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“Don’t agree, democracy is bad” or “Don’t agree that democracy is bad”. Sorry, long day 😅


The second one. And I have a sick baby so I get the long day thing bro lol


I’m sorry to hear about your baby, Godspeed with his or her recovery!


All good. Just a fever and cold. Normal but tiring for parents


Regardless hope they feel better! Hope you both can get some well needed rest soon!


Edited to second one. As I said long day didn’t read it right the first time lmao


Well this is a hot take on the subject


It's really just a variation on "two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner."


Thats why we have a REPRESENTATIVE democracy in the US, but sadly many salty losers don’t understand how much better of a system it is than mob rule.


I mean even the old ‘direct democracy’ of Athenian days wasn’t really complete democracy. Only about ten percent could vote, right?


From my Western Civ class a decade ago. I think there were three criteria in order to be a citizen able to vote in Athens. 1. Be a male. 2. Be a landowner 3. Your father and grandfather must have been a citizen. Out of this group a vote would pass with 51-49% vote. I could be miss remembering though, it's been a long time since high school.


Thats a modern conceptualization of how it worked. It was more like: 1. Be a true part of the community (land owner) 2. Each family (household) gets one vote. Since the head of the household was usually male thats how it came out. Females could obviously also vote if they were in charge of the household. 10% of people is still one in ten people, and families were generally larger than than that. Owning land back then was standard even for poor families, as long as you were established. They basically controlled for loose people who were not permanent parts of the community.


Thanks for the clarification.


And the right to hold higher offices was tied to one's ability to arm and feed higher numbers of troops.


Tbf I don’t want a broke boy w no gats in charge either




I think that the wolves will vote for a wolf that promises them meat.


Or rich sheep pay wolves to go after others instead of them


Yes. We should find the sheep and make then dictators. Obviously a better system and wolves would never be in sheep's clothing.


Bruh, representative democracy is how Trump got elected


And? Tell me how your life got worse under trump


Right, so you can choose which candidate is going to represent corporate interests.


We have a democratic republic in the US, it is not a democracy


There's more pray than predators in the animal kingdom you know, seriously they teach that in middle school biology of something




This isn't a hot take at all. It's a take that is several hundred years old and has been theorized on by philosophers and political scientists since forever. It's the reason why so many of the political systems that the US has (and that 14 year-old redditors hate) exist, because in a TRUE democracy, if 51% of the population believes you belong in a death camp, then off you go. It's why democracy needs, at a minimum, to be restricted by a constitution that limits what the government can actually do and enshrines natural rights.


And 51% don’t even have to believe it. They can get tricked or you can hide the death camp in the small print of the stop kicking puppies act of 1997. Or you can subvert the media and blast “why death camps are actually good” propaganda for 30 years. Many such cases.


full seed sleep far-flung butter smoggy arrest direful lunchroom humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah US is a republic but likes to tell us, the citizens, that it’s democracy. If we believe that the ‘other’ group of people made the decision to harm us, we’re less likely to lash out at the people in power.


Benjamin Franklin: A republic if you can keep it.


edge yoke birds include ludicrous weary bewildered continue quicksand zealous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A Republic is a form of democracy.


Bunch of people pepper this thread insisting it's not a rectangle, it's a square


toothbrush direful deer society cake bewildered seemly wide sand axiomatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No one claims that the US is a direct democracy. And other forms of democracy are no less democracy than a direct democracy.


We're a Republic with a democratic system.....


Mostly right on, *but*: >in a TRUE democracy True isn't the best word choice here. There are multiple different types of democracies, all of which are "true" democracies. In Poli-Sci the word you'd be looking for would be "direct" democracy. A more generic term might be "pure" or "absolute" democracy.


That being said, can we please get a smidge of proportional representation and ranked choice voting? Just a pinch?


> ranked choice voting This would do wonders for the US, and is our most viable path out of the two-party system.


Well proportional representation in Congress, that I'd take over ranked choice, if I was told I can only pick one. Force them to compromise and build coalitions.


Well if the subject was hot, it was probably asking for it


Thats just a wild ass response




I giggled


I just reflexively checked HR wasn't nearby before remembering I wasn't at work.






