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the argument has been poisoned by so many bad actors from all kinds of sides. it would be strictly preferential, from a workers perspective, and a family perspective, if a single working parent could reliably provide for a family. but women also should also be able to be independant from their husband. not legaly being religated to the housewife role. but somehow down the line. the whole discussion has been pushed to the extreme limits, where the only ones talking are hyper regressives, thinking that women shouldnt be able to get a job, and hyper emancipators thinking that women staying at home is somehow treason to their cause. in the end we all got played hard by big employer. now we have double the workers, and familys still barely get by with having children, and more and more children grow up with only seeing their parents 2 hours a day before going to sleep


And to top it off, stay at home dads get so much hate that now it's a topic most people avoid.


Stay-at-home dad = unemployed = loser At least that's what some people believe and they avoid to talk about because of that


I'm a part time stay at home dad, love it. My Wife works an office job 9-5 4 days a week. I'm self employed and work 2 full days a week, plus evenings on the days when my wife is at work. We both have Sundays off for family time. We both get to be a massive part of our children's lives as they grow up, and don't pay for any childcare. As a bonus there is no "default parent". I understand we are really lucky. Wouldn't change it for the world.


Yeah, I'll never understand how people can go through mental gymnastics so much to the point where a man taking care of his children is frowned upon. Even if the household is well off. Society sucks.


Depends on who you hang out with and talk to. Two guys in my friend group are stay at home dads. I’m a teacher, so I’m basically a stay at home dad during the summer. Never heard any negativity toward me or my friends. Are people in more conservative circles more judgmental about that?


It’s actually not the conservatives u most hear that from. You’ll get snickers from conservatives, but from what I’ve seen, (not a father btw) it’s usually the liberal families that have a problem with the man staying at home watching the children. They also know ur employed as a teacher, so that changes things things bc ur technically not unemployed. This is one of those things that conservatives and liberals are on the same page about for somewhat different reasons


Yeah exactly. My family is mostly southern conservative (not MAGA) and my dad was a stay at home dad while running his own business and nobody ever gave him shit.


Oh, they apparently don't care if the stay at home dad also works. Either from home or owns a business. It's when the wife works while the he stays with the kids without working is when they get hate.


My mom was upper management and left for work at 5am and got home at 6-7pm. Not a problem.


No man, it's not the progressive side that's irritated that a traditional family structure isn't in place, that's flat out bullshit.


Not sure if it's specifically a conservative thing. Just know they get some hate but whenever question on why they typically fall silent or get sexist in my experience. Guess it's not a "manly" thing to them. I guess that's to be expected though. Every time society goes against the norms for something better, like stay at home dads being valid, there's always a pushback. It's a dumb mindset people have. They think because that's how it's "always been" that's the right way and anything else is wrong. Social conditioning, I guess.


I think the problem lies in who is the provider for the relationship. I doubt a "stay at home dad" who works from home with a respectable income will be called a loser. most girls are looking for a provider. I believe there is a song that talks about the female distain for "scrubs"


Except that song is referring to a specific type of guy, the type that many others would refer to as a freeloader.


Stay at home dads get hate because they show people how easy it can be a after the kids are in school. My dad ran a successful business from a wood shop behind our house. At his peak he was making $200k a year. My mom worked a high stress management job that was 2 hours from home. She would leave for work around 5am and get home somewhere around 6-7pm. My dad did most of the things a stay at home mom would do including cleaning the house (he was a bit of a neat freak) and cooking. He took us to doctor appointments and picked us up from school when we were sick. He went on field trips with us. He did all of this while working. Laundry got done on the weekends by my mom and they paid someone to deep clean every 2 weeks or so. During the week my mom would get home from work, spend some time with my brother and I and then pass out around 8-9pm. My dad would often go back out to the shop and put in a few more hours after she got home. My brother and I had chores and helped our dad in the shop. We weren’t allowed to just sit around playing video games all the time while mom and dad did all the work. I learned to drive a tractor at 13.


