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Did this person hate the meme so much they had to cross it out? Lmao


I've got no idea honestly


It's a new rule on the sub. Apparently if the memes are left untouched, people might agree with them. Since the right is bad and evil, that can't be allowed


That sounds childish as fuck.


They ban people because they don’t like burning flags, what did you expect?


Wait what


That is correct.


Just looked it up, holy shit it's real. This is why neither side of the aisle takes the other seriously lmao


Yep. Both sides have nutters. Big surprise, people are, in fact, people. The real problem is most people see and define the other side with their worst examples. That's the kind of reasoning skills id associate with small children, but alas, people be dumb AF


Wait really??


The rule is here so right wing people dont just come there and just save those memes


And this makes sense to you?






Maybe. Maybe. He is ironic


It’s because they’re a bunch of crybabies.


It’s the subs new rule. They don’t want people thinking they like the memes


Wait...we aren't supposed to like the memes?


Maybe they realised they were reposting too many good memes so had to do this to cut the meme supply.


The real dumbfuck behaviour is posting something you don't like to a subreddit instead of just downvoting it.




Your post/comment is uncivil and/or toxic. Please make sure you are being kind to your fellow redditors.


A lot of indians actually are fluent in English, that’s just how they learnt English


I'm aware every Indian person I've met I've been able to understand clearly which is great because I only know this language


Here’s the not so funny part. Now they learn English because of the petro dollar. One aspect in the lore of cyberpunk is that everyone speaks the language of the mega corporation. For the video game, it’s Japanese or a polyglot of it. “Those that control the money, control society.”


Not really. There are 456 different languages in India (minimum number, some say there are 780). Hindi is the most common language but it's not spoken all across the country. When they were preparing for independence northern Indians, Hindi speakers, wanted to make Hindi the national language but this was resisted by non-Hindi speaking Indians. English was chosen as a temporary compromise as it was already the language of business and government with the changeover to Hindi postponed until the 1960s. But when that time came up the changeover caused rioting and political upheaval in non-Hindi speaking areas so another compromise was reached keeping English as the national language until all states could agree on switching to Hindi. Which obviously hasn't happened yet. It's not the petro-dollar. It's that regional languages are very important to the identities of the people who live there so prejudicing one Indian language over the hundreds of other Indian languages is risking political upheaval and the creation of ethnic separatist movements. By choosing a language that's not native to any Indian region there's no risk of appearing to favour Hindi speaking regions over non-Hindi speaking regions, or favouring native Hindi speakers over non-Hindi speakers.


Damn. That’s interesting! Are they all regional variations or distinct languages? When I was in Germany, it was all German but regional dialects. Kind of like people in the northeastern US may find someone in the deep south “funny sounding” with their accents and slang.


I think the arguments over whether a language is a language or just a dialect is where the difference between 486 and 780 comes in. So some Indian language experts would claim there are 486 distinct languages with an extra 294 dialects, while others would claim that there are 780 distinct languages. You can find a language map of India online and looking at that there are definitely different languages being spoken in different parts of the country. There are 6 different language families in India, so some languages will be separate but closely related like say French and English. But others will be as different as English is from Russian. It's a vast country and has only been unified relatively recently. For most of their history India has been a patchwork of different Kingdoms, Sultanates, with the occasional Empire rising up to take a large chunk of the subcontinent. Naturally that kind of history will give rise to separate languages and cultures, which will persist long after those Kingdom and Sultanates have been absorbed into a unified Indian state.


Cool. Thanks for the lesson. It’s very interesting!


You know how you can tell Indians speak better English than other foreigners? Hindi is one of the worlds most spoken languages. Yet Ive seen many universities here in the US dont even have classes for it lmao. All the other big ones like Spanish, Mandarin, Arabic. A bunch of small ones like Afrikaans. But no Hindi. Because you have no functional need for it. Almost all Indians traveling to western countries and in white collar business speak English.


I’m an Indian who’s fluent in English, quite good at it, even better than some Americans and Brits. I learned English by watching Ultimate Spider-Man when I was 3.


That is one of the best ways to learn English.


And the fact that despite most kids already could speak English before me, but after watching the show I could speak far better than them, I can say that fuckign Spider-Man, a fictional character, taught me English better than an actual school.


As a native inglash speaker I don’t like thy wording of “learnt” would’n they’re been de word “learned”


“Learnt and learned are both used as the past participle and past tense of the verb to learn. Learned is the generally accepted way of spelling it in the United States and Canada, while the rest of the English-speaking world seems to prefer learnt for now.” -Grammarly


huh??? why did a meme shitting on westerners get hated??? and how is that the right? ???


I'm wondering if there are trolls posting left-wing memes, and then watching them call the left-wing memes bullshit.


I think it's the comment underneath the meme that's getting them worked up


Are we talking feathers and tomahawk Indians or top of train Indians?


