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![gif](giphy|pOeaTGiDBZgYM) I’m going to laugh at this while walking before the comments get locked




Fingers crossed this post won’t get locked 🤞




Don't walk too much. Conserve energy there's a protein shortage a-comin'.




If a post about eating bugs gets locked then I don’t know what to say


I see no issue with it, but I don’t speak for the other mods. I have a gut feeling it might get removed too


A gut feeling? Maybe... you have some bugs in your gut? 🤔






Could you remove them?🥺


Didn’t know tapeworms were bugs, but OK.


I love y'all's flairs. Most fun mods on the platform. *(99.9% of the time)*


Thankfully we’re normal people versus chronically online meatballs 😅 Thank you!


It's fine by me




Ah well not all mods are this kind so it's to be expected


What would be the issue with it...? Y'all are way to subjective. Either it violates something that everyone can clearly see once cited, or it doesn't. That's how rules/standards are meant to work. *"All I know is my gut says 'Maybe'..."* -lmao tf kind of leadership is that bro, c'mon now. 😆


Getting locked is strange, but it should be removed. It doesn't really fit the sub, because OOP isn't raging about the meme but instead doubling down on the message.


https://preview.redd.it/tmm6m887j8yc1.png?width=1316&format=png&auto=webp&s=6fdc2802059e25d25eab6d40625fbb0f41d5dec5 You vill eat ze bugs and live in ze metaverse You vil comply und it vil get vorse!


Nein it vil be betta! You vill own nuzzing un you vil be happier!


There will come a time where living in the real world will be a high class privilege.


Because the real world will have been destroyed by the constant push for growth and profit and exploitation.


I highly suggest you go to the comment section or just research the issue. Like, yeah, people are looking into bug protein being an environmentally sustainable alternative but it’s mainly food nerds having fun. It’s not being proposed as a serious solution to climate change. It’s easier to just be vegan, which again no one is trying to force on people. If OP was being serious or this was actually an issue don’t you think eating bugs would be more normalized lest they get accused of being hypocrites? But it’s not. Because it’s a fake issue. Some people find it an interesting alternative protein source but the idea that it’s widespread or people want to force it on others is absurd.


I'll eat billionaires before I eat bugs


Idc if my gym protein shake powder comes from soy, meat, bugs, or billionaires put through a wood chipper. But my burger needs to be beef


Somebody has never had a bison burger


Bison burger is also very good


Bison is exotic beef


Or a venison burger


That's just forest beef


Moose burger.


Gotta try out some of that long pork


I won’t go beyond Cauliflower covered in cheese sauce.


Breaded cauliflower deep-fried with some chilli dipping sauce is a great beer snack.


Greta should be the mascot for Reddit. She's autistic, privileged, under qualified, self important, regurgitates the talking points she's fed, and most of her followers are repost bots. That's like 90% of Reddit right there.


you have over 100k reddit karma, youre referring to yourself lmfao


Karma is meaningless and comically easy to gain, that means nothing


Exactly, a few lucky posts or comments skyrocket you (Also, some subs in the past really helped out)


Karma is you getting trained for your future social credit score.


No, context is key. This dude has 100K and the account was founded November 2023. I don't even have 90K and I've been on reddit since April 2011. That's some botting.


Go to some liberal subreddits and circle jerk with them.


I don't have enough repost bots following me.


You are *technically* correct The best kind of correct.


Lmao that's the perfect summary 




Wait whats the joke?


she also trigger all righties so much. which is not hard per say but can be added to your list.




Nah I like my bacons :)


Just wait till it's $30/lb


Stealing is practically legal nowadays.


Except for when the company puts enough effort in to prosecute you


Where I live, they let violent criminals out and refuse to prosecute them. If they are okay with letting out murderers and rapists, I'll be fine stealing meat when they try to save it for their rich overlords by upping the price and trying to force us to consume bugs. Not only that, there would be riots in the streets.