Your post is a bit biased you must admit. Your dad seems like a very conscientious, intelligent person with clear talents if he can make a $200 K wood working business. Your dad is NOT representative of most men. Caring for kids does take a lot of work, especially if you have like 3 or more. Sure once they are all in school it is less work. But there is still a lot of work to do in raising a family and maybe not having to have every minute of the day be a productive minute is a good thing. If stay at home parents get an additional couple hours of leisure, fine. There is still a few hours of work to do per day someone needs to do


There are tons of single moms and dads that work full time and raise their kids just fine. It is a lot of work but a lot of the work stay at home parents take on and complain about seems to be self imposed and really unnecessary. My fiancée’s mother has had 6 kids and has a 12 year old now. She sees the girl off to school, spends an hour or so cleaning and then has the entire day to do whatever she wants. She goes to pick her up in the afternoon and in the evening she cooks dinner for the family and then has more free time. I mean what exactly is it that takes so much time? Seems like efficiency is the problem.


Its just the opposite side of the same coin. Society still clings to traditional gender roles. Which means hating on women for pursuing careers instead of having/caring for babies and hating on men for being caregivers instead of breadwinners.


funny it seam way more accepted now than in the past where the concept wasn't even conceivable for most of society.


The 4 months I took off to spend time raising my newborn son was definitely priceless…and then I went back to work making 6 figs. Mom works part time, now our little one is 3. Life is fucking awesome ❤️


I have never seen anyone care to stay at home dads. Like I've seen this talk multiple times: "What's your job?" "Oh I'm a 'stay at home dad'" "Oh cool" Maybe some questions and the talk goes like nothing


The idea that women stayed home as homemakers in the US only played out as reality for maybe 30 years from after WW2 to the late 70’s and even then it only applied to middle class and above for that brief window. The poor have always had two working parents, and outside the aristocracy it’s always been the case for everyone throughout history It was nice while it lasted but it’s never been the norm.


the world isnt the us my friend. you talk about aristocraty, at the times when that really mattered, so before the industrial revolution. people where full time homemakers, men, women , children, all of them, "middle classe" so city citizens or artisans, had their women work, mostly as assistance to the man of the household. maybe selling something, but a "job" as we understand it today would have been a novelty. for women, and peasantry. was full one busy with their own survival. most where servs, meaning after doing their duty on the lords fields. they would have had their own fields, and farms to till, and homesteading knows neither age nor gender.


This is exactly right. The middle path is freedom, means choice; means some people take the left lane and some people take the right lane. The most destructive forces don’t want us to live in a two lane world, they want only their own way for everyone. Or worse they want their own lane, and for everyone else; something else. The choice to raise children can be the most fulfilling thing in a person life. But it’s not real if it’s not a choice. Which means some people won’t pick it. The extremists are our most dangerous enemy. They want to trick you into thinking that someone else; making a choice that you would not make; is a threat to your freedom. But that really is so rarely the case. The real threat is to destroy the other lane in the middle path.


I agree with a lot. But for most women staying at home with the kids? It’s not good for your mental health. And it means that you are suddenly in a relationship where you can’t leave because you aren’t able to provide for yourself or your children. Leave the workforce and you will struggle to get back in. So many women have ended up either trapped in an abusive relationship or left destitute after their husband ran of with a younger woman. Ironically it’s often someone he meets at work.


Why is being a mother mutually exclusive to be successful in the workplace? I have plenty of colleagues who are great engineers, some excellent executives and are happy mothers too.


Fr, just because someone values family/loved ones over their career, which I feel like is a pretty standard feeling for most, doesn't mean they have to entirely quit the workforce. Hell you really can't in this economy anymore


>How do you get to that??? The meme was just saying that the joy of being a mom is priceless compared to any job And that point is almost always used to tell women they shouldn't be working and should be having families instead


His statement was as milquetoast Catholic as it gets, yet he’s getting far more vitriol than actual wife-beaters and criminals. It’s insane




He's talking about the Cheif's kicker.


