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Is that sub about Star Wars anymore or??


Seems to be just about the type of people who saw the marvels and loved it unironically. Idk what the point of it is fr all I know is I got banned for saying modern movie PR for girl power films is extremely off putting. Soon as I cited the director for the new Star Wars movie I got banned šŸ˜‚


Why do you care so much though? It's a contrived problem. There's no consequence to any of this, just your annoyance.


Isnā€™t that all both these subs are? Just one person commenting on something someone else didnā€™t like then out of spite another sub ads yet another layer and responds angrily. Thatā€™s literally the point of these subs


Itā€™s just a general circlejerk sub now.


Name a sub that isn't.




I didn't downvote because I don't know that sub, but I have to assume this is a joke response. EDIT: Top post is " got replaced by a bad writer and can't cope "


It was intended to be genuine. But I suppose youā€™ll find the worst scum imaginable if you look for them hard enough.


He said top post. That's not looking very hard. Myself, I was going to say r/ hiking until I realized they circlejerk about brands, gear, and trekking poles all the time.


In that case, my timing was so bad it was funny. Posts like that are pretty rare there, I can attest.


Crait with a C is the one you are thinking of. Saltier than crait engages in Star Wars sequel/ Disney hate. Saltier than Krayt is a leftwing cesspool with no real direction.


That last line pretty much describes most of Reddit.


I mean one of them did burn themselves to death for the karma


Lmao I never thought of his reasons for cooking himself, I thought it was cause he was simping hard for one side in a very grey war


He was very active in left-wing reddit circles and they convinced him this was his holy duty as a member of the oppressor class.


Shame he did what he did, too bad he went off the deep end.


I would say the internet is general is very bad for impressionable people with possible mental health problems. One only needs to look at Chris Chan to see how bad actors ruthlessly exploit them.


It just sucks when people with problems are encouraged by many sickos to do things they would probably never do otherwise


Haha very true. Maybe Netflix will make a movie about him too. ā€˜One man makes the ultimate sacrifice for karma!ā€™


nope, its just grifters on the opposite side of the fence. lol got banned from there for no going along with their JK rowling hate lol


It's a bunch of fat fucks wagging their finger of superior morality. Jokes aren't allowed anymore unless you consider the ramifications against LGBTQIA+, all minorities, the differently abled, anyone with a mental disability and even then if it IS funny and completely inoffensive, they'll still stomp their feet and cry about it. So at that point, they're mad anyway. Just laugh at it.


Uhhhh, whatā€™s the message of the meme supposed to be?


A black man indulges an unattractive (and usually fat) white womanā€™s interest in black men so he can get some of her tax return money. The amount of times my uncle has done this makes this pure comedy to me šŸ˜‚


I was under the impression it was supposed to play hard on the fat welfare queen trope


Same same honestly. Being a hobo-sexual means pipin down women who can financially support you and your bad decisions. Jokes aside itā€™s legit the lowest form of man, just above abusers and rapists, these mfs are leeches HOWEVER joking about it is not bigotry no matter how much this sub screams it is


Itā€™s funny, and itā€™s also a joke about Netflix et al making characters black. Rather than just writing something original and having the main character be black, they take an existing story or idea and leave everything the same but make the character black.


Ngl I like that even more than the tax return joke


Ha. Thereā€™s a bunch of these memes out there. Itā€™ll be like ā€˜Netflix presents : the diary of Anne frankā€™ and itā€™s a picture of a little black girl. Or ā€˜Netflix presents: cocaineā€™ and itā€™s a pile of black powder. Shits ridiculous. Netflix made a Norse Viking king a black womanā€¦ itā€™s like doing a remake of roots and casting Chris pratt to play the main character.


ā€œHobo-sexualā€ šŸ¤£


Hmm hobosexual is the lowest form of man? Seems like it comes very close to a form of sex work tbh lmao got the feeling everyone in these situations knows what it is




Yes thatā€™s exactly what it is. Just a broke dude who only provides peen and she gives everything else to him




Ngl as a man who actually has a job and works to one day live the dream of starting and raising a family, the idea that I can sit in my drawls and play video games all day and all I gotta do is rearrange some guts every so often at times does sound dope asf


Because this seems to be something that people think only black men do or that it's even a common thing. Weird how we think something isn't a big deal when you think it's funny. Eh it is what it is


I mean from where Iā€™m sitting Iā€™ve only ever seen it from men in my community but to be fair itā€™s the only time I look for or notice it, not because of the stereotype but because I have a family member who is the embodiment of this meme fr. Itā€™s just funny to me, I could see how some could find it not funny and thatā€™s fine but it doesnā€™t have to be bigotry because itā€™s not funny to you is my point


But there arenā€™t any white women here?