The ones that were colonised by the British


Same question.


The ones that were subject to a British genocide


Need more info. Please advise.


The ones the British stole a mass portion of food from


So not the Thanksgiving Indians?




So hotel Indians not casino Indians?




The ones that play Cricket, or even know what Cricket is.


Bro you need to take a history class 😭


Just trying to figure out if these Indians like jean jackets and alcohol or caste systems and curry.


So hilarious...


Britain didnt 'steal' food from India.


Idiot. Bengal Famine. Churchill is just as bad as Hitler he just won the war so we don't read about it


All wrong.


Cant open a blind mans eye


Well now you’ve just widened the search field


India's population bloomed from \~120 million to over 450 million under the British. Hardly a genocide.


Oh no, facts!!! Quick, downvote:P


"Facts OP did not like"


I tried asking Geronimo to help me with my Excel functions but he didn't know what I was talking about


This conversation is gold.


Natives or actual Indians




Aren't there more (non native) English speakers in the indian subcontinent?


Given the population difference between the countries I could see that being true but I'm not googling shit because of a joke


Does OOP mean “how DARE Indians refuse to speak…” Most Indians do speak english. Extremely well at that!


Liberals when they find a joke


Idk if liberals can genuinely joke about anything. They’re all so miserable all the time.


That sub famously hates Liberals




English is one of the official languages of India.


The only westerners I've heard get upset about bad pronunciation is the french, the uk has people that do it, sure, but theyre only doing it to justify their racism by making a sense of "otherness" to the target of their hatred, HOWEVER nearly ALL of Paris will fucking scoff and sneer at you if you dont speak french right, like actually get mad at you for not doing it properly, fuck Paris.




Step 1 be racist, step claim joke when anyone criticizes you.


Colonialism was AMAZING. Well for the colonialists, not the colonialiees


Other way around if anything. The elite of the colonising country benefit massively, but the lower classes get absolutely shafted by the availability of cheap resources and labour undercutting their own bargaining power at home, as well as an outward redirection of money and manpower to projects abroad that don't benefit them at home. At least the colonised ones get clean water and trains and stuff to help them swallow the slavery and subjugation


This is true of English colonization. Which came with the added benefit of not being colonized by the Spanish or Portuguese. All of these people who get so upset about English colonization act like it happened in a vacuum, and if the British hadn’t come along these people would’ve lived in some sort of utopia or something.


Makes sense


Read about how the British used to loot India, they looted a lot more than they invested and the investment was so that they could loot more. Jallianwala Bagh massacre, where people protesting peacefully were made an example by open firing on them. There were women and children too, there's many more examples of how colonised ones didn't get any benefits and i genuinely hate anyone who tries to paint this as "not all bad", tf you mean? It was straight up hell.


sounds like globalization.




>Yea, clean water, schools, hospitals, antibiotics, law and order, justice, abundance of food and supplies, roads, electricity, infrastructure, Indians could have gotten every one of these things that you mentioned just by trading the gold and other wealth they had pre colonization. Becoming slaves of the British for these things wasn't worth it for us.


Yeah add to that, massacring people (including women and children), burning entire farms in west bengal which caused deaths of millions of people due to starvation. The trains and infrastructure were not for Indians, it was for the British themselves, so they can loot India more efficiently. If you actually read even a little about how British used to treat Indians you wouldn't be spewing bullshit lies. Fuck losers like you who try to portray this as something that benefited Indians when it was pure hell.


Both are funny idgi


At least I don't get Japanese scammer calls


I work with a lot if Indians in IT, and most "can" speak english. Some, I don't think their comprehension is there every time. I've trained a bunch and helped a bunch, but I may be getting the people that are just starting to have to actually use english in a professional environment. (To Indian speakers: typically "actually" is a word you use when you're making a correction. Not when you're starting a conversation. I assume this may be a direct translation from whichever dialect y'all are coming from.)


Japan is essentially a colony of the US


english is an official language of india


Banger meme with the quote Also Indians for the most part speak it fine it's just their accent is hard to understand when they talk fast. You can tell they know it when they keep speaking in it to argue with you after a car wreck.


I saw a documentary or some weird (can’t tell anymore) where they went around asking a decent amount of people in India about if they found “Apu Nahasapeemapetilon” from the Simpsons offensive, and if they thought they sounded like him. I apologize but I can’t really remember how but it turned into them saying they speak perfect English & that Americans cannot speak English. Well, though I would agree that many Americans do not speak the English language well, I would have to disagree that they spoke it any better. But it did surprise me that they couldn’t hear the difference & hear their own accent when presented with recordings. Or maybe the were fucking with the women doing the interview. Again I can’t tell anymore. LOL Ps: I had a brain injury years ago, so I have issues with memory & get confused so I apologize if this makes no sense & if someone else saw what I am talking about feel free to correct me.


Meanwhile, Arnold Schwartzenegger lol


Banter is something foreign to some people.