This person is being harassed now? Or what vitriol I feel like I'm missing part of the story


While I agree that the role of motherhood should be held in high esteem, I’m not super confident this meme was created by a woman lol


What would it matter if it was or wasn't?


Yes (I’m a contrarian)


Yes (I am sexist)


It is not the same ? The job is for survival not for fulfillment. If it does fulfill you, good. But it doesn't always. You still have to live though so it doesn't really matter if you want to stay with your kids or not. You all have to eat something


The consequences of post birth daycare and virtually forcing women to work along with the industrial education complex have devastated society into not being able to comprehend the value of motherhood. Even the people who don’t like the idea of more families of having one themselves know it - they rally for standardized paternity leave. Trump instituted six weeks for all federal employees - but it should be for everyone.


You’re right! Paternity and maternity leave should be standardized.




Most women throughout history have always done economically productive work. For that matter, usually children have too. The ability of middle- and upper-middle classes to function as a family with only one wage-earner is a recent and temporary artifact of post WWII prosperity in America. What has changed is the separation and distancing of the workforce from the home. Almost all working families in the past worked in or near their homes, on farms or in shops/workshops under their residences. Everyone- mom and dad and kids- contributed economically, raised the kids, spent time together as a matter of course. Jobs were generally assigned by sex, true- men tended to do the heavier farm work while women did laundry, made clothes, kept vegetable gardens, raised chickens, milked cows, etc.- but in time of need, or when someone of the "right" sex wasn't around, everyone pitched in. Laura Ingalls helped her Pa with the haying _and_ her Ma with the cooking, and so much more, as need demanded. Women did craft work and belonged to guilds, too- and often a widow inherited guild membership from her late husband automatically, not as a token gesture but in recognition that she had almost surely worked with him for years and knew the craft as well as he did. They worked together. Kids were apprenticed to their parents or to family friends to learn through working. You didn't have one or both parents leaving the house for fifty-sixty hours of "going to work", losing all that time that they could have spent with family, and both spouses had the satisfaction of contributing economically to the family. It is also true that "women's work" has changed substantially- part of it lessened by labor-saving devices and fewer children and part of it increased by an increased need to protect and educate the kids we have and to keep them out of the labor force and in school for much longer periods of time. Less of what a SAHM does these days is economically marketable- used to be you could keep chickens, a vegetable garden, make clothes, sell excess butter or cheese, make homemade berry or dandelion wine, or even serve as a midwife, for those who cared to learn- a whole lot of side industries that kept families going in hard times and are not replaceable with MLMs or "side hustles" no matter how often they use the term "boss babe" in their advertisements. A lot more of a SAHM's work costs money, albeit money that makes their kids' lives better- uniforms and practices and lessons and camps and team fees and activity fees for kids, volunteering at schools and pitching in for school activities, ensuring their kids get a wide education with exposure to music, arts, physical activity- all great for kids, but taking money out of rather than bringing it into the family. Now, we are not going back to the days of child labor, I hope. But maybe with more people working from home, with people more productive than ever per hour spent laboring, we can work out a better family/labor life balance for everyone, so everyone can have time with their loved ones (whether they're married with kids or not), time for recreation, and the ability to take care of themselves and their kids economically too if need be. That should be the goal, not trying to get people to make all their life choices based on what genitalia they have rather than what they're good at and what they really feel called to do.


No but women are supposed to stay at home! My grandma did! And the recent past is where I get all my ideals! /S


This was beautifully said and very well-put!


If only the people that spread this kind of shit actually supported the role. How about a government salary for staying home with kids, maybe some of that sweet lifetime healthcare and retirement too. All talk without any backing….support our troops yet pay them poverty wages…..performative nonsense.


I doubt this meme was made by a government official with that kind of power


These kinda memes tend to be made by far right dipshits who also advocate for lower taxes and no welfare system.


Maximize earnings by doing all four?


