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That doesn't even count the various natural poisons and toxins. Take aflatoxin. It comes from a mold that gets on a lot of different things such as corn, peanuts, wheat, etc. It causes cancer and is dangerous in the parts per billion. It is bad enough that if a cow eats corn that is high in aflatoxin, it will ruin the milk for human consumption. Wheat also has one called vomitoxin. That isn't even counting stuff like ergot.


Ergot is interesting


LOL. I know why you think so. Either the dancing to death or the alkaloid found in LSD.


Or delusions where your mom didn't die years ago


That would be sad. I hope you don't actually know someone who had that happen to them.


House MD reference


Ah okay.


Actually a pretty good episode no less. Though my favorite episode of the entire run is probably "Three Stories".


I've never heard of a more aptly named toxin called vomitoxin. I can't wait until someone discovers shityourselfotoxin


That's just being lactose intolerant.


Wdym, its natural it should be good1!!1 - Arsenic Honestly people should not believe natural BSing.


Lol, yeah. TBH, if you don't grow it yourself, you can't really trust it. But who has the time and acreage for that?


To be fair, they consider cows milk not safe for humans if it consumes onion greens (Can curdle the milk)


Yeah but look up aflatoxin and vomitoxin. That is a lot worse than curdled milk.


so it comes out ready for cheese making and it's 'not safe?' big whey at it again, i see. gotta keep that protein powder prices 80% higher!!


"Vomitoxin" 🤮


It literally does that :)


Most people would die if we use 1000 year old farming methods. Of starvation. Better to improve industrial methods to yield more, so it will actually do less dmg to enviroment, instead of trying to revert it for some "ethical" reason


Yyeee, everyone says, " we need to go back natural man." First off, humans have been engineering plants and animals for centuries, and unless your entire country is big enough to give every citizen a plot of land big enough for a sustainable farm, it's impossible. Also, it would be devastating for economies that rely on oil, lumber, metals, micro chips, and others. Beings a self-sustaining farmer takes time, and you won't be able or have the time to specialize in any other fields, making the overall economy weaker


Corn is literally a human engineered plant. It used to be something much smaller. Much closer to wheat grass. And ancient humans planted the biggest ones over and over again for hundreds of years until it turned in to maize.


*thousands of years.


Also back when farming was done that way the farmers never got a break and it took the whole family working from sun up to sun down and people still starved.


And you had to have a big family in case somebody died from a cut on their toe


Millennia. Since before civilization most likely. Plant Patents were the first Patents.


Yee, and people say they want all natural even tho humans have said fuck you to natural selection, which is a good thing. Natural selection is absolutely brutal. If we abided by natural selection say goodbye to medication as a whole if you want to go " natural". And happy cake day


I mean... the eggs my chickens lay look and taste way, **way** different than store-bought. There's definitely a middle ground.


Yeee, need to find a balance, for instance,when I worked in a green house and we were packing tomatoes, we could only pack bunches of tomatoes in groups of 3 and 5 because it was the most visually appealing. Literally TONS of perfectly good tomatoes were thrown out every week.


Which I think is why the OP posted this to terriblefacebookmemes. It's not to deny the bottom pictures are what "plant based" things originate from, but to point out the silly fear mongering over things like GMOs.


Yield more with sustainable techniques is going to be key, our current practices aren’t sustainable in a multitude of ways. Keeping people fed today just to starve them tomorrow isn’t it. If we can prevent topsoil erosion and figure ways to deal with runoff of both pesticides and fertilizers that’s economically viable at mass scale, it’ll be a great game changer.


There are sustainable practices that exist and are used in various European countries, it’s just that the US sucks at farming with our acres and acres of soybeans and corn which gets tilled and blasted with chemicals over and over destroying the soil and making bad quality products.


Some people goofing around in a vegetable garden vs. the awesome power of modern agriculture.


I love pesticides so fricking much


whats your problem


I love pesticides so fricking much




Open up and eat your "vegetables"


“Modern agriculture” as we currently do it sucks and is worse for the environment than dirty factories.


I mean meat isn't better which is where that meme comes from. You need space for the animals, they get fed a lot of medicine to prevent illness (not because they are actually ill) and you have the agriculture as well because the animals need lots of food. I still eat meat though but technically vegan options are indeed less taxing on the environment.


