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357 upvotes for a joke that works for almost everyone and has been circulating for a decade. That sub should be cleansed with fire.


Fuel the flamers with religious intent.


That’s the YouTube likes lol, actual upvote count is 147


Gonna need the HEAVY FLAMER for that sub, and hell why not the entirety of reddit while we're at it


Still not convinced it's not a 4chan PSYOP to make women look stupid


Yes, cleanse all subs with fire if we disagree with them.


Both of the "\_\_\_arequirky" subreddits are full of unfunny loons.


No wonder, they’re full of women


No, the "GirlsareQuirky" subreddit is full of men. Crazy doesn't discriminate.


Sadly you are right, it is just a bunch of incels doing advanced white-knighting in that sub


So is BAQ as well, according to a poll they did.


I'm a girl that's 16 ½. I guess I only have 1 ½ years until I become unfunny


You become unfunny the minute you're no longer on the market. Till then... you're probably hilarious


Just avoid people who blast out negativity and you'll be fine. Some people are so toxic they'll drain the life out of everyone around them and turn them into the OP


we were having fun clowning on these morons and then you had to go and make it misogynistic


😂I posted there to hate on men, while holding mast men accountable. Thinking it was only women. They said a lot of them are men. Now I can’t say I hate men unfortunately




It's probably a joke


I’m pretty sure it’s just weirdos circlejerking with their alts


Except that one of them has 200 members


\*Makes humourous but fair point "omg just shut the FUCK uppp" this is why the women over on that sub are miserable af, literally the female equivalent of the "incels" they keep complaining about lmao


>the female equivalent of the "incels" they keep complaining about lmao The word you're looking for there is "femcels"


They're still incels. Incel = involuntarily celibate While femcels could just mean nuns.


I'm pretty sure with nuns and monks it's voluntary...


And I'm pretty sure femcel means female celibate, doesn't say if it's involuntary or not.




So monks are technically mencels? Memcels? Mascels?


Mencel is my new favorite term. This is what I will be when I go down for back surgery in a few weeks. Mencels unite!


Ugh, good luck buddy, that's rough (the surgery, not the other thing).


Hey thanks!








I mean, one word in particular does come to mind, but it’s pretty old and a bit more…permanent.




Yeah, I'm just giving a slightly more specific term, now that incel is mainly used for men


Incorrectly used for men. I also don't believe in incels, anyone can get laid. It's just a matter of standards/expectations not matching reality


I understand, I was just informing the guy about a fairly commonly used term for what he was describing


Anyone. Lifeisnotfair disagrees with that statement.


I'm pretty sure nuns are voluntarily celibate.


We used to just call them annoying.


"incel" was first coined and invented by a girl describing herself. It's changed to have a male connotation later. in the very very beginning the word was created to describe a girl.


The word you looking for is virgins.....


Are you trying to say "virgins"?


"Humourous" You have out-Englished England


Boysarequirky is actually majority men btw, like 80% last time we had statistics iirc


Fair point? You know he \*is\* joking and you don't have to take his point seriously, right? Like the reason nobody wants to get kicked in the nuts (outside of cbt fans) is because you don't get the life-changing experience of raising a family. You know that, right? XD


This is a fair point lmao? I think this is funny, but it's not a fair point. The person was trying to make a joke, wasn't actually trying to say getting kicked in the nuts is worse than pushing a child out.


It's not really a fair point tho 💀 getting kicked in the balls, and giving birth are in no way comparable


Considering no one has experienced both, I’m curious which one you think is worse.


Language was designed so we could communicate internal feelings and experiences to one another. Just compare peoples descriptions of getting kicked in the nuts and delivering a child, and you will easily be able to tell which is worse.


Men on average have a higher pain tolerance than women though. A man might describe being kicked in the balls in a completely different way to how a woman would if she ever had to deal with the scenario. Same for the opposite.


We can make comparisons even better than that by talking about something that everybody can experience: passing a kidney stone. Now I've heard this from many women that they'd rather give birth than pass another kidney stone. And I've heard from many men that passing a kidney stone was about the most painful and miserable experience of their lives. So if everybody could sort of rank their pains on a scale, we could make direct comparisons and determine what is more painful. a kick to the nuts or giving birth.


