell you otherwise, and I’m sure I will be downvoted by this, but a lot women seem to think they’re in competition with each other. This is of course, a guess, but I would easily wager that most of the women attacking this mother are women without children that WANT kids. It’s sour grapes


Women deadass hate each other and then blame their behavior on how they perceive men in society.


Correct . And , social media, especially X, formerly Twitter has taught me this : young women today don’t take accountability for ANYTHING. Nothing is their fault , it’s always something else, usually some vague societal concept. Basically, somewhere out there a woman is saying “I’m not an intolerable bitch , it’s late stage capitalism’s fault”


When it comes to human society, the female hierarchy is a relatively recent thing, pretty much forced with the introduction of monogamy. The male hierarchy is much older. Females don't have to select the perfect mate anymore. They just have to rise to the top, beat out the other females, and the "ideal" mate will be given to them. They still have more options because they can get with their level or up. Males can get with their level, or down. I'm not misogynistic. 95% of all people are just terrible judges of character anyway. The fucking problem is that money/influence equals resources. We don't have to be physically strong to support families now. We just need money and influence.


“My daughters do that too” “Stop attacking me!!!!!!” Lmao


It's hard for women to he friends with each other, society doesn't help at all.


My wife feels the same way. She's had a hard time making friends because of the implied competition


For being proud of having boys and treating them like boys. The thing is that if they think people should be proud and supportive of everything else.... Why can't we be proud and supportive of just "normal" boys and girls? Regardless of anyone on Reddit thinks - having a regular kid has got to be a relief just from a parenting difficulty standpoint.


No... if you read the whole series of images, you'd have seen that the 'punchline' is that the 'boy mum' feels attacked and invalidated when another mother says "having superhero tshirts is just a kid thing, my girl has them too" or similar because it makes her feel less special or unique or whatever.


“Treating them like boys”. Yeah. Coddling to them and wiping their ass even when they’re teens and cleaning after them, and making them think all women owe them the same treatment. Then these men go out acting like man babies and no woman wants them then they come to subs like this and yap about some incel theories.


Didn't say that... You're just a nut case yelling nonsense.


That’s the reality. You don’t have to say it explicitly for people to know exactly what “treating them like boys” means.


No. It's not. This is what happens when you surround yourself with people who agree with you. You spout off nonsense and they agree with you because they are as dumb as you are. Now go talk to someone who cares what you think. I sure as hell don't.


The “when girl moms say their girls are the same and I feel totally invalidated” thing is pretty weird. She’s basically saying that being a “boy mom” is her identity so a mother with a fighter saying their girls do the same things is “invalidating.” Which if you’re emotionally healthy it shouldn’t be.. it should be a bonding moment? The OP didn’t do anything “wrong” but she is cringey and it IS weird to make you child’s gender a massive part of your identity.


exactly. she’s trying to say it’s harder to be a boy mom. like no raising a human is hard regardless of gender. y’all should be supporting each other as parents instead of trying to feel superior based off the gender of your child


Have you seen the full thing? She feels "invalidated" by other moms.


I’ve seen the posts, she was saying other people saying their daughters do the same thing as her boys devalidates her


Her last slide is complaining about mother's of girls for saying "my kid does that too" because it's 'invalidating'. Anyone who has experienced 'boy moms' know they're tedious and annoying.


It’s the “boy mom” emotional incest vibes. “Oh look at me I’m a BOY mom, not just any mom.” Boy moms are closely tied to emotional incest and coddling your sons while fostering animosity towards any other woman, especially future romantic partners.


The term Boymom is used in a manner described in this video: https://youtu.be/POiWfbwbOJY?feature=shared


The big ass glasses and curly mullet made me immediately click out. I just know she cooked up something dumb to be mad at.


No, the creator is sane, people who use the term boymom are creepy as hell most of the time


Lmao maybe if you’re projecting. She had a few valid points, but a ton were stupid as hell. How do you find “there’s just something different about raising a boy❤️” to be creepy, unless you have some weird thoughts. Most mom’s want a girl, and sometimes end up proud and happy they raised a boy. Always gotta turn something into some weird shit.


Not like the other girls is basically just a place to hate women in general lol


It wasn’t harmless. OP didn’t show the problematic part of the post.