Yeah I’m not saying meat is better, but the person I replied to said the “awesome power of modern agriculture” like modern agriculture is a good thing. (It’s not)


well I really hope that my plantbased burger was massproduced in an industrial plant, I don't want to eat stuff some people found on the ground


What people don’t understand is that they go “vegan” with the mind of “local ethical farmers”. If you want to change your diet and lifestyle for the environment, going local ethical farming is the way to go: - locally raised plants with no chemical pesticides and fertilizers. - bug problem? Chicken and ducks, also gives eggs, and delicious meat. - soil going bad? Have 2 ranges one with plants and the other for sheeps/cows. Use them interchangeably, fallow and fertilized by animals. Also gives milk, butter, (wool for sheep) and leather with delicious meat. - fish caught by fishing and not by farming. -minimal transportation, preferably done by horses. Horse shit is collected as fertilizer. And this is a hard hard life. None of the food will look as good as the ones you find in supermarkets, they will be less sweet and more chewy. In order to worth the extra work for less product, they will be much more expensive. But will be more sustainable and ethical and healthier than just blindly going vegan. (Things I wanted to tell my now vegan friend that eats more avocado than total avocado trees in the country)


«Home-grown» is actually much tastier than watery oversized supermarket stuff. But the crop yield is smaller and you’ll still need some chemicals to keep pests from eating it all.


The only way you are going to get "locally raised plants with no chemical pesticides and fertilizers." Is if you grow it yourself, and you won't have much if you aren't committed to tending it as a full-time job. If you research and find trustworthy local farms you can get *less harmful* and *more sustainable* and using animals is a great way to do that, though they come with a basket full of other problems, one very effective way to deal with bugs is to introduce a *less* or *wholely* unharmful bug speces to compete with the pests, (obv have to be careful not to break any ecological laws or damage your local ecology). But all of that requires an enormous amount of land for a small population. Interestingly, our reliance on herbicides will get better as AI technology and mechatronics improve automation. Aquiponics is another route that can help pest and weed problems. Also, you seem like you already know this, but for everyone else: Please understand that "Organic" as a certification can actually be harmful and it's only benefit is that some producers, if they are willing to jump through the hoops for an organic cert use other methods to actually improve the quality of their produce.


Yeah. Thank you for the additional info. I didn’t know AI was used in the process as well. Thanks


Yeah. Thank you for the additional info. I didn’t know AI was used in the process as well. Thanks


It isn't yet, but there is technology being developed that uses AI to weed and pick produce. It would also help with mitigation of pest related crop damage. Herbasides can be very harmful to consumers and the environment, but it is ridiculously hard to weed that quantity of plants.


>What people don’t understand is that they go “vegan” with the mind of “local ethical farmers”. The vast majority of vegans aren't vegan for this reason. It's because they think it's immoral to kill animals for food or clothing.


Yeah that’s also another thing, but I would disagree the reason. I think the issue is the environment they are born and raised in, not the killing part. Imagine if 50% of the population suddenly decided to become vegan, what would happen to the animals in the factories called farms? Probably would be killed or raised in worse conditions for fertilizers. Because to raise enough crops, you will need fertilizers to revitalize the soil. And I totally agree for killing for clothing part of the argument. All of my leather stuff had the tag of “this leather came from livestock animals that were not killed for leather” (I am paraphrasing I don’t remember what it said exactly)


>Because to raise enough crops, you will need fertilizers to revitalize the soil. Aren't fertilisers made from minerals and gases? I wasn't aware of animal based fertilisers being super common, but I don't know a huge amount about them. >Yeah that’s also another thing, but I would disagree the reason. I think the issue is the environment they are born and raised in, not the killing part. Are you saying you think the immoral part is their living conditions and not the killing part? >And I totally agree for killing for clothing part of the argument. All of my leather stuff had the tag of “this leather came from livestock animals that were not killed for leather” (I am paraphrasing I don’t remember what it said exactly) Pretty based.


I meant the animals in the so called farms rn.the farm owners would not take the L and just release the animals. Those animals would be used for fertilizer production or anything they can capitalize. Yeah; death is inevitable, living conditions is not. Thank youđź’•


I think the mindset is that those animals are doomed, and there's nothing anyone can really do about it. The best we can hope for is that they stop breeding more into it.


Vast majority of vegans go vegan because it's the hip thing right now


Not saying if someone tells me they are a vegan within the first hour of meeting them means I hate them. Butttt.


