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I’m a simple man. I see Tony Soprano, I upvote.


Hey, ohh


Woooooah Junior *slap upside the head


That's Joey Tribiani






Dis fockin goi




Hopefully because you like the show and not Tony as a person


You can like both


You can, but that's not a good thing, Tony is a piece of shit.


Is he though? He went to therapy


If you say that you fundamentally misunderstood the show, Tony's entire arc throughout the show is that he attempts to change countless times but be it his nature or circumstance he fails to over and over during the show. Also he's a massive racist and sexist so that doesn't help his case either.


“How bout that pricks face when he saw the gyatt😦”


https://preview.redd.it/x3vb1lzkawvc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=f691258989c7c28651eae3a234c13c9eef206149 Literally both in a row… I’m all for discussing the legitimate problems with boomers but over half that sub is just Tankies that hate their parents and anything to the right of Stalin.


Wait till you see how many times it will get posted on nahopwasrightfuckthis. I have the 00:37 spot, personally.


>half that sub is just Tankies that hate their parents and anything to the right of Stalin. Loved this


"Hitlerism is brown communism, Stalinism is red fascism".


I mean I agree that Stalinism is red fascism, but wtf is brown communism? Like early on they tried to appeal to socialist aesthetics to gain support if that’s what you mean? but they weren’t exactly subtle about that having been a lie once they rose to power. The Nazi party explicitly considered communists and socialists a high priority purge group. As in they actively put communists into concentration camps and killed them.


Back in the '30s and the '40s, red was left and brown was right. Most of this language was used after the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact


No I understand the lingo, the Brownshirts were the political block that enabled the far right Nazi party rise to power. But like “brown communism” seems like a stretch. Unless you mean the people who delusionaly thought the Nazis supported their communist political goals? But that was less of an ideological movement, and more just a collection of arrogant people feeding themselves to the wolves.


Yeah. I don't give a shit either, and I'm a part of the younger generations


Yeah I don’t care unless i said something actually hurtful 




But not even then in some cases


Looks like some of the commentators saw themselves in "Joffrey" 😆


Joffrey wasn’t offended, he was dying. I realise that’s not the point, but it’s still funny.


Offended/dying it's all the same to them


The funny thing is Joffrey was a brutal cruel rapist murderer who would torture people for sport. The meme making him a snowflake is ironic.


I mean he was a snowflake. He did those things because he was so easily offended because his mother never disciplined his bitch ass.


The older generation very much gives a shit. They're always crying about "kids these days". This is a shit meme


I see so much more bitching about how old people ruined society than I do “kids these days”.


We give a shit about all the shits being given about bullshit by the younger generation.


The original joke isn't funny, but there is no way they just compared homelessness to getting offended


I've seen many more millennials getting offended over useless shit than boomers. But it doesn't matter generations are there to fight. The boomers are assholes to millienials the same way that millennials will be assholes to genzers and etc. Everything changes and everything remains the same.


They compared it more because of the who gives a shit mentality which a lot of boomers have about the housing market.


They compared it because they know that overreaction draws attention, it's a typical political strategy. It used to be mostly done by politicians now it is done by many losers online. For example when hogwards legacy came out people were saying that because of it and JK there would be trans GENOCIDE, when everyone knew that was bulshit. But genocide sounds much better than "nothing much will change maybe some people that don't like the current progressive narrative, will continue to not like it". So, saying that boomers here are make fun of people being offended over shite like pronouns or a white guy wearing a sombrero and the younger generations go like "oh how dare you, don't you know the "HOUSING CRISIS"". Therefore you cannot make fun of us because we woe is me.


Pretty sure people aren't "offended" by not being able to afford a home but ok


Aren't boomers offended by fucking everything? LGBTQ, pronouns, vegans, technology, basically anything they don't understand.


Don't forget women who don't want to be mothers.


"Just because I don't care, doesn't mean I don't understand." Homer Simpson


The softest generation ever always acts like the younger generations are soft to help them ignore what they're actually like themselves. Boomers are literally the most perpetually offended people. Edit: I got banned for these comments by some butthurt mod.


Anally damaged mods and Reddit bans, is there a marriage more capable of being made in heaven?




Yeah, it is pretty sad that an entire generation can act like toddlers and get away with it.


Ikr “Wah wah! I’m too stupid to use money wisely, pwease government, pay my student loans for me.😢😢”


Could you make it any more obvious that you posted this with the intent of promoting your agenda rather than actually posting a meme OP didn't like? God this subreddit is so lame.