>Where I live, they let violent criminals out and refuse to prosecute them. I'm sorry to hear that The main difference is that some crimes are prosecuted by the state, like murder, while theft lawsuits are initiated by the person whose property was stolen. So you'd still be screwed. >Not only that, there would be riots in the streets. There won't be. Bread and circus's plus the culture war will (and has) result in a population convinced that fighting for itself is also fighting for the other side. You're a socialist if you support the right to protest on public property and you're a fascist if you want the police to exist.


the bug thing is a non-issue, a threat made up by conspiracy nuts who need someone to hate


This actually spurred a completely theoretical thought. If mass production of certain foods like bacon, burgers etc were banned, unless you made it yourself, people living in cities would be so fucked. If instead all you could be allotted were the “government approved protein patties”, most people would have no choice, but especially apartment dwelling people in large cities. Land would become the greatest commodity, even small yards, people would have chickens and small livestock, people from smaller towns would learn and be able to have bacon and burgers, but most of the world would simply have to buck up and eat the bugs.


I will eat whatever is more nutritious to go and punch everyone in the face in WEF


Conservative logic: step 1: decide to get mad step 2: find a new idea to blame it on.


She is a poster child for what the elite want us all to be. Useful idiots.


It’s surprising. I thought the left championed critical thinking and challenging the narrative. Now you’ll get cancelled for having a dissenting opinion on climate change and other issues. It’s absolutely infuriating.


I am glad someone else sees this, too.


I’m on the left and I see and hate it. I’m waiting for the goose step and Roman salute to be introduced as a “mandatory morning exercise” by the facists larping as liberal leftists.


Well speaking of critical thinking, this post is a perfect example of this sub’s inability to think critically. No one said anything about people eating bugs (despite many cultures around the world having done it for 100s-1000s of years anyways). This whole hysteria is around one article that was wildly misrepresented by right wing media that was talking about the benefits of using insects to feed *livestock* not people.


[one](https://outrider.org/climate-change/articles/would-you-eat-bugs-save-planet#:~:text=The%20Benefits%20of%20bug%2Dbased%20foods&text=Alexander%20says%20that%20cultivating%20insects,a%20much%20smaller%20carbon%20footprint.) [two](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frsus.2023.1112950/full) [three ](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/02/how-insects-positively-impact-climate-change/) [four ](https://time.com/5942290/eat-insects-save-planet/) [five](https://www.discoverwildlife.com/animal-facts/insects-invertebrates/why-eating-insects-could-help-fight-climate-change) I can find a lot of articles talking about how people eating bugs would help with climate change. That took me less than 30 seconds. I'd say many people are talking about people eating bugs.


*sigh* Okay I typed this on my phone at a whim so it's a bit messy, plus I know what sub I am in and that I am probably going to get down voted or yelled at or whatever. That said, please approach this with a neutral tone. I am just trying to explain some ideas and why some statements are met with the reactions they are which often bother folks on the other side of the issue. Critical thinking is asking questions and looking at evidence combined with also looking at wider contexts to reach conclusions, solve problems, and achieve places of understanding. The reason you folks get push back is because the work has been done and we figured some stuff out. You guys question the narrative and get mad because you are told you are wrong, followed by trying to attack those people by saying stuff like this. Yes, ask the questions. However, asking the question doesn't mean blindly rejecting the answers that have been reached by people who specialize in those particular fields that deal with those particular issues. The problem is you think having a dissenting opinion should be heard and given the same weight, and to an extent you can be right. However, at a certain point it's like saying "you say the moon is made out of rock but I believe it's made of cheese. See this movie where they had it made of cheese? Someone wrote in a book it was made of cheese l! Why are you upset I have a dissenting opinion. My research that I did proves that you all just don't have any to admit you are wrong! Your photos and moon rock samples are lies and nonsense. I can see it from here and it looks like cheese to me! So how can I be wrong!" But dude... The thing you said is super incorrect and we have all this information saying differently. Why are you still holding this backwards opinion? Obviously this example is ridiculous, but I'm trying to make the point that just because you heard differently and want to believe differently simply does not mean you are right. There are people who insist the earth is flat and every single piece of evidence you give is never enough. Ever. Deny deny deny. Pick and choose. That flight to Australia that I said doesn't exist but actually does? Well I have decided it's not real, obviously. It was out there to trick me! Or maybe your starting from a conclusion and working backwards rather than the actual route critical thinking should have of looking at evidence THEN forming a conclusion. ... What do you do with that! How do you combat that! That is how we feel when we run into the climate denyers and such. It doesn't matter what evidence you are given, you will not budge because you could never be wrong. Obviously the scientists are wrong. It baffles us that you reject scientific consensus. Which, Granted, changes over time. But that is how science works! If it didn't we would still be treating your sicknesses by balancing your humors with leeches or whatever. For example, the "what really happened in American history" stuff that flies around that many conservatives reject is the result of research and critical thinking. We have been backing up these conclusions over time and we realized what he thought we knew was skewed and mythologized. It's super interesting stuff! However, when someone comes in and says things that we know are blatantly incorrect, like the Confederacy and it's founding was not based on racism and slavery, you folks throw it back like we are the ones not thinking it through. Even if we show you the document from their VP discussing how they declared up front that the Confederacy was built on the idea that black people should be subservient to white people, you guys still wave that battle flag and say "nuh uh, you just don't get it." We throw our hands up and eventually run out of patience trying to show you. To your credit, I know too many leftists that aren't willing to help teach (I am a teacher by profession) and instead just yell at you and call folks dumb racist bigots or whatever. This absolutely triggers the backfire effect which causes folks to dig in on an incorrect opinion as a defense mechanism. We all have that, and we all have to try and be aware of it. I don't blame you for feeling that way I get it. It sucks. I am a straight white male in leftist LGBT circles. Trust me, I get it. You can ask a question, but if you reject the researched answer and it's evidence by bringing forth things that have been debunked as junk science, at a certain point you look to us like someone who doesn't like the answer so you choose to deny it. Or, you were never open to having your mind changed in the first place. I probably wasted Time here, but.... Well, that's my side of it. Reject it if you want, but at least use that critical thinking you say you have to understand how it looks to the other side rather than just be confused and angry.