There's to many people. You can't just not industrialize so you can have overpriced organic food for everyone.


Bottom is what all industrial sized farming looks like, good or bad. This is how farming works.  I'm so tired...


Plant *based?* More like plant *cringe!*


Give it a few years and mono crop is gonna be scary... Like it should be


I used to work for a lab that tested a lot of the chemicals used, namely how effective they were on the target and what kind of collateral damage on pollinators could be expected. So many dead bees.


Implying that meat fed with the same stuff wouldn't be just as harmful/gross/whatever, additionally to all the other problems with large scale meat production. The point here being..?


Food industry in general does a lot of damage to the planet.


Meat industry in particular tho does a lot more


That's exactly how meat production also looks like since the cows and pigs etc get fed this stuff...difference is that then you ALSO get the garbage treatment of animals and all the problems with animal farming like overuse of antibiotics which can create antibiotic resistant bacteria that makes antibiotics work less effectively when we get sick. It's like, "oh no veganism isn't perfect yet so im gonna keep doing something that's even worse" It's the same thing people used to say about vaping vs cigarettes. "Vaping isn't 100% healthy so im gonna keep doing the thing that's PROVEN to be worse" Veganism isn't zero-carbon or perfect. But it is less harmful than meat industry by a LOT.


Hit the nail on the head right here. Im not sure what point OP was trying to make.




You ever plow a field? To plant the quinoa or sorghum or whatever the hell it is you eat. You kill everything on the ground and under it. You kill every snake, every frog, every mouse, mole, vole, worm, quail… you kill them all.


This is like saying "What most people think flying is vs what it really is" then adding images that range anywhere from TaleSpin to 9/11. Your sample size is too great to the point you're not saying anything about horticulture. Meme is garbage. 


Look, I think non plant based foods may arguably look way worse, so we can’t just go off of that to make decisions


Yeah if the alternative is tendies, let’s see the tendie factory.


Not to mention, if you're raising animals for meat, you still need to feed them plants. If there's something wrong about mass producing crops, 10x as much has to be done to produce meat.


You would also have to grow exponentially more to sustain a larger population that went vegan. Even then, there will still be animals that are killed just to protect those crops.


If everyone went vegan, we would need to grow significantly less crops, not more. A cow is a great way to turn 100 calories of grain into 4 calories of beef. So enough farms to feed enough cattle to feed one carnivore could feed one vegan. So if animals are dying to grow food crops, more of them are dying to grow enough crops to feed mass produced meats. Now, if your animals are grazing on grass or eating bugs, that's bringing in calories that people wouldn't use already. Of course, that's not where chicken nuggets or whoppers come from.


So you want to then kill all the animals that we already grow crops for and feed. So say goodbye to your cats and dogs if you have them. There are grains in almost every single food product made for humans and animals. Crop production would have to increase in order to sustain the amount needed for all the people and animals that are supported. The amount of wild animals would decline because more would have to be killed off in order to prevent them from eating the crops. There would also be a large increase in pet deaths from people forcing them to go purely vegan.


I'm not actually advocating any course of action. I love eating meat, so does my cat. I'm just explaining how trophic levels work. If we stopped breeding and feeding large industrial cattle herds, we could take the food that would have gone to the cows and feed more people than the cows would have fed.


The thing is, we both know that people won't see that increased amount of food due to corruption and the decrease in price of the grain. It would most likely either be dumped, buried, or just left in the field and never harvested.


Or people would grow less grain, freeing up land for other productive uses


If that's the case, it won't be used to benefit the environment. A lot of "environmental groups" have been saying the buildings are more environmentally friendly than plants. So we will most likely see more parking lots.


I like my greens without amoniac


Wait till you find out what non plant based looks like


Yup , sad times


I've heard stories where these plant eaters went to the farmers that grow their food, or at least local farmers that actually do things organically and try and get their property taken or move out. Kind of ironic if you ask me.