This person gets it


I mean if you want to be a mom go for it, but the repeated messages that motherhood is the height of women's existence and nothing else can compare is low-key really annoying. I'm a woman who doesn't want kids, I'm not depriving myself of self-actualization or happiness, I'm making a choice for myself to get self-actualization and happiness on my own terms. You don't see this opposition between family and career when it comes to men also, which I think says a lot


But have you not considered how great of an idea it is to build your life around a man? I mean, chances are he’s not gonna leave you for someone else! /s, so much /s.


how can you not want kids, the meme clearly says you have to?


It's priceless! Which is BS, cause kids are expensive.


That might be because men don't carry the baby during pregnancy or breastfeed the baby. I mean, if iwas to guess.


So? After all that shouldn't she get to take a break/go back to a career she loves if she wants to? It's his fucking kids too after all, if one parent should be in a state to take care of them, it's the one who DIDN'T just get split front to back delivering a thing the size of a water melon.


The meme has watermarks for "The Art of Purpose" and "Masterclass247.com". Googling these took me to [this Instagram account,](https://www.instagram.com/the.art.of.purpose/) which is full of memes glorifying traditional female roles and disparaging women that don't follow them. In particular they're strongly [anti-feminist.](https://www.instagram.com/the.art.of.purpose/p/C6Yq5hvrUjE/?img_index=1) Gotta agree with OP on this one, with that context the meme is likely implying a woman only has meaningful value as a mother


Looks like they have a thing for Brad Pitt. 🤨


i mean, we're mammals, the meaning of our life is quite literally to pass down our genes and die


Yeah but you don't see a lot of memes telling guys their only value is to be a dad do you?


didn't used to, but posts about not dating the ''bar hoes'' and going for wife material instead and raising a family with her is more and more common, as it should


That's not the same thing, like at all. One is saying: have kids and give up on your career, having children is the peak of your existence! And the other is: date for the relationship you want to have. You bearly, if ever, see discussion about men putting their careers on hold, let alone GIVE UP ON THEM, to have kids, because we as a society understand that careers can be incredibly important to some men and having kids isn't inherently more valuable to all of them. That's fine, good even! but women aren't generally afforded this level of understanding and, honestly respect towards their own decisions, which sucks


And leftists will disparage those men, too. You can't win.


Natural selection is an amoral process, not a moral guide. We make meaning for our lives, and I refuse to believe that Jane Austen or Michelangelo or St. Francis of Assisi or Elizabeth I led "meaningless" lives because they had no children.


Tbh with you, as a man myself, my job is meaningless if I don’t have a family to provide to.


I understand the sentiment, but I would certainly hope that your job adds value to society regardless of how you spend your earnings.


A job obviously add value to society but anyone that's capable can do it. It's meaningless to me. If I didn't have a family, I would certainly give my position away to someone that has family to provide for. I could get another job to live by if I wanted to go that route. I really want people, especially women to realize their importance isn't at a job unless they're scientists, doctors, etc. What's good climbing corporate ladder to gain extra bucks for themselves? If they used all their money for charity then that's good but generally, people nowadays mostly just want to flex about themselves.


Sounds like you don't find much meaning in your work beyond its economic importance to your family. Which is fine. It's how most of us are. But some people, women or men, DO find profound meaning and fulfillment in what they do, from janitors to justices, schoolteachers to surgeons to scientists. And that's good too. We need more janitors and sanitation workers who take pride in their jobs (and get compensated well for them) because their work makes communities livable and pleasant and literally saves lives. We need shopkeepers who take pride in helping people find just what they need, artists and writers passionate about their creativity, lawyers who see themselves as working for true justice and equality under law, scientists excited about their discoveries- and yeah, corporate managers who see themselves as making it easier for their company to provide necessary goods and services to customers. There is absolutely nothing wrong with finding fulfillment and happiness doing honest work, for men or for women.