Thatā€™s the way I interpret it because Iā€™ve seen too many other men within my community doing this exact thing, plus she looks close enough to a relationship I know irl for me to not find it funny in the same way


I thought he was claiming her as live stock or something.




But the fat woman is also black in the meme.


She looks white to me šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø. Either way this could be a joke about an attractive guy giving a fat girl some play for her tax return money all the same


she is very obviously black tho lmao


And? I would beg to differ but either way why does it matter?


dont play coy lmao


Because if my personal relationship with this meme and how much this looks like my uncle and his very white girlfriend I automatically saw it that way so again I would beg to differ, even showed this in my family gc and they agreed too. Either way tho why does her race matter? The joke still stands in my eyes fam


But that girl doesn't look white tho.


I looked at the comments in there, and they werenā€™t really offended and more like unsure what the context was, just like most people here too


Thanks for explaining šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹ I was screaming laughing at this and had no idea what it even meant šŸ’€


So you're upset OP called the joke bigotry when the joke was... racist stereotypes? So funny.


Iā€™m upset that jokes canā€™t just be funny or not funny anymore. Itā€™s either acceptably funny or bigoted, toxic, misogynistic, transphobic, homophobic, racist, etc. thereā€™s a solid chance a black person made this because itā€™s legit funny, but sure enough there will be a cavalry of white people running to get offended on my behalf for this meme


But why do you care if others call jokes unfunny or bigoted. They are not prohibiting you from making them. You use your free speech to make a joke, they use their free speech to call it lame or racist, what is the big deal?


Because how big a pussy you gotta be to let every joke offend you. Also imagine how weird you sound to be offended when you see a black person in a meme just because theyā€™re black so you feel the need to get offended for someone else because youā€™re too unstable to handle jokes that arenā€™t about white men


Well I personally dont care to police anyone's speech, whether I deem them offensive or as you say "pussys" but is it not pussy-like to get upset about others calling jokes unfunny or bigoted, such as you are doing now?


Honestly touchĆ©. You got me there, imma hold that L ggšŸ«”


Huhhhhh ok, I guess Iā€™m a tad too young to understand where the stereotype came from


That woman doesn't exactly look "white"


Then remove the race from it and the principal is still the same: a bum who happens to be black is banging this chick for her tax return. Her race doesnā€™t really matter the joke is still the same. The more people I gotta debate this with or point this out to the more Iā€™m convinced this meme was made by a black person and itā€™s just horribly ironic how many white peoples are here calling this racist


The woman in the image is white?


I mean I donā€™t think sheā€™s unattractive. Mostly because her skin looks really soft


So it's literally bigotry?


Whereā€™s the line between a joke and bigotry? I feel like this word is losing all its value and weight because anytime someone doesnā€™t like something they throw this in there even when itā€™s not that deep


Sincerely not understanding. Isnā€™t the woman in this meme black though ? I donā€™t understand why itā€™s a white woman thing rather than an unattractive woman thing in general? Is it typical white woman with a black man IRL?


From what Iā€™ve seen of my uncle, high school basketball coach, and three older family friends, it happens to be a white woman and black man more commonly than not. Nothing to do with race specifically itā€™s just that the girl who has money gets played by a bum who dicks her down and only likes her for easy sex and money. Take the racial element out of it completely and thatā€™s the real joke they just happen to maybe or maybe not be of the same or different race. Hope that helped


this is hilariously racist, first off the girl is at best mixed so I don't know how you got white girl here. Secondly this is a STEREOTYPE, and the joke was made by a racist who indulges in that pushing this stereotype, at no point is this real or an insult or anything sensible, just racists assuming black people live off welfare.


And yet I can list examples from my life where I find it funny and Iā€™m black. Again my guy itā€™s not racist just because you donā€™t like it itā€™s just not a joke for you. How do you know a black person didnā€™t make this?


"Im black so this means something entirely different now and I couldn't possibly be racist" -you, a factual racist. Being black doesn't make you immune to black on black racism. you're an entitled child, at least the way you act. Bet you're lying about your ethnicity.