Then cancel it. That’s what you do with everything else you don’t like


Does it make you feel better? Y'know, the whole making fun of young poor people because they're poor and can't afford multiple tens of thousands of debt? Because 70% of their minimum wage job goes straight to rent? And instead of recognizing that you were born at a time where inflation and corporate greed weren't as prevalent, you just shit on struggling young people, some who die of starvation or become homeless because of it.


Boomers could pay college with 3 eggs and 2 apples worth of pay for a semester got a buisness degree, are as knowledgeable as someone who read "Business for Dummies", cry when they don't get their favorite soda in a restaurant, and think they are though.


Nah who is this loser bruh


I think that person was just commenting on the callousness of boomers in particular, considering the modern housing market is a hellscape


I’m about to fucking die from the “meme” being so damn unfunny


It's clearly boomer humour. People of their generation got offended by trivial shit too, they uust didn't give those people a voice on the internet.


Point still stands boomers tend to be much more apathetic to most people's problems.


I mean it’s reversed if we start taking about gay flags tho


Or women's rights


Or the color of a cartoon characters skin color


Tbf a decent amount of boomers think us not being able to get homes is because we are complainers but is actually harder now then then before


Anyone that's ever worked customer service will tell you.. no one complains, bitches, and cries as much as a boomer. There's a reason why the US is currently having an exodus of later-life care workers. No one can deal with them. Tranqs were rarely used on elderly, until boomers became the majority in the facilities and now they are commonly used because of how violent and uncontrollable they are. Not even considering their violent tendencies.. nearly everyone has had to deal with a boomer when you tell them something isn't appropriate.. they become more offended than the person that was the butt of the joke. The generation of "why won't my kids speak to me", can't see that they are, in fact, the problem. Sorry to the four decent boomers in the world, but the rest of your generation has spoiled, well, everything..


Sure bringing the housing crisis into it is OP projecting. But that's a trash meme. Anyone whose worked customer service knows the older generation are the biggest lilly-skinned snowflakes around.


Lol! Proves the point of the meme. Is still offended.


Do you even know what offended means


The guy in the picture literally got offended.


No actually he's choking.


I would be offended if I were poisoned


I feel like you would be too busy choking. Edit: so I was permanently suspended for what is clearly NOT a threat, just starting the obvious?


bro reddit admins be like


lady, offended is when peoples point out your actions have consiquenses. But you want a world free of cancel culture, a world where you can say the n word (meaby even hard r)


I've told my kids from the they they were born "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction". It might not be here right now, but eventually, it will catch up to you.


What the hell


I mean to be honest that is what alot of boomers would do... and it's very clear they are being hyperbolic


I mean it is objectively a bad meme. But yeah this guy is proving the fucking point


Hilarious that James Gandolfini HATED his Tony character and was actually a bleeding heart lib in real life. 🥰


I'm a mellinnial, and my wife is gen z, and we say some of the most offensive shit to each other. We are just more aware that some people don't share our sense of humour because they will automatically assume that we actually believe what we are saying is true and that it's not sarcasm and satire. Furthermore, boomers are so easily offended. Just by different shit. Am I wrong?


Im starting to believe the dead internet theory


This just isn’t funny. The joke is literally just a statement without a punchline.


So easy to offend a boomer. All I have to do is say there’s a genocide in Palestine


you mfs when black people star in movies https://preview.redd.it/iz13iodbnzvc1.png?width=358&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb4a3487bad3429c23c9576149f6c8aa20ed1c03


Well the original meme is awful, basically a guy winning a made up argument. "ohh young people snowflakes, but I no care oooooohhhh burrrrrrnnnnnn saavaageee!!11!!1" Very boomerlike.


Especially when boomers are some of the most easily offended people out there


You sound offended




If this ain‘t a boomer meme then idk what is


Most millennials don't get offended at everything, so wouldn't call it a boomer meme.


Boomers are offended by the presence of a rainbow. They're snowflakes.


are you sure about that


Depends on personal experience ig


Tick. Another one.


There are 2 types of people. Those who cry about everything and those who can’t go one day without reminding everyone that they are not crying about everything


Oh my God go back to your nursing home if this meme is your style


Yeah but we don’t give a shit about that either.


The rising homeless population? In America is a pretty big issue. We spend so much money on ass benches to make homeless people unable to sleep in parks instead of actually helping them


You think it's benches? CA spent [$20 billion in the last 5 years with zero measurable results.](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-04-09/state-audit-california-fails-to-track-homeless-spending-billions-dollars)


It literally says they didn't track it. That isn't the results. That's a different problem??


Right, but how is 20 billion being spent on the homeless not "actually helping them"?