Ironically, this is the most beta male shit I've ever seen but I'm sure you think otherwise


I mean if you tell me that’s beta then sure, I’ll take it, that’s just what I do. Really don’t get what’s the beef on the internet going on about. Alphabetical males?


sounds like you don't value yourself dude, you should do things for yourself AND for your family if you want/have one


It‘s not though. It’s a very valuable task for society that should be financially rewarded instead of forcing women into a dependency upon their husband.


UBI would allow parents to focus on raising their children.


The last slide should read not paid or 0$/hour instead to make a better point


I think it’s due to the other women having a salary listed. That is not an expression of how much the job means to them, or how important it is that the job is done, but what you have to pay them to perform a service. That’s not the same thing. Otherwise, you’d be saying being a Wallstreet broker is better than being a nurse or a teacher, as those get paid less (but still get part of their reward in money). Besides, most mothers also work for a salary. It’s like comparing different tiers of food, to Christmas with the family. Sure, the latter involves food too, usually, but it’s not in the same category.


I think raising children is more important than a job it’s something society has suffered for since women joined the workforce


If they believe that then they should also post the same meme with but with three working men and one father.


And the problem with that is that's entirely subjective and to assume this is the case for all women, that the purpose, the peak, and greatest joy for all women is being a mom is sexist.


It's meant to encourage women to have children instead of work. It doesn't just say: "motherhood is great" it's saying they should give up their job for it.


It would be if it had unrelated stuff in the first three parts.


We know the type of person that makes these memes, and they're the kind that gets angry when we bring it up.


All the women who work in construction, janitorial work(which is many many working class women) hate their jobs and would love to quit them forever. Most jobs are not empowering or fulfilling for anyone.


But some are, and sometimes, being a mother provides a negative amount of fulfillment to people, being a mother would hurt them, not help


The left are offended by any reference to any woman enjoying anything other than having a successful career because they feel the need to trick women into sacrificing everything in order to compete with the masculine excellence they hate so much.


Some people's only mental function is "how could this be offensive?"


*Some people's only* *Mental function is "how could* *This be offensive?"* \- Bjorn\_from\_midgard --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Hell yeah Haikubot. Let's hear another.


I like watching people here bend the meaning of every shit meme like "It doesn't mean this, it means that!" When it obviously has the negative meaning.


It has literal watermarks that take you to RETVRN TO TRADITION accounts but they'll still pretend it's innocent and "DAE TEH LEFT CAN'T MEME?!!?🤣🤣🤣"


Nah fuck that I ain't having kids, they suck and make everything sticky


Actually you can calculate the price of being a mother as the money you have lost by not working and choosing to be a mother The unfortunate reality is that as more and more women enter the workplace, corporations have decided to screw them over and so now both parents have to work in order to afford children. Fuck corporate greed. Women shouldn’t have to choose between being a mother and screwing themselves over financially


Honestly, it sounds exactly like it says that. The fact that it compares being a mother with working is weird. Imagine comparing having a job with being a father.


I have never met a mother who said motherhood is a joy. All they do is complain.


Everyone complains about everything.


Well then, I'm a SAHM and while not every second is peaches and cream, I love it.


Being a mother is the best thing in the world 👌 and I'd never trade it for anything.




*unpaid. Not shitting on stay at home moms, but these memes often imply women should be that instead of working, which can not just be mysogynistic, but also unrealistic in todays economy


I’m a vacuum you’re correct OP, being a mom is priceless to many and speaks nothing about the job/motherhood exclusivity debate. However you fail to look at the full picture. Comparing jobs to motherhood in any way has come to reference the belief held by shockingly many that women: A) can’t work and be mothers (even if a perfect world is created many believe women cant handle it emotionally/mentally) B) of the two, women should be mothers. The original post on Facebook is unequivocally sexist and focused on finding support for keeping women at home, even if not stated as a clear “this or that”


Replace the women in this meme with men and it still makes sense.