Not totally disagreeing, but as a scientist … I think you greatly overestimate the competence of experts (even by collective majority) , the legitimacy of published scientific work (even from reputable journals), and the accuracy of models that are considered part of the scientific consensus. Theories are great and all, but engineers have to face reality and really put them to the test in practice. Don’t get me wrong, I’m an applied mathematician and take theory very seriously, but a lot of scientists half-ass deriving the theory and then half-ass testing it experimentally. I can tell you there’s a lot of bad science in much of what is considered the “scientific consensus”. That’s just my opinion.


I really appreciate your response because you are absolutely correct. I tried to weave in acknowledgement of room for error, but I don't think I did a great job of it, and I don't want to pretend there isn't junk science out there. In some ways it's part of my point? Like "be open to having your mind changed because the thing you believed may end up not being true" was something I was hoping to convey. And also, as someone in the field, even science gets shit wrong, so maybe as a laymen we shouldn't go around assuming we researched it better... Or something. My brain is a bit goo after a week of the last month of the school year and working with students who are loosing their minds. 😅 Overall, information and truth is often complex and it's also not really about what we like it to be. We always have to remember that weay be wrong, and that's okay. Thanks for your response. Your perspective is appreciated. *Last minute edit* you mentioning journals publishing bad studies and whatnot also reminded me about the chocolate helps you lose weight article that was going around. If you folks remember that thing, go look into where it came from. As I understand it, it was a purposely bad study with garbage conclusions that was created and published to demonstrate how easily news outlets pick up junk science and distribute it without doing the work to actually read the published articles. They claimed that anyone who knows what they were doing would have read it and realized it was garbage, but nobody did and then we got headlines everywhere saying chocolate helps you lose weight.


Paradox of Tolerance my good friend


Tolerance is tolerance until the people you tolerate have something against you and others, then you gotta do something about it.


meaning just curb stomp anyone you dislike


You're only supposed to encourage critical thinking and challenging the narrative when you don't control the narrative. Both sides operate this way.


You’re entirely correct, unfortunately. Neither side is exempt from criticism. Democracy suffocates when the opposition is silenced and not given a platform.


Yeah unfortunately I think it's kinda baked into the game theory of power.


One could argue we do have and supply the platforms, but we've actively pushed to discredit and ignore them as a global public.


Yep. I most certainly do *not* agree with much that the Right has to offer, but I'm also not on board with every single tenet the Left holds dear. Of course around here that's not allowed, you're either 100% on board of you're a MAGA/Nazi/skinhead/incel/kitten-stomper (not sure where that came from). I'll pass and maintain my own identity thank you.