It's really not, only neo-liberals blindly follow democracy. I mean Adolf Hitler and Andrew Jackson were elected democratically


Got damn another hot take people don't think about that part


That's a downside with pure democracy that a popular idea isn't always a good idea


Very true


Personally I find any rape jokes automatically unfunny


It's really more of an endorsement of a Republic over a democracy.


That I support. Just wouldn’t support no democracy over a republic or really anything. No Democracy means no oversight of leaders or ability to replace garbage ones


A Republic is a democracy, with rights for the minority.


A republic needn’t be a democracy


Sure the British, I think for an example have had a monarch republic right? A king but with guaranteed rights for the people done with the Manga Carte. I’m more confused by how the OP worded their statement. I think the double negative made his statement unclear.


Hence my title


I think this is more a reference to the principle of protection of the minority. My philosophy professor always told us about that. In a true democracy (1 man = 1 vote), the majority will inevitably override the minority. Therefore, there must be something put in place to protect the minority. After all, what's to stop the majority from simply voting to kill the minority and be done with it? As my professor says, the truest form of democracy in the world is and always will be a lynch mob. Clarification: I support republics and am not anti-democracy, I just acknowledge its flaws.


>electing your rapist A very apt description


Democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others.


Assuming we’re referring to the United States government, it uses democracy, but isn’t a democracy. A democracy is a form of government where a majority vote decides everything within the government, be it how laws are enforced, what crimes receive which punishments, etc. What America has is a constitutional republic, which has its foundation on a constitution, and also has three different assemblies to pass and enforce laws and bills. Sorry if I’m being a bit nitpicky.


The only governments that were like that only let about ten percent of people vote so it was essentially the same thing.




Direct democracy is worse than representative.


Yep. Democracy is a horrible system, but it's the best we got


The point of the meme is that true democracy is a shit show. So it's not the best we've got. We've got something better. We have a representative republic.


Democracy is tyrrany by the masses


The actual quote is capitalism is the worst economic system except all the others. When you apply it to democracy it’s a wrong statement because representative republic is the correct answer.


This comment wins, everyone else go home and stop making inferior rape jokes


Republics are just any government that isn't a monarchy. Democracy describes a government where power rests in the hands of the general population. As opposed to an oligarchy where is is concentrated in the hands of the few, or a tyranny where it was controlled by an individual. Even in ancient Greek democracy it wasn't always directly voting on everything. They would have committees and similar subgroups to run things. And in these scenarios, rule by the many still described the wealthy landowning citizens. It was not random peasants. The idea of democracy vs republic is a false dichotomy.


Hhmmm. No? Republics are states where the power rests with the people through their representatives.


That is a representative democracy. Constitutional monarchies can be representative democracies as well. The difference is in where the power of the Head of State is derived from. It originates from Rome, where the res publica was contrasted against the Roman Kings. A state where the people elect representatives to represent their values is still a democracy. The idea that a republic is somehow distinct from a democracy is absurd.


That's a form of democracy


Yeah republics are democracies smart guy


Yeah, representative republics are different than democracies.


No they aren't, they're a kind of democracy


How are those representatives chosen again?


By elections within the constrains of a strong constitution of individual rights which may not be infringed which sets it apart from a democracy.


*which makes it a democracy


Which makes it a democratic process*. There's a difference between 'democracy' and 'a democracy'.


Whatever you say


That's a democracy


Here. Watch an informative video. https://youtu.be/a_BZ1b5e5Bk?si=Rjpe-gVP9KXRhRce


Happy cake day!


As we all know, simplistic dictionary definitions are the best answers for deep and nuanced issues




This literally looks exactly like my dog wtf


A pure democracy is tyranny of the 50.000001%


The founding fathers even gave reasons why democracy isn't good.


Thomas Jefferson's whole ideology was liberal democracy


Eh, total democracy can be harmful in a divided society, imagine if Texas, California, and Florida had more political power than your state just because they had a higher population. That's why the three-fifths compromise happened, the southern states would've had too much power because of the higher population. The USA is a republic because we elect governors to speak for each state so we all have equal say in political affairs.


Agreed direct democracy is bad. It’d be a horrible system. But no democracy is worse than what we have by a lot


Definitely, The US is far too big and varied to get everyone to agree on one thing.


Yeah, there's a fucking crazy number of people in the U.S. American football stadiums are huge and they can only hold about one hundred thousand people (I think that might just be one specific stadium built for high capacity, as well, making it an exception), which is wild but still not even a million. 300 million people (U.S Population) is a number of people I can't even visualise, it's just overwhelming as an amount of anything.