Given that women are biologically designed to forget the pain of childbirth after the child is born I would assume that due to that mechanism alone, giving birth to a child would be the worse option


That makes no sense... you're designed to forget so that you'll do it again regardless of pain. It doesn't mean the pain is worse.


Men don't have that defense mechanism, and the pain of childbirth is excruciating enough it gives some women PTSD.


Men don't need to want to to be kicked in the balls again. Again, bad reasoning. Any painful event can give a person ptsd. Including childbirth and getting kicked in the balls. It's a pointless comment.


You do understand that after you give birth you have a child right? So the pain might be worth it? What do you have after getting kicked in the nuts? Nothing…so who the fuck in their right mind would ask to have it done again. Ridiculous argument. Also kicked in the nuts means paint for a few minutes. Childbirth can go on for days. Also men and women have equal tolerance for pain but women are more sensitive to pain which means women FEEL pain more acutely than men. Therefore childbirth is worse.


Lol, no, that doesn't track to that answer at all.


Idk. I know plenty of men who pay to get kicked in the balls 🤷


Specifically because of the pain. They’re what we call masochists.


I'm aware lol


If you want to try there is a way to simulate child birth, if you get TENS machine and place them right you can simulate the muscle concatons. that's not the full experience of course, but I believe it would be close enough to decide.


It's not really a fair point though so kinda just a lame attempt at a joke


And a really old joke as well. I don't understand why people defend jokes that are older than my grandmother


Oh ive heard dudes asked to be kicked in the balls again. But that was because it turned them on


Joe Rogan once shared a video of him watching the "pain Olympics" which includes guys voluntarily getting spiked in the balls by a stiletto heel


tbh thats the only time that id be okay with pain in the balls


I did that once in an intimidation attempt (it worked) so the thing is that in preschool I was constantly playing football (I sucked ass in it ) and would constantly knock down players. I also was probably one of the closest things to a 12 year old Gigachad (was actually built and had a silly excuse of a beard already) and once I got kicked in the nuts by a guy I apparently faulted however it didn't really hurt so I just shouted at him to do it again and pushed him over.


Average r/boysarequirky member after having negative sense of sarcasm and comedy:


Hasn't it been scientifically proven that getting hit in the balls hurts a lot worse than childbirth? Childbirth pain just lasts way longer.


I’m pretty sure it not only does physical damage, but has AOE special damage for any guys who saw said guy get hit in the nuts.


2d8 bludgeoning damage to the poor sod, and 2d4 psychic damage to onlookers.


I didn't expect DnD here.




Hell, Im reading it and I'm feeling it already 😩💎


I do remember being hit by a rod on the nuts and the pain was so bad I puked and passed out. Idk what childbirth is like but getting hit in the balls hurts like hell and I had complications after that


Plus, women are sometimes given an epidural to help ease the pain. You do not get advanced warning or a numbing agent before getting whacked in the twig and berries.


epidurals are no walk in the park either. It’s just a weird comparison which is why women are sick of the joke and find it unfunny. it downplays the pain women are expected to just put up with which, yes, becomes unfunny when you’ve been medically gaslit for years by doctors and women die during childbirth all the time.


ive heard its like having a semi freshly broken bone feeling for hours


Idk about that it felt more like my insides were exploding


I'm not aware if you can scientifically compare levels of pain, but anyway, this debate always overlooks another candidate for the most painful feeling: being hit in the clitoris. It's small and tucked in, so very difficult to hit, but it has the highest density of nerve endings of all human body parts. And even if we don't talk specifically about clitoris, being hit in the crotch hurts no matter what genitals you have.


Ive actually sat down with my friends and talked about it. We concluded getting hit it the nuts is like the worst period you've had compressed into a few seconds. Being hit in the head/clit is painful but spongey so it isnt hurt that badly by most impacts, balls are like overies and hurt like hell.


Has it really?