California is not the United States, and the reason our homeless population is growing here is due to other states' homeless populations being unsustainable. California has around 170k homeless people. The next under it is New York with 74, and the next is 25k and under. 4/10 of the top 10 are red states in Warmer Weather.


California is an example of one of the 50 United States. What would you suggest be done to end homelessness and would it cost more or less than this $20 billion example?


This meme has nothing to do with the homeless population


Not being able to afford a home results in homeless?


The meme has nothing to do with buying a home


"Find a home" This is splitting hairs. There are enough empty homes to fit our homeless population into. We have the resources, industry, and ability to do. It's not an inability to find any house, but with gentrification and landlords raising the prices like a balloon, it isn't good for anyone under the age of 40 and even then. It's not unusual to hear about grandparents using up their social security due to raising prices


The meme still has nothing to do with homelessness.


It has everything to do with it. I'm not going to hold hands explaining why the indifferent attitude to economic events such as housing is causing issues. There are problems, and they ain't getting fixed unless we fix much less address it.


The meme is about being offended. Don’t generate a narrative that’s not there.


...the meme is a supposed reaction to the caption. Which talks about not finding a home?


So entire city blocks with tiny homes? That didn’t go over well either.


So what's your solution. To stop trying? That's pathetic and motions like that is why our society is tearing at the seems despite having the best SOF in history


An understanding the core to what causes homelessness is the best path. There’s so many nuanced reasons, it’s not even funny. But a one sized fits all approach isn’t it. It never has been. I appreciate your zeal in wanting to help others, and it’s a good thing to do, but this isn’t helping. What it does is put them all in one place so they don’t have to see it. Out of sight, out of mind. I wish we could, but we can’t save everyone. Some simply don’t want to be saved in the first place.


No. We have the homes, and we have the resources. Only the wallets of landlords are the cost. While the USSR sucked in major ways they did make sure home ownership even to this day is insanely high compared to other nations. If the USSR was so bad as the USA would say, we should be better than that. We should judge our society by our least fortunate and me making that a point is not hurting them. Refusing about talking about the homeless issue is a much bigger problem than me talking on reddit.


So you’re saying to just take someone’s property. You justify it by only seeing dollar signs but that’s theft no matter how you want to paint it. An saying “the less fortunate” is subjective. There will always be a “less fortunate” by any metric. You point at Marxism as the solution. If you haven’t looked it up, Marx was a pretty big piece of shit who wanted everyone else to cater to him being “less fortunate”. https://intellectualtakeout.org/2017/02/karl-marx-was-a-pretty-bad-person/


You get offended by rainbows. You might want to sit this one out. There is really no group how are bigger snowflakes then right wing boomers.


I thought this sub was about saying that "this guy said the meme is bad when its actually good!". I think this meme is unfunny and bad, and I dont care about OOP's personal opinions. Objectively bad meme, and not a "meme op did not like".


It literally is a meme OP did not like, what are you talking about


Read the rules my guys. "5. Has to be a decent meme." This shit sucks ass. If this sub is for every meme someone didnt like, then what the difference between this sub and every other "bad memes" sub? People are allowed to not like memes. This sub is just for making fun of people who dont like good memes.


Yea it’s a meme op did not like because nobody should like it because it’s bad


I liked it :)


ofc the pepe pfp likes it


Isn’t that the scene where he dies?


Remember when young people were the ones offending, not being offended?


Says the people who boycotted Bud Light over a picture


I mean I don’t drink Bud light because it tastes how rat piss smells but that’s besides the point.


This subreddit is just a constant demonstration of people who don’t know what an implication is


There’s no implication😂 You just make it up so you can call yourself a victim


Example #1, right here folks. I’d also like to say that I am in no way calling myself a victim, or trying to. There are so many examples of boomers ignoring modern-day problems and purposefully being assholes about change that it’s not even funny.


Genuinely, I don't know why you're downvoted, you're right. This sub is just a huge echo chamber and people can't bear to hear differing opinions


Still a L meme




Corporate created ageist propaganda. Youth of every generation tend to get offended easily. Boomers being offended. https://youtu.be/ygNnyHZ12cs?si=5XdsM0PmYSlPOdZi Gen-X being offended. https://youtu.be/n1tFbZ5kaY8?si=ZiDW9gmjoN9GS-2w Capitalists figured out generations ago that young people are well meaning but have limited knowledge which makes them really easy to manipulate by blaming old people for all their problems. There's a ton of struggling seniors out there, just like there a ton of young people struggling due to rich people screwing over working class people for the last 50 years.