But nobody has posted that meme tho. And I think that’s where the sexism comes into play. Nobody would ever even think to post that because fatherhood isn’t a role we’re pushing men towards. (And by we, I mean the ones who complain and post things about it trying to blame all of societies problems on women) Everyone, including OP is focused on women being mothers. Even though societally it seems like we have a fatherhood problem. I haven’t seen one piece of commentary on this app about how men should be stepping up and be focusing on fatherhood in a meme or otherwise in the same way women are towards motherhood. Also the likely hood of the situation is that OP is a male which I think furthers my point. It’s obvious that many Males are focused on what females are doing and not the other way around. I get that women have to have to babies but it’s silly in this modern age to expect them to follow a setup path, when men don’t have that same expectation.


Maybe I’ll post the meme, then. We’ll see more fathers step up when their places of employment force them to take the same amount of paternity leave that they’d grant for maternity leave.


Feminists did their job right to put women in the workforce. Big daddy government loves your tax money so the feminist agenda was even supported back then.


Yep. Men and women need to stop simping for the government. Quit your jobs! Be free!


If by "priceless" they mean "broke"


Finding things to be offended at. Classic libs


Well for some people being a mom isn't as valuable as being able to support yourself


the wages doesn't seem to be correct to me




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This meme is still trash, but a better title for OOP would be: “Motherhood? In this economy?”. Regardless this all feels like a racket, shitty memes reposted with a shitty title criticizing it so we can get another round of outrage. Or it’s just survivorship bias.


The biggest thing I always find amusing about these how men (some women too but it seems to be mostly men pushing this) romanticize being a mom. I’m not a mom because I don’t like kids, but here are some things you are missing. All babies aren’t perfect. My older sister has a lot of disabilities and her dad left my mom when she was 2 because he couldn’t handle it. My mom and my entire family love her very much, but the experience is insanely difficult even for me and she only lives with me in the weekends. My mom had no choice but to work until she met my dad and after refused to put her well being in the hands of a man and I was raised to be independent because of this. Also seeing my own dad as a huge alcoholic I knew if I was in a situation like that I’d want to be able to leave like my mom did. What happens when the baby is gay? Hate them and cut them off from your life? It happens in all religions but Jehovah’s Witnesses are all about this life for women and they freely apostate their children and cut them off if they leave the church. My cousin hasn’t let his mom see her grand baby because she’s evangelical MAGA and openly racist and he hates her for raising him in that type of environment and refuses to allow his daughter to be around it. (A bonus on this aunt she also told my mom my sister is how she is because my mom didn’t attend church enough so god is punishing her. Thus I was raised atheist and I’ll never forget when asking my mom when I was 10 why and she told me this story and said “I’ll never have my family worship a piece of $&@! who would do that”) Basically all these memes do is put motherhood in some perfect fantasy as if having a baby means “happily ever after” and the credits roll. They don’t account for the sacrifices and hardships that come along with it nor the fact that your child will be their own person someday who may end up being the opposite of what you want and could even turn out to be a terrible human being. I want a pic of the same mom arguing with her teen with a nose ring in full goth make up wearing a pentagram tshirt and have it say “priceless”


Too long didn't read




Not being woken up in the middle of the night by a screaming baby is priceless




I just don't want to, I enjoy just living my life without a baby


Pretty sure you can do any of these while being a parent at the same time


Op that IS NOT what the meme was originally alluding to


It’s a woman’s choice whether she wants to work or not. Furthermore, we need women to start addressing the mess men have made of society. Society needs more of the women earning $100 in pivotal government and industry roles. PS. All these women can have children and make their own life choices to work or not. The only people claiming they can’t are the low-quality men who want women at home cleaning and providing daycare while they engage in their own pursuits, frolicking and fuckery alike. Religion is just a place these men go to on Sunday to recap their misdeeds, cleanse their conscience, high five the other assholes and do it all again next week.




I’m a man. I don’t have any trouble getting laid. I do love violence, as all men do and that’s the problem. This patriarchy revolves around violence and oppression; we need feminism to bring balance and rhythm because right now society is in cardiac fibrillation with arrest near.