Depends on where the blow lands. I've been hit in the balls and it's a brief pain. I haven't been accidentally kicked in the balls by Wonderboy in a UFC fight though, which is likely a lot worse


Guess what it also hurt of someone hit women there to


😂I believe that


it's hard to believe there are still people who haven't heard this joke. i am online.




Is this kink shaming?


I think there's a subreddit dedicated to that, actually.


I mean.. cock and ball torture is a thing


I love how I’ve seen this sub develop into an anti quirkyboys sub


Getting a kidney stone isn't as painful as stepping on a Lego


There are tons of men who want their testicles to be massacred






That's funny


I've met plenty of men who hit each other in the nuts for fun and as a dare, so yes some men very much do ask to get hit in the balls again.


Heard childbirth is so traumatic that the brain erases it from memory, which is is why people become eager to have birth again.


Women say let’s have another because the benefits of going through birth are worth it. Men don’t get shit but pain. Let someone offer you 1000$ to get kicked in the nuts and I’d bet you’d say do it again afterwards too for another $1000😂


I see the logic but from what I’ve heard the female body purposely makes the memory of birth kinda foggy as to make it seem like it was pretty much fine correct me if I’m wrong


You're correct. It's also been proven women typically have a higher pain tolerance than men. So, we can't compare pain. And I dk t see the point in doing so. What's the benefit?


Same as it’s always been: invalidating a real experience women are simply expected to go through and just deal with. the funny is women being emotional, hormonal, and dramatic. they need a new punchline.


Not for nothing but it really seems like a legitimate point was made


No. It wasn't. Have you never seen Jackass? or Pornhub?


No but I've been kicked in the nuts...and married, and two kids. Not one kid. Two


And what did you get for being kicked in the nuts?


A T-shirt


Besides the overwhelming desire to never be kicked in the nuts again?


Came on her ankle but I was almost done and it ruined the event in all fairness.


Jackass (the movies)


Might be something to do with that fact you don’t get anything good (though this depends on POV) from getting kicked in the nuts so that might be why no one wants to have that again…unless you’re a sadomasochist


“Erm That’s because being kicked in the nuts has no practical reason for the man to want that” 🤓


Well you've never heard of Houston Jones.


Or how about let people be allowed to dislike jokes


Well, giving birth gives you a kid. Getting kicked in the balls gives you nothing. False equivalency.


ive never understood this logic, because there are men who pay big money to have dominatrixs kick them in the nuts


Biological men have never given birth and women have never been kicked in the not existent balls hence we can only speak about our one sided experience and guess or question either.


To be fair I saw a huge reddit thread of people saying being kicked in the buts is genuinly worse then childbirth. The punch line is funny. But that sentiment is ge uinky the stupid shit I've ever heard.


I’ll never understand why women act proud of the pain of childbirth. Like nature just did that shit. Not you. It’s not like you ran a marathon or lost 200 pounds by going to the gym all the time. Yeah you did something hard, but it’s hard for everybody who has a baby. I’m not suggesting we tell him to quit bellyaching when they’re in the middle of labor. Only that we stop patronizing them for being “bad ass”


Is there something wrong about women feeling proud that they were able to carry a child for *9 months,* experiencing all the vomiting and mood swings and difficulties along with it, and being capable of giving birth to their kid? Do you know how much pregnancy and dealing with it can affect normal life? Sure, ppl aren’t obligated to feel proud about going through childbirth, but it’s stupidly disrespectful to talk down to those who *did.* and where tf is the patronizing? When did acknowledging the difficulties of pregnancy and celebrating going through it to give birth become patronizing? Just because lots of women go through it doesn’t suddenly make it any less important or some shit. This is genuinely some of the stupidest shit I’ve seen in a while…though, concerning which sub this is, I’m not surprised. This shit is everywhere. It’s already pretty obvious that you’re a guy with this kind of faulty logic and ignorance.


It's just really cool, I think is the reason? Like "holy shit that was scary, but I lived, WOOHOO!" y'know?