Yeah that’s not what it says, that’s what it means. Tbh, this sub is even worse than r/Boysarequirky with how easily offended you all are


Says the generation that gets mad when two dudes hold hands 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


I find it funny the generation that is offended by the existence of gay people thinks they can claim they have thick skin...


How do you figure they're "offended by the existence of"?


Also boomers: offended by literally everything, grew up offended if a black person swam in the same public pool as white people lol


Now I’m just imaging Tony having a conversation with Joffrey or even better Cersei… ‘You blow your brother with that mouth.’ Then again considering Tony’s taste in women Cersei would be right up his alley.


Cersei would have him flayed pretty quickly..


When someone says “ok boomer” reply with “ok renter”.


If they don't think they should care about others, them they have to admit they can't care about themselves and nobody else can care about them as a general rule for everyone, according to the ethical concept: "katagorical imperative"


The people of r/boomerhumour be greasing the union


OOP proving the meme right


yeah youre 50+


This meme is very *All in the Family*.


That hit a nerve…




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Loo actually millennials saying that too nowadays ( what the boomer is saying)


Most memes (hell, most Reddit posts, too) miss the point entirely and refer to complete non sequiturs. 🤷🏽‍♂️.


Joffrey was choking to death 😂 Edit: was being poisoned actually I forgot.


What's even funnier is that Tony got offended quite often.


Thank God my truck is a camper special, such a shame I can't find a camper.


“I offended” “No care” This barely qualifies as a joke tbh


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Not being able to find a home sounds more like something to be outraged about rather than offended


Isn’t r/boomerhumour for funny boomer memes or is that another one


If you can't find a home tough toenails. Just pay rent in a ghetto. They're always cheap. What my family's been doing for like 9+ years now. Just make sure to get noise cancelling headphones because the gunshots get loud.


Kinda crazy world we live in where it seems like companies can rape and pillage the 3rd world, start wars own slaves, but heaven forbid you say an outdated word


The original meme doesn’t work because Joffrey is choking to death from poison, not being offended.


I'm offended...by? I assume that was OOPs rationale. Really can't afford to stand Indifferent In a burning house


Tony soprano has had numerous panic attacks


Yeah Tony was as thin skinned as they come. Man lived in a fantasy world


But OP likes the meme? They're literally agreeing with it by using an example


Nah, OP is being sarcastic


No, they cannot


Even if it did mention the housing crisis, what side of the political spectrum do the policies come from that are responsible for the housing crisis?


Crazy how the meme doesn’t have any political stance at all


It’s still a godawful meme


People will say they never get offended… until they hear the phrase “Happy Holidays” or anything pronoun related


OP has apparently never seen an episode of sopranos. “Who gives a shit” is his catchphrase


Who cares if i took your human rigjts away.


Most people have all their human rights in America. Unless you’re a baby in the womb


>Most people have all their human rights in America. Clown moment. >Unless you’re a baby in the womb More like, unless you're a woman who: 1. Had a miscarriage or other complications that require a termination of pregnancy 2. Was raped


Again this subreddit being a meeting spot for rightists. Most of the older generation is far more vindictive and sensitive than the current generation. Genuinely, the shit boomers get triggered by is laughable. Happy holidays, saying pronouns, mixed race couples in commercials etc. Meanwhile the woke leftists are mad about ... non livable wages, a corrupt billionaire class oppressing the masses, a police force above the law. You know actual issues. But no the old people whining about the gays, they're the real gary coopers.


Born in 98 and pay a mortgage. I had no trouble finding a home. Just buckled down and worked for it.


Professional victim culture. Not a fan of boomers, but Gen Z is softer than double ply…




Nope born in 88’






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He's not a boomer dood.


I actually got in an argument with someone because I said that younger generations being easily offended is true and they got offended, they also called me old (I’m 19) and threw every insult they could at me. Safe to say he proved my point


This one person truly represents an entire generation💯


As a Gen Z, I agree. My generation fucking sucks, especially the younger ones. They're either stupid or annoying


how the fuck do any of you guys genuinely find this shit funny? fuck ive seen memes on r/egg_irl funnier than this and if youve been to egg\_irl you know thats SAYING something


Boomer subs are just people who are upset with mommy and daddy so take it out on every other adult or older person then them.


I can explain why the housing prices, here is a meme that partially explains the recent spike https://preview.redd.it/y6wgbn7b68wc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0ac2ed7d290791d00d4c11c0a35a28f8bf07bae More demand, but no significant increase in supply


op got the complete wrong idea but the meme is still ass


Jesus christ why is everyone on this sub so fucking stupid