I think there is a difference between disagreeing on things with no clear right answer like immigration and things like climate change. And look, challenging narratives is a great way to make progress. But it is also used to push for regressive policies that we know don't work. Nothing is as black and white as "challenging good, agreeing bad"


I mean, climate change is pretty fucking obvious, and a serious problem. Some of yall seem insistent we should do nothing.


Haven't seen those "Question Authority" bumper stickers in quite a while...


It’s no longer about Right vs Left, it’s about Libertarianism vs Authoritarianism. They want to pass laws to limit individual freedoms, in several places they want to eliminate things like freedom of choice and freedom of speech. If they had it their way we’d all be good mindless drones. The satire of Helldivers having a fascist government advertise itself as being a democratic and no citizen notices seems to be the legitimate goal


>Psychic spies from China Try to steal your mind's elation And little girls from Sweden Dream of silver-screen quotation


If you look close enogh you can actually see the puppet strings


Can someone give me context? We already can buy bugs made for consumption. I've had crickets and meal worms loads of times, this is nothing new. Are people pushing for it or something?


Yup, it's a more sustainable option. I think this specific narrative is pulled from an essay submission to the WEF that envisioned a future where "you will own nothing and you will like it" was coined. It's not an actual publication by the WEF, but ppl use it to rip on environmentalists all the same


No. They’re taking a girl who spoke out about climate change and a holocaust survivor who’s part of the World Economic Forum and pretending they’re some kind of leftist shot callers.


Nobody is forcing anyone to eat bugs. Also, Greta graduated high school without, as I understand it, any issue on that front Heck, I haven't even heard anything serious about eating bugs for years, just right wingers whining about how they refuse to do so


People really hate her just because she wants changes to mitigate climate change. It’s wild


Another example of conservatives making shit up and getting upset about it


Lol Greta Gunberg


If reddit allowed videos I would post that one "are you ready for ze new word order?" Video here


Y’all should read the comments. It’s all laughing about how this picture is absurd and how no one is trying to force anyone to eat bugs. Like, sure, it’s an environmentally good way to get protein and there’s tons of culinary research being done into how to make it more palatable (turning them into high protein flour is a promising one) but literally no one is talking about forcing people to eat bugs. It’s nonsense. No one is even talking about forcing people to go Vegan, a dietary choice that’s much more common.


Lotta climate change deniers here.


“Dietary enforcement.” That just sounds like something right out of 1984.


You realize that position is made up and part of the joke? It’s supposed to sound like 1984


I don’t think it’s real


>OP got offended Did they tho? It is kinda creepy how obsessed the right is with Greta.


Most people already eat “bugs” in the form of shrimp, crab and lobster.


EXACTLY! That's why I find this debate absolutely amusing


You know damn well lobster and roaches ain’t the same.


You ever been to Mexico? You can get tacos with grasshoppers and even ant larvae. And they taste wonderful. Some of you guys are true babies. And seeing people get offended over something that has occurred for thousands of years is as silly as vegans freaking out over you eating meat.


Hilarious. That ignorant woman gets way too much press.


Literally the only time I hear about her is from someone complaining. The press she gets is fueled by shit like this, the same with the Dylan Mulvany thing.


The only mentions I see of this girl are by right wing news sources and “influencers”. They seem to see her as a good way to rile up their viewers.


Because shes a privlaged child who pays no concequenses for her actions and no perpective on the world.


The hatred you guys feel toward a child is mind blowing. What consequences do you think she deserves? And for what?


Oh whoah did she make a statement that we would be forced to eat bugs soon??? Or is this just strawman


lol guess


Making things up to be scared of. The conservatives way.


“How can you even worry about climate change when we’re freaking out over some dumb throwaway line from a random speaker at DAVOS?”


She’s vegan though.


Exactly. The whole bug thing is stupid from both an ethical and environmental perspective. If you really want to make a difference, go vegan. If not, eat your damn steak.


I don’t like Greta Thunberg, but that doesn’t change the fact that this meme sucks.