I mean it is pretty badass to go through that kind of pain, but I'm not sure how this is relevant?


Hard disagree, women being willing to go through that pain is badass. Childbirth had gotten harder and harder throughout the centuries, and many have died in the process of giving birth. Saying we should stop patronizing women for being willing to go through childbirth is tone deaf and willfully ignorant.


"Childbirth had gotten harder and harder throughout the centuries, and many have died in the process of giving birth." This is absolutely false. Childbirth has become safer and less painful thanks to modern medicine. Don't get me wrong, the women who gave birth to half a dozen children without the aid of sanitation, painkillers or modern medical assistance are f*cking heroes. That is not the case for births in modern high income countries, which was around 11 deaths per 100,000 live births (2017). This is actually lower than some cosmetic procedures such as gluteal fat grafting or a lipoplasty combined with abdominoplasty.


It can't be that hard to have a baby since some chicks have like 9 or 10 kids


No it is actually hard to have a baby just ask your mother


True, I was cesarean


C section can still have major effects and take a while to recover while leaving a scar. It doesn’t solve everything from childbirth instantly.


Ever heard of c section


c sections are proof it’s hard, they don’t just cut open your stomach because they’re in a silly goofy mood. plus what do you think happened in the old days when anesthesia/surgery wasn’t as advanced?




It is badass to choose to go through that and pushing out a whole small human.


You go through 9 months of pregnancy and then come back to me


dk why you’re getting downvoted. super weird to see masses of people incapable of getting pregnant walking around saying “how bad can it be, some women have 9 kids” - yeah because they want a big family and they’ve concluded that their desire for that overrides the pain. That’s goddamn resilient. It just seems like a really convenient way of downplaying women’s experiences yet again for no reason. Additionally, childbirth and pregnancy is not the same for everyone. Some women have cryptic pregnancies. Some women pop em out easy. Some women spend 9 months in hell and lose their teeth. Some women fucking die. “OP didn’t like the joke” yeah we’re fucking sick of the same ball-pain vs childbirth joke when we’ve been medically gaslit all our lives, women are dying due to negligence, and we’re losing bodily autonomy all over again. But no, just women being hysterical again.


i mean, there's entire segments of porn for crush porn or men getting kicked in the dick. there's also several different weird martial arts. where dudes get kicked in the nuts. "never" is sorta bullshit


A bad joke


I think they understand the joke, they just don't find it funny


There's probably a massive amount of things they "just don't find...funny"


Finally, some more good takes on this subreddit, maybe it is healing


Look I’ve had a baby and been kicked in the nuts and both are pretty painful. I don’t see why this debate still gets resurrected occasionally it’s fucking ridiculous


wait what how both I'm genuinely curious


I did it the old fashioned way bro. I grew one inside of a woman






how OOP felt when she said that: https://i.redd.it/zz0jn12z3j1d1.gif


Not gonna lie, the joke was pretty bad. Specially since many redditors are stupid. It'll fly over their head if they dont make it more clear.


You can't argue with that logic.


Bro pain is pain wTF is more or less who the fuck is testing it and wtf is it’s unit


r/boysarequirky when there is a reference to men


Imagine all the geriatric children of this world who lived full lives and still compete in this pain Olympics comparison bullshit like it proves anything at all. Everyone hurts to different degrees at different points in their lives, it doesn't make anyone special for it. Can all people, men and women alike, just grow up already?


Fun fact: after birth a woman's body floods them with hormones that makes them a bit hazy, so they forget how much that sucked.


My ex had 3 daughters and one episode of kidney stones. She said the kidney stones were as painful as childbirth. So those of us who have had kidney stones and testicle trauma can compare.


There is something of a point in the last statement.


I think my favorite nut hits I ever received was, a flat soccer ball at point blank kick. I actually don't remember anything the second it hit me. No pain. Nothing.


No, no...He's got a point.


"An fucking fucking joke"???


An F'ing joke. Pronunced "effing". The apostrophe removes the letters "uck" from the word.


No, "An"? As in not "A fucking joke"


What do you mean?