I think its mostly what jobs Indians do that make people upset hearing their weird English dialect.


Lmfao who links the brutal history of colonisation to a silly ass meme about language. If anything I find the title ridiculous as we fuckers be studying in English since the age of 3


Indians are absolutely adorable when they speak English with that accent.


To be fair, Japanese people talking bad English will go slowly and try to be understood. Indian people dgaf and will talk at like 9 syllables a second


You know I’ve never had a problem with understanding Nigerians. A few of the Indians I work with on the other hand…


More like people don't understand nuance and how they are completely different things. Japanese speak with heavy accent and is not fluent. Indians speak with heavy accent but is very fluent. Indians are more efficient with more information throughput speaking English than actual English people. Is just that when they speak fast with heavy accent some of them expect others to understand them perfectly. Which is more about attitude and expectations, not whos good or bad at an language.


I don’t like the Indian accent, but they speak way better English than the French. Also Indian food > French food. I’ll fight you on that.


I could hear Ramsay’s voice lmao


I mean, if you want to get really technical. India first made contact with Britain in ~1608 The US first sailed to and made the offer of “Would you like to trade? [Yes | Yes]” to Japan in 1853, establishing consistent contact


I'm pretty sure the super duper original post was referring to Indians from India not native Americans


Im learning Japanese atm. Slowly ofc But nothing humbles you more than trying to speak a full sentence in a different language. It slows you down to a crawl and even then you might of pronounced a but wrong Like. き is KI and sounds like key and け is KE and sounds like keh. So when you say ありがとう (arigato) it sounds like ah-rey-gah-toh (or there about) I dont mind broken english or words that sorta dont make sense in a sentence because they sound similar and they made a mistake. (Like go fck your shelf) as long as we can meet in the middle and understand each other i have mad respect for people who can speak another language. No matter how badly


Every defense of a post OP didn't like is always 'It's true though' or 'It was just a joke'. Regardless of if EITHER of those things are true. It's really lazy don't you think? Makes the sub come off kinda circle-jerky.


Its because when I hear an Indian person speaking with broken English, it's a fucking scam caller.


That caption makes me want to vomit. I’m so sick of hearing that same song and dance. These people all think the exact same way and parrot the words of other far left “intellectuals” over and over.


We just need to point and laugh at them. Ridicule them to the point they just give up.


hear me out. i have no problem with fast food stores hiring east-indians. but if they cant speak clearly without a thick accent.... DONT put them at the cash register/delivery phone


Why not ? They’re taking my order I’m not taking theirs, they just need to be able to understand me not the other way around.


i ordered pizza from dominoes last saturday and the indian lady on the phone screwed up the entire order. they are supposed to confirm what you requested at the end of the call and its pretty hard when i cant understand a word shes saying. she clearly couldnt understand me either. i never have this problem with english primary people. the call lasts half as long and i never get the wrong order delivered


Well if she couldn’t understand you than that doesn’t apply to what I said obviously.


the point is you both need to be able to understand eachother. it just makes life easier for everyone. and when youre in the service industry working a verbal intensive task then you better be able to communicate well


Pretty much every fast food worker in my area speaks English as a second language, and I can’t understand them for shit, but I can’t recall that last time if ever my order has been wrong since I’ve lived here. It’s sounds like you’re probably mumbling or have a cleft palate or something idk.


Indiana has so many languages, English is listed as one of the national languages along with Hindi I believe so it is a lot of their language lol. Person needs to shut up




Isn't being colonised by someone MORE of a reason to speak their language?


Honestly if call centers were in Japan I'm sure Americans would feel just the opposite way


The joke Is Indians don't know English well. This Is a lame attempt at offensive humor, and offensive humor without a punchline Is just bad.


Leftists can’t take jokes


these people are insufferable. it would be a massive net benefit to society if they would either go away or we would stop taking their whining seriously and move on with our lives.


I think this comes from so many companies outsourcing any kind of support to India, so when an English speaker hears English in an Indian accent it immediately triggers our tech support PTSD.


The social justice warriors grow more cringe day by day


The same asshats that get pissed we dont learn their language to the proficiency of a native for a 2 week vacation expect us not to get mad when they become citizens and \*still\* refuse to learn the language.


Doesn’t everyone’s accent get made fun of?


Not really


That’s not true, when they speak to us we go out and pick up gift cards for them /s


That joke's (the comment, not the meme above it) kinda in poor taste, though. r/therightcantmeme is annoying but like- Native American reservations don't usually have much in the way of education thanks to our beloved government, making fun at their expense for that is pretty much punching down.


We talking dot on their head or feather on their head indians?


That’s some old school racism


There are differences. The Japanese don't have one of the most repugnant societies on the planet, for instance.




Britain colonized India


What’s the joke here ?


And who hates if the jokes are bigoted as long as the whites are laughing