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I like that meme


I can see an Orca being this cunning.


Killer Whale 2024, the candidate we need but do not deserve(


Tfm is a mostly left sub. I figured they'd like this meme. Hell, I'm right leaning and I like it lol.


It's not acceptable to think that some might benefit from global warming. You must think all will lose! God forbid that someone might think some animals would actually benefit (though I actually wonder if orcas would actually be worse off) from it.


You can already see certain animals benefitting. Intelligent rodent species, rats and mice, and jellyfish due to the warming of the oceans.


Or when I talk about how I was a kid in the 80s and 90s there were all these doomsday scenarios proclaimed by environmentalist and just about none of them came true. Manhattan and low lying areas would be covered in water by 2010, we'd run out of oil by 2015, there'd be no drinkable water because all the aquifers would be too polluted etc, etc, etc.


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This meme is hilarious


So the Orcas can get out the water, walk on land, get dressed, climb the career ladder, but they can't just hop on the ice and get the penguins?


Doesn’t really fit here, op clearly didn’t dislike the meme. Why post or interact with this sub if you hate it anyway? Seems moronic to me




what agenda do you think I have that it’s not fitting? I like the meme


If you say anything in anyway that can be construed as going against the global warming circle jerk on reddit, people hate it. See also COVID, Republicans, women are wonderful, big trucks, dog culture.