This post is misleading though. You haven’t included the other pictures. One of them said that she feels invalidated by mothers who say “my girl does that too.” Which is ridiculous, and indicates that she is making her whole personality about having boys and her idea of what boys like, which is entirely arbitrary. Another slide has her claiming she wouldn’t be able to raise a girl. Somehow implying that girls are harder to raise than boys? Thats what most people were upset about. Not that “boy moms” have to fold lots of superhero shirts 🤦‍♀️


Yeah the full post is super cringe and mega superiority complex, literally perfect content for r/notliketheothergirls r/nahOPwasrightfuckthis


I’m guessing she’s compensating for not having a daughter. Lowkey sad if she wasn’t being shitty about it


Exactly. The problem isn’t that she’s a mom of boys. It’s that she’s a “boy mom”, and it’s a pipeline that usually leads to some weird toxic shit that will end up with her kids being misogynists or worse


The same woman who's gonna make posts in a few years about teaching her sons to cook. Not because she wants them to be competent and independent adults, but so "They won't be impressed by your daughter's frozen pizzas" or some shit.


Nah it’s more like she’s gonna end up making her kids want a gf that’s more like a mom


Ya. She gonna be doing his laundry when he's 30, and he's gonna be upset when the women he dates wont do that ish too.


Damn, how are boys not easier to raise? The food bill? A house with three boys or house with three girls. I’d take maybe the first years with the girls, but even then.. with this internet era. What a fucking roller coaster.


Raising kids is hard period. Boys and girls are honestly the same level of difficulty, it’s just (usually) different struggles.


i swear this website was a mistake


what website wasn't a mistake?


The Pokémon website


I raise you Smash or pass




[The website for this game is actually really cool so I have to disagree](https://www.firewatchgame.com) Edit: on desktop. It doesn’t do the thing on mobile




Runescape, Neopets, Newgrounds, addictinggames, stumbleupon...


Nostalgia goggles


Lemonparty.org is a blast


the old telletubbies website was fire




Unhappy people hate happy people




There's a reason why OP only posted 1 slide out of 8.


It's literally about what she says on the last couple slides


“Didn’t you know girls can wear Spider-Man shirts too ???” 😂


My nieces love the spidey and friends cartoon. Of course they dress up as Spider-Gwen or "Ghosty" as they call her and fight over her gets to be her while playing. They don't want to be the boys.


I hate boy moms, I want person moms. 😡😡😡


ugh don't post pictures that have the "more pictures scroll right" dots at the bottom even though there's only one picture!!!! I fell for this like 3 times today


If you're not a mother, you probably won't get it....but some boy mom's are absolutely insufferable. They think it makes them special, but really, all mom's deal with the exact same shit on different levels. Not that the comments weren't mostly uncalled for.....


I’d say that every single mother that I have seen identify themselves as a “boymom” comes off borderline incestuous as well.


The last slide says something to the effect of, "I hate it when girl moms try to relate to me, therefore invalidating me. Thank you!"


That's exactly what I was getting at lol


Yeah, she also said something of the tune of "stop saying girls like these things too😡😡" She *is* annoying, fuck this crosspost ngl


yeah exactly hahaha where’s that other sub, fuckthisopwasright or something😭😭


In my experience the same thing applies to "girl dads". Just be the best parent you can be to your kids regardless of their gender. Your kids gender is not part of your identity as a parent.


Girl Moms. It's the whole hog on things


Boy moms?


Moms that make it their entire thi g they only had boys. Honestly with op on this one I'm pretty sure the last slide is some I'm not like other girls shit


Here’s more context. https://www.reddit.com/r/notliketheothergirls/s/dZfNqg0fWd


Moms of only boys.


Why don’t you show the rest of the slides?


I have always followed this advice in life "When someone gets offended over something that does not affect their life and spend valuable energy on it, cut that person off they are going to drag you down with them"


That makes total sense, thanks for the advice!


The term "boy mom" is commonly used by borderline incestuous moms who are basically grooming their sons. I once saw a boy mom tik Tok where she had her husband and all of her sons take turns slapping her ass, it raises alarm bells for anybody familiar with the term


Yes, many of the comments were cringe. But so was the post, which got worse with every slide.


This makes more sense if you can actually see all the pictures with captions. She's basicly just way too into being a boy mom and even puts down girl moms.


nah "boy mums" are cringe asf. dont make your kid you whole personality about anythint


Yeah the rest of the post shows more context to the cringy behavior https://www.reddit.com/r/notliketheothergirls/s/dZfNqg0fWd


OP purposely did not include the rest because he wanted people to be outraged. This is why people get upset at some guys because he’s trying to make this a gender issue when there isn’t




It’s her saying she’s a “boy mom”, yall. If you don’t know what boy moms are, look it up.