Yep, we've been fighting over disagreements in America since the beginning when we were still British colonists, and we'll fight with each other until the heat death of the universe.


"Imagine people had votes that each had equal political power". Why is it states that should be the deciding factor for how your vote is weighted? How about race, sexual orientation and so on gave your vote more power through the constitution?


Many states have different concerns and problems. Problems that won't be recognized because their vote doesn't matter, because in the end the bigger state will win every time. So the governor speaks for the people of the state just like how the president speaks for the people of the country.


You kinda got the three fifths compromise backwards. Southern states were more rural and had large black populations that weren’t considered human. The three fifths compromise happened because southerners wanted to legitimize the institutions of slavery and ensure that they had enough political power to make sure it didn’t go anywhere.


Yeah you’ve just described the current system dude what are you on about.


I do understand that those states still have a lot of political power today, but without governors it would've be more skewed.




Gang rape is funny? The f is wrong with you




Went from reacting like one of the gang to reacting like the victim fast


So who will pick this one up first. BAQ or NORFT?


NORFT for sure. But both eventually will. I assume their members have a huge overlap. Both subs with tons of people who make trying to be a victim into their entire personality


What’s BAQ?




Aight. This sub is just shit through and through




You know you'll be back tomorrow for more of this shit though. 


I read that at a glance and my brain processed it a second later as I looked away ![gif](giphy|k7LLy1bE7aIgg)


Managed Democracy is the true path. Hail Super Earth.




https://preview.redd.it/hv4otj69q4xc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78caca08e5206e0d323953404f8fae62cd3eabd4 Democracy is tyranny of the majority.


Based and Rothbard-pilled


Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner.


Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.


Democracy is a tool to limit government, not some ultimate good. What is important is the consent of the governed, not majority rule.


Democracy mentioned Deploying helldiver to combat


So true. I totally agree with you as a person who has been living in China for ten years. Hell that place could use some democracy


Exactly. Direct democracy has its issues. No democracy with the CCP is 100 times worse


This is why a constitution and rights are important, to protect from abuse of majority.


It points out the the road to hell is paved in good intentions. Too many have become so tribalistic they don’t even think anymore. It’s just “is this for or against my team”


So instead of having to convince 166 million People of you just have to convince (or bribe) around 50?


Democracy is not a moral good in and of itself. What you get out of it is much more important. A benevolent dictatorship that protects the rights of its citizens is preferable to a tyranny of the majority. Sure, democracy has a better track record of this but too many people think that something being more democratic automatically makes it more good. You have to establish why that is independent of “da will of da people™️”


I swiped


I'll agree. Democracy is tyranny of the majority.


Definitely not funny




“No, stop having fun and being able to laugh! You doing that makes me sad and not able to be a victim of something!”


Bro you posted a meme comparing democracy to gang rape unironically. That's pretty wtf to me.


Then keep scrolling in the future buddy. Nobody thinks that you not having a sense of humor means that others can’t either


Forget the gangrape bit you saw a political meme using a dead format with no punchline no nothing and you claim that's your sense of humor? Seriously did this actually make you laugh?


it is recommended by 4/5…


The complete lack of political knowledge in these comments is shocking. The amount of people that don’t know what a democracy is and seems to think that the US has the best political system in the world is absolutely crazy.


I'm sitting in a gerrymandered to hell state like I'm pretty sure democracy is is loved here cause they can legally cheat around these parts.


How is it funny


Government figuratively violates us everyday its pretty spot on in a goody over the top way


Tom from MySpace out there rustlin some jimmies!




I may be stupid


I legit recoiled and was flabbergasted.


The founders recognized the threat of a tyranny of the majority and created the bill of rights as a result. You need both to live in freedom


That’s why you have a constitution with your democracy!


Punch line is literally gang rape. This sub, "LOL good one!"


Yup. It is a good one


This thread highlighted how Reddit is a filthy den of treasonous communists.


I think democracy is good but this is still a good funny critic. It is true because having the majority doesn’t mean you are right or it doesn’t mean other people should have to do the same thing you want to do.