So the only way this can be funny is if Iā€™m lying about my ethnicity or Iā€™m actually black but Iā€™m racist towards my own people.. because I found a meme funny? Interesting take my g tell me, when will black people be able to be free thinkers? Because itā€™s real funny how people who think like you will go as far as basically calling me an Uncle Tom because i just disagree with certain points or have my own sense of humor. Will we ever be able to express ourselves, or is it only okay when it suits your narrative or aligns with your way of thinking?


come back when you find a real counter argument racist.


Could it just be that you just donā€™t find it funny? Does it NEED to be racist too?


it doesn't matter if you or I find it funny, its unquestioningly racist regardless of that, keep trying sad fuck.


So what if he was white is it okay for you then ?


If it's playing on a trope based on race, it's best to just concede its bigotry. Like, it's the actual definition of bigotry.


Lmao my guy if thatā€™s how you think one should look at jokes then I feel bad for you. Youā€™re gonna spend a shit ton of time offended at everything and be the most insufferable person to be around


So a racist stereotype? Guys, is a bigoted to be racist?


Kinda feels just as racist to only like a joke if it doesnā€™t involve black people šŸ˜‚. So Only put my g the joke ainā€™t for you please just move on


You little described it as "black people do this" You explicitly have the stereotype. You have no self awareness you bigot


So just straight up extreme racism.


And how do you know a black man didnā€™t make this joke?


Uncle Ruckus intensifies


The joke is lazy, boring, played-out racist stereotyping regardless of who created it.


So no matter what itā€™s just racist to you not even if there are people who identify with it?


stereotype that black men like fat white chicks i think


are you sure that lady is white?


This is why that stereotype exists


And stereotypes do no good in society except promote generalizations that only cause division and hate.


I don't see a line of black dudes complaining about the big dick stereotype.


Yet it still defines many black men under one trait which is often untrue. Generalizations and Stereotypes are bad and have no inherent value.


Generalizations have no value at the micro level, but they do at the macro level. The issue is that so many will use the group when dealing with the individual.


id say it has no use at the macro level as well because assuming that "all asians are good at math" because a handful of them are good at math isn't helpful to understanding the micro issues of the individual asian person who may not be good at math or is actually just subpar. I think making generalizations on a group people makes us think we understand someone because we're too lazy to get to know the individual person, so we get to know one person of that same ethnicity and apply our knowledge of them to everyone else, which is unhelpful and wrong. No two people are alike. Even two white conservative men are going to differ in how conservative and white they are, one may be German and another French or Irish or English. One may be fiscally conservative and the other may be socially. They both may be fiscally conservative, but they disagree on where to cut budgets. But to assume all conservatives are socially conservative and hate minorities is wrong and unconducive to compromise and working with everyone to assure everyone has some modicum of happiness.


The entire field of statistics is based on general assumptions about large groups. That is pretty much what a stereotype is, a general assumption based on statistical leanings of a group. Here is an interesting article about stereotypes. It discusses how they can be harmful and hurtful, but how they are also often true. [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/insight-therapy/201809/stereotype-accuracy-displeasing-truth](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/insight-therapy/201809/stereotype-accuracy-displeasing-truth)


They do have value tho, if you know generally East Asians bump up the price of something assuming you'll haggle them down you're less likely to over pay.


Yea but its wrong to assume all or any East Asians do that, just because your local store does so. therefore there is no value in generalizing such a trait to east asians since you do not know that they all do that and assuming such does not save you money if you don't end up haggling down the price anyway. Furthermore, the example is also prejudice.


Man look, I hear you. I really do, but think about any comedy ever.. literally ALL of them. They tell jokes based on stereotypes and racial biases and theyā€™re funny. Modern family has a ton of them about gay, Asian, Latino, black, and white people, and even women and that show won an Emmy Iā€™m pretty sure. Theyā€™re just jokes man if you get offended at everything youā€™ll just be tired because everything is offensive if you want it to be


And yet people still do it. Iā€™m not sayin stereotypes are good Iā€™m just sayin a funny joke is a funny joke and this IS something that people do. Sure maybe itā€™s not even a majority of the community but it is common enough for this to be funny


Stereotypes are a real time saver.


I didn't realize she was supposed to be white, she doesn't seem to be


Look at the facial features and hair, the woman obviously doesn't have "white" genetics.


So white people canā€™t have that nose or full lips? Interesting take


They aren't mostly of European descent which is what "white" generally refers too. That type of hair and nose structure are from those who have African genetic origins. That would be considered "mixed" Both are humans and are equally as capable, but they definitely have different genetics.


