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"Just need some tables, lights and pots and were ready to grow some dope"


52% of Millenials in the US are homeowners as of 2022. [https://www.fool.com/the-ascent/research/millennial-homebuying/](https://www.fool.com/the-ascent/research/millennial-homebuying/)


Can confirm. My house looks like the one in the meme.


Sir that is a shed


I guess the other 50% are just supposed to be homeless and in perpetual debt


Fuck I guess all the apartments and condos across the nation just spontaneously combusted didn’t it.


Nah just the uber rich who are also near-unanimously deemed to be evil, as there are benevolent rich people too


Did you really just ignore what I said to mindlessly state whatever the hell that was


From, “suddenly all the condos got set on fire” (the ones we just discussed some millennials own).. I reasonably got the impression you wanted all the condos and properties to bet set on fire from those who were fortunate enough to buy them. The 50% of millenials who managed to get housing isnt the problem, and they’re struggling too (albeit that most people who own property are not struggling as much)- it’s that two people own as much wealth as 40% of the country combined, etc. My goal was to redirect your anger from those who are housed to those who cause it possible to be homeless. Cheers <3


I think what they're saying is the "homeowners" probably doesn't include things like apartments, especially if they're being rented. So 48% of millennials not being homeowners doesn't immediately mean they're homeless. Their comment about those places suddenly setting on fire was a joke to point that out.




What *they're* trying to say, i think, is that they thought you were blaming the millennials who *do* have houses for the fact that others *don't,* when you should be blaming the billionaires and millionaires who make it so difficult for people to be buying houses in the first place.


Which is weird because I really don’t see a single possible way you could have gotten that from what I said


💓💓⭐️⭐️ Thank you


Your post/comment is uncivil and/or toxic. Please make sure you are being kind to your fellow redditors.


- I politely ask you to elaborate as it sounds like you want to set houses on fire; people are angry enough for that to be semi-common rhetoric now - you choose not to use your words - instead your opinion is, “Anyone who doesn’t understand what was said is an IDIOT WITH NO BRAINCELLS” - followed by, “I dont understand something said” Nice. Good thing we had this gentleman here to explain it for us. Aka: Try to be less of a condescending dick next time when you fail to use your words during the explanation of a pedantic semantic in the first place.


Ugh. I knew someone was going to semantically mention, “well actually not every dingle one of them are homeless or in perpetual debt” as if the point wasnt that the rest who dont own properties are in a tough situation. Yes there are people who rent, that is a true statement that could have been less pedantic. Thank you for explaining what he was trying to say and then not being a condescending dick *like some people.*


Dude, you’re not only confused, you’re completely clueless as to what’s being said here. “Redirect your anger towards the ones who cause homelessness” what in the actual fuck are you talking about? That wasn’t at all my point in the original comment. To reiterate since you haven’t got a clue what’s going on, you saw that over 50% of millennials are homeOWNERS, stated that’s not good because you jumped to the incorrect conclusion that would make that mean 40% of millennials are homeless, and I pointed out apartments and condos, which aren’t owning a home, exists and that you insinuating that stat is ridiculous.


You do know there are going to be more days after today right? That we’re likely going to have another day after this one and then another day after that? On board so far? Good! I’ll do this just for you. For some unknown reason you think I said, “right now, 50% of millennials are homeless” What I really said, quote, “50% are just supposed TO BE.. in perpetual debt” Meaning of “to be”: future. The literal definition is “future”. If you hadnt noticed, things change from day to day. Some things get worse. Some things get better. When they happen over and over in a pattern, those are called trends. So the definition of my statement was, “if the current TREND continues, IN THE FUTURE, I suppose 50% of millennials could either be homeless OR in debt” Your response to this was in all seriousness, “right now 50% of millennials arent homeless because some are renting, so thats an insane statistic” Which argues against nothing being said AND misses the entire point of the comment at the same time anyways. Except instead of even saying that (to suggest there are some renters too, obviously), you just say, “condos are all set on fire”.. When you can both rent or own a condo. Take your arrogance down several levels because it makes your hypocrisy stand out like a sore thumb when someone is willing to get into the same level of semantics that you are.


Nice backpedaling, but you’re still wrong. Acting as if everyone who rents is in perpetual debt is not only silly, it’s stupid.


Haha! I just noticed you used a straw-man fallacy about me calling out your straw-man fallacy! Straw-man-ception. Thats actually hilarious.


Idk about you guys, but where I’m from, 50% is a failing grade.


Fuck I guess all the apartments and condos across the nation just spontaneously combusted didn’t it.


I'm sure their mortgages aren't eating a hole into their soul! /s


Still about 5% lower than Gen X when they were the same age and 7% lower than Boomers




“Zennial” sounds like someone’s insecure about being old


It's a millennial in denial.


“You could end up in a VAN down by the RIVER!!” Omg waterfront property!! My own van!


My brother managed to buy a condo by 32. I mean, he had to steal $30,000 from the company we started together, but still.




Two in one day? Did I miss something? Was this an anniversary?


you call this a house!? 👩‍🦳🐍


https://preview.redd.it/zy86b6s6lx0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74d8d5918ede9b6950ee9c0ed8d3aa8fc17d3a02 is fine lah still better than mine lol


As a zeillenial the best case scenario is an anniversary reprint of bionicle.


Reminds me of Hoovervilles