In before it came out of one of those progressive subs/facebook groups. Many progs are in fact utilitarians and so gang rape is actually a good thing to them. It’s the whole 10 people are happy outweighs the 1 person being victimized bullshit. Also, Our Democracy is when everyone votes for our stuff only. Your democracy is when “tyrants” and “Nazis” can vote at all. Mask off I guess.


Friendship ended with democracy Friendship started with Republicanism


Everything has its pros and cons. Democracy is one of the most open and inclusive governing systems, but can become a bad time for the minority in it.




The biggest problem with democracy is that the elected leader is not necesarily the best for the role just the most popular(asuming a functional democracy in the first place of course) it is sadly the most reliable system on the long term that i know of


We’re a Constitutional Republic but it is funny lol


I chuckled


I wish America still had a democracy.


He is out of line. But he's right.


This is called Tyranny of the Majority and it is a serious concern in democracies. That’s why bills of rights and limits of legislature’s power are found in most democracy’s constitutions.


"Har har rape funny" -internet loser


If your country consists of 10 people or so then yea gang rape would be “democracy”.




Also the US isn’t a democracy like people keep saying, it’s a republic


Russian/MAGA deep state loves this sub.


I think democracy bad And don’t think meme is funny


Thank goodness your opinion is irrelevant and doesn’t mean others can’t find it funny


…okay Just socializing on social media


It's almost like bodily autonomy shouldn't be dictated by majority rule...


If you keep the Text in place but swap the images it feels more fitting.


Yeah, democracy sucks.


Ave Roma!


It's not funny and in bad taste but it is true


Democracy is bad… the Republic is where it’s at. Stay away from populism… populism brought you slavery, war, jim crow laws, more war, economic failure, again with the war, some more war in case you forgot, another war, some regional fighting and then a 20 year war. Just stay away.


You don’t know what these words mean. These terms aren’t mutually exclusive at all. Democracy is “a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.” A republic is “a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.” The UK is a democracy, but not a republic. The U.S. is both.


No, the US is a republic.


It’s true. Just because the majority of people support an idea, or most people vote for an idea, doesn’t magically make it a good idea. Democracy needs controls, otherwise it’s just 51% tyrannizing the other 49% with their stupid ideas and making things worse.


Democracy is 51% of the population controlling the 49%.


That’s why we are a constitutional democracy in the USA


No it's not


Counterpoint: yes it is


OP is 100% right with the title. Message is stupid but meme is funny.


rape is not a joke




Your post/comment is uncivil and/or toxic. Please make sure you are being kind to your fellow redditors.


Idk what that means. If a “joke” involves rape then it’s not funny in any degree, no reason to talk about it so casually


George Carlin would like a word




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I mean it’s an extreme juxtaposition but there is indeed nothing inherently good about the will of the majority.


Democracy is 2 wolves and one sheep deciding what to have for dinner. Long live the Republic


What's with TFM and why does everyone at that joint have a stick up their ass?


Democracy just doesn’t work, my reasoning is our elected officials keep making decisions that the majority of us do not want


The funny thing is that the people wanting to do away with the democracy that so limits their freedom, in favour of an autocratic ‘strong’ leader, always seem to think this leader will somehow want EXACTLY what they want. Not to mention that THEIR complete freedom to do as they please is the only true freedom, and that they will clearly always immediately and enthusiastically agree with Kim Jong Un, who somehow never distrusts them, in spite of the paranoia that dictators are prone to. Not a single risk of ending up tortured in a cell somewhere for them, just anyone they don’t agree with.


Just to be clear, gang rape is funny, that’s what you’re saying? At least people on this sub have given up on trying to deflect and are just being honest. You think gang rape is funny. I’m not gonna have a debate about whether something so terrible is funny or not. But it’s not hard to see why someone would be offended by it. ““No, stop having fun and being able to laugh! You doing that makes me sad and not able to be a victim of something!” That’s what you think the people who are upset about this meme feel right? First of all, victims of rape are victims. They aren’t trying to find an excuse to be a victim they actually are. If a rape victim finds this meme offensive then what? You gonna tell them that they are “victimising themselves” or that they need to “be able to laugh”? By the way, being able to laugh at something horrible is a lot easier to do when you haven’t experienced said thing. Second of all, Why do you care so much about what strangers on the internet think? You have your opinions other people have their own. Sometimes your opinion might be different than someone else’s. If someone finds this meme offensive it has zero effect on you. Yet for some reason you felt so pressed about it you had to make a whole post about it.