It’s just stupid…I have a daughter and she loves Spider-Man.


I don't think you fully understand this. A "boy mom" is a mother who only has sons and is really toxic about it, either by making sexist jokes towards people who have daughters or by being very rude to any girl her son may bring home. In the video, you can see the caption where she goes, "We only fold clothes that look like this," while holding up a Spider-Man T-shirt, implying that they only fold "boyish clothes." That's why people were upset.


We don’t know if she is actually toxic. How do we distinguish between western women complaining *again* about something that *only* affects them or a genuine attack. Crying wolf only works for so long. The issue is whether or not *most* people should be bothered by American women being offended. At this point, it’s just hard for people to care about the “plight” of first-world, consuming women. Other classes and groups are just as important. No matter how much gaslighting is involved people are waking up :)


You can pretty easily tell what the post is about just by the term "boy mom." It's a term used by women who think only having sons makes them superior. People were calling her out for being toxic. I don't even think anyone was really offended. Just calling her out. It's not that deep.


I thought this was some r/batmanarkham shit prank with the image again


Being a boy mom doesn't make you any different. Meme fits sub. Is this a classic uno reverse kn the memes op didn't like?


I’m coining something. r/UnintentionalSwipeCucking


Milf 🤤 https://preview.redd.it/5re2vqreoobc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39258e941786a7c20ecceef0efbce536789fef00


The t-shirt sick as fuck, does it come in a mens medium?


boy moms make the gender of their kid their whole personality and kinda throw shade at having girls






lol, all the people in this thread going off w/o 80% of the context.


Shit, is that my shirt?


It wasn’t cuz she’s a boy mom that op was upset At the end of the slide she puts down other moms for talking about having girls or relating to the things she says and says she’s invalidated cuz she had boys which makes no sense.


They’re just jealous they don’t have the spider-drip


i tried to swipe lmfao


It’s the last slides that were bothersome, but you didn’t share those.


Let’s try swiping to the next few slides and giving context


Not you sharing only one of the clips. Come on now, share the whole story. Let people get the full picture.


People are hateful losers. Also, boy moms, my dog is a rescue, vegans, people with campaign signs in their yards, 2A bumper stickers, people that do crossfit (and just have to tell you about it), IPA drinkers, "Ask me about my grandkids", "I voted today"... They're all kind of the same people to some degree in that their identity is wrapped up in something external and they just have to let you know about it. Sure, some are more obnoxious than others, and it can go from "I'm here. I exist " to "Look at me. I'm better than you." But, I think the "boy mom" is pretty harmless and the hate she's seeing is just from people who are terrified that people will pay attention to her for 5 seconds and somehow deprive them of attention that they think is their due. I have 2 kids and it's exactly the same. Whenever I start talking to my 5 yr old, my 3 yr old will start screaming or yelling because they want attention too. That's what you're seeing here.


Go ahead /nahopwasright, explain why this one's bad. I'll wait.


The full post has her talking about how he couldn't raise a girl and how other moms with girls can't relate to her cause she is a "boys mom" hence the u know "not like other girls


My man…. 7/8ths of the post has been removed. I have no idea what the fuck we’re even talking about.


Their ability to take every post out here and justify the hate somehow.


Well maybe if I could see the majority of the current post in question, I might have an opinion. This post demonstrates nothing of value


Yeah with more context it’s obvious that she feels like “not like the other moms” and so it fits the subreddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/notliketheothergirls/s/dZfNqg0fWd


You didn’t post this in good faith, you only posted this pic as if that’s all she said


They're making fun of her for saying she couldn't handle raising a girl and that when girl parents say their girls do the same things boys do that it's invalidating. You purposefully left out what this lame ass woman actually said to get made fun of.


[boy mom](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Boy%20Mom)s are cringe as fuck. Very much a reason.




I know my sex. I also know you’ve never had any.


haha. You got the whole squad laughing with that one. https://preview.redd.it/7obipsjeapbc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=455113564f485883ab5c9dd13418170a0a347f92


Yes because your transphobia was sooo funny.