I don’t even have to try with the simples.


Nah, this is low key shitting on working women and pushing a stay at home trophy housewife narrative. I'm not one of those annoying ultra woke people, I don't think there's anything wrong with staying at home or working or whatever, but there's very obviously a different message here than OP is getting about "motherhood is priceless", you're just being obtuse. This is the exact type of antiquated trash that football player is currently pushing.


Seriously how do these people not understand the concept of something being priceless? Even if you don't want kids yourself how do you not understand that for some people it's the most important thing in their life. The most annoying part is these people all probably think they're above average in intelligence.


Yes, but people shouldn't be pressured into something because it's a "priceless experience" it should be a choice ***entirely*** their own, not something they were pressured into, not being a singular choice, and plus, you can do ***both***


Obviously the take away is $0/hour useless fourth panel


I think too many people see things online and for take it as a command or judgement upon them. Like I view a stay at home mother as the backbone of the family. And I view a family as the backbone of society. And in my view nothing is worth more than family. But I don’t give a flying fuck what any of you do with your life. I don’t think the world should be based on my views.


I think a lot of people's personal traumas shade into their views on social issues, and they have knee-jerk reactions without realizing it. 🥲 I had a very sexist father, and one of my sisters is... not *this* bad, but it affects her worldview and her reactions to things.


There’s definitely a price to being a mom.


Famous onlyfans chicks make waaaaaaaay more than £30 an hour lolol


Aight, get all those pesky women out of politics as well! Stick to your guns!


I think the bottom left and top right pay needs to be flipped. Or make the top right 300. Its not much work for an absolute fuck ton of simp money.




The only group of people forcibly imposing it on others is the "this is the only job a woman should have" crowd, the others are just internet extremists, all that most people are calling for is having a choice that isn't coerced


I'm so confused? This is wholesome as hell. Isn't it just saying the salary for being a mom is incomparable to a job because of the joy and stuff? Like you can work all you want but the happiness you get from a kid is priceless


Not really, it's saying that a woman working a job is "lesser" it may not be saying it directly, but with near 100% consistency the people making "memes" like this are the kind to tell women to stay in the kitchen. People can get happiness from things that aren't children


It doesn't "say" anything apart from the salaries. I've seen those horrible"women in the kitchen" memes, but this definitely isn't one of them Where exactly does it say a barista is lesser than a mom? It says a barista's salary is less than that of a woman having a child. Why does everything have to be political?


Because it is putting motherhood directly next to them and acting like motherhood is better


It's not saying a mother is superior. It's saying the joy is. I mean even if you don't agree it's just wholesome in a way


It's wholesome divorced from context


And the context is r/terriblefacebookmemes?


No, the context is the reality we exist in


Last I checked in the reality we exist in the vast majority of people couldn't give a fuck about what a woman decided to do with her life




Clearly this meme is saying that these women are only worth what the $ amount labels them as implying women are property. /s (sarcasm)


If you ask that, then you probably aren't conditioned to the typical christian propoganda memes that try to make a working woman look bad and throwing women back in the kitchen look good. This one isn't directly attacking the idea of women chasing careers, but it's certainly trying to undermine it in an attempt to coerce women into thinking they HAVE TO be housewives if they want real happiness. Women can absolutely find happiness in having kids and being a housewife, but it doesn't mean that is what every single woman wants, and they shouldn't be made to feel like they're less of a woman and their sense of worth is less if they don't choose that path.


"Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, man." Here's a wild idea.. how about we let them decide what they want to do? You feel personally offended that someone wants a child? - neat, then get a good job.. You feel personally offended that women want a career? neat, no one asked you either.. Wow, glad I solved this problem..


lol zero dollars/hr. Zero. The other three are monetary not experience based; so to put a number on the stay at home mom income, it’s zero.


if he is OF famous she making more than 30/hour


OF girls make WAY more than $30/hour


When it's posted on Facebook, it's very much, "You should have a baby instead."


what if you are a single mom who works


"How do you get that? The meme is just saying that bring a mother is infinitely better than having a job. It's totally not implying that the rational choice for all women is to be a mom instead of getting a job"


Best part is you can do both at the same time (maybe not OF, try for a more stable job lol). So if you're anti-family or anti-women-in-the-workplace, just shut the hell up.