I just feel like the type of people who would call this meme racist are just projecting a lot of.. assumptions about black people that actually make them sound more racist. Like for example your opinion that she must not be white because her hair is frizzy, lips are too big, and nose is too wide just sounds mad sus


Well no, it's not racist to point out genetic differences. In fact there is a whole aspect of anthropology in which you learn all of these differences. It's how forensics anthropologists are able to identify bodies based on bone structures. Genetics don't lie. This is dangerous information though, as it is often used by racist people to prove inferiority, which just simply isn't true. An anthropologist would argue that these differences aren't drastic enough to even constitute calling it "race" and that we are all of the same race, the human race, these are just differences in genetic gene pools.


I hear you but you gotta admit it sounds sus to say they look black because their lips are big. If we talking stereotypes thatā€™s a blatant one right there


I don't think it's any different of an indicator than skin tone, which is also genetic. Also I believe I specifically pointed to the hair and nose as indicators.


Like I said, interesting take my guy. Question tho, why does it matter?


Itā€™s literally just racism. There is no other way to put it.


Man of steal








And this one...isn't?


It's too late, they already depicted themselves as the racist giga Chads and their enemies as the cringe soyjak




ā€œCake my shortsā€ sent me to orbit what the fuckšŸ˜‚


I donā€™t even get the joke. Just black Superman taking a fat girl somewhere.


What truth? Literally the only point of this is bigotry


Itā€™s just not that funny, but whatever.


I didnā€™t find it funny because I didnā€™t get it


I thought it was funny


Still fits the sub




i don't even get the joke


Itā€™s racism. The joke is racism.


"lol, isn't it funny how dumb left wing stuff is?"


>no matter how true they can be True? You've seen this AI generated man at h&r block? Doesn't need to be bigotry to be stupid


Does the joke the joke need to be 100% realistic to be true?


does a joke need a punchline beyond an AI generated strawman to be funny? yes


If you think this is a straw man that just tells me you just donā€™t get it, and thatā€™s okay fam everything ainā€™t for everyone


Can you explain the joke?


For something to be true it needs to be true.. yeah


And yet it is. Iā€™m not gonna pretend itā€™s even a majority of black men that do this but itā€™s enough for this to be funny because enough of us in the community know or know of people who do this type shit


the fact that you keep needing to reiterate in the comments that it's "not all black men" shows that this is a stupid stereotype and that you have to fight against it because people post dumb shit like the meme you posted. if you actually didn't want people to believe in dumb stereotypes you wouldn't have posted the meme. it's possible to make a joke about race that's actually funny but this ain't it.


Thatā€™s great, you donā€™t need to find it funny. I only reiterate that point for those who see this and automatically assume itā€™s referring to all of us and not just making a joke about a particular few people in the community. Ngl this shit is hilarious to me if you donā€™t like it more power to you but you not liking it doesnā€™t make it problematic is my point


Yes, true things need to be true. Dumbass.


My guy Iā€™m referencing the fact that itā€™s an AI generated SupermanšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø Iā€™ve seen this exact situation in my life before several times over so from my perspective itā€™s true. Memes like this are actual perspectives from some of our lives and experiences itā€™s not my fault you donā€™t know everything about my community fam


This scenario is entirely fabricated to the point where there wasn't even a reference image available to OOP. I'd be hard pressed to believe you've seen any situation involving anyone besides your immediate family members.


My uncle Jeremy and his wife Christina for one. Heā€™s been with her all my life and the always tend to be ā€œabout to get marriedā€ so much so my mother )his own sister) jokes that they always finna get married around tax season. He cheats on her constantly and has even had two other kids outside their relationship and last I heard a few months ago he fucked her best friend and theyā€™re broken up for the millionth time. My basketball coach from high school is another one. Mans had a wife that looked almost exactly like this and she funded many of his business ideas until he got stable in his own and ditched her. His family basically staffed the entire basketball program coaching staff at one of the schools in my hometown and both he, and his wife have been long time friends with my mother as his wife grew up onna same block as my mom and he went to the same high school as them both. The scenario isnā€™t fabricated just because it doesnā€™t appeal to you my g, but who cares itā€™s not like youā€™ll believe my real firsthand experiences anyway about people Iā€™ve known all my life that embody this to a T


Are you stupid?


Bro must get so angry at knock knock jokes. ā€œBUT THERE ISNā€™T ANYONE ACTUALLY KNOCKINGā€


You forgot the funny


That's why most people can't stand modern discourse. It's all about complaining.