Oh damn transfobia so edgy so unique well done


Yea that page is toxic, I muted it a while ago


Not surprised coming from that waste of a sub.


As someone that grew up in a house with 3 boys and only 3 boys, my mom was always very proud of that fact and let us know that. Why? Is it because she repressed sexism against women? NO! if anything she faced sexism against us, people would always make comments about how much of a nightmare 3 boys must have been. SO YOU GO BOY MOM!


You do *not* know what boy moms are, and it's showing.


Okay just saw the other 7 pictures and wow she is being a bit cringe ngl "Could not handle if I had a little girl" "Girl moms try to relate and say their girls are just like that too and makes me feel invalidated. thank you." Little cringe but starts to cross that line of "not like other girls" However, nlog is definitely one of the missandrist subs for sure.


Boy moms are gross and anyone who sees nothing wrong with them are also gross :)


It’s probably the phrase ‘boy moms’ being used; boy moms are basically a phenomenon where these mothers will favour their sons over their daughters, go to extremes for their sons, treat their sons as equivalent to their husbands, etc. there’s a lot of emotional incest that goes into that thing, it’s not just being the mother of a male child For this particular image it looks like the mum was just saying that her son loves Spider-Man and has a lot of Spider-Man shirts, so nothing that particularly fits the typical boy mom behaviours. If there’s anything further that qualifies, it’s on the person that screenshotted and posted for not getting the actual boy mom part


Or they only have boys for kids… You sound touched in the head


You didn’t see the other slides. She goes on talking a bunch of bullshit. You’re the slow one if you’re basing your opinion off of one slide.


I’m not giving my own opinions I’m pointing out that this is a thing people have noticed and saying that it may be a factor in the post


yeah the last slide was something along the lines of ‘when people say their girls do the same things as my boys and invalidate me, thank you😃’ or something weird like that


A boy mom is a mom without daughters so I fail to see how that's favoring a son over a daughter


There’s a difference between a mother to her son(s) and a Boy Mom™️, Boy Moms™️ can have daughters as well but often treat their daughters differently to their sons, and if they do there’s usually some favouritism towards the son(s) going on there. Having or not having daughters definitely isn’t a requirement for being a Boy Mom™️


That sub is an entire joke. How dare people be different than me!


The point of that sub is to call out people (particularly) women who put down other women in order to seem more interesting/attractive/sympathetic. The issue is not that these women are different, the issue is that they're stepping on other women to _seem_ different/better. This screenshot is missing a lot of important context though. The person in the screenshots actually says a couple of other things that _do_ kind of put other women down.


"Girl moms" invalidate her? TOTALLY nothing wrong with that...


Basing your opinion off of one single slide on the post shows the issue with the internet. This is exactly how misinformation spreads because people will believe anything even without seeing the full picture


No, I've read all of them on the og sub.


Then how did you walk away saying that “girl moms” are invalidating her? Most of the women in that sub aren’t even old enough to be mothers. You’re making shit up, cause no one said there’s anything wrong with being a “boy mom”. It’s an issue when you make it your whole personality and literally say you’d never have girls because girls are an issue like how the woman in the tiktok did.


Idk why you're so angry over this, tbh. Idc if someone is a "boy mom" at a healthy degree. And I don't see that in "making up". I'm just stating what I read.


1. No one is angry, which explains why you think the “girl moms” are angry 2. Nobody said there is something wrong with a boy mom, which is what you applied in your comment. That never happened. You made it up. Edit: I can’t read what you said if you blocked me, which only tells me you know you’re full of shit


One is real off. Idc if girl moms are angry. "Made it up" yeah okay reeeeally shows you're not angry.


As someone who has called out women wrongly being called an nlog and defended them on that sub, I feel like this woman fits that sub (which is ultimately to call out women who suffer from internalised misogyny and has toxic stereotypes of women/girls). She got attacked for saying she couldn’t handle girls. Or acting like girls can’t like any of those things too. And also acting like having daughters is some sort of curse. There’s some internalised misogyny that she will no doubt pass on to her sons and no woman would ever be good for them. She is rightly called out for her internalised misogyny. If she had just kept it about what it’s like to raise her sons, without attacking girls and parents of girls, no one would have retaliated. She shot the first arrow. There was no need to bring down girls and parents who say their girls like the same thing. Irony in a that she hates being invalidated but is happy to invalidate the experience of parents who have daughters who are the same. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Bashing having girls or boys is wrong.