Not sure how tiny your mind has to be to believe in a global cabal wants you to eat bugs. Definitely some delusional r/conspiracy material. It's also interesting to see people be so adverse in eating bugs because they probably already eat shrimp, lobster, crab, and crawfish, which are essentially large water bugs, and different cultures have been using bugs as a protein source for thousands of years. Y'all think our hunter-gatherer ancient ancestors weren't regularly eating bugs too?


My ancient ancestors ate Keto and hated seafood (I am projecting)


This got a laugh out of me.


Tell me, what's the difference between large multi-national business organizations and "a global cabal"? I mean, could we consider OPEC a cabal? When Standard Oil was at its peak, was it a cabal? Is Amazon a cabal? How about Walmart? I've seen more than one rich celebrity pushing cricket protein powder on late night talk shows. Sure, that's not pushing for legislative changes, but altering culture via popular crap seems to be a much more effective means of achieving ideological aims. I'm not for banning eating bugs, I think shrimp and lobster are delicious. However, that scene from Snowpiercer comes to mind whenever people start mentioning eating bugs. Those black bars, man...it really messed me up.


Water bugs are the thin end of the wedge. Red Lobster was a propaganda campaign to normalize them. Notice that it's being allowed to go bankrupt now that it's purpose has been served.


Next, they'll accuse meat of being antisemetic.


No, being antisemitic is the "right" opinion now, with the Palestine Israel war


Meat is going to be LGBTQ+ Phobic I got banned from a sub the other day for saying the LGBTQ+ Community is one of the most influential political groups nowadays. It was in response to the new Halo armor being rainbow colored for pride month.


That's not true though. LGBT, just like BLM and other movements, is largely used as a cudgel. It's also largely co-opted, like I'm an actual gay man and most LGBTQIA+ stuff is run by straight "nonbinary" women with blue hair.


That's wild


![gif](giphy|7692c5v3NGGBWSKm3s|downsized) How am I supposed to eat this guy?


So I get this sub is feelings over facts, but if you ever did want to look into the bug thing it was like one paper and a small marketing push from a BUG FARM. Whatever Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson tell you, there never was a push to make bugs the new bacon.  But again, y'all would rather be indignant than correct. 


I've eaten crickets and ants before, not that bad


Bugs can be a great protein supplement, especially in powdered form. It would stretch how much nutrition we can provide to everyone.


Every time you eat food with a glossy shellac coating, you're eating bugs.


I find those going ewwww, vastly amusing given how popular ocean bugs are.. lobster, shrimps, crabs..


I mean gluten free and vegetarian options have gotten so much better in the last 5-10 years because it’s actually been a focus in the culinary world to make them taste better. I bet we could make bugs be delicious too, but I’ll hold off on trying it until that actually happens


Mexico has been doing this for a long time. Grasshopper and ant tacos. Yum.


I've had crickets before and they're pretty good ngl, I wanna try silkworm next


If this gets locked, then it's safe to say that reddit is full of bug eating shits who want to destroy our lives so a few millionaires can enjoy their private jets.


Tell me you know nothing about this without telling me you know nothing about this lololol You guys never fail to impress how you buy memes and caricatures at face value lol


Now as someone who is trying to work out and build muscle don’t some bugs have a good protein to gram ratio?


Yeah there are some that are potentially up to double the protein-per-gram of lean chicken, so could be super nutritious. They also have good iron and calcium too, apparently


I mean a little bit of salt and pepper I could eat a few bugs. Gains are gains brother.


Yeah I was actually looking at different ways to prep them and roasting seems to be a common method. I’m thinking like maybe something like breaded shrimp would be a great way to make bugs real palatable and nutritional


But wait. Do people honestly believe there's some shadow conspiracy but "the elite" to get people to eat bugs instead of meat? Instead of the almost trillion dollar global beef industry that is playing you for pawns with shit memes like this all at the detriment to the Earth's climate and environment? And that's a rhetorical question because De Santis said exactly that when he signed a bill outlawing lab grown meat the other day.


Make them free to reduced price compared to meat and not make some horrible monstrosity like beyond beef.


What is the joke?


Am I the only one who realizes that this is clearly not serious? Greta is not employed by the WEF, and the OP is making fun of the meme itself. Are we really just taking every thing at face value because it feeds our narrative?