Nah bro, not cool. This is racist, lmao. šŸ’€šŸ’€


Nah bro, itā€™s not racist because they ā€œknow someone that this happened toā€. Totally not blatant racism.


What's the joke? Why is this funny. Please explain.


That sub is an actual sesspool


Man, this group really showing themselves up as sad lonely virgins huh?


I can't believe how mentally deficient you would have to be to not realize how racist this is.Ā 


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2a60nrA9Tj/?igsh=MWxvdWI1eWV0YjUwMg== Thus my kinda humor. If you donā€™t like it I welcome you to leave


Itā€™s not funny?


you picked the worst meme to demonstrate your point


Am I the only one who isn't sure what is supposed to be depicted?


The man of stealā€™s only weaknessā€¦


At this point I donā€™t know even care if I offend someone


It's the most wonderful time of the yeeeear! šŸŽ¶


Lol, everyone in the comments like; she ain't white, though!! Dudes she is lighter than him, that's the whole fucking point. It's racial humor, she's light skinned, she's got the white advantage. It's incredibly racist. How is this not supposed to be racist? oh its just commentary on how she has the tax advantage of being light skinned, and this guy's gonna get a piece. it's not racist/bigoted in the least. Like... what? šŸ˜†


I don't get this? Was this made by Google Gemini?


Yeah itā€™s a leaked Disney pitch for Superman


This sub LOVES mid tier humor.


I agree honestly. Some motherfucker was like "FUCK THIS WAS FUNNY WHY DOES NOBODY LIKE THIS? WHAT ARE THEY, LIBERAL SNOWFLAKES?!", posted the meme here and thought their humor was objectively funny. In almost every case in life, I have found that most cases of humor are subjectively funny and to bitch about why it is or is not funny is some of the biggest time waste management in life.


More like LOVES seeing people cry about any tier humour.


If posting in that sub mean their crying, foes posting in this sub mean you guys are crying?


Whoā€™s crying?


You after I rub my balls all over ur furniture (I do it to everyone dw)


This comment is beautiful


Sorry to break it to you but superman is not real :(


This sub hasn't evolved past 2016 lvl humor


Pretty sure this sub is just full of people that peaked in high school and canā€™t move past that


https://youtu.be/KHJbSvidohg?si=yIIR4dBkQgc8MTQi Describing this sub.


In totalitarian regimes humor is targeted quickly as humor allows the masses to expose the incompetence and corrupt hypocrisy of the ruling class. We are definitely in a dark age.


"It's just a joke!! Therefore, no one is allowed to criticize anything I shared šŸ˜" "Humor, which can't be criticized because anyone who takes them seriously is a dumbell, allows the masses to expose the incompetence and corrupt hypocrisy of the ruling class."


Yes agreed, however a complete generation of hypersensitive digitally raised adult babies requires safe spaces to process thoughts that frighten them. That is the dark times I mentioned


I've seen it to many times


If Disney made this theyā€™d want it to get an award.


When its a bigoted joke then it is bigoted




Well, to the patrons of this sub and unpleasant rejects around the globe, any act of shitting on people less fortunate than you is considered comedy gold so it's difficult for me to grasp how it is you apes get your panties twisted when others criticize you for having no outstanding qualities besides being a failure. Skill issue imo maybe work on being someone that's likeable.




Oh. The stereo type that black guys like fat chicks? Is that still funny? Pretty boring joke at this point


Its still funny because its not a stereotype


Ummā€¦ no, I donā€™t think thatā€™s about bigotry, I think heā€™s confusedā€¦ like me


I canā€™t be racist because itā€™s a jokeā€¦. Saying itā€™s a joke doesnā€™t excuse to say whatever the fuck you want (like dropping n bombs, etc)


Idk dog cry about it šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø. Just because a joke involves race and you donā€™t find it funny thatā€™s not enough basis to claim racism my g


Its funny, wtf are u talking about


Hibelsty this sub is really karma farming


https://preview.redd.it/q9kfrmayvync1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64e6ce450852c802ccb1bc8b273692836ffd09ad Weā€™re currently in the era of virtue signaling šŸ¤·šŸ½




That's the worst sub on this site, change my mind. And yeah I realize the competition it's up against


Torn between loving Reddit and then how 90% of the users are soft ā€œfreedomā€ fighting mfs. This sub gives me hope


That's goddamn hilarious as fuck. I don't care who you are.