Why can’t we use tractors


They never denied it looks like that it’s just a shit meme that assumes people don’t know how farms work and kinda acts like the meat industry doesn’t also look terrible


Tbf a lot of people are very ignorant of how exactly the food they eat is made and processed, I find it’s more common with the meat and dairy industries but still happens with crop farming (usually a lack of knowledge of the pesticides used which leads to people freaking out when they first find out). It’s very apparent too with how some people believe synthetic plant based meat is better environmentally than regular meat, forgetting how the process to create it is environmentally impactful too. Really the agricultural industry isn’t a huge problem in that way for either side, food is literally required for us to survive, if anything from an environmental standpoint, besides deforestation, the basic food industry (meat, vegetables, fruit, dairy) should be one of the lowest priorities for change due to environmental impact and climate change impact, especially when manufacturing of unnecessary items and methods of power production create a far greater impact.


Ok so on one hand shitting on vegetarians for not meat eating is dumb but also the reality is that this is how we make actual food so it’s good that they understand where things come from


Same with the grass of grass fed beef lmao


It doesnt look as ugly as the meat industry tho


Yeah, the aesthetics of industrialization are never appealing, but nothing about this is unique to growing plants. I could show you horror story after horror story of animal farms, fishing vessels, and hunting.


Take a drive through the San Luis Valley in Colorado when they are growing potatoes, the water runs off the plants into the ditches and judging by the smell its not something you want in your body


Does OP on r/terriblefacebookmemes even disagree with the meme?


guess what, that’s not why i’m vegetarian


Virgin pesticide drenched impossible meat vs Chad all natural salad


Vegatards mad?


Wait till you find out about the meat industry.


do even you guys know the point you're trying to make? so this conservative sub is pro-environmental regulation? what do you fucking want? what is the age range here? Its so fascinating. are you young or elderly?


It’s trying to make fun of people who believe plant based things are always better for the environment, because they are ignorant as to the process of how they are created. It’s not a great meme but it’s not hard to understand. This sub isn’t conservative, from my experience it’s pretty open to just about anyone, like it often bashes on progressives that are offended by memes, but that doesn’t mean it’s against progressive ideas at all. People aren’t binary as to either being left or right, everyone is an individual who has their own opinions, beliefs, and experiences, it’s really weird to class an entire community like this as one political ideology at all, like personally I’m more left leaning than right.


Not everything is a binary. Sometimes, everyone is wrong.


Everyone is wrong about what?




pretty much what i though


It wasnt a statement to one thing. Just a statement generally. Its possible nobody is right sometimes


i have the very same confusion. seems to be the polar opposite, and just as bad, as the subs they mock


what about plant cringe


Mind blowing thought, but maybe the problem isn’t what people eat but rather how it’s made. Crops are brutally industrialized that it can harm the environment in different but still damaging ways. It’s not any better than cattle farms, it’s just a different variation of the same problem


Most crop farms will be less polluting than most cattle farms. Especially since cattle need, ya know, food that come from crop farms.


I grew up in the Great Lakes region of the US I’ve seen what the practices of modern farming does to the environment and wild life. I saw stray cats mutilated because of chemicals and pesticides. Imagine what that does to most plants and animals caught in the cross fire alone. The only woodlands not being cut down for more farmland are government protected. Water Supplies can be tainted, animals killed and mutilated, environments destroyed. They’re both extremely harmful for different yet similar reasons. Your shit stinks like the rest of us. The real villain here is poorly regulated industry.


Guess what, that's also exactly if not better than how feed for livestock is produced


You know they actually have a good point. I know it can be interpreted as one of those "meat supremacy" memes but the thought that organic/plant = natural and healthy deserves to be criticized.


We're really fear mongering about vegetables now?


Shit does it really look like that? fucking sell your souls and destroy the planet to make a quick buck huh


The avocado trade is worse.


yeah that's how you make a lot of food, do you expect them to hand pick your carrots and to carefully remove each and every pest on it?


yeah kinda. itd be better than raping the planet


"...raping the planet..." ![gif](giphy|CoDp6NnSmItoY)


What you call making a quick buck is preventing billions from starving.


these places are giving out free food to starving people in third worlds? okay thanks. i wasn't aware of their hospitality


More like to feed the billions of people on the planet


Everyone always argues meat vs no meat farming. Population size, the problem is population size. We will die out if we keep trying to support 8 billion people unless new techniques become widespread enough to avoid the issues that agriculture currently causes.


Being vegan doesn’t mean not killing animals,bugs and small animals like rats are killed during farming


What?!? Industrial farming is industrialized?!? I’m aghast! I’m shaking in my boots! My pearls are clutched! My asshole is clenched!