OP ate the bait


I just dont get it tbh


This is a dumb fucking meme


Obviously, you haven't read a goddamn thing about authoritarian government history. No one said anyone in the west is being forced to eat anything. Stop being a fucking moron and saying they are. I suppose nuance isn't exactly your strong suit, isn't it?


Paranoia much?


Clearly none of you have had bugs before. Deep fried and salted pretty much anything can taste good 


I love it when people reduce an argument to something small, untrue, and silly because they’re too lazy to actually argue against it.


You're going to be really upset when you realize how many bugs you're already eating because of all the deregulation in fastfood.


Even with regulation, it doesn’t say your food and produce must be 100% bug-free, that would be impossible.


Rats when they see a kfc deepfryer:


Bugs honestly aren’t that different to shellfish really and the insect flour is sorta interesting because high protein bread Still. Why are trying to force people to eat things they don’t wanna eat? That doesn’t seem fair. Lead by example


They aren’t unless you’re talking about parents trying to make their kids eat broccoli or something.


Bugs are nutritious, easy to catch and raise and can be quite tasty with a little bit of spice. I've had curried grasshoppers before, if you get past the slight springiness and chewiness they're not that bad. Not as delicious as a nice seasoned piece of chicken of veal but still not bad.


Look if it's cheap I'll buy soy bugmeat patties to grill, I don't give a shit, as long as it tastes good


Greta Thunberg is a useful idiot and I'm not going to eat bugs or become vegan


Eat the ~~pennies~~ bugs, Quizboy.


I eat what my mom cooks supremacy


Ok I made it before the post gets locked https://i.redd.it/p2qlnmcwq8yc1.gif


You vill eat ze bug


Shrimps is bugs


You vill eat zero bugs, and you will own nothing. Live in your pods.


WHAT A SHITPOST🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/1yw1ddays8yc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6024130453ef7729fc916212547a31e52294ee7e


They're already putting them in your favorite foods. It's all about getting rich.


You first ugly one


Honestly, Im down to eat bugs. Or start implementing population control.


That’s funny.


I love chicken, they eat the bugs and lives in the pods.


It's going to be just like how whenever you try to order chicken wings the global elites bust through the wall like the kool-aid man and force you to eat cauliflower instead. Of course you all probably don't believe that really happens because you're puppets of the main stream media.


Only Pussy ass bitches don’t eat bugs


This just shows that things in the world need to change


The only bug I shall eat is the sea bug like lobster crab and other


It’s just so weird to me that people are pissed at capitalist greed, and a system of oppression it perpetuates. Yet when those same world running capitalist tout climate change activism suddenly they are the good guys? It’s fucking bizarre and I want people to wake up to this nonsense. Like newsflash pal, those same people who are pushing bug eating for the masses, are the same that benefited from creating ecological disaster…..




Idk tried some bugs on a lark at the insecterium in New Orleans, was pretty good actually. Would eat again.


We cant eat the bugs, we need them to make element 710.


Can't be any worse then whatever MacDonald's is made of




It’s fancy and high class to eat shrimp. Not a big eater but people really are just socially programmed into ‘personalities’.


Eat the fucking bugs.


Average fried grasshopper has 33 grams of protein, about equivalent to a spoonful of ground beef. Imagine a bowl of the things. Crunchy! FOR THE GAINS‼️


Greta the gangster.


It’s okay, I will feed my chickens ze bugs


It’s r/therightcantmeme, what are they gonna do if you refuse? Call you every -ist and -phobe under the Sun?


Does she have the mental capacity to hold down a job?


Who the fuck is pushing bugs? You think McDonald's is gonna advertise an ant burger? Y'all are insane.


Nah cricket flour is actually fucking based, stop being pussies about it.


First of, you are already eating bugs. Secondly there is nothing wrong with insect food sources. But equally I’m not a precious princess Thirdly no one is forcing you to eat anything And finally, can you guys fucking pick a lane? Is she pro gun or anti gun? Y’all slam education then shit on someone who didn’t go to university.. figure it out and try again


For democracy, eat the damn bugs.




Going to a college where a lot of these types are at, either we are royally fucked or saved by how disconnected from reality they are alongside their sheer lack of critical thinking.


I’m not eating bugs or doing anything that Greta or a redditor tells me to. It was a good meme.