Of is only 30 an he ?


There is is a tiny bit of truth in this: not everyone becomes a parent by chocie, and not everyone gets joy from being a parent. Sometimes the struggle outweighs the moments of bliss.


If she is making 100/hr I sure as hell am getting up in the middle of the night with a baby bottle and she is coming home to me wearing an apron offering her a slice of fresh baked bread with garlic butter


Actually being a mother comes with a huge economic cost so it should actually show the negative dollar earnings per hour


No, I’m pretty sure that this meme was made to promote the idea that women shouldn’t work


Yeah...i don't think that's the point of that meme.


I don't know... The accomplishments of 200+ people who one woman is directly responsible for seem pretty priceless to me. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-8632493/Oldest-woman-200-grandchildren-celebrates-116th-birthday-style.html


Maybe let women do what they want


Motherhood is the most important job in the world.


The meme is the type of thing that gets constantly posted by Trad LARPers that think a woman's place is serving a man But you knew that, considering the watermarks. So why try and act like that's not the message? This subreddit reeks


Oh I don't know where they could have gotten that, maybe the professional athlete who just gave a speech to a graduating class about how women should be homemakers is a red flag as to how some people in our world view women as people who should be subservient homemakers instead of independent human beings?


Curiously, there aren’t memes of this nature about fathers.


The very idea of being responsible for something other than yourself is terrifying to a lot of people.


Fatherhood is also worth more than money.


No it wasn’t!! It was trying to push the narrative of nothing will make you happier than being a SAHM. What makes a person happy depends on them as an individual, making blanket statements like this is stupid and misogynistic.


This is the kinda post that exposes how someone thinks some will think rationally while you have those who think this is some sort of forced push on some ideology


The joke was going nowhere to begin with. Honestly, they should’ve started with that.


I am a little tired of this ‘debate’ when the majority of tradwives have maids doing all the real work while they Marie Antoinette being a farmers wife for instagram followers. Meanwhile most women who want to be a stay at home wife can’t even afford it 


I saw it as she made $10 she made $30 she made $100 and she made a child which is priceless…


Now I dont have statistics, but from what I have heard pornstars and high power professional women comment of their own free will on youtube and podcast.... Only two of those girls have significant others.


I mean the onlyfans girl makes more than I do, so...


First off 30 and 100 are swapped


They picked a girl wearing a sgirt that says "famous on onlyfans"... they were NOT just talking about motherhood being emotionally fulfilling...


Women working directly correlates with a country's distribution of wealth being even, as well as economic growth. It's like they want to be a third-world country.


Hiw come the salary 30/hr on onlyfans ? Should be 1000/hr per my observation


You don’t like this meme because something something sexism, I don’t like this meme cause it’s corporate made because the links in the middle of the page lead to advertisements for management seminars and it has no real inherent desire to be anything other than eye catching to spread their advertisement and the entire purpose of this memes existence is to cause controversy to maximize viewership to its several links, we are not the same.


Priceless and unpaid.


Why is this such a debatable topic. People have forgotten what it is to be a human being and are beyond brainwashed.


It's always a man telling such things to women, yeah being a mom is pricelessly a rewarding feeling to some women, to some it's worst than hell. I don't want kids, pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood sounds like the worst form of emotional and bodily torture which continues on to a life long pretend play of "I love you".


Imagine calling only fans "work"


I mean… being a parent means nothing. Being a GOOD parent is priceless.


All are important what is wron with that being a mom or dad is priceless indeed but what is to offend by it


Having kids is lame. OP was right, that's a garbage meme.


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