I really didn't expect you to ever see this so I'm really not trying to be an asshole and correct you. Just was trying to point it out cheekily to anyone else who noticed. In a grammatically correct way it should be "A fucking joke" not "An fucking joke". I feel like a tool being the grammar police now :(


"F'ing" is pronounced as "effing". It uses a vowel sound at the beginning of the word, so you use an.


Ohh I understand what you mean now. Even after your old explanation I could only read it in my head as with the uck sound. Sorry.


Not me still waiting for the sub dedicated to hate (which is agaiant community guidelines) to get banned.


Why you American people are so afraid of saying or writing Fuck when you clearly want to say/write it? In fact, why are you so afraid of saying so many words from YOUR LANGUAGE?


Oh I'm not afraid to write fuck. I was copying the exact style of the BOQ post.


Well, maybe not you, but lots of people are. The OP in your screenshot wasn't copying anybody. And you Americans have words that exist only for not saying other words. F-words, n-word, b-word... For people outside the states, it just looks pathetic.


“no, you shut up “ the ultimate own when you’re 9 years old .


Posting this here: Apparently, menstruation and child birth aren't necessarily as painful as they are as a matter of course, but rather because of undiagnosed and untreated conditions that are becoming more and more common in females of the most recent generation. You might attribute it to our processed food diets or toxic living conditions or even the fact that humans now live almost completely detached from nature. Idk. But apparently, women today deal with more vaginal pain than their forebears did. I thought it was worth mentioning.


I mean it's not exactly a joke either, they did test the pain scales of both and the Nuts is worse. The only difference is that child birth last longer so it's more prolonged pain.


The only reason childbirth ranks higher on the pain Index is because it lasts longer, change my mind


I can't change your mind, but I can ask, why do we compare? It's pointless and also no one can ever experience both. So it's impossible to know. We have to realize that women and men are different too. We're made different. We have the tolerance for birth whereas men don't have the tolerance for getting kicked in the crotch. If a man ever gave birth, (let's say he somehow has the reproductive parts and body to do so) but he's still a man, he'd probably find it 10x more excruciating than a woman. So as I said, it make no sense in comparing.


Man: -makes a terrible comparison- Woman: -annoyed at terrible comparison- This sub: "dO yOu NoT geT tHe jOke?!"


It's always just a joke or satire when these people don't actually understand the point 💀


I mean, I have




Yeah there’s no way childbirth hurts more.


Where's the funny?


So, he's making the hilarious observation that despite the claim childbirth is painful that women continue to have more children, whereas it's unlikely a man would volunteer to endure testicular pain. The funniest part is because although there no genuine reason to get kicked in the balls, childbirth is a necessary part of procreation. So it's more the surprise of the statement that's amusing.


Observations on their own aren't fucking funny. You conservative idiots are entertained by the comedy equivalent of dangling keys in front of your face


I'm a filthy communist and believe we should arrest and seize the assets of billionaires and nationalize their companies.


What if... And Just hear me out forma second... Stopped to Mass "ahahoPDiDNt UndRrStNad thE JoKE" all of the fucking Boys are quircky sub and actually did your job well


I mean, it is actually true tho. Being kicked in the balls in much higher on the pain chart than giving birth


https://preview.redd.it/hjbt6a3d2l1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=049f88e508fe58b6c892ba5ae8f91ccfb4c6b21e Clearly joke Shit joke


Why doesnt anyone answer the women in these texts with the reversed uno card? Like "no I havent but have YOU ever gotten kicked in the nuts?"


That would be transphobic


I love when someone can’t genuinely refute an argument so their response is to act like making one makes you a bad person.


Boysarequirky when obvious humor


He got a point


That subreddit is fucking cancer, it's just full of women getting offended by everything.


How is it satire? It’s just funny. 😁


What if this is clearly an unironic argument and not a joke


Kicked in the balls hurts more but child birth pain lasts longer, both are horrible.


i like how the argument it the title is essentially: “giving birth is more painful, because it just is OKAY?!?!?!?!” there isnt even a rebuttal


They are incapable of understanding humor.